CNN: CIA “intimidating” operatives to ensure they keep quiet


benghazi ghosts

Why is CIA wasting their time investigating a “phony” scandal?

We all suspected this kind of intimidation was going on but now CNN is confirming it. They are reporting that the CIA is involved in a “unprecedented” effort to keep everyone who was in Benghazi at the time of the attack to keep quiet:

Sources now tell CNN dozens of people working for the CIA were on the ground that night, and that the agency is going to great lengths to make sure whatever it was doing, remains a secret.

CNN has learned the CIA is involved in what one source calls an unprecedented attempt to keep the spy agency’s Benghazi secrets from ever leaking out.

Since January, some CIA operatives involved in the agency’s missions in Libya, have been subjected to frequent, even monthly polygraph examinations, according to a source with deep inside knowledge of the agency’s workings.

The goal of the questioning, according to sources, is to find out if anyone is talking to the media or Congress.

It is being described as pure intimidation, with the threat that any unauthorized CIA employee who leaks information could face the end of his or her career.

In exclusive communications obtained by CNN, one insider writes, “You don’t jeopardize yourself, you jeopardize your family as well.”

Another says, “You have no idea the amount of pressure being brought to bear on anyone with knowledge of this operation.”

“Agency employees typically are polygraphed every three to four years. Never more than that,” said former CIA operative and CNN analyst Robert Baer.

In other words, the rate of the kind of polygraphs alleged by sources is rare.

They are also reporting that there was 21 CIA operatives in the Annex at the time of the attack. That’s quite a few agents for a town that the State Department didn’t deem important enough to place a secure embassay in.

Remember…State denies the weapon transfer rumor but the CIA hasn’t confirmed nor denied it.

Could that be why there were so many agents on the ground?

Either way the CIA is doing it’s best to make sure no one talks, they are hiding something and it stinks of a cover-up.

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As we creep closer and closer to the truth, Obama will sputter more and more about phony scandals and hold up shiny objects to distract the left wing media.

In the normal course of phony scandals and obstruction of justice, it may be necessary to apply intimidation to witnesses to keep the event within a proper perspective for the consuming public, consuming as in the ingestion of propaganda by the bucketful.

To assume it was necessary to lie about a phony video may seem like an impropriety, but we must learn to trust the judgement of Hillary and Obama. If it is necessary for them to lie about the deaths of four Americans, it is in our best interests to trust in the fact that our president toppled the leader of Libya and allowed him to be sodomized on video to assert the resolve and power of America and of the office of the Executive. If he feels it is best to delude us and lie to us, we must remember he has good reasons. If his proxy Islamists in Libya want to kill our Ambassador and three more Americans, we must assume Obama is flexing his manhood in front of the world, it is a Liberal thing.

BENGHAZI, Libya (Reuters) – Abdul Basit Haroun says he is behind some of the biggest shipments of weapons from Libya to Syria, which he delivers on chartered flights to neighbouring countries and then smuggles over the border.

Haroun says he can collect weapons from around the country and arrange for them to be delivered to the Syrian rebels because of his contacts in Libya and abroad.
“They know we are sending guns to Syria,” Haroun said. “Everyone knows.”

By “everyone”, Haroun means the United States, as well.

There is a new Reuters report from Benghazi that further corroborates the account of Libyans smuggling their leftover weapons, including missiles, through Benghazi to Syria and adds additional details:

Abdul Basit Haroun says he is behind some of the biggest shipments of weapons from Libya to Syria, which he delivers on chartered flights to neighbouring countries and then smuggles over the border.

. . . The first consignment of weapons was smuggled into Syria aboard a Libyan ship delivering aid last year, Haroun says, but now containers of arms are flown “above board” into neighbouring countries on chartered flights.

That Libyan ship departed shortly before the attack against Americans in Benghazi:

On September 14, 2012, three days after Stevens was killed, Sheera Frenkel, a correspondent for the Times of London, reported from Antakya, Turkey:

“A Libyan ship carrying the largest consignment of weapons for Syria since the uprising began has docked in Turkey and most of its cargo is making its way to rebels on the front lines, The Times has learnt.

“Among more than 400 tonnes of cargo the vessel was carrying were SAM-7 surface-to-air anti-aircraft missiles and rocket-propelled grenades (RPGs), which Syrian sources said could be a game-changer for the rebels.

“Frenkel’s report identified the ship’s captain as ‘Omar Mousaeeb, a Libyan from Benghazi and the head of an organisation called the Libyan National Council for Relief and Support, which is supporting the Syrian uprising.’”

The night he was slaughtered, Ambassador to Libya, Christopher Stevens met with Turkish Consul General Ali Sait Akin. Three days later a Libyan ship, armed with weapons for the Syrian rebels, docks in Turkey, just 35 miles from the Syrian border.

Why would Stevens met with the Turkish Consul General when Libya doesn’t border Turkey? Was it to facilitate the arrival of weapons, gathered in Libya, to supply the Syrian rebels that we now know are either Al Qaeda or AQ spin offs?

And the story of Haroun gets even more interesting:

In Libya, he helps the government with state security, according to interior ministry spokesman Majdi al-Ourfi.

He also has credentials as a commander from the days of the revolution. “Abdel Basit Haroun was with us in the February 17 brigade before he quit to form his own brigade,” said fellow brigade commander Ismail Salabi.

The State Department, under Hillary Clinton, had hired the February 17 Brigade, the same people that targeted the British Consel, to provide security for the U.S. Benghazi compound.

You bet this administration doesn’t want those CIA operatives talking. Remember how they said a particular general had retired and they didn’t know where he was until it was revealed in Marine Times that he had NOT retired yet. The Oval Office is in full CYA mode.

In a way this is the best news leak for Obama and Hillary.
Remember this aims ire at CIA and away from Obama OR State (Hillary).
And Hillary wants to be our next president.
She can’t be having a scandal like this over her head and win.
So, nice that the CIA fell on its sword for her.
WHO leaked this????
I only ask because it is such a perfect deflection for Obama AND Hillary.

I can’t wait for the administration’s reason why all of the agents were in Benghazi. It will probably be a good one.

I heard with sequestration, the Obama administration needed to shorten the CIA’s name. Instead of the CIA, Obama shortened their new name to just 2 letters: SS.

@Nan G:

In a way this is the best news leak for Obama and Hillary.
Remember this aims ire at CIA and away from Obama OR State (Hillary).

There’s no doubt the media will try to spin it that way, Nan. But the fact remains; those were Hillary’s people at Benghazi in the form of Chris Stevens and Obama is still CIC. If anything, with that many weapons trained CIA in Benghazi, it shows how dysfunctional our government is and the inability to coordinate agencies under this administration.

Obama hasn’t learned what Nixon learned; the cover up is always worse than the crime. And his administration is spinning like a top to cover up what was really happening in Benghazi. What was to be a great awakening of freedom in Egypt has turned into a circus; Libya is a disaster and I don’t think a war weary nation (from Iraq and Afghanistan, which we never hear about anymore thanks to the press covering for Obama) is going to be real thrilled knowing we are supplying weapons to Syrian rebels who are Hezbollah or some other radical Islamist group.

The Narcissist in the Oval Office thought he could do what no one else has been able to do; bring peace and stability to the Middle East. He thought if he got rid of the dictators, all would be Happy Land. His entire administration is based on idealism, not realism and those who surround him don’t have a clue (like Valerie Jarrett). As so often is proven in the ME, the devil they had was not nearly as bad as the devil they have now.

For eight year we heard nothing from the left but how George Bush should have stayed out of other people’s problems in the Middle East. Then Obama was elected and Tunisia rang the warning bell that the ME was more unstable than ever. This time, we really should have stayed out of the mess, but Obama ran in, head first, as soon as the first rock was thrown in Cairo. Now Egypt is worse than it was except now it’s really armed thanks to us, Libya is lost, Lebanon is under threat, Tunisia is a ticking time bomb, and Jordan is hanging on by a thread.

All this takes Obama’s eye off the prize. Iran is busily building nuclear weapons with the help of the Russians. Another Carter foreign policy mistake that will come back to bite us. The only hope we have is that the Sunni continue to fight the Shite long enough for Obama to leave office and we get some realistic foreign policy wonks back into power.


I can’t wait for the administration’s reason why all of the agents were in Benghazi. It will probably be a good one.

Don’t you know? It was George Bush’s fault.

@retire05: #7

The only hope we have is that the Sunni continue to fight the Shite long enough for Obama to leave office and we get some realistic foreign policy wonks back into power.

Don’t expect things to change much if a republican is in the white house next time. I gave up on them a long time ago. They are mostly going along with the democrats on most issues.

@retire05: #8

Don’t you know? It was George Bush’s fault.

I already knew that, but WHY is it his fault?

@Smorgasbord: I heard “Blame Bush” will be at the top entrance to the new Obama Library.

@Tired American: #11
If I were a gambler, I would bet that his presidential library will look like a mosque in some way.


Don’t expect things to change much if a republican is in the white house next time. I gave up on them a long time ago. They are mostly going along with the democrats on most issues.

Last night, at the close of the day’s session, the U.S. Senate voted to approve the nomination of Samantha Powers, wife to Cass Sunstein, to replace Susan Rice as Ambassador to the U.N. If you think Rice was a disaster, you ain’t seen nothing yet.

Only ten Republican Senators had the cajones to vote “Nay.”

Don’t you know? It was George Bush’s fault.

I already knew that, but WHY is it his fault?

Because with Obama, everything bad is George Bush’s fault.

@retire05: #13

Only ten Republican Senators had the cajones to vote “Nay.”

This is why I have said that we no longer have a two-party system. We have one party with two branches, and both branches are feeding off of the same roots.

Fortunately, there are non-politicians announcing they are running for office. I would like to see the returning vets run for office.

Ah Skook,

Right on!!!! I couldn’t have said it better.

Obama had to cover up the real cause of the Benghazi attacks because his theme for re-election was: al Qaeda is on the run.

But we know al Qaeda is NOT on the run.
Just today the US announced it is closing 21 EMBASSIES all across the Middle East.
It is also issuing a widespread travel warning to ALL Americans in the Middle East.
And why?
Because al Qaeda is NOT on the run.
Al Qaeda is ascendent.
Al Qaeda is scaring the pants off the US gov’t.
Obama’s ”leading from behind” strategy got us to this point.
Will he OBEY al Qaeda and get all American presence out of the Middle East?
Is al Qaeda really THAT powerful there?
I know some countries in the ME want our presence.
Some want our military presence.
Some want our private contractors’ presence.
So, why are WE on the run?
Because Obama wanted to win an election.

@drjohn, #1:

As we creep closer and closer to the truth, Obama will sputter more and more about phony scandals and hold up shiny objects to distract the left wing media.

What Issa and other assorted politically-motivated republicans may be creeping closer to is publicly blowing the lid off of covert CIA operations in Libya.

If they’re so narrowly focused on their political goals that they can’t think about what’s best for national security, maybe they should at least consider what publicly outing a covert CIA operation in Libya would do to their political ambitions. A serious miscalculation on this one could totally destroy the GOP as a viable national political organization.

hahahaha Greg’s new revelation: Politicians, are political. But, only the RNC ones, not DNC. LOL

The point you are missing here Greg is that any kind of operation like that would have, should have, congressional oversight at the very least by the intel committee. The President and his political appointees, don’t get to the use the CIA (or IRS, etc) for their own private operations to by-pass congress.

If the State Dept was working with CIA to secretly arm syrian rebel groups without congressional authority, got attacked and worked together (WH, State Dept, CIA, etc) to cover it all up (see fake story about protest gone wrong), what’s the difference between that and what Ollie North/Reagan admin did to arm the Contras? There were plenty of hearings on that and people who went to jail for it, and/or lost their careers. The only thing that saved Reagan was ALZ and political appointees taking the fall for the decisions. But, he had to testify.

@Dc, #18:

The point you are missing here Greg is that any kind of operation like that would have, should have, congressional oversight at the very least by the intel committee.

As with the classified Bush Administration program that was kept secret from Congress for 8 years? Congress still doesn’t know the details.

If the State Dept was working with CIA to secretly arm syrian rebel groups without congressional authority…

Find a map. Locate Libya, locate Syria, and then locate Turkey. Why would anyone think CIA operations in the Benghazi area would have anything to do with supplying arms to Syrian rebels? The idea simply makes no sense.

The most logical theory is that CIA operations in Libya directly relate to Libya. Why would we expect anything else? Organized unfriendly factions are present there. Obviously. Should the CIA not act against organizations that are identified as active enemies of the United States?


A serious miscalculation on this one could totally destroy the GOP as a viable national political organization.

Seriously? This tactic is still considered “viable?”

You’re using cheap and useless propaganda. The people can think and support whatever they as individuals, groups, and communities want to. The hope was to paint the GOP as “irrelevant” by simply saying it in every news source imaginable . . . over, and over and over again.

You’ve run out of excuses, hence the resurrection of “The GOP is irrelevant! Only old rich white Christians support them, and they don’t matter!!”

You took this discussion backwards. Shame on you.


Find a map. Locate Libya, locate Syria, and then locate Turkey. .

Well, it seems that if you found that map, you clearly didn’t understand what you were looking at.

Benghazi is a port city. Take the route north out of Benghazi, past Crete in Turkish waters, and where do you land, Greggie? Oooops. Syria.

Why would anyone think CIA operations in the Benghazi area would have anything to do with supplying arms to Syrian rebels?

Because Obama supports the Syrian rebels trying to oust Assad. Except those rebels are really Al Qaeda, or AQ spin-offs, just like the rebels in Libya were. Obama has backed the wrong side ever since taking office and backing the Chavez sponsored dictator of Honduras.

Read this, and then get back to me, Greggie. I’m interested in how you’re going to spin this one:

@Nathan Blue, #20:

You missed the point entirely. It’s that republicans are so narrowly focused on their desire to get something on Obama that they may inadvertently blow the cover off a CIA operation. They’re so narrowly focused on that all-important objective that they assume the CIA is trying to protect Obama, rather than trying to protect their operation and their people in Libya. That, in my opinion, is an incredibly stupid assumption, and possibly a very dangerous one.

@retire05, #21:

There’s some compelling reason why arms intended to move across the Turkish border into Syria would first need to make a stop-over in an unstable place such as Libya? I would think Benghazi might be a rather risky port-of-call. I think maybe some of the dots you’re connecting might only be spots dancing before your eyes.

It’s possible, of course, that the CIA might have been orchestrating a transfer of arms already in Libya to Syrian rebels. I don’t know any more about what the CIA was doing in Benghazi than you do. If that is part of their program, would republicans be enhancing U.S. national security by blowing the CIA’s cover? I certainly don’t see how. Every weapon that leaves Libya to be used against the Assad regime is one less weapon available to radical Libyan factions, and one less weapon that might end up on the black market. Essentially each transfer would be killing two birds with one stone.

@Greg: You have no point. You’re only fighting the phantom idea of the opposition to the current regime, regardless of form GOP.

Logic and “critical thinking” show up as a weapon, not as a commitment to objectivity.

There may be some truth in what you say, but you are using it untruthfully. This is about defending Obama and the regime, not the CIA.

10 years ago if CNN had broken a story like (one in which NO named sources are cited) this they would have been called traitors who were giving aid and comfort to the terrorists. The right wing called all who opposed Bush unpatriotic and worse for not showing a united front to the enemy. The blind hatred of all things Obama has put the radical right on a 180 degree course change. They now also outright dishonor our military and accuse them of being part of this “cover-up” Right at the center of this “cover-up” is a highly decorated Marine colonel who is “hiding from Congress” Curt do you think this Marine is honorable?

These CIA “operatives” are 90% ex SEAL and Special Forces operators. Do you really think that they are being coerced into being part of an Obama coverup? Do you think that all of these ex-operators are all Obamabots? Do you think that they are all placing their careers ahead of their own personal honor ? When you accuse Obama you are also accusing everyone under him for supporting him. Shame on you.

@john, #25:

10 years ago if CNN had broken a story like (one in which NO named sources are cited) this they would have been called traitors who were giving aid and comfort to the terrorists. The right wing called all who opposed Bush unpatriotic and worse for not showing a united front to the enemy.

You’ve certainly got that right. The previous administration could do no wrong. Now the same people who gave Bush carte blanche will condone exposure of a covert CIA operation in Libya—even after an organized attack on a diplomatic outpost demonstrates enemies of the United States are operating there—so long as it provides an avenue for attacking the President. They’ll tacitly approve of the illicit exposure of a large-scale data-mining program intended to detect terrorist activities inside the United States, so long as it provides an avenue for attacking the President. Then they’ll turn around and blame the White House both for the security leaks that compromised the programs, and for any subsequent acts of terrorism that he fails to prevent. They claim to honor the dead in Benghazi, while they blatantly use those deaths to promote their own political ends.

This has got to be one of the most blatant displays of hypocrisy I’ve ever witnessed. If you point out the obvious, however, you’re immediately tagged as a Marxist, a mindless Obama worshiper who’s part some sort of personality cult, or possibly someone who’s on the Obama payroll. It’s apparently inconceivable that an intelligent observer might have honestly come to a different conclusion or hold a different opinion.

@john: What are you blathering about? Ten years ago the media was still pro-left, anti-right. It was all blind hatred of Bush without facts.

You swallowed it, and now are oblivious to the criticism of Obama as having merit. Sure, some take it a little too far, but after watching CNN, the NYT, and the rest of the them tar and feather Bush for eight years, whipping up the ignorant crowd and creating the environment for a no-name radical to get into the WH via old-school propaganda techniques, I just have no sympathy for those who can’t take the criticism of Obama and the Admin.

There is no “180” shift in the GOP as you see it, it’s just you blindly buying the labeling of the GOP as prescribed by the media and entertainment over the Bush years. You are an idiot for choosing sides, rather than choosing what is rational in the face of critical thought. The Dem and Rep party are guilty of the same things. Right now, I find the Reps to be “less wrong”, and much of that is due to the info wars waged by the media in the 2000’s. It worked, because they have people like you indoctrinated and not thinking clearly.

You reap what you sow, and those who blindly supported the Dems at their weakest moment by buying the Obama brand have to own up to their mistake and stop defending him. The Dems are compromised and we, the electorate, have to stop rewarding them for letting the extremists take over (which was the BS charge against the GOP and Bush, but thanks for letting the far, far left take over. You see that was a bad idea, pithy bumper stickers or not).

@Greg: This started during the Bush era as the media was allowed to publish opinion and push an agenda rather than report news.

Many were swayed by the misinformation, and jumped on the Obama bandwagon for not other reason than the hatred they were programmed to have for the GOP and because of SNL.

Hippocracy indeed. Obama isn’t a good President: I didn’t vote for him either election because he’s not fit for the office. That’s not bias, that’s just fact. The issue with trying to pass of this criticism as simply “blind hatred” is the overwhelming existence of real scandal. You would never let the current errors of the this Admin pass if it were a GOP president.

The real hippocracy is your lack of skepticism in the face of the current admin. You so desperately need this guy “Obama” to work out, that you’re applying things to him in ways you would not to the GOP.

You and other lib posters just can’t take the fact that you were wrong supporting this guy.

You were wrong. Own up and stop whining, poorly weaving BS arguments against blogs posts in a pathetic attempt to keep your illogical mental structures intact.


So, your answer is…”Bush did it too”? hahaha. And that somehow makes it ok for Obama, or not important, or not a scandal, etc…..exactly how?

@Dc: @john: @Greg: The issue is here is one of freedoms:

Greg and john think they are actively “combating” ignorance by coming to this site (and others I assume), but they don’t understand why these sites exist in the first place.

About 80% of the media has a liberal slant. Journalism attracts progressively-minded people. This has been admitted by people working in the media. So the heavy, culture-forming agencies are liberally biased: Time, NYT, CNN, Big Three, Rolling Stone, MTV and Comedy Central (entertainment, but that’s the problem). Major producers and actors make left-leaning movies, when they dabble in politics. Right leaning people get pushed out of the business.

The remaining media is made of neutral or conservative-biased agencies, Fox being one.

Greg, john, and the rest feel the need to piss on those who want to find places that they are not doggedly inundated with left-breed reporting/opinion pieces. They claim that people should think what they want, but come here to tell us that we can’t.

I stopped identifying as a “liberal” when my fellows started talking about marginalizing those who disagreed with them. They felt very justified, thinking they were single-handedly going to strike out racism and bigotry by becoming bigots themselves.

The gist is this: You can be a Christian and not believe in gay marriage or whatever conflict du jour you choose, but you must be forced out of the part of society that influences the greater culture and makes decisions . . . because the left has decided questioning what they see as “right” as ignorant and worthy of dismissal.

The narrative of absolute correctness while using relative terms is all I see out of greg and the rest.

Greg and john, you galvanize those who see the sweeping tyranny of the left as something to be resisted. You are reinforcing your “enemy’s” views and doing nothing to help along rational dialogue. You illustrate all that some here are firmly against.

So . . . in posting here you are:
1. Looking for a childish fight.
2. Regurgitating mainstream media talking points to those trying to get away from opinion pieces and bad journalism supporting one side of the story.
3. Hating on Fox news for doing what 80% of the media does daily.
4. Showing a self-love of your own intellects but not understanding you’re not quite as clever or enlightened as you may think.

Case in point, you’re doing nothing except validate all the views you disagree with. You look like idiots in the true sense of the word.

@john: ” Right at the center of this “cover-up” is a highly decorated Marine colonel who is “hiding from Congress” Curt do you think this Marine is honorable?

I’m not Curt, but none of your”facts,” are correct, john.
No one said that Col. George Bristol was – himself – hiding from Congress.

Up until the publication, the Marine Corps Times pointed it out only last week, the Dept. of Defense had refused to tell Congress where to find him, FALSELY claiming that he was retired and entitled to protection under privacy laws!

After pressure from Sen. Lindsey Graham, who had read the Marine Corps Times article pointing out that Col. George Bristol would be retiring at the end of that very week, the Pentagon has changed its mind – now acknowledging that Bristol is not yet retired.

One day before he was to retire, Col. George Bristol met with House and Senate members and their staffs behind closed doors due to the sensitivity of his knowledge.


@Dc, #30:

So, your answer is…”Bush did it too”? hahaha. And that somehow makes it ok for Obama, or not important, or not a scandal, etc…..exactly how?

If republicans had no problem with Bush exercising unitary executive authority to a very great degree, what’s their f–king problem with Obama doing so to a far lesser degree? There’s no actual evidence that Obama and the CIA have done anything more than attempting to keep a secret CIA program secret. That’s more than you can say in the case of Obama’s predecessor.

Are republicans now thinking that all CIA activities should be conducted completely out in the open? Has their insanity progressed to that stage?


If republicans had no problem with Bush exercising unitary executive authority to a very great degree, what’s their f–king problem with Obama doing so to a far lesser degree


What you want to ignore is that the Republicans never had a super majority during Bush’s two terms. And Harry (Real Estate) Reid had block almost every thing Bush wanted starting with the 110th Congress. Obama did not have that problem. For the first two years of his first term, he had a Congress controlled by the Democrats. Yet, the nation was no better off, was it?

There’s no actual evidence that Obama and the CIA have done anything more than attempting to keep a secret CIA program secret. That’s more than you can say in the case of Obama’s predecessor.

There is a policy that has existed since the time our nation was constructed called “advise and consent.” The POTUS doesn’t have carte blanch to do what ever the hell it is he wants to do. Obama’s latest action of giving an exemption to Congress when it comes to Obamacare is a clear example. Obama seems to think he can just rule by Executive Order and he is not bound by the U.S. Constitution. Even a CIA covert action is subject to Congressional oversight, Greggie. Too bad if you don’t like it.

Are republicans now thinking that all CIA activities should be conducted completely out in the open? Has their insanity progressed to that stage?

CIA activities, as I said above, are subject to Congressional oversight. It is that whole “checks and balance” thing that you progressives seem to abhor. But we are citizens, Greggie, not subjects, and we will NOT be ruled, which, unfortunately for Progressive Democrats, is a hellofa lot different than being governed.

You come here and spout your indoctrinated DNC talking points thinking you are making head ways. You are not. You are just showing what a silly man you are. Someone who can be led, and seemingly for cheap.


If republicans had no problem with Bush exercising unitary executive authority to a very great degree, what’s their f–king problem with Obama doing so to a far lesser degree?

More research before you open this can of worms. Obama has used executive privileged many times more than Bush (look it up). The fallacy that continues to poison the ignorant is that Bush went to war without Congress and the Senate, and that he lied about the reasons or was somehow dishonest about the situation in Iraq. To save their own seats because the Iraq War was so unpopular and regularly skewed by the media, many Dem — and Rep — Congresspeople/Senators threw Bush under the bus in the face of an unreasonably angry constituency.

That’s more than you can say in the case of Obama’s predecessor.

Whatever false, media-induced, entertainment approved narrative floats you boat.

@Nathan Blue:

Anyone who has ever read The Atlantic understand that any publication that sang the praises of Valerie Plame and her lying-ass husband, Joe Wilson, is not ever to be considered, by any small measure, conservative, or even moderate. Now comes Conor Friedersdorf, writer for The Atlantic, who pens this little ditty:

But if CNN’s report is correct, the CIA is at minimum trying to hide something huge from Congress, something that CIA agents might otherwise want to reveal — itself a reason for Congress to press hard for information. And if speculation about moving weapons is grounded in anything substantive, that would be an additional reason to investigate what the CIA is doing in Libya. Dozens of CIA agents were apparently on the ground in Benghazi, Libya last September.

What I want to know is why.

Read the entire article. It is quite enlightening. A left leaner saying that Obama has violated the War Powers Act and has acted dishonestly.

When the left starts saying that there is merit to the Benghazi investigations, you can bet there is not just smoke there, but a raging forest fire.

@Greg: If we had a dime for every time you’ve made a different excuse for this administration concerning Benghazi (and everything else for that matter) we could balance the budget. Assuming of course Obama doesn’t find another way to spend the money.

@retire05: Very interesting . . .

My thanks. I’m not concerned with disgracing Obama. I’m concerned with doing my duty as a citizen and requiring the government to remain accountable, and to remain within the limits prescribed by law. That goes for Reps and Dems.

@john: #26
We don’t know what orders were given to any military official to keep quiet, just like we didn’t know what orders were given by Reagan for military officials to keep quiet during the Iran arms deal. Reagan caught a lot of flack from republicans for that deal. Why is it that democrats ALWAYS stand behind democrats no matter what?

@Nathan Blue: #28
Remember when, if one soldier was killed in Iraq or Afghanistan, it was on every propaganda media, and they ALWAYS gave a total count almost every day? That stopped when obama took office. If they would have kept reporting casualties, they would have reported that there were more deaths in Afghanistan in obama’s first four years than Bush’s eight years.

@Nathan Blue: #31

So the heavy, culture-forming agencies are liberally biased: Time, NYT, CNN, Big Three, Rolling Stone, MTV and Comedy Central (entertainment, but that’s the problem).

The easiest way to tell if a news media, entertainment industry, organization, school, etc., is liberal is if they call the USA a democracy. We are a REPUBLIC. Some call it a democratic-republic. Either way you say it, we are not a democracy.

The propaganda media call the USA a democracy so you will think of the democratic party. If they called the USA the republic that it is, it would remind you of the republican party, and they don’t want that. Each time the propaganda media hears someone call the USA a democracy, they are reminded that their brainwashing is working. Call the USA the REPUBLIC that it is, and someone might ask you why you call it that, and you can explain why you do to them.

I have written all of my politicians, and asked them to call the USA the republic that it is. Each time I hear a republican politician call the USA a democracy, I am reminded how the propaganda media brainwashing is working. Please write your politicians and ask them to call the USA the republic that it is.

Pledge of Allegiance (With REPUBLIC emphasized)

@Nan G: #32
Do you think it is appropriate for you to use media that obama, John, and other liberals don’t want you to go to? Is that fighting fair?

@Smorgasbord: I find it amusing that the libs are crying “foul,” now that they can’t pass off the fact that Obama is truly doing poorly.

They turn to the idea of “Obama Derangement Syndrome,” not understanding just how many media and entertainment outlets are still glossing over the facts. This is nothing like the Bush years, in which everything was exaggerated.

People voted for Obama because SNL told them too. This is the expected outcome, so none of the non-Obama voters are surprised.

@Nathan Blue:

My thanks. I’m not concerned with disgracing Obama.

Nor, am I. And I am sick of the left playing the race card claiming that the only reason I don’t like Obama is because he is black. The reason I don’t like Obama is because he is Red. And I understand that we sent our people into harm’s way every day of the week. But when they are slaughtered, I want to know why and I want to know the truth. And I want to know why this administration thought that such a lame excuse as a video, that hardly anyone had ever hear of, much less saw, was the cause of the attacks that happened in Benghazi.

Benghazi was NOT a diplomatic station. It was a CIA operation. Why? What was going on there? Where was the “advice and consent” of the Congress in that CIA operation? What Congress member knew what the President had tasked the CIA with in Benghazi? If we were running guns to Syria, who in Congress authorized that action?

Jimmy Carter gave us modern day Iran. Obama seems hell bent on giving us an entire Middle East that wants not only the destruction of Israel, but the U.S. as well.



Your comennt: “Nor, am I. And I am sick of the left playing the race card claiming that the only reason I don’t like Obama is because he is black. The reason I don’t like Obama is because he is Red.”

Thank You for saying something that is so completely overlooked by far to many. As readers of this site know, if I get going on something, I can in fact be quite long winded so as usual an apology here. I’m going to add a piece of a really long (it was 3 times as long as what is below :-)) post I did last year on my blog as for whatever reason race is injected (usually from the President’s allies) and even now I believe it fits the narrative of what this President really is. The post was called “Racism My Ass! Damned Red People!” The first paragraph is what I opened with but I’m leaving out the examples and so forth.

“Quite awhile ago, I wrote about something to this effect. “I am a Racist! It must be true. The administration and it’s propaganda industry say I am”. As part of that tirade along with the race bating examples as put forth by Jesse, Al, Holder and of course this President, I used true factual examples which in the eyes of many proved my racist intent and therefore my open despite for this President. After all, truth is not a useful tool for those of any ilk intent on brainwashing the public.

“I opened today as noted with what I wrote as to my being a Racist and of course, I meant that with open sarcasm and disdain as to the scum of all kinds who choose to pout that drivel when out of cognizant arguments. But as I have thought about it this last week, I realize, that yes, in at least one form I can be considered a Racist and I feel that I should expound on this just a wee bit. This is something I wrote when responding to Curt’s (the post I did was in fact instigated by a post you did Curt. LOL!) fine piece on the Flopping Aces site, but it’s perfect for this discussion. Moron Alert! Lefties beware! You won’t like it but quite honestly, I really don’t care whether the politically correct, race baiters or anyone else does. So here goes!

At the risk of sounding racist (oops! Forgot! I’m a conservative so by definition in the loony world of the left, and for that matter Jesse, Al, Holder and so many others, I am racist! Oh Well!), I’m going to state this as easily as I can. My problem is not with blacks, whites, Asians, Hispanics, yellow people or even blue people (after all, we have blue people here in Vegas, all blue! Just check the ads. LOL!).

No, my problem with this entire administration, the loopy Democratic party as well as the RINO scum and for that matter way to many politicians in general (and while I’m at it, I might as well throw in the leftist academia, media elite, leftist Hollywood kooks, etc.) is those damned RED people! Starting at the top with our President, those RED people turn my stomach! RED PEOPLE AS IN COMMIE RED!

So yes, seeing I’m branded as such by the ideologically blind morons (you reading this loony leftists? Just wondering) who march in lockstep with the BOZO in CHIEF, I now openly declare my racism! Yes, I DETEST RED PEOPLE! Everything this President stands for is in line with the RED philosophy! As Kruschev said, “we will destroy you!” And he was right! They have brainwashed half the population and are destroying us from within, with this President clearly following the hard left Socialist script. Damned Red People!!!

The sad part of my above statement is that it isn’t meant as a joke or satire! It is the hard open fact of what has become of our once great nation! It is what happens when an electorate chooses to hide its collective head in the sand. It’s the result of hard left education (or lack of any education seeing what the schools are turning out) from our schools combined with the lies and promises of everything is free from the leftist idiots! It is what happens when a people turn their heads on the ideals and basic tenets that this country was founded on and choose to not even take responsibility for anything. It’s the greed shown in every leftist society towards the people who WORK for what they have and in turn are to be vilified and then have their earnings and property taken by the “benevolent government” and given to the lazy bastards who only know how to take! It is about unbridled power of the ruling class and all others are but peons! Damned Red People!

Racism my ass!! This is about a philosophy that is tearing this nation apart and throwing it into the trash heap of history in the same manner that every hard left Socialist Dictatorship has gone! If I am to be branded a RACIST for standing on principle, then so be it!

One last thing, seeing I am such a racist, I guess I shouldn’t recommend the great writings of Thomas Sowell and Walter E. Williams. After all, in the views of the people spouting all of this B.S., I and others cannot respect them due to their skin color. Yet I consider them 2 of the great Americans of our time and their writing and knowledge are well worth it to anyone with an open mind. Yet, I have heard more than once they (along with other conservative people of color) are “the wrong kind of blacks”! And that does not come from the right folks! That comes from Jesse, Al and the Democratic left over and over.! Racist my ass!

It is my contention that close to 50% of the eligible voting public Iis either brainwashed (for want of better wording) or just doesn’t care.) Our children and especially the last generation are not even being taught the basic ideals this country was founded on and if they are taught it at all, it is followed up with the extreme vilification of those same ideals by their teachers and professors.

As far as for the “compassionate Democrats” or the Republican moderates or whatever, the main fact still remains perfectly clear. Barely 50% of the electorate even give a damn! They do not pay attention, and hell, won’t even get of their asses to vote! Then we have those that do vote. The facts are there in front of them. Yet they chose to ignore them.

Take our so called leader! Everything was there! I would not and could not vote for him based on his own words and actions. Hell, his book alone scared the hell out of me as to the future of our country under him and it is panning out as I thought it would.

An ill informed electorate is bad enough. Take one that is being fed open lies and propaganda from a corrupt government (and please, all who have seen me here know I blame all ilk of politicians, not just Dems) and in turn refuses to take one of their most sacred rights seriously, the right to vote, you get what you see now. All of this still adds up to one major point.

We the People are responsible for this fiasco! Unless the electorate suddenly decides to do their homework and actually do a basic thing as learn about who they are voting for this country as we knew it is done. Whether I like it or not, this is the one cold hard fact. The problem lies within! Within the heart and soul of every legal voting citizen. If as I see it now and the majority is still either going to stand with their hands out and believe the lies and false promises, if they are going to march lockstep to their leader’s words, refusing to even think about it for a moment the United States moment in history is over!

In a way, this isn’t about Socialism, Racism or whatever. ‘It is about the complete disregard for the laws of our land, the basic tenets this country was founded on and in my eyes and most of all a slap in the face to the men and women who over the years have spilled this blood and given their lives to makes us free!

Skook in a comment to Curt’s piece reminds us of something extremely germane to this conversation, “The ends justifies the means” is courtesy of Karl Marx. This is as true as it gets. It is happening in front of our eyes and I for one am honestly afraid we don’t have much longer to stop the slide. The real question is are there enough American Voters willing to do the legwork to not only learn what the hell is going on but to actually act and vote!

I wish I could see this different, but at least at this moment, it looks bleak. Unless the silent majority actually makes an appearance this year and at the same time the brain dead lemmings suddenly open their eyes and even more so their minds to the reality around them, it is going to get worse. Again, one only has to look at the lefties of the world or listen as I do to inane idiots who even now yell RACE! If they are reprimanded for being late to work every day (just one of many examples), or the millions of people who not only pay any taxes at all but in fact expect everything to be handed to them. The same greed and in turn despite of those who produce and earn combined with the entitlement mentality that it belongs to those who refuse to do squat has ruined many a civilization. This goes beyond Europe, the USSR, etc. History shows this going back to Rome for cripes sakes!

When I sit there and watch this President preaching to the millions out there who cannot see what he really is, I get scary chills. One only had to listen to the crowd on the day he came up with his “you didn’t build it” small business remark. The reaction of the crowd that in effect was applauding the confiscation of everything I and all hard working Americans have achieved was the telling indication of how bad things really are now. Millions believe this and worse, they don’t understand that once they give up everything to “Government Benevolence” , they have in fact allowed a dictatorship to be established. Like it or not, that is the fact.

Always remember. This predates Obama! I’m not calling the Red scare per say, but the tactics are the same in any pre-socialist country or dictatorship through history. The seeds for this were actually sown well be fore Kruschev’s famous we will bury you tirade. And if memory serves one of his (or another one of his cronies) also said we would be destroyed from within. False promises, telling the same lie over and over, open contempt for our laws and principles and open spite for our allies combined with open arms for this countries enemies are all evidence in this President’s actions. However, he is not the first! Political correctness, an unwillingness to speak or live by the truth, open violence as prescribed by the left wing radicals and so on. Ayres and his bunch from the sixties now have their proxy in place. A co-opted media willingly promotes the lie just as it was in the USSR and Germany. And on and on!

Either way, never forget this goes so much deeper and farther back and in the end it is still the PEOPLE that have allowed this to happen. The founding fathers have got to be turning over in their graves right now because this is an affront to everything they stood for.

Racism my ass! Crying Racism is just another diversion by these leftist bastards to take attention away from what they are really trying to accomplish! This is the future of our country I’m talking about here! And every citizen needs to open their eyes now! There is no future for the U.S.A. with the leadership being put forth now. And sadly, it appears the electorate doesn’t give a damn!

@Nathan Blue: #43
There are still a lot of frogs in the pan of slowly heating water. I’m guessing a lot of them are staying because they just don’t want to admit that they were wrong.

Please note:

When I first posted what I said in #45 above, I was quite mad about the entire situation. One can only imagine how I feel now. Benghazi (the main topic of Curt’s piece above) is in this President’s eyes a false scandal and the CIA covering up the actions is just another indication of a government and President that has gone completely rogue. And of course, Race always has to be in the equation. Disgusting to say the least.

However,as I reflect on my piece, I noticed this one sentence:

“False promises, telling the same lie over and over, open contempt for our laws and principles and open spite for our allies combined with open arms for this countries enemies are all evidence in this President’s actions.”

Bengahzi, the Gun Running scandal and so much more. In the end it still seems to boil down in so many ways to the above statement, doesn’t it?

Why am I not surprised when the right wing Weekly Standard now says that there was no CIA intimidation of anyone involved in Benghazi. Why is it that the right wing is always ready to believe the worst about their own country? Is this some new forem of patriotism?
you guys are constantly being hosed down by talk radio and loving every minute of it

@joetote: Please note:

When I first posted what I said in #45 above, I was quite mad about the entire situation. One can only imagine how I feel now. Benghazi (the main topic of Curt’s piece above) is in this President’s eyes a false scandal….

Please never apologize for being angry about what Obama is doing to this country.
sometimes I think one of Obama’s most effective strategies against his opponents is ”outrage fatigue.”
He causes SO MUCH OUTRAGE that it becomes impossible to keep angry at him.
It’s always something.
One of the reasons for the failings of Republicans in the Legislative Branch is outrage fatigue.
They just get tired of trying to fight Obama on so many fronts.
And all the while Obama and his supporters are telling the country that the ”time for debate is over,” or that ”this is a phoney scandal.”
IRS, NSA, Fast & Furious, Benghazi, drones over America, and bringing terrorists to be tried in civilian courts are all REAL scandals.
Do what you can to maintain your ire.

@Smorgasbord: Agreed. The issue is that they are so desperate in their loyalty to Obama that they will actively sabotage efforts to find truth and preserve justice rather than concede to their own ignorance. The Dems are counting on it in 2014, and I fear they will have Obama’s personal politburo to engineer the elections like they did for BO in 2008/2012.