Some time ago I was talking with a guy I know and the issue of politics came up followed soon thereafter by the mention of Barack Obama. I instantly said “I hate that guy!” Afterward I wondered if that was really an accurate statement… after some introspection I have to admit, it’s kinda true.
I know in a world of political correctness I should maybe not say that… but I feel as if I must, if for no other reason that explain why. Although I don’t actually know Barack Obama personally, that is exactly how I feel. On a personal level he might be a great guy. He’s certainly personable, he might be a great guy to have a beer with, he appears to be a good father and he would probably make a great guest on SportsCenter. Nonetheless, the dictionary defines hate thus: “To dislike intensely or passionately; feel extreme aversion for or extreme hostility toward; detest.” That seems about right.
How is it even possible that I might have such a strong feeling towards someone I’ve never met? Charlie Rangel and MSNBC and the rest of the fabulists – about all things conservative and Tea Party related – would suggest it’s because he’s black, obviously. That’s their right, but nothing could be farther from the truth. While I despise Barack Obama, it has nothing to do with his skin color. Frankly I feel exactly the same about Barney Frank and Nancy Pelosi as well… and the last time I checked neither of them was black.
No, I hate Barack Obama because it is his goal is to destroy that thing I hold most dear: the United States. The United States is indeed an imperfect place, but so too is every other place on this planet. It has however created more prosperity and improved the condition of man more than any other nation in human history. And the biggest part of that success was the driven by the free market system – imperfect as it may be – and its companion individual freedoms.
The United States is not just a geographic land mass sitting between two oceans. There are 200 plus other countries around the world that can be defined by lines on a map. None of them is anything like the United States. They may share some traits with us, but America is a different animal altogether. While you may very well hear someone saying they want to move to France or Germany, you don’t hear them saying “I want to become French” or “I want to become German”. They can move to France, they can become a French citizen… but they can’t become “French”. That has never been the case with the United States. For centuries people have dreamed of coming to America and becoming an American. That is because for most of our history the world understood that America was a place where, regardless of where you came from or what you started with, with hard work, they could achieve spectacular success, however they wanted to define it. For outsiders looking in and those born here, the American Dream was something of consequence, something to strive for, something worth sacrificing for. People like Cyrus McCormick, Andrew Carnegie, Levi Strauss and Madam C. J. Walker knew it long ago while people like Sara Blakely, Daymond John, John Schnatter, Cesar Millan and Mark Cuban know it today.
Unfortunately, Barack Obama doesn’t understand any of that. While he talks about an American Dream, his American Dream is one where the nanny state of government swaddles the nation, suckles the citizens, gets to decide who wins and who loses in virtually everything, gets to arbitrarily define the rules, and gets to keep its thumb on every scale. At its foundations that is a misunderstanding of what made America more than just a geographic entity in the first place. America is not great because of government, it is great because of its freedom… economic and otherwise. America was not made great by agencies like the ICC or the SEC or the FDA, the IRS, the EPA or even NASA for that matter. No, America was made great by companies like GE and Ford and Carnegie Steel and International Harvester and Standard Oil and Rockwell, and Intel and IBM and Merck and Kelloggs and J.P Morgan and Sears and Delta Airlines and Microsoft and Disney and Turner and millions of other companies started by entrepreneurs and investors who risked much, and sometimes everything to do something worth doing and earn a profit while doing it.
But Barack Obama doesn’t understand that. He fundamentally misunderstands how and why businesses function – and truth be told… so do most liberals. He believes that businesses exist to provide jobs to employees. He believes businesses exist to provide tax revenue to the government. He believes that businesses exist to further his social agenda. He simply doesn’t understand that while businesses may do any or all of those things, in a free market businesses exist to generate profits for entrepreneurs and investors.
It is that disconnect that makes Barack Obama worthy of being hated. Not because he misunderstands the basic element of free market economics, but because he feels it’s his right to use the police power of the United States to wreck the most prosperous and powerful economic ecosystem the world has ever seen. From green energy boondoggles to stultifying regulation to excessive taxes to seemingly boundless spending on social programs, Barack Obama is systematically strangling the goose that has laid the golden eggs for over 200 years.
If you think the word hate is too strong, what else might you call it when you see a man who is leading the charge to push the United States into an economic tailspin from which we might never recover? America becoming an economic basket case the likes of Greece or Detroit would create a worldwide catastrophe, economic and otherwise that would destroy the lives of hundreds of millions of people, both at home and abroad. A man who is working to inflict that level of destruction on a nation is indeed worthy of being hated.
That doesn’t mean that I wish him ill however. On the contrary, I hope he lives another 50 years after he leaves office. If we’re lucky that will be long enough to allow him to observe how his imperious anti capitalist reign caused (hopefully) a reawakening of the American people to the fragility of freedom and prosperity, resulting in a wholesale dismantling of the regulatory leviathan he has championed. Now that would be a great reason to love him.
See author page
Corporate profits are at all time highs under Obama.
The Dow has doubled under Obama.
The deficit is now down to about 30% of the last year of Bush’s budget when it came in at 1.4 trillion. Vince open your eyes up and stop listening to talk radio.
Capitalists have done very well under Obama. If taxes on those record profits were raised business would be forced to either give money to the government (less likely) or reinvest in people and other assets (more likely) in order to shelter those profits from the taxman.
Wall Street making money means nothing about the economy…
Big Business + Government… Why Wall Street records don’t mean happy days are here again…
Well, there you have it. In spite of the fact that the left wing hates capitalists, and Obama campaigned on helping the “middle” class, those capitalists have profited very well under Obama, especially the ones who were major bundlers to his campaign. Remember, Osama bin Laden is dead and
GMthe UAW is alive and well.Another false statement from a brain dead liberal who doesn’t have a clue how profits are distributed. john seems to think that all that money earned in profits is just put in some vault where the Scrooge McDuck modeled CEOs can go swim in their cash. Forget the investors, forget the dividends paid on those investments, all we have are evil greedy CEOs screwing the “little” people.
john is a prime example of why Obama got elected in the first place.
If you go by what John says then Obama is responsible for creating more income inequality than most any other president. As wall street gets richer and the poor get higher food and fuel prices.
The benefactors of the Obama Debacle have been the crony capitalists and Obama bundlers. Minorities and down trodden are still living on campaign promises and pipe dreams. Extending unemployment, converting the unemployed to the disabled rolls, and exempting people from Obama Care have been the only noticeable benefits for the masses.
Oh, how they worship their savior for saving them with this mana from heaven; unfortunately, they don’t realize the real wealth is parceled out to the green energy scam artists, bankers, and Wall Street fat cats that he casts as villains. They collect hundreds of millions, while his loyal followers console themselves with chump change from the Obama Stash.
The dim-witted celebrate their pathetic windfalls, and are ever so grateful, but fail to realize the Obama strategy, that richly rewards corruption and sloth, contributes to the malaise of a moribund economy, and stifles the chances of a rebirth of the dynamic economy of the past.
The propaganda media sings the praises of recovery, but like the mythical record of Obama, it is hard to discern, unless you are a true believer, and for them, everything is possible and believable.
Years ago a company called Kennecott Copper was vilified in a South American country.
Copper mining was then taken away from that company and nationalized.
Today that country has very little wealth from copper.
I moved to Utah and quickly learned that Kennecott Utah Copper was the largest employer in the state.
It also has a commitment to invest in the community and sustain the environment.
While Federal funds don’t do much inside Utah outside of some road projects with Obama’s name on them, a PBS station and the other normal stuff (Oh, and the meta-data holding buildings) Kennecott Utah Copper has a list of accomplishments here that is dizzying!
These are just the most well-known contributions to Utah by KUC.
There are dozens more.
And right now the company has 99 jobs’ opening categories…..not merely 99 jobs, but 99 categories with openingS.
Full-time, too!
@Skook#5 Oh, Boy you really NAILED IT! Especially that first sentence…
The benefactors of the Obama Debacle have been the crony capitalists and Obama bundlers.
It is so damn frustrating…even more so he got re-elected to finish the job (killing America)….and all those lousy, jerky boys and girls in Congress that control those purse strings…OUR MONEY…All the bullshit about bailouts and stimulus…so, where are we now 5+ years later… exactly???
@Skookum: Skook: Also, what is not questioned is how these same crony capitalists and bundlers are filling obama’s offshore hidden accounts. Given human nature, the “Quid pro Quo” always exists. In time it will come out how the “one” has personally profited from this “smoke and mirrors” act. Maybe the 1st installment is the magnificent beach-side property in Hawaii.
Open your eyes, John; the $1.4 trillion deficit of Bush’s last year included TARP, which Obama eagerly supported AND has been paid back. THAT deficit was more like $600 billion and, every year since 2004, Bush’s deficits had been going down. Obama has no inclination nor method or reducing his own deficits.
The Dow is up; how is that benefitting the middle class? It is all based on speculation that is, most often, based on fears in the market due to Obama policies. Corporate profits rise when they cut costs to weather hard times; those they are in and those they project. However, while your view of the wonderful job Obama is doing, ask yourself this: WHERE ARE THE JOBS? There are none; not full-time, well paying jobs, as Obamacare has run them all away.
One capitalist that has done very well under Obama is GE, who paid NO taxes. Count Buffett along with them, who makes billions, won’t pay the taxes he owes (Berkshire Hathaway) and, while talking big about how he SHOULD pay more, never quite gets around to it.
Y9u have two choices, John; either Obama is the most incompetent leader this nation has ever known or he is successfully fulfilling his goal of bringing the U.S. down to the level of 3rd world countries he so sympathizes with.
“Capitalism” does not in of itself improve society. It is not the end all be all. Sometimes, Capitalism can be detrimental to a society. It depends on the moral integrity of the capitalists themselves, as well as what regulations, taxation laws, and other interactions the government imposes on businesses and how they run the economy. A free market capitalist society does not operate well when capitalists are completely unfettered in a laissez faire, libertarian extreme, no regulation anarchy. Nor does either capitalism or society prosper under the iron fist of socialist authoritarian regimes.
The author is correct. It is freedom that made America great. But it is our Constitution and it’s Bill of Rights that secured this freedom. That freedom is being whittled away by the progressive “elite” of both parties in continual assaults on our Constitutional Rights, so that they and their crony friends can proper, while they shut down those capitalists that are not part of their “in crowd”. Eventually, and very soon by my measure, our rights and freedoms will have been completely shaved away and we will only have what privileges the oligarchy feels fit to allow us.
It is obscene that most Democrats and progressive Republicans are leading America in this direction, that the propaganda spewing MSM of all flavors supports this destruction of the American Dream. They have worked in cahoots to create an uninformed electorate who are kept blinded from understanding what is going on.
Even some respected FA authors support some of the sundering of our rights. This saddens me greatly, that they are blind to the dangers of allowing growing violations of our rights, that they would have us surrender some of the people’s constitutionally reserved rights, in order to achieve promises of increased security. The rights of the the people are being infringed upon, and incrementally stolen by an “educated” few who think they know what is best, and will not recognize any argument of dissension as being worthy of consideration.
Or move the company to another location outside the United States, which is the likeliest outcome.
All you Flopping Aces fans:
Ø got more votes than anyone else. This is not the same as more voters than anyone else. If you control the individuals who count the ballots (and the Dems do in the cities), there is no such thing as stuffing the ballot box. All votes automatically go to the Dems. This is who the Dems are. This is what they do. There is no violation of morality here; the objective is to get more votes. So lying, cheating, stealing, and gross fraud are expected (Ø IS Muslim, after all). This is how we got Sen Al Franken. A car trunk full of ballots.
That is how we got Lyndon Johnson, John F. Kennedy, and so on.
So don’t complain if you don’t try to get in and monitor the actual election.
Look at the figures. Many inner-city districts were 100% Ø, with ALL persons voting. I could compute the probability of that, but I would have to use scientific notation (VERY SMALL).
Ø did not win the election with more voters, he won with more votes. And there is a difference!
@john: I know everyone is excited that the stock market is rising. It seems reasonable, and in fact it would be remiss of me if I didn’t think it was at a great number. That being said, you have to ask yourselves, why is it so high. Unemployment is still at 7.6%, and under George Bush it never rose above 6%- and at one point it was a meager 4%!
Let’s put things into better perspective. Under President Bush ,we had a higher percentage of people working and less people on the government doll. In 2008, at the onset of the recession, 28.2 million people were enrolled in The most recent Supplemental Assistance Nutrition Program (SNAP). At the end of 2012, the total number was 47.8 million people. In fiscal 2008, the last full year before President Barack Obama took office, there were 58,794,000 Medicaid enrollees. A record 72,600,000 were enrolled in Medicaid for at least one month in fiscal 2012, up from 71,700,000 in fiscal 2011. And this is just scratching the surface.
How about underemployment? Four out of 5 U.S. adults struggle with joblessness, near-poverty or reliance on welfare for at least parts of their lives, a sign of deteriorating economic security and an elusive American dream. Survey data exclusive to The Associated Press points to an increasingly globalized U.S. economy, the widening gap between rich and poor, and the loss of good-paying manufacturing jobs as reasons for the trend.
162,000 net new jobs were created in July while the working age population increased by 204,000. This is the legacy of Obamonics. The net difference is the people who are now on the federal and state doll.
Talk radio may lie but numbers don’t. We are failing economically.
@Tired American:
The stock market is up because most of the other places to invest are pretty much stagnant. The banks are tight-fisted on loaning money for real estate, the real estate market is not moving except for those who meet the high financial requirements to get bank loans. The interest rate is too low for banks to make much profit from the loans. Inflation, caused by Bernake’s “just print more money” practices are raising costs for goods and commodities. Wages are not only stagnant, but unemployment is at record highs not seen since the Great Depression. Worse, 90% of new jobs are part time, and both full time and part time hours have been cut back by employers trying to get under the regulations for Obamacare.
In other words, if you want to invest, the only real options are stocks or the gem/precious metals market.
read “Enjoy the Decline” Sit back and watch your world collapse.
you are not in control
America is finished
it’s sad but true
so stop moping and mourning, get some food stamps and an obamaphone and enjoy your life
To John (08/06/13 – 7:56 am ):
Approving a budget for the US in “normal order” means constructing and approving a budget in each of the House and Senate, then reconciling differences, and presenting that legislation to the the President for signature, if he approves.
The last US budget established in normal order was for the 12 months ending Sep 30, 2009. That is Fiscal Year 2009 (FY 2009) in government speak. Obama became President in January 2009. No usual budget has been passed under his direction for 4 years. See below for why.
The unusual spending event in 2009 was the $831 billion stimulus proposed by Obama, generally approved by Bush, and signed by Obama in Feb 2009. That spending was added into the spending levels for government departments in FY 2009, and implicitly into the 2009 budget, supposedly “Bush’s budget”. It was sold as a one-time kick-start to the economy. It increased the FY 2009 debt by $831 billion and did little except reward Democratic government agencies troughout the land.
Since that time, Obama takes credit for an historically slow increase in spending in the following years, a model of spending restraint. Democrats point to the FY 2009 “Bush’s budget” as the spending blowout that is creating all of our debt today. They don’t mention Obama’s part in this.
Sen. Democrat majority leader Harry Reid has refused to even hold budget conferences in the Senate since 2009. Instead, the House and Senate pass “continuing resolutions” which allow the President and executive agencies to spend what they did in the previous year. The $831 billion “kick-start” has silently become a permanent increase in yearly government spending. That is why the US is accumulating massive, unprecedented debt.
Why does the majority Republican House agree to these continuing resolutions? They have proposed and passed budgets for each year 2010 – 2012, just as they should. The Senate did not even consider them.
If the Republicans would not agree to the continuing resolution, pushing the issue, then there would be no spending authorization, and the government would “shut down”. They don’t want to face a politicized press which would report this action as an irresponsible blocking of government activity. So, the Democrats silently get their way on spending.
President Obama has submitted his own budgets for consideration. The Senate has voted unanimously against the outrageous spending contained in them. No Democrat in the Senate wants a news story reporting that he voted for such outrageous spending.
Prudent Spending
Another reason to hate Obama.
He thinks like an actuary.
An actuary counts the numbers and doesn’t look at the realities.
Like deaths from lightening strikes… can PREVENT you own death from lightening strikes.
It is NOT so random that it will get you in your bed.
Like deaths from car accidents… can prevent your own death from MOST car accidents.
Heck, you can avoid many car accidents that could happen by defensive driving.
But deaths from terror attacks?
You can do NOTHING to prevent your death from those.
There have been terror attacks on business buildings, trains, buses, in malls, at community centers, on streets, in churches, through delivered packages and so on.
You CANNOT prevent those.
But here’s Obama, the actuary:
“The odds of dying in a terrorist attack are a lot lower than they are of dying in a car accident, unfortunately.”
Is this how a LEADER talks when speaking about terrorism?
Whose side is he on?
Of course the CHANCES are lower.
The purpose of terror attacks is to intimidate, to force SUBMISSION on the rest.
It is NOT to cause everyone to be killed.
Islam needs Dhimmis.
Erosion of the middle class started long before Obama or Bush. It’s been a long, slide down a hill. It was quite well known, and discussed at the time of NAFTA that we would be losing a LOT of good paying Manf jobs. The counter balance to that was “supposed” to have been re-training of the workforce into modern skilled, 21st century workforce and new jobs that paid good wages enough to replace or offset the jobs we’d loose. WRONG.
That never happened. The jobs just “left”. And people who used to make 20-30 dollars an hour plus overtime and benefits near their home at a local factory, or manf plant….were now looking at jobs that paid min wage to 10 dollars an hour, driving miles out to work at Homedepot, or deliver Pizzas, etc. Although I just don’t think the president has done a good job addressing the acceleration of this issue…the issue itself is not something he brought with him.
Lastly, there is something else to mention……when I was growing up, the companies in our town were owned and/or operated by people who lived in our town. As we went, they went. They had a vested interest in the cities and towns AND their employees. Now, they are owned by France, or etc., and are run and/or managed remotely by people who give a shit what happens to your town or the people in it. When I was in Highschool, the president of the local bank, etc…son and daughters went to the same school. Their family went to a local church, etc. They lived in our community. They had to live in and answer to the community they lived/worked in just like everybody else.
Now, today, they live in private enclaves outside the town/city. Their kids go to private school with all the other kids in the same boat. And they live their lives without being aware of nor answerable to the people and towns that they “use” every single day. We have become “widgets”. Very small widgets in a much larger cog. This has been the direction of change that has happened in our communities and cities and our nation over many decades. It’s accelerated under certain presidents, and slowed under others. But, it’s been going on a long time.
The economy will improve somewhat. But, it’s never going to bring back those jobs. America “gave itself away” that we could be free of our burdens, and heal our self-loathing and guilt for having lived in the greatest, most powerful and prosperous and free nation in the world. It accomplished nothing but making us poorer in every way. Like the rich man who, tired of the responsibility, gives away all of his money thinking it a burden…only to find in the end…that what he ended up with was FAR worse. After facing enormous challenges, fighting and dieing….and coming out on top….we gave it all away out of “political correctness” and our own self-loathing for being who we are/were. We decided it wasn’t worth it. We decided that we could no longer use our leverage to help our people (and anyone else who comes here). That it was a bad thing. To even chant USA, USA is a bad thing, and insulting to some people.
And we just gave it all away. Just ask yourself….who is going to help “us”? More than likely, if things ever come to that…they’ll all surround our carcass and pick it clean down to the bone, then fly off. That’s just my take on things.
When was the last car accident you heard of that killed 3000 people and took billions out of our economy and destroyed billions in infrastructure?
@Dc: @Nan G: You two miss the key word, “Unfortunately.” Does this mean he wants terror related deaths to increase or motor accidents to decrease. I know these graduates of prestige colleges are deemed extremely intelligent, but we can no longer accept that at face value.
Check out this quote from a recent Stanford graduate who has plans to fill in for her parents on the national political stage.
Thank you Chelsea, you have just downgraded anyone who boasts of a degree from Stanford. If you have the connections or the money, these schools will send you along with a degree, that is becoming more obvious with time and exposure to Progressives.
@john: John, you are truly in Never Never Land. Come back down to earth and got off that ball.
@Dc: DC,
That may be the only thing I disagree with that you said. Tho it’s likely true, it doesn’t HAVE to be that way. If the right president got elected, the US economy could resurge, manufacturing could come back. But, too many people don’t want that to happen, they want the people to live off the government. Let’s elect a person that believes in the country and wants it to succeed. Who is that person? I haven’t a clue.
I really like your POST, it’s well built and so true
with what we observe on an everyday action,
be it the phony scandals all of them , to the military atheism taking the place of the CHAPLAIN,
to the speech he spread around,
and than out to vacation of millions spent,
thank you,
Agree!!! We were promised “high tech jobs” to take the place of all those lost manufacturing jobs. Big money lobbyists and members of both political parties out right lied. What happened was that under Bill Clinton, technology transfers were just outright given to China and all those high tech jobs went to Asia. I consider Clinton a traitor for that action, because prior to the technology transfer, China did not have the capability to hit the US mainland with ballistic missiles. Part of the technology they were given was space launch vehicle data in order to enable them to US launch satellites into a stable Earth orbit, which is exactly the same technology necessary to hit any US homeland target with a ballistic nuke.
World Globalism agenda Progressives are destroying the American Dream for the enrichment of themselves and their fellow elites.
Skook, looking at my own writing I would never attempt to point out others grammatical errors. But, I think I get my points across—sloppy as it is. I understood what the president meant. It’s been tossed around in progressive and other circles for years. It’s as if they have this instant meme tweet that goes out and suddenly, every liberal is parroting the same talking point. Then they accuse RNC of putting out talking points…hahahaha.
Anyway, as I’ve said before (several times) one of the common attributes of such talking points is that they first require removing context and redirection to form a “new” truth or fact. The fact is…automobile accidents and large scale massive terrorist attacks are not REMOTELY in the same category for many reasons.
9/11 wasn’t an “accident”. And your average car accident does not involve thousands of deaths and billions of losses. To compare the two in the same sentence in the context of “chance” is simply ludicrous and an obvious attempt to derail questions about his own leadership and prior statements. It’s liberals way of trying to suggest that people are being ‘overly concerned” about security issues.
Redteam, you have no idea how much I hope to be wrong on that. But, as far as I can see, even with the right president and policies in place….the days that we lived in will never return in regards to manf in this country. Manf will be limited to those things that can be produced here cheaper than overseas as result of shipping or transportation costs — which all combined isn’t much. And China can easily manipulate or change their monetary, gov policy to assure their dominance without having any real consequences in the world global markets as a result.
China will also have the most powerful army in the world…including a navy that can already challenge ours. The world has changed, primarily because of communication and transportation. We’ve put all our eggs in a central basket with everybody else to “share”. It’s always easy to “share” when you have nothing and the person you are sharing with has “lots”. And we don’t leverage it like we “could” because people say…it’s unfair, imperialistic, etc..for us to do things in our own self-interest. They say that, as “they” do exactly that (using every leverage they can, and then some, for their nation and their people. But, we can’t do that you see. It’s “rude”.
There was time not long ago…that I can remember when we didn’t care what happened in other markets around the world. By that I don’t mean we didn’t “care” what happened to people. I mean it didn’t impact our markets like it does now that it’s all intertwined together. We were big enough to have our “own” ecosphere. We “were” our own market. And even though people severely limited what we could export by placing high tariffs on our goods, etc…(so much for cooperation), we had large enough incomes and markets at home to sustain an economy larger than much of the world “combined”.
We gave all that away. On a silver platter. Even if you could bring parts of the manf sector back…there would be no way for it to pay the kind of wages/benefits it did back then…because our workers are now competing with a global workforce. Digital work can be done anywhere in the world. And as far as high tech or science jobs that were supposed to replace manf… you don’t have to pay someone here who’s spent 200k on education to do it. They’ll do it on some tiny indo island for 30 bucks an hour. Files can be transferred digitally in seconds (not waiting for post delivery). Meetings can happen in multiple locations, the same time. The world has changed. And what people are looking for is “cheap” labor that is good enough to get the job done for the best price. That’s it.
China, India, other countries are actively training labor workforces to handle those jobs. Math/engineering/Science, etc….they “already” have a corner on those things (ie., the “high tech/end jobs that were supposed to replace manf) And they work “cheap”. So, there goes the wages again.
@Dc: You raise valid points, and normally I pass on opportunities to attack grammatical errors and obvious verbal mistakes; however, when you are one of the most powerful people in the world and supposedly one of the most intelligent men to hold the office (remember the hype), and a former “constitutional law professor,” every word and nuance is analyzed or should be.
My initial and immediate response to the “Unfortunately” quote was shock and disbelief. You and I both make our share of mistakes, but we don’t have a battery of proofreaders and advisors to keep us out of the typo typhoon. Our president expects friends and enemies to read into everything he says or writes, yes, even his crayola cursive.
He has never been particularly worried over our highway safety, but he has been worried about the welfare of Islamists in the world, and which pack of homicidal maniacs has the biggest herd of stump broke goats. Yes, by triangulating these diverse points, we all assume to know what “He” meant, but do we really?
When we refuse to continue making excuses for the man, and hold him to the same set of standards as say, the press designed for GW, the shiny stuff wears away fairly quick and we are left with the true nature of the man.
Does he believe, our terror deaths should be higher than traffic fatalities? You tell me, he arms our Islamic enemies, who are sworn to destroy us, presumably to fight secular Muslims who have no obvious ill will directed to America. Should we presume these are the actions of an enemy, a stupid man, or a Leftist who hates America, or do you have a better presumption or excuse for the man?
and it amplified with the signing of global exchanges MARKET
which open all the markets of the world and they made a rule against the UNITED STATES INTEREST,
which began the stealing of the USA BUSINESS SECRETS ,
absolutely and it’s called fraud, and we should expect many arrest and we did not get it,
they got away with it,
just heard on FOX,
We should consider them as Obama off his teleprompter. 🙂
@Dc:DC #26
The China navy is far inferior, at the present time, to the US Navy. They are years away from having one operational aircraft carrier and when it is operational, it will be about equivalent in ability to a WWII carrier, nothing like the supercarriers the US has. But then on to the rest of what you said. Sadly, most likely most of it is true, but only because most people in the US just does not care. They are happy to live off the government and get their food stamps and welfare and smoke their dope and have their out of wedlock children, which the government then gives additional welfare for. But as I said, with the right leader, the US could very easily reassume it’s clearly superior ability for manufacturing and technology. But, who is the right leader? I sure don’t know. But I know several that it’s not. Obama, Christie, Rubio, Jeb Bush, Scott Walker, etc……
Redteam, China has been acquiring retired aircraft carriers from other countries and refurbing them for a while now. They also launched their first new design in 2012, which got Japan a bit jittery as you might recall. The “new” ones coming that have not been launched yet are much larger, sophisticated. They are growing an arsenal as quick as they can make/acquire one. The only thing that saved us in WWII was our manf capability that we were able to quickly convert to war time efforts. We no longer have that capability. China does.
As to the rest…it’s not just the potsmokers, foodstamp survivors. It’s everything…including our educational system. Kids are growing up today with no concept of independence, nor individual achievement. They all get a trophy just for “participating”, and read books about why Mary has two Daddys. They learn that failure is forgiven through compassion, and competition is rude, aggressive and selfish. They don’t need individual achievement or goals….they are “entitled” to everything they need from the state. They abhor and demonize the people who actually made this country what it is and gave them the freedom to sit on their asses and destroy it from within.
I think that’s the one thing the founding fathers never foresaw…..that people who’ve lived free…would just give it all away and destroy/collapse, and give away their rights of their own free will. (ie., say….we no longer want that). You have to be carefully taught.
Obama is a thoughtless boob.
He gave a backyard bench as his gift to the leader of China.
Tapes of his own speeches to the Queen of England.
A set of his favorite movies (in an unplayable format) to the Prime Minister of the UK.
And he never bothered to call President GWBush after his heart surgery!
Even Vladimir Putin called Bush!
that was gracious of VLADIMIR PUTIN,