False flag?

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False Flag:

False flag (or black flag) describes covert military or paramilitary operations designed to deceive in such a way that the operations appear as though they are being carried out by other entities, groups or nations than those who actually planned and executed them. Operations carried during peace-time by civilian organizations, as well as covert government agencies, may by extension be called false flag operations if they seek to hide the real organisation behind an operation.

Out of nowhere the Obama regime issues a worldwide terror alert including the closure of many embassies. US Senator Saxby Chambliss gave an excited asssessment of the threat:

“Chatter means conversation among terrorists about the planning that’s going on — very reminiscent of what we saw pre-9/11,” Chambliss, R-Ga., told NBC’s “Meet the Press.”

“This is the most serious threat that I’ve seen in the last several years,” he said.

Now contrast that with Obama’s May 23 speech:

So that’s the current threat. Lethal, yet less capable, al-Qaida affiliates, threats to diplomatic facilities and businesses abroad, homegrown extremists. This is the future of terrorism. We have to take these threats seriously and do all that we can to confront them. But as we shape our response, we have to recognize that the scale of this threat closely resembles the types of attacks we faced before 9/11.

In the 1980s, we lost Americans to terrorism at our embassy in Beirut, at our Marine barracks in Lebanon, on a cruise ship at sea, at a disco in Berlin, and on a Pan Am flight, Flight 103, over Lockerbie. In the 1990s, we lost Americans to terrorism at the World Trade Center, at our military facilities in Saudi Arabia, and at our embassy in Kenya.

These attacks were all brutal. They were all deadly. And we learned that, left unchecked, these threats can grow. But if dealt with smartly and proportionally, these threats need not rise to the level that we saw on the eve of 9/11.

Then things start to get strange. An alleged “evacuation” of the Yemen Embassy is described by the Obama regime as a “staff reduction.”

In a press conference today, State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki insisted it was inaccurate to call the departure of nearly 100 U.S. government personnel from their posts at the U.S. embassy in Yemen today an evacuation. Instead, she characterized the airlift as a “reduction in staff” and an “ordered departure.”

Earlier Tuesday, the United States flew all non-emergency U.S. government personnel from Sanaa, Yemen, to Germany in U.S. Air Force aircraft, and urged ”those U.S. citizens currently living in Yemen to depart immediately.” The British government has also evacuated its embassy staff.

Then everything gets beyond weird. So concerned with the terror threat is Obama that he goes on the Tonight Show to brief Jay Leno about terrorism and his policy towards Putin and Russia. The White House press corps is relegated to watching the taping from another room. The pool report:

POTUS finished taping the Tonight Show with Jay Leno. He was wearing the same dark suit and blue tie as earlier today in Arizona.

Pool watched the taping on TV from another room at the NBC studios.

We are able to report on the contents now, after the taping, but not release a full transcript or too many quotes.

Pretty newsy interview. Leno asked about Edward Snowden, NSA, embassy closings, Russia, Hillary Clinton, economy, healthcare.
On embassy closings:

POTUS said the U.S. was not overreacting.

POTUS said people can still take vacation, just do so in a “prudent way” by checking on the State Department Websites for up-to-day information before making plans.

“The odds of dying in a terrorist attack are a lot lower than they are of dying in a car accident, unfortunately.”


POTUS said government surveillance is a “critical component to counterterrorism.” But, he said, he knows that the surveillance programs have “raised a lot of questions for people.”

“We don’t have a domestic spying program. What we do have is some mechanisms that can track a phone number or an email address that is connected to a terroritst attack…That information is useful.”


Leno asked POTUS what he would call Snowden?

“We don’t know exactly what he did, except what he said on the Internet and it’s im important for me not to judge.”

POTUS said he asked his staff to look at ways to reduce the number of contractors.

On Russia:

POTUS said he was disappointed in its decision on Snowden, but he said the two nations still work together on Afghainstan and the Boston bombing.

“There are times when they slip back into Cold War thinking and Cold War mentality. What I continually say to them and to President Putin, that’s the past.”

POTUS said he would be attending the G-20 summitt in St. Petersburg, Russia.

He does not think that the gay rights controversy there will affect the Olympics.

More to come on other topics in next report

The show will air tonight.

In response to several of your questions, theTonight Show says it will send out excerpts as soon as possible.

This is incomprehensible.

Obama taking to a late night talk show to speak of terror threats and foreign policy while sequestering the press cannot be seen as a sign of gravity or seriousness.

Then again, the White House press corps is tightly would around Obama’s little finger. The White House press corps is completely impotent. The lapdogs are now afraid to ask anything delicate or awkward of Obama because if they do they won’t get a ride on the big plane.

As the one year anniversary of the deadly attack on an American consulate in Benghazi approaches, journalists have begun to take another look into the scandal surrounding the government’s response to that terrorist event. Last week, CNN aired two striking reports revealing that the Central Intelligence Agency had a large number of agents on the ground on the night of the attack and that a suspect in the attack has never been interviewed by investigators. Following these revelatory reports, which some in President Barack Obama’s administration believe represent a political threat, some CNN reporters now fear for their access to the White House. They are not alone.

As of right now, count me among the skeptics. The behavior of the President of the United States is far too cavalier to for anyone to take seriously what he says about terrorist threats.

And that is truly frightening.

Really- when’s the last time Al Qaida had a conference call?

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I don’t believe that this is as much a “false flag” operation as it is a head fake by islamists to gain information as to how the U.S. is monitoring the “chatter” between elements of the enemy. They may indeed be planning operations and the information may indeed be credible but the operations are not imminent, rather they are designed to throw off our defenses and create a sense of panic, only to be committed at a later time when, as per usual, we have let our guard down and fallen into yet another period of complacency.

Do we or the intel community really believe that the islamists would telegraph their intentions in such a public way?

“important for me not to judge.”
Okay, the sheer… He thinks… I can’t, just can’t… The cognitive dissonance created by this statement… Frying my synapses…
“The Police acted stupidly”
“If I had a son”
“Yadda yadda yadda”
“important for me not to judge.”
My head hurts. The meaningless babble, the blatant propaganda, IT ALL BURNS!!!

I’m thinking that the conference call by top Al Qaeda ‘officials’ was a false flag and the response by our intel agencies was a head fake. I don’t see how it could be anything different. Obama’s just not good with staying with the program unless he has a teleprompter telling him what to say. He never has been.
Since XKeystroke was revealed by Der Spiegel a few weeks ago, both sides have to be scrambling. On the one hand, Al Qaeda to discover if their current methods are safe and on the other by our intel agencies to find new ways to discover their plans that Al Qaeda doesn’t know about, yet.

Intelligence regarding al Qaeda plans to attack U.S. embassies, officials, and interests last Sunday was known for months by U.S. intelligence agencies but was used only recently to trigger the closure of embassies …..
Al Qaeda “chatter” about coming terrorist operations, mainly against 22 U.S. embassies and consulates, and threats to attack or bomb officials in the Middle East and elsewhere was widely reported in classified intelligence reports over several months…..
The timing of the administration’s announced closure of numerous U.S. embassies in the Middle East has raised concerns among some U.S. officials that the Obama administration is politicizing intelligence to distract attention from the Benghazi and other scandals.
“Why is this coming out now?” asked one official with access to terrorist threat data. “Is the administration trying to suck up news coverage with the embassy threats to distract attention from what the CIA was doing in Benghazi?”

So, if all this closing of embassies was a distraction (if not a false flag op) did it work?
On Monday, Aug 5th there was a press briefing from the WH.
Not one single question from the WH press was about BENGHAZI.

The terrorists are in the WH

An excellent way to test whether a system of communication is compromised or whether key personnel are compromised. Instead of reacting with prudence and caution, our celebrity president must showboat his command of the situation to the whole world, it would be hilarious if it wasn’t such a serious breach of intelligence or maybe he is just playing us as rubes.

@DrJohn: #5
Well, if you assume that President Obama is a Muslim, and has the same goals for the USA that they do, then the answer would be “yes”.

@DrJohn: Do we really believe Al-Zawahiri wants to distract Americans from Benghazi, the IRS and other scandals?

No, of course not….although terrorists, like Obama, are incredibly tone deaf when it comes to playing PR games to win.
My comment #4 had these points:
Intelligence regarding al Qaeda plans to attack U.S. embassies, officials, and interests last Sunday was known for months by U.S. intelligence agencies …..

Al Qaeda “chatter” about coming terrorist operations, mainly against 22 U.S. embassies and consulates, and threats to attack or bomb officials in the Middle East and elsewhere was widely reported in classified intelligence reports over several months…..

The timing of the administration’s announced closure of numerous U.S. embassies in the Middle East has raised concerns among some U.S. officials that the Obama administration is politicizing intelligence to distract …..

It wasn’t Al-Zawahiri who wants to distract Americans from Benghazi…..it is OBAMA.

If obie said this:

“The odds of dying in a terrorist attack are a lot lower than they are of dying in a car accident, unfortunately.”

The last word seems to imply that he thinks that it is unfortunate that so few people are ‘dying’ in terrorist attacks. Keep your ears to the ground folks!!

I lost track of it – but there is (or at least – was) a website out there that was tracking and chronicling the terrorist attacks and the resultant tolls of injured / killed all around the world. These attacks are happening all around the world on a daily basis and have taken many thousands of lives and maimed thousands more — wherever the ROP bastards have a foothold! — maybe just try googling ‘decapitated (or burned alive or with acid to the face) schoolgirls’ for starters >> Phillipines, Indonesia, Thailand, Indonesia, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, etc, etc — and that would just be the starters.

Try: thereligionofpeace.com also jihad watch

From — thereligionofpeace website:

Ramadan Bombathon
2013 Scorecard
Because, if you think all religions are the same,
then you haven’t been paying attention


In the name of
The Religion
of Peace

In the name of
ANY Other


Terror Attacks




Suicide Bombings



Dead Bodies







* A Ukrainian has been charged with placing a bomb near a mosque
in England during Ramadan. No injuries or deaths resulted.
We list it as an attack even though we don’t include attacks
by Islamic terrorists unless they result in actual casualties.

And that folks is just for this year’s Ramadamading-dong festivities — damm those grumbling stomachs — did y’all get your invites to obies’ iftar dinner at the WH?? — your tax dollars at work — hey?? What about the sequester?? hmmm?

Go to the website and scroll way down — you will find a listing of most all terror attacks for last several years.

And our awesome POS POTUS thinks it is UNFORTUNATE that so FEW people are dying from terrorist attacks.

Thank you Dr. John for a very good post. False Flag events are one of my favorite subjects. Since Nero blamed the Christians for the burning of Rome in order to build his dream, the “Neropolis” our leaders have utilized False Flags and the Hegelian Dialectic to keep us, the unwashed masses, on the course they have chosen.

Hitler used a false flag event, the Reichstag fire to solidify his dictatorship. And who can forget William Randolph Hearst’s famous words to Frederic Remington while Remington was on assignment in Cuba in 1897…”You furnish the pictures and I’ll furnish the war“, welcome to the Spanish-American War. President Wilson and Winston Churchill sacrificed the Lusitania in order to draw us into WWI.

It is my opinion that false flag events have been used to draw us into most if not all wars since the Revolution and false flag events have been used to convince us to actually support programs and laws that strip us of our freedoms. We discussed much of this back in March on Wordsmiths post 10 Yr Anniversary of OIF: The Lie that Bush Lied and my argument has not changed…until we can get passed this left/right, Rep/Dem, bull-squeeze we will continue to be led like lambs to the slaughter. Learn to look past the publicized event or issue (terror attack, drunk driving, gay marriage) and to discern the root cause (consolidate power, gain financially, push agenda) and who gains.

Take care my friends…


CNN reported today that the US is evacuating most of its diplomats from Lahore, Pakistan consulate due to a terror threat.
This is completely new, not related to all the other bugging out going on across the ME and No Africa.

But – But – But – there is no more Al Qaeda — THE awesome Obama killed Osama — duh