Is It In America’s Best Interest To Keep The Democrat Controlled Internal Revenue Service?



The Internal Revenue Service has been compromised with political operatives. It is no longer a viable and objective government agency. The firing of a few lowly operatives can no longer assure America it has been purged of Democratic and Progressive corruption. Every Republican or Conservative who is singled out for audits may now assume he is the object of political persecution.

Not only has the IRS been used as a means to persecute the political opposition, it is also guilty of leaking sensitive and personal information of Conservative individuals and organizations to the Democrat Party.

To restore faith in America, it is imperative to dismantle this corrupt political arm of the Democrat Party and design a new federal revenue agency. There are no innocents in the Democrat controlled IRS, since the corruption is so wide spread that agents had to be aware of the corruption, but felt obliged to go along with the system rather than go public with the corruption. Consequently, they are all complicit in the crimes committed against the American people.

In the private world, such an abuse of power would be considered to be a serious crime. IRS employees who decry the loss of their comfortable government jobs and pensions should be grateful they are avoiding prison and be looking for work in the private enterprise job market of the Obama Economy they have helped to perpetuate.

Americans have been too obliging in excusing crimes committed by politicians and government agencies. It has suddenly reached the crisis point and if we don’t act swiftly, the American bureaucrat will soon be considered nothing more than a corrupt Democrat operative or white collar gangster, and soon America’s faith in government will erode and eventually become meaningless.

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When the IRS targeted liberals
Under George W. Bush, it went after the NAACP, Greenpeace and even a liberal church

You and I go back far enough so we know this has been abused by both parties over the years. The question is will the people ever learn from their history and demand a stop to these abuses or continue stumbling along with closed cup blinkers (Triple Crown Time buddy!) refusing to open the cups and see the realities. Our core freedoms are being snatched from us. where is the outcry?

@This one:

So what you are saying is “So what? The other guys did the same thing.”

Have I got you correct?

Well, let’s go back a few more years and look at who really started the whole mess; Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

Roosevelt used the IRS as his personal mafia thugs to go after political opponents. Anyone who didn’t agree with his Socialist policy, he sent his attack dogs from the IRS to make their lives absolute hell. And Obama’s not the first one to intimidate the press. Yep, FDR. If any reporter wrote an article (and FDR had a whole cadre of people who read every newspaper everyday to tell him of adverse articles) that FDR didn’t like, he banned not just the journalist from the White House press releases, but the publication they worked for, as well.

Obama has always thought of himself as the black FDR. Seems he went to great lengths to prove that true.

@This one: the NAACP has a tax exempt status in order to remain in this status it is PROHIBITED to engage in political actions. During the Republican convention, the NAACP wrote, printed and handed out leaflets, papers et al against President Bush. They were investigated for conducting a PROHIBITED behavior. They could have lost their tax exempt status.

It is easy to make a statement, but you really need to fill in both sides. Ooops however liberals don’t do that.

Make no mistake, Obama is involved and ordered the IRS to create problems for conservatives. Obama is responsible for the loss of life in Benghazi. Why has Obama not release a report on what he was doing or did during the Benghazi attack? Where was he? The illegal snooping on the Associated Press is reminiscent of the kinds of politics Hitler used.

It is time for Obama, Eric Holder and all of those involved to resign and leave the government. It is not enough for them to try to deflect responsibility by saying they don’t know, they didn’t know and stalling. It is time for Obama to resign and leave.

The progressive tax system needs to be scrapped. Why should the government be using taxation to punish hard work while rewarding laziness and irresponsible behavior? The really disgusting aspect of the progressive tax system is that it was designed by Marx (you can read this for yourself in his Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital) specifically to collapse a capitalist economic system.
We need a straight national sales tax which can only be increased -except in times of declared war – by a vote of 2/3rds of registered voters. Exempt staple food items (that does not include twinkees, junk food and sodas) and diapers, but otherwise everything sold has this national sales tax. Then everyone pays based on what they buy, and the government doesn’t get to tax you on your work income, then again on dividends from your interest on the money you save, then a third time when you die and leave what you have left to your kids. The economy would explode, jobs would grow, and you wouldn’t have thugs like Obama using the power of the IRS to harass and intimidate.

If the tax collectors are not honest, why should the tax payers be honest? The trust in the tax system is now broken and the tax collectors are politicized thugs running a protection racket. The mafia is envious.

@J Blickenstaff: The IRS has no pretensions of honesty or integrity. They have been open and forthwith about their corruption, as if they are immune to prosecution. Of course, they are under the protection of the Chief Crime Boss Obama and I am sure they feel they have immunity from the law.

The government has become a legal for of corruption and dishonesty, with the ace in the hole being a Democrat controlled Senate. Until this racket is broken and the criminals are prosecuted, America no longer has a viable honest form of government, we have a crime syndicate in charge of our government.

Ya know, Skook, the IRS has always been a racket in the hands of other agency thugs… party affiliation aside. In fact, the original Bureau of Internal Revenue was a Lincoln creation for temporary taxes. It’s ghost and entity has been hanging around, and growing, just like everything else that gets created by Congress does.

Ugly truth is, both parties want the IRS and revenue very much. And that also goes way back to Lincoln days. After a 10 year repeal, Congress attempted a federal flat tax. SCOTUS shot it down as unconstitutional (states apportionment) , so the ensuing result was to change the Constitution to get the money. Ta daaaa! Enter the 16th Amendment…. a bill that was introduced, and overwhelming approved in a Congress where both chambers were controlled by Republicans (a supermajority of 61 in the Senate, and the 222 in the House), and signed by a Republican POTUS named Taft.

I, personally, never had much use for the IRS before the latest scandal, so I can’t say their latest antics adds any endearment. So to answer your question, it was never in our interests to have it at all… no matter what party controls it. But as you know with the old saying about death and taxes – it’s here to stay.

ADDED: As a somewhat sobering aside, the “Bailey Bill” and Taft’s personal recommendation to his Republican Congress that they pass a Constitutional amendment for ratification of the 16th all happened to revolve around that social sentiment of the day… “soak the rich”. The wealthy were fine with it because they arranged for the charitable organizations to shift the wealth safely away. So everyone ended up happy. heh…

Meaning that what you may think is new attitudes and corruption is really nothing but the same ol’ attitude and corruption, done 21st Century style.


“Until this racket is broken and the criminals are prosecuted, America no longer has a viable honest form of government, we have a crime syndicate in charge of our government. ” Sookum: Yes, this is correct. And as the corruption becomes even more evident, the taxpayer will reciprocate. Why do third world countries never get better? because the countries are corrupt at all levels and it is every man for himself. Once the trust between people and agencies is broken, nothing can be believed to be honest.


Meaning that what you may think is new attitudes and corruption is really nothing but the same ol’ attitude and corruption, done 21st Century style.
