Comedy Relief, Updated

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thWeiner Cartoon

It’s hard to upstage Carlos Danger, but this guy did it with style.

Weiner has a comedy routine that keeps on giving. Who knew that Democrats had such a sense of humor while Obama fiddles.

Poor Weiner, the truth come out, he has premature ejaculation problems during phone sex; in fact, his cyber squeeze was becoming frustrated with his 15 to 30 second performances, she ultimately decided to split the sheets and left Weiner out to dry.

Update: In a recent interview, Carlos Weiner came clean, he now admits he limited his cyber affairs and sexting to only three women, he thinks, if memory serves well. He is asking New York and America to appreciate his restraint and transparency while conducting his perversions.

It’s hard to keep a good Weiner down, and Carlos insists he’s in to win.

Democrat women hang on to Weiner, despite their willingness to declare a Republican War on Women. Apparently Weiner has captured their most basic instincts and they believe hypocrisy is acceptable with certain Weiners. They insist Weiner problems are psychological and can be dealt with over time and with proper handling.

Bill Clinton had minor Weiner problems, like being accused of rape and putting a cigar where cigars don’t go, but they forgave him and he managed to overcome his problems; surely, little Anthony and his Weiner episodes will disappear in time and America will finally appreciate the man’s Weiner.

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The ”mystery man,” prarie-dogged” the entire time.

I wonder how Anthony’s Muslim Brotherhood in-laws are taking this. Are the other jihadis busting their uh, spirits over this?

It must smart — their useful idiot was effectively rehabilitated, not nationally, but in NYC. Running for mayor of that zoo turned out to be a shrewder move than I thought. He was leading in some polls, their mole Huma had a realistic prospect of being positioned in yet another node of American political power… and then this. Turns out the lunatic never stopped for a minute. He’s probably doing it right now. Huma hitched her wagon to the wrong donkey. On the other hand, how many men would agree to this deal — to be the beard for a politically powerful lesbian’s lover in return for moving a step or two up the ladder. They needed some kind of an oddball — but their calibration of his oddness was a bit off.

This should serve as yet another reminder that the Clintons are very bad people. For personal gain, they compromised our national security with China in the 1990s, and Middle Eastern extremists in the 2000s.

It’s just workers in cubicles popping their heads up and looking around, Skook.
Not as nasty as it sounds.
But sometimes it is pretty funny.

The deal was probably that he could cheat on her like a maniac as long as he didn’t leave a trail of evidence too obvious for even the mainstream media to cover up. The sham marriage with its mutal infidelity, turkey baster pregnancy, and the cooperation of the press was to be modeled after the Clintons’ arrangement. Bubba himself married the happy couple, if I recall. Perhaps he had some fatherly advice for Anthony. Unfortunately, Tony’s preferred method of socializing with women necessarily leaves a high-quality permanent record.

Huma Abedin has been described as a “devout” Muslim. Since when does a “devout” Muslim, daughter of the woman who heads up the bee keeper outfitted women’s division of the Muslim Brotherhood, marry a Jew, much less have a baby by that Jew?

Seems The Weiner not only can’t keep it in the family, but can’t seem to keep it in his pants.

Update: In a recent interview, Carlos Weiner came clean, he now admits he limited his cyber affairs and sexting to only three women, he thinks, if memory serves well.

Well, now, that number has risen to maybe TEN. But only three since he resigned and declared he was cured by three days of therapy.

Oh that’s just Harry…… Harry Richard….

More comedy on a ”Move-On away from whichever scandal,” day:
College students sign a petition to allow 4th term abortions.
Yeah, after birth but before the baby is four months old.
Funny, but only in that icky way of wondering if our public schools are failing all our students all the time.

The Fall of the Roman American Empire


Agree but it is coming faster than s speeding bullet. This county will never knew it died, just the walking dead of Washington, the congress and the idiot fool.

Adding to how stupid our next generation is this nugget:
Neuroscientists can now plant false memories in the brain!
This should destroy the last vestiges of independent thought.

@Nan G:

College students sign a petition to allow 4th term abortions.
Yeah, after birth but before the baby is four months old.

I do believe Obama voted in favor of just that in the Illinois Senate. One of the few times he didn’t vote “present”.

Hah. When I first read/heard about this, a video clip came immediately to mind:

When the Left’s own media goes against one of their own – it is OVER for him!
Take a look at the cover of the Aug 5th New Yorker!
comment image

Apparently staying silent on Weiner hasn’t worked.
Even the media’s vague few words of judgement about Weiner haven’t been enough.
So, the same media that coddled and comforted Weiner is now turning hard against him!
I guess when you’re the last ones on board you tend to make up for that with false bravado.
The other day it was the NYTimes.
This week it will be the New Yorker.
I wonder who next?

Gilroy was “there”.