Benghazi survivor waited 20 hours for rescue


at dawn he slept

Leon Panetta told us they couldn’t mount a rescue within seven hours. Apparently they can’t mount a rescue in nineteen hours either.

No wonder Obama wants this buried. No wonder Obama struggles to paint this as a “phony scandal.”

It’s been more than 10 months since the Benghazi attack and the Obama regime has done absolutely everything it can to keep America from learning the truth about Benghazi.

There were 33 persons rescued from the Benghazi consulate. According to this report, many of them were CIA and will not be appearing before any cameras.


Among the four who were injured in the attacks, three were diplomatic security agents and one was a private contractor.

Rep. Frank Wolf has stated that he has reports that the survivors were forced to sign non-disclosure agreements.

Rep. Frank Wolf, R-Va., is calling on the Obama administration to explain why the survivors of last year’s deadly attack in Benghazi, Libya, were reportedly asked to sign non-disclosure agreements that prevent them from talking about the attack.

In a letter to Secretary of State John Kerry, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel and CIA Director John Brennan, Wolf said his office has received reports that some survivors of the attack were asked to sign the confidentiality agreement as recently as this summer.

“If these reports are accurate, it would raise serious questions about additional restrictions the State Department has placed on those with knowledge of the Benghazi attacks,” Wolf said in the letter. “I also worry about the impact of any [non-disclosure agreements] on congressional efforts to understand fully what happened that night and why the agency responded as it did.”

In March Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) said that he tried to speak to the survivors but was blocked by the Obama regime:

“We want [to] talk to the survivors — they won’t do that,” Rep. Jason Chaffetz, Utah Republican, said during a March 6 interview with Fox News, which was first to report that Mr. Kerry had visited with one of the survivors at Walter Reed.

Chaffetz took issue with Obama’s claims that access is being provided:

Mr. Chaffetz, who has been among the most vocal critics of the attack narrative created during the past six months by the Obama administration, complained to Fox News that President Obama had “the gall” to go on television after the attacks and “say ‘Oh, we’re providing all the access.’”

“Baloney. Bullcrap. That is not happening,” Mr. Chaffetz said.

In April, Obama hadn’t caught up with his newspaper reading and said he knew nothing about it.

President Barack Obama said during a rare public session answering reporters’ questions that he was unaware of any efforts to prevent survivors of the 2012 Benghazi, Libya terror attack from testifying before Congress about what they experienced.

‘I’m not familiar with this notion that anybody’s been blocked from testifying,’ the president said Tuesday in response to a question from Fox News Channel correspondent Ed Henry.

‘They’ve hired an attorney,’ Henry told Obama, ‘because they’re saying that they’ve been blocked from coming forward.’

‘What I’ll do,’ the president offered, ‘is I will find out what exactly you’re referring to.’

That was in April.

We recently learned that another survivor, David Ubben, fought alongside Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods on the roof of the consulate:

Sources tell Fox News that during the second wave of the attack, Ubben was on the roof of the CIA annex — along with former Navy SEALs Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty — defending the compound. It was a harrowing scene as dozens of militants attempted to swarm the barriers.

In another sign the attacks were pre-meditated, three mortar rounds rained down on the compound. The first fell short of the annex, about 50 yards away, but the subsequent mortar rounds were direct hits.

Both Woods and Doherty were killed, with the mortar shredding Ubben’s right leg.

Previously, Ubben had recovered the body of Sean Smith from the fire:

The Diplomatic Security agent, earlier in the night, helped recover the body of Foreign Service Officer Sean Smith, going back into the smoke and flames at the Benghazi consulate multiple times until he found Smith, whom he believed to be already dead from smoke inhalation.

After being injured, Ubben lay on the roof and waited for rescue.

For 20 hours.


Nothing the Obama regime has said about Benghazi is true. Nothing.

America demands answers, but let’s add a few more questions:

1. Where was Obama during the attack? America has a right to know.

2. Why were 29 CIA employees working at a US diplomatic consulate?

3. How the hell did it take 20 hours to rescue Ubben?

The Obama recovery is phony. Benghazi is not.

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“Sources tell Fox News…”

What I learned late last year is that this frequently used FOX News tag line might as well have read “What follows is in all probability politically motivated and total bullshit.”

I remember how many damaging, non-factual statements followed those or similar leading words. Basically, FOX was just making things up and much of it was accepted without question. Some of those lies remain in people’s heads as if they were facts, even though they were subsequently shown not to be true.

“Sources tell FOX…” And you’ll never be told who they were. You never even wondered, because they were telling you the sort of lies you wanted to hear.


So you think it was the video, right?

“Sources tell Fox News….” Lol! You lost me there!!! “Sources tell Fox News…” Hahahahahhahahahhahahaha. What, you mean Obama didn’t put on his cape and save him, himself? Too bad he doesn’t have something oh….like an Army, he can give orders too. Wait…

@This one:

Too bad he doesn’t have something oh….like an Army, he can give orders too. Wait…

Perhaps The Won should have called the Army before he went to bed while Americans died on what is considered American soil.

How pathetic do you have to be to defend Obama’s lack of action to save four Americans? Wait…… pathetic as This one.

Shall we once again go over FOX stories about laser pointers marking targets on the ground, or available aerial gunships that actually weren’t anywhere in the area? Or maybe distorted timelines, and totally delusional thinking about how long it actually takes to figure out a situation at a distant location and then effectively mount a military response to it.

There’s nothing quite like willful ignorance, unless maybe it’s assertive stupidity. FOX depends on both.

How pathetic do you have to be to defend Obama’s lack of action to save four Americans? Wait…… pathetic as This one.

@retire05, #4:

What about the republicans in the House of Representatives, who cut the State Department’s security funding by hundreds of millions of dollars? That was all just great, until there were consequences. Do those bozo’s not share in any blame? They sure as hell don’t share in anything constructive that’s been attempted since Obama was elected.

Just listen to republican weasel-boy here, as he attempts to dodge the direct question. He apparently has some faint glimmer of understanding that there just might be a connection between budgets and what can be paid for, and that the public just might figure that out. He’s apparently got just enough higher brain activity for the question to make him nervous and evasive.

@Greg: @This one:

So you guys are saying that Ubben is lying or that Fox made it up? Maybe he’s really not hurt at all?

David Ubben spoke to Senator Graham of North Carolina. The Senator is a pretty good source. So much for the comments about Fox News. As a mother of a soldier, I wouldn’t want my son to wait 20 hours for rescue while the president slept.

I find it hard to take Greg and This One seriously anymore. I truly think it is one person talking to himself. It must get lonely in the basement.

For some it’s not the message they care about, only the messenger.


, #4:

What about the republicans in the House of Representatives, who cut the State Department’s security funding by hundreds of millions of dollars? That was all just great, until there were consequences. Do those bozo’s not share in any blame? They sure as hell don’t share in anything constructive that’s been attempted since Obama was elected.

Greggie, you operate on the premise that people will not know what you are talking about, and therefore can’t offer any counter to your accusations. The problem you have is that here you encounter people who are informed and realize that most (if not all) of what you say is just blatantly false, or spun in such a way to distort the facts beyond all recognition. So let’s take your statement above:

when Charlene Lamb testified in front of Congress, she stated, without hesitation, that she was the one who refused to increase the security in Benghazi. When asked by a Democrat Congressman if the cut in the State Department’s budget had anything to do with her refusal to send security, or even maintain existing security, she replied with one simple word “NO.”

But the left wing talking point went out that it was the evil Republicans who reduced State Department money, ignoring the fact that everything the Republican House does has to be signed off by the Democrat controlled Senate, or the fact that the money for the State Department in 2011 would have been in the 2011 budget, passed when the Democrats were in control, therefore the State Department was not able to fund even existing security at Benghazi. Your handlers were hoping that no one had heard what Charlene Lamb testified, affirming that SD money had not one damn thing to do with it.

But there isn’t even a budget. The Democrats in the Senate have kicked the can down the road ever since Obama took office, only passing one continuous resolution after another.

There’s nothing quite like willful ignorance, unless maybe it’s assertive stupidity

No one sentence describes you more aptly, Greggie. Unless you are actually being paid to be a OFA troll who is tasked with trying to spin the truth hoping unsuspecting/uninformed people actually believe the tripe you type. So, which is it? Are you assertively stupid or a paid troll?


Hey, Greg; you know what would shut us conspiracy-therorists, lying Obama-haters up? If Obama were to come out with the truth and facts instead of building a stone wall of the most unbelievable, improbably lies he can muster. Boy, that would sure teach us a lesson.


“Shall we once again go over FOX stories about laser pointers marking targets on the ground, or available aerial gunships that actually weren’t anywhere in the area?” Yes, let’s… were those “anonymous sources” or people being interviewed?

What about the head of security stating before Congress the budget cuts had nothing to do with it? (they had the cash on hand for Volts and charging stations; Hillary cut the security)

Regardless of ALL that, how do you possibly reconcile the outright and blatant lie of a video causing the attack when they already knew and had begun covering up the facts? At some point, the shine HAS to begin to fade on your false god.

@retire05, #10:

when Charlene Lamb testified in front of Congress, she stated, without hesitation, that she was the one who refused to increase the security in Benghazi. When asked by a Democrat Congressman if the cut in the State Department’s budget had anything to do with her refusal to send security, or even maintain existing security, she replied with one simple word “NO.”

The point isn’t that republican funding cuts to the State Department directly led to Benghazi.

The point is that republicans deliberately cut State Department funding at a time when anyone who isn’t a complete idiot knew that State Department security risks were much higher than they’d been in the past. The predictable results are incidents like Benghazi, which are especially hard to avoid in dangerous, unstable environments.

Any such disaster is easily avoided in hindsight. It takes either prescience or a higher level of resources to deal with all such potential disasters prospectively, when you don’t know where they’ll occur.

I’ve noticed that right-wing loons such as yourself like to try to narrow any issue down to a set of particulars that allows them to get the sort of answer they want, and then extrapolate back out from that to a set of generalizations that thoughtful, objective observers will often find to be unsupportable. Any particulars that don’t fit with the desired generalization, or that are too revealing of the illogical processes at work, are generally denied, ignored, or forgotten.

For example, what is the significance of all of the bullshit details about Benghazi that FOX News floated out before the election, which were generally attributed to unnamed “sources?” How did all of these supposed “sources” of damning details mysteriously vanish, and then fail to resurface during endless Congressional and media investigations?

Just another fabricated scandal the GOP has created to deflect from the fact that their inaction and arrogance is destroying the middle class. So sad when these are the very people who are getting screwed yet they believe drivel like this.


Prove one. Just one.


I’ve noticed that right-wing loons such as yourself like to try to narrow any issue down to a set of particulars that allows them to get the sort of answer they want, and then extrapolate back out from that to a set of generalizations that thoughtful, objective observers will often find to be unsupportable. Any particulars that don’t fit with the desired generalization, or that are too revealing of the illogical processes at work, are generally denied, ignored, or forgotten.

I understand that progressives like yourself think you are too cute by half. But if I have learned anything it is that when progressives/liberals accuse you of something, it is because that is what they are doing themselves.

You tried to place the blame for the lack of security in Benghazi on a Republican cut (that would have had to be approved by a Democrat Senate) and I showed you exactly why you were wrong by presenting not the “generalizations” you claim, but actual fact from the testimony of Charlene Lamb, who was directly under Hillary Clinton. I also showed you how any cuts made by a Republican held Congress in 2011 would not have affected the 2011 budget as those continuous resolutions were passed in 2010, when the Democrats STILL held control. Budgets, Greggie, are not passed a year after they money is spent.

You’re like all progressives. You can’t deal in facts and actualities. You can only deal in vague innuendos and generalizations (i.e. Republicans cut the budget for SD security.)

For example, what is the significance of all of the bullshit details about Benghazi that FOX News floated out before the election, which were generally attributed to unnamed “sources?”

Yet, you have no problem with “unnamed” source used by MSNBC, CNN or any other left wing news outlet. How about MSNBC actually doctoring an interview with a jury member so bad that another left leaning news outlet slammed them other it?

Go away, Greggie. You seem to not be converting anyone to your Marxist view points and therefore, you are not earning what ever it is that OFA is paying you.

The point isn’t that republican funding cuts to the State Department directly led to Benghazi.

The point is that republicans deliberately cut State Department funding at a time when anyone who isn’t a complete idiot knew that State Department security risks were much higher than they’d been in the past. The predictable results are incidents like Benghazi, which are especially hard to avoid in dangerous, unstable environments.

To that observation I might add that republicans have exhibited the same sort of stupidity—and I give them the benefit of the doubt by attributing it only to that—with regard to the IRS operating budget. At a time when deficits and debt are serious problems, and with tax non-compliance (also known as cheating) resulting in accumulated total revenue losses of an estimated $2.8 trillion, these idiots are pushing for an additional cut of 24 percent to operating funds that were already inadequate because of their previous irresponsible cuts. It has been estimated that every additional $1 spent enforcing compliance results in $6 in additional revenue.

Extremists in the GOP have gone totally rogue. Not content with wrecking the republican party, they’re now in the process of attempting to wreck the government. They’re certainly not doing it to better the lot of the average American. They don’t actually give a rat’s ass about the well-being of the average American. They don’t care about that any more than they care about truth.


th regard to the IRS operating budget. At a time when deficits and debt are serious problems, and with tax non-compliance (also known as cheating) resulting in accumulated total revenue losses of an estimated $2.8 trillion, these idiots are pushing for an additional cut of 24 percent to operating funds that were already inadequate because of their previous irresponsible cuts. It has been estimated that every additional $1 spent enforcing compliance results in $6 in additional revenue.

It would seem that Democrats don’t have problems with those who don’t pay their taxes. If you remember, Timothy Geithner was a tax dodger. But he’s not the only one.

As The Post’s Isabel Vincent and Melissa Klein reported last year, Sharpton “owe[d] the IRS $2.6 million in income tax, and nearly $900,000 in state tax.”

And his personal pride and joy National Action Network owed more than $880,000 in unpaid federal payroll taxes, interest and penalties, Vincent and Klein found.

And yet this tax dodging clown was just recently invited to the White House to meet with President Obama. I guess the evil Republicans cut the IRS budget to the point that they can’t find this tax dodging bobble-headed clown. Not even at the White House.

@retire05, #18:

My thanks for providing an excellent example of the very thing I mentioned in #13: Narrowing discussion down to a specific detail you like—in this case, Timothy Geithner’s taxes—and then expanding it out to some sort of crack-brain generalization that dodges a real issue. The real issue in this case being republicans slashing an IRS enforcement budget that was already inadequate because of their previous moronic behavior.


The real issue in this case being republicans slashing an IRS enforcement budget that was already inadequate because of their previous moronic behavior.

No, the real issue is that Al Sharpton, BIG LIB, owes $2.8 million in back taxes yet gets an invite to the White House to have lunch with The Won. Why didn’t the IRS, who is answerable to the head man in the nation, arrest Al Sharpton if Democrats are so worried about not having enough money to fund the IRS. Hell, Sharpton’s $2.8 million would go a long way in paying all those power hungry people who work for the IRS. Just treat Sharpton like any other tax dodger and confiscate his holdings. One and done.


At a time when deficits and debt are serious problems

I remember you saying that the deficits under Obama were good or something along those lines. Now those deficits and the debt are a problem because the Republicans want to cut the IRS budget? Perhaps simplifying the tax code with something along the lines of a flat tax or a lot fewer tax brackets with no write offs would be a much better solution that’ll do more to make it harder to cheat than expanding government bureaucracies. I realize you probably oppose any spending cuts outside of Defense, but increased government spending has been the single biggest contributor to the debt. And a reduction in the size of the government would mean less taxes would needed to be collected to finance it further reducing the opportunity to cheat.

@retire05, #20:

You did it again. Are you suffering from some sort of obsessive/compulsive disorder?


Are you suffering from some sort of obsessive/compulsive disorder?

Nah, just enjoy playing Whack A Troll Mole. Except with you, it’s kinda like beating up a retarted kid.

It must get lonely in Greg’s basement. He is looking for entertainment again. I guess his alter ego This One will be out again shortly.

I doubt the turd blogs from a basement for it is more likely Greg’s or this one’s level of commentary originates from the semen stained stacks at the local library!

@retire05, #23:

No doubt you’ve based the comparison on past experience. Kicking people who are already down has become part of a recognizable pattern. So has resorting to personal insults when you can’t come up with an answer to fact-based observations concerning the GOP’s hypocritical behavior.

The world is an increasingly dangerous place. State Department personnel are obvious terrorist targets. Let’s cut the State Department funding! That will surely help!

“Hey, we’re running unsustainable deficits and people have evaded $2.8 trillion in lawfully due taxes. I know! Let’s cut the IRS budget by another 24 percent!

Section 501(c)(4) exemptions are for non-political organizations. Everybody knows Tea Party organizations are non-political. If the IRS was looking more closely at Tea Party applications for 501(c)(4) tax exempt status, it surely must have been part of a White House-orchestrated plot.

Idiots. Hypocrites.


No doubt you’ve based the comparison on past experience. Kicking people who are already down has become part of a recognizable pattern.

So, Greggie, I guess you are admitting that you are down. Not surprising when you have no other purpose in life but to defend the indefensible. As to how I relate to others in my everyday life, you have no sphere of knowledge, only just more bloviating as progressives are wont to do.

I would feel sorry for you were it not for the fact that you seem to be of reasonable intelligence and should know better than the clap-trap you write. What does it take to get a person, who appears to have a acceptable level of intelligence to subscribe to Marxist views?

I see you have added to your last post.

Of course, the TEA Parties are political. But they are non-partisan. But so is, and all the other organizations funded by the Tides Foundation and George Soros that enjoy 501(c)3/4 exemptions. You don’t seem to have a problem with them gaining those exemptions in record time when they are clearly partisan, while some TEA Parties have waited over three years and experience unbelievable harassment from this Administration and its minions.

Yes, there were a few “progressive” groups examined, ONE WAS DENIED EXEMPTION.

You are obviously not smart enough to know the difference between political and partisan. Or if you are, you are trying to push a deceitful pack of lies for the agenda you have bought in to.

Lie after lie has come from this Administration. Yet you will defend Obama saying “Well, it didn’t come from him.” But the buck stops at his desk and he is responsible for those who work for him. I almost feel sorry for you, Greggie, but I’m not quite there yet because it is people like you, who should know better, that are sending this nation to Hell.

I could probably run a list of glaring republican inconsistencies like those mentioned in #26 up to a dozen or so items in less than 5 minutes.

What’s the point? The response would then be more personal insults, along with the standard claptrap about Obama’s Marxist agenda.


Except that state department funding had been increased before and had not actually BEEN cut.

But, for the sake of argument, let’s say the “cuts” (again, cuts to increases) had an impact on security; is there still any logical, rational, intelligent reason for an unprepared consulate to have personnel in it in light of the many, many warnings of threats ON THE ANNIVERSARY OF 9/11?

Incompetnece and negligence allowed Benghazi to happen; cynicism and dishonesty has caused the cover-up. For anyone that actually cares for our country, before the next President is selected, we should know exactly what one of the candidates had to do with this embarrassing debacle… not like 2012.

@This one:

@This one:

“Just another fabricated scandal the GOP has created to deflect from the fact that their inaction and arrogance is destroying the middle class. So sad when these are the very people who are getting screwed yet they believe drivel like this.”

A scandal fabricated by the Democrats who, like a cat in a litter box, have attempted to cover up (scandal, squared), deemed a “phony scandal” so as not to add to the pile of failures, one of which is the ongoing liberal destruction of the economy.

A couple of interesting paragraphs by Professor James Edward Maule, reprinted in a 07/28/2013 article in Angry Bear titled Proposals for Cutting the IRS Budget:

[A]nother member of the panel tried to make the point that cutting IRS funding doesn’t necessarily mean revenue will decrease. He tried to make his argument by claiming that increasing IRS funding does not increase revenue. He asserted that funding for the IRS increased from 2001 to 2009 and yet revenue decreased during that period. No kidding. The revenue decreased because in 2001 and again in 2003, the geniuses behind tax cuts succeeded in persuading the nation to accept a cut in its tax revenues at the same time it was pumping trillions of dollars into war expenditures. It was encouraging to hear another member of the party point out that the economic downturn also was a reason for the decrease in revenue collection. Yet it remains deeply disturbing that Americans have elected to Congress someone who thinks that sequestration of IRS funding won’t have an adverse impact on revenue.

The attempts to shrink the IRS is part of a larger, pervasive, foundational aspect of the anti-tax crowd’s plans to unchain themselves from any attempt on the part of anyone to get in their way as they exalt themselves at the expense of the society on which they are, no matter their denial, very dependent. I have explored the short-term foolishness of cutting IRS funding in posts such as Another Way to Cut Taxes: Hamstring the IRS. At a time when the Congress has piled dozens of new credits, deductions, and exclusions onto already complex tax law, has turned the IRS into the health care enforcer, and has required the IRS to serve as a collection agency for unpaid child support and other debts, it is absurd to cut IRS revenue collection efforts. When people defending the anti-government agenda claim to take their inspiration from the private sector, they conveniently ignore the fact that if a business wanted to eliminate its operating loss, the prognosis for success would be zero if the business ceased all advertising and left its cash registers and online payments systems unattended and unfunded.

@bburris, #29:

Do people believe the Benghazi facility was a normal consulate operation? That the primary function of the place was to tend to the needs of U.S. citizens residing in Benghazi, or visiting there as tourists? The simple fact that a consulate outpost was there at all seems very strange to begin with. Then there’s the fact that only 7 of the 30 Americans evacuated subsequent to the attack were State Department employees. Everyone else was CIA.

It’s quite possible that republicans have been industriously trying to pry apart a cover story intended to conceal what was primarily a covert CIA operation. Would they even care? Their desire to damage the Obama administration seems to outweigh every other consideration. For all I know, they might be consciously exploiting the fact that the Obama administration isn’t able to reveal the full story.

It’s almost hilarious to see Greggie whine about any cuts to the SD budget which were really not cuts, just a reduction in the increase. And although Charlene Lamb testified that any budgetary problems were not under consideration when the request for security in Benghazi was denied, Greggie will still whine of the cuts in a budget increase to the State Department.

But it seems the State Department had enough money to spend on “green” initiatives, such as a charging station that cost well over $100,000 for a entirely new fleet of Chevy Volts at the Vienna Embassy.

Any Department that has that kind of money to throw around, needs to a)prioritize and b) have its budget reduced to pay for only those things that are necessary. Chevy Volts are not necessary. Cars could have been purchased much cheaper right there in Vienna.

I do believe the Benghazi annex was a CIA front. But for what? How about the U. S. running guns from Libya to the Syrian rebels? Call it Fast And Furious, Libyan Style. Except this time the body count exceeded that of one Border Patrol Agent.

Their desire to damage the Obama administration seems to outweigh every other consideration.

And of course, we all know that for the 8 years of the Bush administration, Democrats were nothing if not cordial, right? No attempt to pin Valerie Plame on the Bush Administration, nothing. Just all Kumbaya in D.C. for 8 years.

For all I know, they might be consciously exploiting the fact that the Obama administration isn’t able to reveal the full story.

The only thing you know, Greggie, is what is forced fed to you everyday by your Socialist handlers. You have never had an original thought that came from you. Everything you say is straight out of the DailyKos/HuffingtonPost/DNC daily talking points.

Tell us, how much does OFA pay you?


“It’s quite possible that republicans have been industriously trying to pry apart a cover story intended to conceal what was primarily a covert CIA operation. Would they even care? Their desire to damage the Obama administration seems to outweigh every other consideration.”

It is fully possible to have closed door meetings, interviews and hearings; it has happened hundreds of times before. If there are national security issues to be concerned with, that can have ample consideration. However, if we had (which I think we did) some covert operation going on, would the absolutely stupid tale of an obscure video being the culprit stand to mask any such operation? As you can clearly see, THAT fooled absolutely no one.

Answers are required and demanded as to why four Americans were hung out to dry and the proper authorities got a good night’s sleep, then went on to campaign or rest. That alone is a gross dereliction of duty (remember the 6 minute delay in Bush taking action after 9/11?) The left sure seems to expect a lot from conservatives but hold their own liberal leadership to an abysmally low standard.

Also recall the damage done by Democrats accusing the military, Cheney and Bush of war crimes, starting wars to “avenge daddy”, for profit or due to hatred of Islam and racism. THERE’s damage for you, and for no reason other than to gain political power.

Face it Greg; this administration is incapable of governing. They can campaign, but they cannot operate that which they win by election. They failed to secure the consulate at a time that EVERY American knows we are at our greatest risk; the anniversary of the greatest attack on our soil. Yet, who slept? Who worried more about a campaign? Who sent a willing patsy out to spread the most unbelievable lie conceivable?

But it seems the State Department had enough money to spend on “green” initiatives, such as a charging station that cost well over $100,000 for a entirely new fleet of Chevy Volts at the Vienna Embassy

On how many previous occasions has it been pointed out that sky-high gasoline prices in Vienna made that an intelligent decision? Gasoline in Vienna presently runs around $7.34 per gallon. No doubt you’d prefer the U.S. State Department to purchase a fleet of tiny clown cars, or to be driving foreign-made hybrids or electrics rather than competing American products that are being sold in the same European consumer market.

In any case, it’s only another diversion from larger and more significant topics.

I do believe the Benghazi annex was a CIA front. But for what? How about the U. S. running guns from Libya to the Syrian rebels? Call it Fast And Furious, Libyan Style.

Just because the Reagan administration went in for illegal gun running doesn’t mean the Obama administration has been doing so. In any case, how would Benghazi be a convenient location from which to clandestinely supply arms to Syrian rebels? A quick glance at a map suggests that Turkey would be the optimal location from which to do that.

CIA operations in Benghazi most likely had to do with what’s going on inside of Libya. The very fact of the attack indicates there are people there we would be conducting clandestine surveillance of, and covert operations against. Shall we spread the details all across the evening news?

And of course, we all know that for the 8 years of the Bush administration, Democrats were nothing if not cordial, right?

George W. Bush hasn’t been in office for over 4 years. The need to “get even” isn’t a responsible motive when determining the nation’s present-day domestic and foreign policy. I might as well try to rationalize unfair criticism of Bush policies by referring to the way the right mistreated Bill Clinton.

The only thing you know, Greggie, is what is forced fed to you everyday by your Socialist handlers. You have never had an original thought that came from you. Everything you say is straight out of the DailyKos/HuffingtonPost/DNC daily talking points.

Tell us, how much does OFA pay you?

Has it never occurred to you that people who think alike will make similar observations independently of one another? The suggestion that anyone who disagrees with you must be reading from an official left-wing play book is ridiculous, considering the insular nature of the echo chamber the right thinks of as an unbiased news source.


“On how many previous occasions has it been pointed out that sky-high gasoline prices in Vienna made that an intelligent decision?” Ever heard of public transportation? Are lives not worth the cost of a gallon of gasoline? Weak.

“Just because the Reagan administration went in for illegal gun running doesn’t mean the Obama administration has been doing so.” HELLO?!? Fast and Furious ring a bell? Now, if only Obama and Holder would answer THOSE questions (instead of hiding “nothing” behind Executive Privilege) we would know whether or not you actually have a case there. However, considering what we know, I would call that argument an embarrassment.

“George W. Bush hasn’t been in office for over 4 years.” Yet, the need to continue to blame that administration for everything (up to and including Benghazi; just one of the lame attempts to deflect responsibility) lives on, doesn’t it? Like Clinton’s characterization of the tragedy in Benghazi “that happened a long time ago” and “what does it really matter?”. Puny.

“Has it never occurred to you that people who think alike will make similar observations independently of one another?” The idea that so many of you gobbled up that stupid precept of a video instigating the violence in Benghazi AND continue to defend it is living testament to the mind-control and willful ignorance that provides the blissful blindness of the left… unless, of course, they can find a Republican not worshipping His Obamaness.


On how many previous occasions has it been pointed out that sky-high gasoline prices in Vienna made that an intelligent decision? Gasoline in Vienna presently runs around $7.34 per gallon. No doubt you’d prefer the U.S. State Department to purchase a fleet of tiny clown cars, or to be driving foreign-made hybrids or electrics rather than competing American products that are being sold in the same European consumer market.

Well, to begin with, the Chevy Volt IS a clown car, one that has the nasty habit of catching on fire. But it purchasing “foreign-made” hybrids will save the American taxpayer money in the long run, then that is the prudent thing to do. Instead, the State Department, not concerned about the fact that they are spending other people’s money, bought Volts, which had to be retro fitted to operate on European gasoline as well as being shipped to Vienna. Wasted money by those who are not held accountable.

Just because the Reagan administration went in for illegal gun running doesn’t mean the Obama administration has been doing so.

My God, Greggie; we already know that the DoJ was running guns into Mexico to try to push the Obama anti-gun agenda. Brian Terry is dead. Hundreds of innocent Mexican citizens are dead. And Eric Holder has been proven to have lied about F & F. For you to make the claim that the Obama administration hasn’t been running guns shows that either you are so deep in the tank for the Marxist agenda or you are just willfully stupid. Which is it?

In any case, how would Benghazi be a convenient location from which to clandestinely supply arms to Syrian rebels? A quick glance at a map suggests that Turkey would be the optimal location from which to do that.

“On September 14, 2012, three days after Stevens was killed, Sheera Frenkel, a correspondent for the Times of London, reported from Antakya, Turkey:

“A Libyan ship carrying the largest consignment of weapons for Syria since the uprising began has docked in Turkey and most of its cargo is making its way to rebels on the front lines, The Times has learnt.

“Among more than 400 tonnes of cargo the vessel was carrying were SAM-7 surface-to-air anti-aircraft missiles and rocket-propelled grenades (RPGs), which Syrian sources said could be a game-changer for the rebels.”

“Frenkel’s report identified the ship’s captain as ‘Omar Mousaeeb, a Libyan from Benghazi and the head of an organisation called the Libyan National Council for Relief and Support, which is supporting the Syrian uprising.’”

The links to the Reuter’s article can be found above.

That ship sailed from Benghazi. Surely, even you should be able to connect the dots.

And just who did Ambassador Chris Stevens meet with the night of his death on Sept. 11, 2012, Greggie? Who was it? Oh, wait, it was the representative from TURKEY. Antakya, Turkey is almost a straight shot to Aleppo, Syria where many of the rebels (i.e. Al Qaeda) have gathered and where some of the fiercest fighting against Assad has been going on.

You really do have to close your eyes and ears to be able to deny what is going on with the Obama administration, Greggie. But why? What is your goal? Do you really think your Socialist philosophy will work this time because Obama is in charge of it? Do you really think you will never be affected by the adversity that will come with it? You will. You will suffer just like everyone else.

You on the left used to chant “Bush lied and people died.”

Now the real chant should be “People died and Obama lied.”

I truly feel sorry for you, Greg. Indoctrination like you suffer from must have taken decades.


Do people believe the Benghazi facility was a normal consulate operation? That the primary function of the place was to tend to the needs of U.S. citizens residing in Benghazi, or visiting there as tourists? The simple fact that a consulate outpost was there at all seems very strange to begin with. Then there’s the fact that only 7 of the 30 Americans evacuated subsequent to the attack were State Department employees. Everyone else was CIA.

Odd for a diplomatic consulate, no?

I think they were there working on arms for Syria and tracking the weapons Obama set free.


Libya, and Egypt, were going to be Obama’s signature foreign policy achievements. He was going to rid the world of Mubarak and Gaddafi, two evil dictators to be sure, but neutered to the point where they did not pose a threat to us because they tamped down radical Islam, which is a threat to us.

Now, you can bet that Greggie will find some way to spin the fact that Obama’s Middle Eastern policy has gone to hell and is an absolute disaster. While the Obama administration, along with a lap dog press, assured us that the Muslim Brotherhood would not take power in Egypt, that proved to be totally wrong. Now Egypt is no better, and perhaps worse off, than it was pre-Morsi. The Copts are certainly worse off. I doubt that the murder of Christians in Egypt bothers Greggie much.

Libya is also a disaster. It has been fully radicalized. You will notice that the Administration no longer talks about what a success it is. They don’t want to talk about Libya at all, although for a while you could not shut them up about what a success it was.

So, what’s Greggie’s goal?

@retire05, #37:

Well, to begin with, the Chevy Volt IS a clown car…

Your fundamental problem is that you’re totally incapable of thinking objectively about anything that you’ve concluded is even remotely related to Barack Obama.

“Volt is a technological wonder that combines the ability to drive on electric power only, while its gas engine relieves the ‘range anxiety’ often associated with pure-electric cars. Besides that, it’s dynamically capable, comfortable for four adults, and includes loads of high-tech convenience features, including pre-heating and cooling of the interior.” — Consumer Guide (2012)

“This is without a doubt the most important new car since the advent of hybrids in the late ‘90s, and GM has nailed it. Is this the handing off of the Prius’s very illustrious torch?” — Car and Driver (2011)

Among mid-size hybrid automobiles, U.S.News gives the 2013 Chevy Volt a higher overall rating than the 2013 Lexus ES Hybrid.


Your fundamental problem is that you’re totally incapable of thinking objectively about anything that you’ve concluded is even remotely related to Barack Obama.

Among mid-size hybrid automobiles, U.S.News gives the 2013 Chevy Volt a higher overall rating than the 2013 Lexus ES Hybrid.

Thanks for the link, Greggie. According to your link, the Chevy Volt comes in #7, well under the #1`Ford Fusion (remember Ford? The company that didn’t take a bail out?) and below a number of Toyotas. Seems the Chevy Volt is a pricy clown car and not worth the money.

So when I think about the Chevy Volt, I’m supposed to think about Barack Hussein Obama, Jr.? Sorry, when I think about Obama, I think about how he helped shaft secure bond holders in order to pander to the UAW, not some clown car.

You might want to have a look at Endurance Test: Ford C-Max Takes On Chevy Volt, before you buy a Ford Fusion.

The Ford Fusion doesn’t perform as well as the Chevy Volt. On full electric, it has a range of only 21 miles, compared with the Volt’s 38 miles. Unless the temperature is below 50 degrees, in which case the Fusion’s gasoline engine cycles on and off before you even cover 21 miles. The Volt will remain in full electric mode for a full 38 miles, so long as the temperature is above 35 degrees.

I found a couple of paragraphs interesting:

Considering the Volt offers a battery that is more than twice the size and capacity of the Ford, and that the electric motor is beefier, you are simply getting more powertrain for your money in the Volt.

So why would you want to buy the Ford over the Volt? It’s simple: The car has more passenger space. If you need to fit five people instead of four, you must pick the Ford. Also, if you are a very tall/large person, or perhaps elderly and are having difficulty getting in and out of low-slung sports cars such as the Volt, the Ford C-Max makes for a very comfortable alternative.

The Fusion sounds like a nice republican car. Of course, no right-thinking republican would be caught dead in an electric vehicle, unless maybe it’s on a golf course. It would be possible that you might inadvertently be driving on electricity generated by wind turbines, which everyone knows are part of a Marxist/environmentalist plot.


You might want to have a look at Endurance Test: Ford C-Max Takes On Chevy Volt, before you buy a Ford Fusion.

I have no intention of buying a Ford Fusion, or any other girlie man car. I will let the granola crowd drive those coffins on wheels. If I were to buy a new vehicle, it would be a Ford F-250 diesel crew cab, LWB King Ranch 2wd. And I will never purchase a vehicle made by Government Motors or the Italian owned Chrysler. Ford F-150 beat out Toyota for the most American “made” vehicle.

Tell us, Greggie, what kind of clown car do you drive?

A 4X4 S10 Blazer that’s still going strong after 13 years. Whatever people think of Chevy products, this one has certainly given my my money’s worth. I might consider a hybrid replacement at some point. I can’t see gasoline or diesel getting any cheaper. I figure the growth of global demand is probably going to outpace production increases no matter what we do. I won’t switch to a clown car, however. I owned a couple in my younger days.


A 4X4 S10 Blazer that’s still going strong after 13 years. Whatever people think of Chevy products, this one has certainly given my my money’s worth.

How many miles on it?

Now we are trying to use Consumer Reports to justify failed foreign policy!

The Volt is the modern Copper-Cooled Chevrolet (look it up).

@retire05, #45:

A bit under 100,000. I’ve generally had short commuting distances to work. Besides that, with a 4.3 liter engine it averages only 17 MPG, so I’ve long been in the habit of consolidating local errands to compensate for reduced fuel efficiency.

@bburris. #46:

Actually I was only using it to counter the notion that the Chevy Volt is a piece of junk. It seems to be a pretty solid vehicle. Hybrid electric vehicles are likely here to stay.

The Copper-Cooled Chevy was an interesting experiment. I don’t figure such failures discredit a company. The only way technology advances it by way of failed experiments. We would have gotten nowhere without them.


Yet, the bottom line issue remains; this administration lied its ass off about Benghazi to cover up…. something. If that something is actually something that we would be better off the world not knowing, then Obama is, again, jeopardizing national security by NOT being forthcoming, behind closed doors, about what happened and where the responsibility for 4 lost lives rests.

What we have learned from history is that cover-ups don’t work. Even now, with the entire (almost) national media complex trying to throw a heavy blanket over every one of Obama’s blunders, the truth will come out.

By the way, how do you, Greg, feel about the reliability of CNN’s “sources” that relate that the CIA is intimidating survivors to shut them up? Are they as bad, when they carry bad Obama-grams, as the Fox “sources”? Or, worse, because they are “traitors to the cause”?

@bburris, #48:

By the way, how do you, Greg, feel about the reliability of CNN’s “sources” that relate that the CIA is intimidating survivors to shut them up? Are they as bad, when they carry bad Obama-grams, as the Fox “sources”? Or, worse, because they are “traitors to the cause”?

As I said yesterday in #32, I suspect that the “cover up” Darrell Issa is attempting to expose may not be intended to protect Obama or the State Department, but an extensive covert CIA operation based in Benghazi. There’s evidence suggesting that possibility. If that’s actually the case, Issa’s politically-motivated efforts to discredit Obama and Clinton could result in serious damage to U.S. national security interests, and serious danger to CIA personnel and contacts still inside Libya. This would certainly explain why the CIA might be attempting to lock down the story.

I don’t think the CIA’s primary concern is looking out for the reputations of Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton.


You still don’t get it and I don’t think you can; if only Obama would practice some of that transparency and honesty he promised, the details could be being discussed in closed sessions. He is stupid if he thinks he can stonewall his way out of this. Either there is nothing to see here or there is much more to it that meets the eye; either way, only full disclosure, at this point, is going to resolve the issue. Obama is not going to get away with 4 deaths without a full accounting; if national security gets damaged in the process, that is on HIS head, not Issa’s.

Obama is an arrogant liar that thinks he can rely on weak excuses and a compliant media to get away with tragedy due to his and Hillary’s incompetence and dereliction. He is apparently willing to sacrifice secret operations to prove it.