Poor Richard’s Impeachment


barack nixon

Richard Nixon made a major mistake in the commission of his crimes against the people, he left a trail of incrimination.

Some of us have doubts concerning the intellect of Obama, but it can’t be denied, he has the cunning of a street wise criminal. At least he knows how to cover his ass, even if it implies poor leadership and management skills, and that is the major difference between America’s most infamous and ignoble, narcissistic, presidential failures.

Obama unleashed his political whores by letting it be known, that the most flagrant and egregious political crimes would not be prosecuted by allowing Attorney General Holder to drop the voter intimidation charges against the New Black Panthers in a case that was already won.

This was the signal to all bureaucrats and Progressive political miscreants: excesses and illegal political activities will not only be tolerated, they will be encouraged, if they are designed to promote the Progressive cause and the Myth of Obama.

The tyranny game was on, media indulged itself as well, but they are private entities who rely on the First Amendment for protection. If they want to write propaganda and pass it off as news, it is their prerogative and it is definitely legal. Unfortunately, for many government employees, who once had the public trust, such poetic license is not legal.

Many of these people may be facing lengthy prison terms for their zeal in the promotion of the Progressive cause, and rightly so, for using the public trust to commit crimes against the people of America is not only a crime, but a betrayal as well.

From the IRS Internal Revenue Manual: (03-07-2008) Criminal Penalties Under IRC § 7213

IRC § 7213 makes the willful unauthorized disclosure of a return or return information a felony punishable by a fine of up to $5,000, or imprisonment of not more than 5 years, or both, together with the costs of prosecution.

Upon conviction, officers or employees of the United States will also be dismissed from office or discharged from employment.

Note: IRC § 7213 also covers willful disclosures of software source code data protected by IRC § 7612.

Nixon was actually small potatoes, for his impeachable crimes were almost insignificant compared to the sheer magnitude and scope of the Obama felonies and tyranny. However, if Obama has been careless enough to leave one paper trail in the commission of his particular felonies, he will probably have had the biscuit (Think Last Supper).

However, if Nixon would have pleaded poor leadership, incompetence, and ignorance, with the proficiency of the Obama Administration, he might have finished his term.

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Looks like the Feds will have to make more room at Lewisburg,PA facilities.

if Nixon would have pleaded poor leadership, incompetence, and ignorance, with the proficiency of the Obama Administration, he might have finished his term.

As it turns out Skook, unlike the case for other government bodies, the Commissioner of the IRS can be removed at the will of the President. He can’t pass the buck to the previous President for the appointment, but we can certainly hang the “poor leadership, incompetence, and ignorance” sign on the teleprompter king’s office door.

His address today was an embarrassment – more of the Administration investigating itself – Secretary Lew indeed. Next time perhaps someone will be elected President with at least having had the experience of managing a lemonade stand, just maybe.

Steven T. Miller, and Lew knew a year ago about this corruption. Sooooo….

I still think that BHO is just a puppet and is being controlled by others. Valerie Jarrett is one who comes to mind.

CNN is reporting that the IRS has identified two “rogue” employees who were “overly aggressive” and went “off the reservation” in targeting nearly 500 conservative organizations.
Also that the IRS agents have already been disciplined.
That’s it.
Case closed.
Just those two.
And we don’t even know their names.


BUT…..Breitbart is reporting that an Obama campaign co-chair (Mr. J. Solmonese) was attacking Romney with leaked IRS documents.

I LOVE this quote from a Princeton grad who escaped the communist bloc before the USSR fell:

One recurring tool of socialist tyranny is the capricious enforcement of unworkable laws.

ObamaCare = a set of unworkable laws.
The Tax Code = a set of unworkable laws.
The Civil Rights code = a set of unworkable laws.
Welfare law = a set of unworkable laws.
“Green Jobs,” = a set of unworkable laws.
The EPA = a set of unworkable laws.
The CORE curriculum = a set of unworkable laws.

There’s plenty more places Obamites might use their position in authority to pick and choose who they go after, who they let slide.

Steve Miller, acting head of IRS, has resigned.

We are supposed to believe that two employees have been disciplined and the case of subverting a powerful agency like the IRS that has been subverted to influence a presidential election has suddenly regained America’s trust.

Bull Shit! How many years did they get in the federal pen?

It’s time to purge the IRS of its corrupt Democrat operatives, all of them, or dismantle the damn thing and start over. This is huge enough to bring down a presidency and by Obama’s pathetic response we can only assume he is in it up to his neck.

As to the less-covered AP-wiretap/phone records story….
A congressman, California Congressman Devin Nunes is claiming that many of Obama’s taps include when AP was on the phone to members of the House while they were IN THE HOUSE!
Transcript here:

@Nan G: As I suspected–Obama had the target painted and now it’s case closed . . . but . . .

Probably not.

And obama wants to claim transparency? This is the most corrupt, thuggish administration in history. I think we will find that they’ve used every tool in the Chicago toolbox. Including bribery, extortion and blackmail. they have definately used the power of govt to go after their political foes. That should NEVER be tolerated in America.

Obama wants to have it both ways, he wants to claim he knows nothing and at the same time that he’s a leader. Really Barry?

Two observations from outside the bubble:

The pictures combining Obama and Nixon’s faces are very odd and confusing considering the Right’s ongoing anguished, often defensive and decidedly mixed evaluation of the 37th President. Just because you can do something with photoshop probably doesn’t mean you should.

Every reflexive trivial call for the impeachment of Obama is just another reason Obama will never have to fear it. The Far Right has completely cheapened and devalued their own criticism, starting way back with a little thing called “birtherism”. Even a ten year old knows the lesson in the story of the boy who cried wolf, but maybe not some here. The only reason the IRS and Bengazi stories have any traction at all is because, yes, the mainstream media are covering them.

If this was a movie plot no one would believe it. I see red when I hear a schmuck like holder rant against a decent fellow like Issa. This feeling of helpless rage always accompanies the spirit of satan; may God wreak wrath upon their souls.


Should they be covering them? Or should they cover them up as they have everything else about the man?

@Nan G:

The good soldier falls on his sword


Hear, hear.

The whole flocking lot of them need to be fired.

DID I miss anyone mentionning that STEVE MILLER would have be gone IN JUNE any way,
he had finish his term.

this is an impeacheble crime multiply,
shut the WHITE HOUSE, and don’t reopen it until
there is a change of PARTY,

@Skook: What leadership??

@Skookum: Dead on!

@Nathan Blue: I thought Sarah Palin was the target painter!

@Skook: To assume America will forgive Obama’s malfeasance because he is an incompetent leader and has no idea what his subordinates are doing behind his back will be a unique defense for the highest office in the land.

Good point, Skook.
Holder used almost that exact same ”rationale” today during the hearing.
As if claiming the government is TOO BIG is an excuse for not doing one’s job.
And then to call for even BIGGER government when you cannot even control the gov’t you already have….absurd.
They really aimed at the low information voter to win re-election.
All of a sudden the media is INFORMING these low information people.
Uh oh.


Tom, I think it is you who needs to revisit the story of the boy who cried wolf. In that story, there never was a wolf. The boy never saw a wolf. He made the whole thing up.

In this case…conservatives have been complaining for “years” about being targeted. And the wolf shows up. And people see the wolf and say…..they were right. Now, you can do what some other liberals are doing…trying to justify this abuse of power, or trying to suggest the wolf isn’t as big as somebody claimed, or that wolves are actually common to the woods, not dangerous, and otherwise good for the environment. But, you can’t say that all this was made up and didn’t happen.

@Dc: Nice illustration, Dc.
Reminded me of Holder’s amazingly impossible pretzel logic today.
First he said that the motivation to seize Associated Press communications records was based upon “A very-very serious leak. Among the most serious leaks – it put American people at risk.”

THEN he explained that it was NOT so serious as to bother Obama with a briefing about it.

Just the HEAD of the CIA had a leak so serious the American people were at risk, but so what?
Obama is too busy (doing what???) playing golf, fundraising and lazing around in his flip flops.

AND who can forget the new appointe by OBAMA WEINSTEIN in THE PENTAGONE,
going after the CHRISTIAN MILITARY THREATENING THEM with fine of 25 thousand dollar
if they are caught talking to other about CHRISTIANITY plus other threats,
in this time when they cut the MILITARY in A DANGEROUS TANGENTE,
hell they need help from the PUBLIC to supply their need of medical and other
or go without, there is an organization trying to help,
imagine where the OBAMA is at,
hurting our MILITARY while the get shot in the back or blown up by the EIDS, while restrained to eliminate them for good, imagine them being depress not able to talk to the CHAPLAIN
who is one preventing SUICIDE of the TROOPS,
add this up to the FAILURE of OBAMA a neglect of the TROOPS AT A WAR ZONE,
the weinstein is anti CHRISTIAN following the orders of OBAMA who put him there, how come the PENTAGONE is more busy charging the MARINES of peeing on the dead TALIBANS, what fucken difference does it make,
it doesn’t,
but it make a difference to harass the MILITARY BECAUSE THEY TALK OF GOD to other,

PENTAGONE check your priority, you are infiltrated with MUSLIMS pushing their WEINSTEIN
ANTI AMERICAN AGENDA, concentrate on your own duty to protect AMERICANS FROM WITHIN INCLUDING THE ONE AT WAR, we could not do without, let them pee where they feel secure not to be blown up.

Nan G
they will hire 16 thousand more employees at the IRS,
how are they will manage it, now they lost control and abuse their power ,
they though was unlimited,

whoever is chosen to take the PRESIDENCY must be a MAN
rooted in the deep ground, who had a COMPANY or more than one,
with thousand of EMPLOYEES this for many years without getting in problem like abusing his power
is a factor for not being chosen along with other failures,
look at MARCUS HOME DEPOT, and BOEING, among other good citizens caring for AMERICA
and their many EMPLOYEES, there are some to be found, and MITT ROMNEY WAS ONE,
he would have take the PRESIDENCY so to GIVE , NOT TO HAVE like OBAMA constantly getting his crew to demand money from other,and he was rooted in MUSLIM BELIEFS
which is ANTI AMERICAN, a no no for a PRESIDENT
while MITT ROMNEY did not need THE PEOPLE”S MONEY, he would by now have all the non worker at the job working, because he had experience and was respected and the COMPANIES TRUSTED HIM, they would have come back for him and create jobs
MITT ROMNEY gave all the clues he had to the AMERICANS,
but he IS A GENTLEMAN WITH CLASS, he was not going to go down to the gutter to meet OBAMA,
that was against his core values he would not give up.
he lost because he had too much class and like THE PRESIDENT BUSH said, he would not sell himself or his soul
to get the PRESIDENTCY,
that ELECTION WAS ILLEGAL and crimes where many, untouch unpunish,
there would have been too many arrested.

I think that whole issue shows that it is way past time to revamp our tax system. Pres. Obama isn’t the only president to utilize this agency to persecute political foes. As this article by James Bovard illustrates the IRS has been used by numerous administrations aside from Obama’s, (FDR, Kennedy, Nixon, Clinton) as a weapon against political opponents. (Hat tip to Mark Levin)

It’s past time to push hard for a Fair or Flat tax and eviscerate the IRS. I’ve already contacted my congress critter and both Senators. I doubt one of my Senators, Mrs. Mary Landrieu, will be any help but I’ve already sworn to do everything I can to get that “person” out of office.

Another point to make…..Richard (Dick) Nixon used gov agencies to target his political opponents in Washington. While there is yet to be any evidence that Obama was directly involved, had knowledge of, or directed this at any level (something that could be said about “anything” and everything during his presidency— save for his killing of Osama Bin Laden single handed) this was a wider targeting of US civilians. That puts it in an entirely different category.

Secondly, there is a repeating theme here every time a story breaks or people come forward that suggests something going wrong at the upper levels of this admin….the first thing that happens is…everybody who is in charge doesn’t know anything about it, because they weren’t there or had tasked someone else to “handle it’ or they had earlier recused themselves from it…or…went to play golf and/or to a fundraiser.

Eric Holder suggests that the reason reporters had their phone line data taken by the gov in such a wide scope was because the leak we had the worst one he’d ever seen. Put Americans at risk. And yet…he recused himself? And the president knows nothing about it? Americans at risk and Obama is playing golf and Holder sends in the 2nd string because you know…it was just “that” important?

The same scenario played out just this way with Fast and Furious which they never did get to the bottom of. Eric Holder even made the claim in that one that he doesn’t read his own emails. It seems their idea of taking responsibility is to deny any knowledge of everything, have your own limited internal investigation which doesn’t mention your role…..forcing their accusers to drag as much as they can out of them in hearings, then stiff arm the hearings as much as possible (even ignoring subpoenas), counter with media attacks against the opponents and denials (ie, the boy who cried wolf/this is already been investigated), then when/if they get caught lieing and pushed on it….find a couple of DNC minions to fall on their swords or someone else to blame and call it finished. At that point, it’s every man/woman for themselves.

I just find it stunning to believe that our President and his AG are completely uninformed of events that “put americans at risk”, or in harms way. (ie., Fast and Furious, Benghazi) or even that are just “important”. And I’m intrigued by the coincidence that every time the president comes up with a target list of people he’s displeased with, they end up targeted by some arm of the gov (more on that to come). And while they (Obama/Holder) may be able to convince us all that they have delegated the responsibility for such things to underlings….at best, what does that really say about “them” and their leadership? As I said in another post…there is no worldwide CEO that that could survive that on their watch. If they said I didn’t know..that would be a sure sign of failure in their leadership at the helm and they’d be out. If they “did” know, it could be worse.

Finally, lets take a look at what our brave, the buck stops here President is doing. He’s dumped Benghazi in Hillary’s lap by releasing those targeted 100 emails that focus on State’s editing of the talking points and 12 revisions; he’s punted the monitoring phones of AP reporters into E. Holder’s lap…who same day punted it down the ranks; ….but, he took charge of the IRS scandal…to get on top of it and look “presidential”—although it took him a few days.

If you are asking yourself right now why it seems so odd to see him do that (ie, take direct charge and responsibility for something early on)….it’s because he’s spent his entire presidency demonizing and attacking conservatives and targeting his goals to liberal America while he’s delegated away his responsibility and denied knowledge of anything that went on. It actually feels weird to see him stand up and take charge of something…instead of standing there with someone else…that he’s tasked to be responsible for it .

It feels strange to see him stand up for rights of “all” US citizens against gov abuses….because he’s done nothing but divide, expand gov, and mock conservatives and patriot groups for suggesting you should be afraid of such abuses that he claimed..just didn’t exist. He’s done nothing but suggest that “his” gov intrusions on your rights (constitutional or otherwise) were ok and voices the contrary were simply a distraction. That fear of gov power is irrational.

As I said before…chickens coming home to roost.

EDIT: Even Bob Schiefer gets it

Does that mean there’s hope for “Tom”? Or Liberal1? Probably not.

@Dc: Finally, lets take a look at what our brave, the buck stops here President is doing. He’s dumped Benghazi in Hillary’s lap by releasing those targeted 100 emails that focus on State’s editing of the talking points and 12 revisions….

True as far as it goes, but….
Benghazi Dump: Critical Two-Day Gap…First Released Email 67 Hours After Attack…
The Benghazi-related emails released by the White House late May 15 exclude the critical emails between administration officials that were sent during the crucial first two (almost three) days….

Also not one word in any of those emails is written by Hillary.
She was the one who spoke to the man in charge on the ground.
She was the one who spoke to Libya’s new leader.
BOTH men told her it was a terrorist attack.
So, where was HER input?
She let her underlings run wild with a bogus story while she….what?

@Budvarakbar: Ah, who knows anything these day. A morass of misinformation, disinformation, and real information.

OBAMA kept inciting his followers with aggressive key words like so many he use the vote for revenge is a powerful one right before election, and yesterday I was reading a link of what JARRET did say
after the election like we are going to give hell and more unacceptable hate words
showing she is consumed with hate, she is of IRANIAN source I think she is a MUSLIM
OR CLOSE TO IT, that hate is in their core OBAMA AND JARRET are like TWIN, remember HE SAID IT,
there is no pity for the wicked, and they are wicked

You know Skook, one thing stands out to me here. Obama is in effect caught with his pants down. And as you mention he is “as cunning as a street wise criminal” I also would take in the Chicago connection as a reason for what appears to be his inane stupidity as to how he is going about his business.

The first Mayor Daley was ruthless. He went after his enemies with the exact same impunity this clown is doing in D.C. He felt he was untouchable and above the law and the media even back then for years gave him (and the Chicago Machine) cover for years. The parallels between then and now are staggering. Obama being both a product of what could be the most corrupt political machine in the country (Illinois) and an American Ideal Hating leftist ideologue to boot easily fills that profile.

I say one thing again though. Mayor Daley for all his foibles loved his country. This clown in the White house time and again shows his complete disdain for our heritage, our ideals and our citizens. He is what Kruschev predicted all those years ago in his shoe banging rant at the U.N. “We will bury you! We will bury you from within!” If what is happening now does not wake the public up to their basic responsibilities as voting citizens, then all is indeed lost.

One last thing. The A.P. record scandal. As all know, I have said in the past the co-opted media is front and center in any dictator’s usurpation of power. And once they are deemed to be not needed or possibly a thorn in the side of said dictator, they are expendable. In this case the A.P. published a series of stories based on “leaks” (I’m not even touching the fact that they purposely “leak” crap when they want for their own use)that put the administration in a bad light. Ooops! Truth makes one the enemy of any dictator of any ilk. So one should not be the least bit surprised the dogs were set loose against the A.P.


Tom, I think it is you who needs to revisit the story of the boy who cried wolf. In that story, there never was a wolf. The boy never saw a wolf. He made the whole thing up.

I can’t believe I’m actually having to explain an Aesops fable, but you, sir, are wrong. The fable is that a boy repeatedly lies to the village folk that there is a wolf. Eventually ,when a wolf really does show up and the boy raises the alarm, no one believes him because of his past history of deceit, so no one responds. Thus the American populace has become inured by the Right to hysterical calls for Obama’s impeachment. The call has been raised so many times for so many ridiculous reasons that if the hypothetical day comes when the impeachable offense, the wolf, really does shows, surely no one will be inclined to hear it from these quarters.

@Nan G:

Nan, thanks for the reply. That was my point. The emails are missing the early couple of days purposefully. The talking point about it being a protest just “magically” appeared. It is not known yet who came up with that and put it in there. (Brennan?) So, that’s not a fire they are trying to put out… yet (they are still suggesting that talking point was provided…but can’t say where it came from). But, somebody has to cover for the erroneous statements already busted that nobody changed the talking points from what they were given by intel…other than one change from consulate to compound. This limited release of emails does that…and focuses on the State Dept and changes that it made….which I think was the point of this exercise. As I said earlier…if this ever busted out…he’d throw Hillary under the bus in a chicago min.

The idea that Hillary is no where to be found, and there is nothing with her name on it…is what I was referring to about the leadership in this admin. They all do it that way. Nobody is in charge or responsible for anything bad that happens. (ie., Hillary: “What difference does it make”) Knowing this was a major screwup…the president goes to a fundraiser and plays golf…Hillary is nowhere to be seen, with no communication that is on the record. They don’t know what happend but it was a serious important (even historical) event….so they left underlings to deal with it. But, somehow come away after the fact with an organized, focused talking point list that just happens to fit the meme of the presidents election campaign. Is anybody surprised?

But, don’t count Hillary out. Never underestimate the capability of the Clinton smear machine. Hey…wonder where Jimmy Carter and Bill are? (crickets).

“Obama being both a product of what could be the most corrupt political machine in the country (Illinois)”

I am personally thankful for the Chicago political machine, without them my Louisiana politicians would never be able to get off the front page. We can say “hey, at least we’re not in Illinois” it may not be much but we’ll take what we can get.



….. The fable is that a boy repeatedly lies to the village folk that there is a wolf……

Yes Tom. The story is based on the premise that the boy made up a story about a wolf (there was no wolf) to scare the folks. So, when a wolf finally does show up…and he cries out…nobody believes him.

Focus here Tom. Conservatives have been complaining for years about being targeted by the IRS. (the cry of wolf was true). Its been proven in the end of that they were right. (there was a wolf).

Are you suggesting that the claims made that they were targeted by the IRS aren’t true for some reason?

Or are you trying to say….you would have listened, believed, and supported them back in 2010 when Tea Party people suggested they were being targeted by IRS…if not for birthers and disgruntled or angry people who may or may not be Tea Party members or belong to any particular conservative group holding the president personally responsible for what ails them. If you ask me…you are conflating a lot of personal issues.

@Poppa_T: Ok! Got me on that one! I can’t stop laughing as it is true that your politicians have always been right up there in the perceived corruption scale.

@Dc: You are misinterpreting the fable when you say there was “always a wolf”. Not so. As Tom says the cry “wolf” ,over and over, was fabricated and when a wolf actually appeared the boy’s valid cries were ignored.
Point being—-continued false cries for Obama’s head will lead do inaction if a “valid” cry goes out.

Richard Wheeler
he has nowhere to go, no place to hide, he cannot lie anymore,
he is cooked

@Richard Wheeler:

No…you two are misusing the fable to apply to this event. Of course I know that there wasn’t always a wolf. I’m saying that’s WHY it doesn’t fit this IRS case. Republicans “were” targeted by the IRS and yelled about it. Later it turned out to be true. This story does not fit the fable (which was not MY contribution to this). I was simply pointing out it doesn’t fit.

So, then it was tried to suggest that it did apply because of birthers or people calling for obama’s impeachment? That’s 3 different things/issues/wolves (birthers, impeachment, IRS targeting conservatives).

I think Tom was trying to say….any one of those things could be substituted for another (a common liberal failure of logic). ie., birthers cried that Obama wasn’t a citizen and it wasn’t true. Then…later…the IRS targeted conservatives and it was true but nobody still believed the birthers?

Really ?

A young sheffard guarding his sheeps got bore and start to sing ,loud,
WOLF WOLF is chasing the SHEEPs,
the VILLAGE came up the hills and there was no WOLF,
they turn back, and the boy was laughing to see them,
he repeated the same cry again and the VILLAGE came again and the BOY laugh again,
later the boy saw a wolf and cry out , but no one came,
later the VILLAGE got worry not to see the boy and SHEEPS come back, it was getting dark,
they went and saw the boy crying ,
he said the wolf came and scathered the SHEEPS away,
I yelled ,why didn’t you came?
an old man tryed to comfort him , he said tomorrow we will try to find the sheeps
for you,
nobody believe a liar, even when they say the truth,

OBAMA release CRIMINALS to cut the expanses without telling any one,
I remember this and the GOVERNOR OF ARIZONA was very angry, she was not told of it, imagine
that was quite a while ago, the suspected terrorists where given new identity and they took a plane,
no check up,
now it has reach the NEWS after months and months,
better late than never.
they are crazy and crazyer in the WHITE HOUSE

we think of you all and pray for you,


I never said the never-ending and sundry calls for impeachment were IRS-specific. For five plus years I’ve seen calls for impeachment in the Far Right blogosphere based on whatever is in the news that day. Let’s not forgot all that ugly business about birtherism. I’m imagine you’re personally familiar. No one listens to you people anymore when it comes to Obama. The only reason people are listening now, as I’ve already said, is because your much-dreaded MSM picked up the story. And even then, most people are balancing their reactions to this with a head-shake over the desperation on the Right to nail Obama over Bengazi.

@Richard Wheeler:

Thanks, Rich, for clearing that up. Some things require a detailed explanation apparently.

I’ll say it one more time…you are conflating issues here….(your feelings about far right blogs and bitherism, etc) vs what happened with the IRS targeting such people.

The fable was your idea. Not mine. And you entirely screwed the pooch on the logic. It’s a bad example. You can’t substitute different stories/events for one part of the story…and then change it for the other and have it still hold it’s logic (as I have pointed out clearly). I know that must difficult for you to understand.

The fable did not go…a boy yelled your barn is on fire…so many times people quit checking their barns. Then one day he actually does see a wolf??? It doesn’t even make sense. Because it’s not tied in with the previous event..ie., lieing about seeing a wolf…not about something else.

The boy lied about a “wolf”. Then saw a wolf. The conservatives complained about IRS harrasment. And then saw that it was. The example of the IRS scandal doesnt’ fit the meme of the fable because the conservatives who were crying “wolf” about the IRS…were in fact…telling the truth. You keep arguing..but in the fable it doesn’t happen that way. YES…in your fantasy fable world example…things don’t happen that way. That’s why I said…it was not a good example and it didn’t fit the facts about what happened.

But, feel free to keep trying.

I love this argument. Now there is no wolf other than the IRS wolf. Bengazi is perhaps a giant toed sloth. Being a secret Muslim is, well, a secret. It’s funny how when I searched on IRS in the Flopping Aces archives, a ton of articles were returned… from May 2013. But I get your point. Someone, perhaps even you, blamed Obama for IRS-related malfeasance at one time or another. At one time or another he’s been blamed for everything under the sun (which is an endless source of comedy in itself). I bet a Conservative has blamed him for his dog’s disappearance. How trying to jam my very obvious observation into this box makes any sense, only you can tell me. I think when I say certain Conservatives habitually claim Obama should be impeached for different things every week – and it makes them seem pretty asinine and worthy of contempt – that kind of speaks for itself. I only employed the fable because it seemed like you needed a help getting there.

@Tom: @Richard Wheeler:

The Boy who Cried Wolf fable was identified as not applicable to this situation correctly here by people who know the fable and understand its meaning. It would be hard in fact, to find someone who does not know and understand this simple story. The nature of these recent disclosures shows that the wolf was here all along, not a false claim — the disclosures cover events over the last two years. The misunderstanding of the comments by Tom and Rich appears willful.

It does not matter what calls for impeachment or what birth certificate theories can be found in some corner of the internet. At any given moment there are calls for everything, somewhere on the internet. There were constant calls for the impeachment of George W. Bush, remember?

The birth certificate issue originated with the ’08 Hillary Clinton campaign — you guys knew that, right? Once Hillary was maneuvered out and Obama had the nomination, the issue appears to have been adopted, managed and manipulated by the Obama team as a distraction for their opponents. I think that Obama was born in Honolulu in 1961 and his mother was a U.S. citizen. I also note that the Obama campaign organization spent 2 million dollars fighting release of the long form certificate, and that when they did release an electronic copy, according to experts it had every appearance of being a multilayered photoshop construct. I believe all that was done to keep the issue alive. And here you are using it, Tom, as they intended.

Given that one of the impeachment articles against Richard Nixon was use of the IRS to harass political enemies, and that misuse of confidential tax forms is a felony, I think bringing up the issue of impeachment at this time is understandable.

I predict these two will now willfully misunderstand what I’ve written — say that I’m a birther and so on.

@Wm T Sherman:

I predict these two will now willfully misunderstand what I’ve written

It’s staggering to me that you would accuse me of misunderstanding my own rather simple point, which your buddy then attempted to hijack to comical effect. I will repeat it once again without the confusing animal metaphors. The Right regularly, over the entire time he’s been President, call for Obama’s impeachment for a laundry list of ridiculous reasons. Result: the rest of the world tunes them out as loons. The end. That you or your brother’s barber talked about something about the IRS at some point three summers ago is irrelevant to this truth. The point is the way you’re viewed by others, not yourselves. And, tangentially, being proud of being right one time out of a hundred is nothing to be proud of either. Obama did something wrong… I’m finally right! A sad valediction, if it comes to it, for anyone I’m sure.

@Wm T Sherman:

Let me put it to you a completely different way. The captain rightly gets blamed for a sloppy, slip-shod ship. There is a valid argument in there. But the people to make that argument are probably not the people who think Obama goes home at night from his day job as President and immediately assumes the duties of “Real-time head of security for Benghazi consulate”. Let the American Christians die!. And then, on the weekends, he flies to Cincinnati to personally pick out the Tea Party 501(c)(4) applications. He hates the word “patriot’. Setting up George Zimmerman, faking Global Warming, introducing gay people onto network TV. Death panels. Beyoncé. Solar flares.