Obama Saved From Humiliating Vote By Vladimir Putin

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Barack Obama, Vladimir Putin

Pretty interesting that Obama couldn’t even get 50 votes when he has 55 Democrats in the Senate:

A senior Senate aide tells me that support for the authorization of strikes had not yet reached 50 Senators, even privately, meaning its passage is in doubt, even in the Senate. “This allows for a pause in the decision-making process,” the aide says.

Could it be that the briefing given to members of Congress actually worked against him?

After listening to a classified briefing from five senior administration officials this evening, two more lawmakers came out in opposition to strikes against Syria, one went from undecided to leaning against, while another dozen hardened their positions from “lean against” to opposed…

Perhaps more troubling for President Obama are the tougher positions of many lawmakers who, until the briefing, had been only leaning against the resolution.

Tonight, Reps. Marsha Blackburn, Charles Boustany, Scott DesJarlais, Tom Graves, Brett Guthrie, Gregg Harper, Sam Johnson, Frank LoBiondo, Blaine Luetkemeyer, Kenny Marchant, Alan Nunnelee and Steve Womack all closed the door on supporting authorization for military force.

And the latest is Mitch McConnell….the only party leader in Congress to oppose it:

The top Republican in the Senate says he’ll oppose a resolution to authorize U.S. military action against Syria.

“I will be voting against this resolution. Our vital national security risk is clearly not at play,” said Sen. Mitch McConnell of Kentucky Tuesday.

McConnell becomes the only one of the top four party leaders in Congress to oppose the resolution, which would allow for a limited strike against Syrian government forces for their alleged use of chemical weapons against their own citizens.

It’s pretty clear the vote, had it been allowed to happen, would of been a massive humilation for Obama. You know whats also a massive humilation? Allowing Putin to run roughshod over you…all thanks to your pick for Secretary of Defense:

…Putin heard John Kerry make a bit of a mistake at a presser. Kerry is asked what Assad can do to avoid an attack. The Poodle suggests that Assad could turn over his chemical weapons. The White House immediately refutes the idea, and Kerry’s handlers start trying to walk the comment back. But Putin was listening … and he makes his move.

Putin, loyal to his primary goal here is to keep his pal Assad in power, immediately seizes on Kerry’s idea and makes it a firm proposal. Just that quickly Putin takes control.

Now Obama sees a way out. He knows that Putin is controlling the situation here, but at least now he can avoid an embarrassing congressional “no” vote, the first in American history. But hmmmmmm. Maybe Obama can get some of his grove back here. So he tells us that he was actually talking about this plan for Assad to give up his chemical weapons when he was meeting with Putin last week! Yeah … sure.

So…Here we are. Harry Reid has already put off the Senate vote. After tonight’s speech by 0bama Reid will probably announce that the vote is postponed indefinitely. The House may go ahead with a vote, but in light of Putin’s little parlay that vote will be cast as nothing more than an attempt to embarrass Obama.

An agreement will be reached between the ass-kicker, the community organizer and the gasser for Syria to turn over “all” of its chemical weapons. Of course “all” of the weapons will not be turned over. There will be inspections, but Putin will work with Assad to make sure the inspections are not too thorough. In the end Assad will keep a good portion of those chemical weapons, and Putin will supply him with even more arms.

And Obama will have looked like a fool once again.

This is what happens when the people elect a completely unqualified President.

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So, Obama wins, we’re now an official little pipsqueek country, equal to the other little pipsqueek countries. Just like he wanted. Of course I’m sure his massive ego is bleeding that he got hammered by his buddy Putin and worse, by Asaid. We’ll have to see if the Chem weapons actually make it out of Syria. I’m going to guess yes they will, Putin doesn’t want them falling into the hands of the Islamists, they’ll be used in Russia.

It is all set up by the Internationalists — the whole last 3 weeks has just been a scam to deflect attention from obie-care and dramatize the upcoming 9-11 anniversary.

The Obama revisionist historians are already hard at work making this fall from a tree look like an ”I meant to do that,” moment. (think of a cat)
The Israelis are making it look like the rebels (all of them) are being thrown to the wolves by Putin/Obama’s plan.
Under their understanding of the deal, Putin re-arms Assad with conventional weapons, Obama gets his chemical weapons deaths stopped and the rebels, hundreds of thousands more of them, are dead, but via conventional means.
If Obama STILL wants war powers approval from Congress, one has to ask why.

So…Putin pressures Syria to cut the shit and take our offer. Win/win. International diplomacy. And wingnut morons have to pee all over it like children.

Like this idiot:
Ann Coulter to Hannity: Putin Is Making a ‘Monkey’ Out of Obama on Syria:


@This one: Yes, it is people like This One who will never understand that the people of the middle east and the rest of the world only recognizes strength. Putin showed it Obama cowered. Clinton shot off a few missiles when OBL tried a few attacks and with the weak response from Clinton, he planned 9/11. You can blame Clinton’s weak response for 9/11. Now, who will you blame for the aftermath of the Syrian blunder? Bush? Romney? Cruz? I am sure you lefties will find someone besides Obama!

Someone smarter than me has to put that speech (why?) just made with background music of


Thank me.

Help Kickstart WWIII:

Israel fully supported Obama’s threat to use force . But the radical right just turned its back on Israel. Israel now owes Obama for doing what israel. AIPAC and Adelson who gave 100 million to defeat obama BOTH were pushing hard for use of force against Syria. israel had already bombed syria twice. Israel ahs also seen that the right wing WILL throw Israel under the bus. Eric Cantor the GOP’s chief israel helper also publicly supported Obama. I guess this shows just how little Israel means to the GOP

So when your “for the children” schpiel isn’t working, you move for to “for the Israelis”, john?

Israel is no more united behind military action than the US is. That’s because Israel knows any military action was a guarantee of retaliation, so they were quite split on this. They don’t like either side…. Remove Assad and, like Egypt, Libya, and Palestine, the bad guys get a toe hold. In case you haven’t figured it out, the Saudi Wahabbists are no friend of Israel, or Christians for that matter.

I’ll repeat.. you really need to think before typing. Of late, you are really embarrassing yourself. That’s sad to see.

Putin also had no wish to go up against the US NAVY Russia would have been hugely over matched IF they ahd dared to do anything

STRATFOR is reporting and they are reliable that both the Israeli Mossad and Blackwater (Xe) are training the Syrian rebels.

Doves make silly looking hawks, when they stick out their chests and shake their tail feathers, but none look as silly as Obama.

Russian Headline:

Obama Falls Deep In Syrian Outhouse, Pulled Out By Putin, Obama Swears He Smells Like A Rose

At least obama didn’t blame Bush for the RED LINE fiasco. He uped it to the world for drawing it, when he said, “I didn’t draw a red line. The world drew it.” He reminds me of some people I have known who never admitted to making a mistake. This reminds me of the guy who told me, “I have only made one mistake in my life, and that mistake turned out to be a mistake.”

I’m only amazed that anyone is buying the narrative that Assad is actually going to give up his chemical weapons! Fat chance, would be easier for the NRA to give up their guns.

Not only is it never going to happen, it can’t without some serious boots on the ground. The WMD’s are scattered all over in countless locations. Even if we could find them them all, who is going to monitor this ordeal (and stay alive)?

We look more stupid by the day.

Everything about this presidency (SIC) has been about obama, he made it that way. He has pushed HIS ideals, HIS ideas, HIS mores, HIS hatreds and loves onto the American people and throughout the world. He cares naught about the people and/or what they want. Although he believes he was elected because he is all knowing and wonderful, it was actually because of IMO massive fraud (especially this last election) Obviously based on past history it definitely wasn’t his ability in the senate.

His agenda IMHO was predetermined and his main objective is to destroy the framework of the United States, and allow infiltration of radical islam. However I have digressed. Putin saved obama’s ass. Putin played obama like a cheap fiddle and a pawn in a chess game. Putin now holds the cards and obama has destroyed what little credibility he had with the American people, the people of the world and most importantly al qaeda (whether they ever feared the little man is debatable). I keep waiting for obama to grow a tail just so he can put it between his legs, and wee wee wee all the way home. disgusting. This man is disgraceful. The sad part is that although I hope to live a much longer life than actuary tables say, my daughters, their families and their children will be the recipients of the folly of a man who only cares about himself.

So a year ago the Obama folks said Assad, the reformer, had to go. Now he’s a partner with us and Russia. And we are supposed to trust Syria as a new partner who we said had to be punished for their deeds. Now we are redefining punishment to save the ego of our president so he can claim victory. Otherwise we will do something unbelievably small, yet larger than a pinprick in Syria.

So the president goes on national TV to announce a timeout.

Comedy is not pretty.

@Randy: So, by threatening to attack them…showed our weakness? Yeah, right. Lol! Your entire post is just plain nuts.

If the person who was actually elected President, Al Gore was in office. it would have either not have happened or he wouldn’t have ignored countless warnings.

I believe Bush knew it was coming and welcomed the opportunity to invited Iraq, which had been planned even before 911. They were surprised at the magnitude of the actual attack.

@Randy: After Gadaffii died in a ditch I said Assad’s days were numbered. IMO he should have been taken out then. Tyrants who massacre their own people shouldn’t die of old age.

@enchanted: The infiltration you speak of has been going on for the last 50 years — please thank your local universities — and more recently the demo-commie-cRAT and RINO local politicians sucking off the fed teats (union pukes) to build nice new housing for the imported hoards from the turd woild and setting up their occupation communities / (centers) here and there — look around fools — this country has been had. The objective now is the subjugation. I suspect that at least 20% of the “‘mericun” peepul would flip to islam in a heartbeat — look for obie to start calling for mass conversions — and / or just plain declaring that all ‘mericuns are now moo-slimes

@Mully: Just the olde ‘truce’ scam — not to worry we are still with the MoBrHood

@This one: Naw — it would have been global warming’s fault

On another note: Two Italian reporters being kidnapped by the Obama’s rebels were released a couple of days ago.Arriving in Rome, they clearly stated to have listened to rebels discussion of using sarin gas on Syrians.The childrenbarry keeps bring up, were kidnapped 3 weeks prior to their killing.

@enchanted: #17
I couldn’t have said it better, or agree more.

@Budvarakbar: #22

…look for obie to start calling for mass conversions….

If we don’t convert, then we will find out what the billions of rounds of ammo, the weapons, and the armored vehicle purchases are for.

@This one:

Like this idiot:
Ann Coulter to Hannity: Putin Is Making a ‘Monkey’ Out of Obama on Syria:


Speaking of “idiots” — Ann seems to be one “idiot” — YOUR words __ that has a long list of books out there and is a guest on talk shows fairly regularly —

Answer us these questions:

1) How many books have you authored and published that have been on the NYT best selling list??
2) There are many left wing media outlets that have several politically centered talk shows each — how often and how many of these shows have YOU been asked on as a guest commentator?
3) Where would your answers to #1 and #2 put YOU on a scale of idiocy?

And do not try the two-bit copout of “I am too smart and above it all to be so dumb as to be public with MY thoughts, opinions, philosophy and/or commentary.”

Sooo — ya point YOUR “idiot” finger at Ann but do not forget to observe where YOUR other 3 fingers are pointing as you declare YOUR opinion!


Russian Headline:

Obama Falls Deep In Syrian Outhouse, Pulled Out By Putin, Obama Swears He Smells Like A Rose

Obama can see Russia from the oval office

Strange days when the radical right wing will ally themselves with Russia and Iran in a proxy war against Israel (the Mossad has been training the Syrian rebels). Try getting your news from STRATFOR instead of talk radio

@Budvarakbar: #28

Putin Is Making a ‘Monkey’ Out of Obama on Syria:

Can’t you see Putin grinding away at his organ, and the obama monkey in his cute outfit, and wearing his little hat, going around to the different people gathered around, and the obama monkey taking his hat off and asking the people to put something in it? I can see a toy coming for Christmas. It will come with Putin at the organ, but you can put any action figure behind the organ, and the obama monkey will be working for it. You would also be able to buy different faces to put in place of Putin. You could also have them make a custom face for you, so that YOU will have the obama monkey working for you. If anybody makes it, remember I get part of the royalties for coming up with the idea, and PLEASE DON’T HAVE IT MADE IN CHINA!

@Budvarakbar: #29

Obama can see Russia from the oval office.

And the world can smell obama from anywhere.