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If you want to see a picture of the disappointment for the Left (he wasn’t a White American), he’s dead and he ain’t pretty. Our people want to hide these images (think Osama) but I say let these bastards know how they will end up.

I suppose a somewhat different take might be that two dangerous fugitive terrorists were neutralized within 4 days through the cooperative efforts of law enforcement organizations of a liberal state, the federal government, and an alert and responsive public.

Or we might say that the nation came under attack and prevailed against an internal threat through unified action, without consideration of politics.

Take your pick. I’ll go with #3.


Excellent points, Greg. I’m obviously biased, but perhaps those who like to mock “liberal” Boston should gleam a few lessons. This is a city that’s prepared to respond to a crisis, and showed that. Maybe having locals run around in their underwear with shotguns would be the preferable response in some communities, but I’m quite satisfied with the actions taken by local and federal officials in this case. Let me also draw attention to the outstanding work done by the first responders and local medical community. It’s staggering to think that, despite horrendous injuries, everyone who made it to a hospital alive so far has lived. Having multiple world class teaching hospitals in Boston isn’t an accident and wouldn’t happen in a community less welcoming to outsiders.

@Greg: No. The tone was set by an opportunistic demagogue in 2008, supported by derangement partially induced by bad journalism.

Don’t claim “unity” now. Most of us had suffer the Bush Derangement Syndrome and mass scapegoating of all things non-democrat for the past 12 years. We’ve been cleaved into “us and them” groupings by lib/dems for years now.

What goes around, comes around. While I can respect that the effort of Massachusetts is the only thing that matters here, I’m not going to concede to the liberal trolls hiding behind that fact.

You’re not celebrating unity of the nation. You took a “side” (petty) and your world-view hinges on Obama’s administration being “right.”

Don’t pretend to be objective now. You’re not.

@Greg: And now I’m missing “Grimm” so “The Worst President Ever” can take credit for the Boston bombings and exploit the weak minded by continuing his trend of over-exposing himself . . .

Like Coke, Disney, or any other brand.

Good times.

People and their opinions can’t be neatly divided into two distinct categories, as you apparently want to do. The fact that some see things that way has far more to do with how they choose to see than with how people actually are.

People and their opinions can’t be neatly divided into two distinct categories

I couldn’t agree with you more–that’s why I broke with the “liberal” mindset of polarization years ago.

But I’ve been reading your posts for some time now, and I”m not sure why your claiming to be an objective, careful analyst of what people are saying and where they are coming from. That’s new.

For the most part, you’ve come across like just another “hope” sticker on a prius. Not sure where you stand, but I hope the alternative view offered here is finally “changing” your view of things . . . for the better.

Patriot Day and Tax Day, how quick the perspective changes when the facts don’t match the hype.

Now, it is about how wonderful Liberal Boston can function under duress but wait, Conservatives had nothing but praise for the police of MA. Yes, Obama will now be able to revel in his success of hunting down the two non-terrorists by surrounding himself with the amputee survivors while he tells America how fearless he was in tracking down the bad guys who don’t believe in Jihad. This will be hard to pull off, but once you get the harpies of Madison Avenue fed with fat checks, they will be able to advise the Libs pols, the MSM morons, and their sycophant army on what to say, ad-infinitum.

Hopefully they blew the little bastard’s legs off that way he can live what’s left of his pathetic life like some of his victims.

@another vet: Knowing why was most important in capturing this terrorist wasn’t it? Sun Tzu would have been proud!

Most of the time the police don’t get the credit they deserve, until something like this happens. From now on, let’s thank a cop for being on the front lines protecting us. The ones on the streets aren’t being paid what they are worth, so why not buy their meal sometimes? Some police departments won’t let their members accept free meals, so I ask the waiter or waitress to bring me their ticket or tickets, and ask them not to say who paid for it. That way the officers have to accept the meal.

I have small notes I carry in my billfold for the waiter or waitress to give to the officer of officers or lower ranking military, that says:

Your meal has been paid for by
someone who appreciates you
being out here.
Thank you for being a part of my
being born and living in a fee

This younger brother is clinging to life right now and may never be able to tell us what he and his brother meant to do with the IEDs, bombs and other stuff of destruction he had at home.
But one day after killing three people and maiming 140+ others he was partying with the co-eds at his school!
Perhaps he was the useful sociopath his ideologue older brother used as a tool.
Hopefully the doctors can save him so we can find out.
And, one thing I’ll say about Boston/Watertown: they took being put under martial law more easily than I expected.
Ironically, when that ended was when the younger one was found, not during.

Isn’t it ironic that the older piece of meat was admitted to a Beth Israel hospital?

Greg doesn’t know it yet that most first responders are conservatives. Throw the military in for good measure. Why? The rule of law and defending your wonderful constitution. Union negotiators and the” whats in it for me crowd” are, of course, pushing for the growth of government.

I’m an acolyte of Mark Levin. I hear him salute the first responders 5 times a week. He knows his listeners well. He espouses your Constitution and rule of law as sacrosanct.

I’m sorry, OGA, you want us to believe these “First Responders” are conservative?

True conservatives actually follow the rule of law when conducting a search of a person’s property.

These clowns didn’t.

According to Chris Barry, a sophomore at the University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth and friend of Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, said that Tsarnaev “didn’t seem like a dangerous person at all … He was a pothead, a normal pothead. I couldn’t even imagine him being mad at someone, let alone hurting someone.”

The more I learn about this younger bro, the more I think he was a pawn of a charismatic ideologue, be it his older bro or their mosque’s imam or another imam they listened to on the web.
He just seems like a malleable person who would follow along like a stupid puppy.

Obama is going to be in charge of both the prosecution (federal DA) AND the defense,(federal public defender office) as it turns out.
We will learn all of the exculpatory stuff and very little of the motivational stuff.

@oil guy from Alberta, #13:

Greg doesn’t know it yet that most first responders are conservatives.

Where on earth do people come up with this sort of stuff?

They can stick labels on everybody and everything, but they’ll be nothing more than their own labels.

The genuinely important human traits aren’t liberal or conservative. Caring, kind, generous, loyal, compassionate, brave, trustworthy, self-sacrificing, patriotic. . . None of them have a damn thing to do with whether a person is liberal or conservative.


Caring, kind, generous, loyal, compassionate, brave, trustworthy, self-sacrificing, patriotic. .

All of which apply to conservatives. Now let’s adjust that to fit the liberal mindset:

Caring (for themselves), kind except to conservatives, generous with other people’s money, compassionate as long as you are not an unborn child or are a convicted cop killer, braveas long as someone else is protecting them, trustworthy unless they are a Democrat politician or a lamestream media reporter, self-sacrificing only if it suits the collective, patriotic when it comes to rainbow flags and being a citizen of the world.

@retire05, #17:

All of which apply to conservatives.

There are both fine human beings and contemptible human beings on either side of the political divide.

Promoting the lie that this is not the case is part of the divisive rot eating away at the nation. It’s one of the most unpatriotic and unAmerican lies I can imagine.

@Greg: @Greg:

There are both fine human beings and contemptible human beings on either side of the political divide.

But the percentage on your side of the aisle, Greggie, is very, very small.

Promoting the lie that this is not the case is part of the divisive rot eating away at the nation.

The divisive rot is coming from the man you helped elect to the White House. Our nation is more divided now than it has been in 50 years.

Promoting the lie that this is not the case is part of the divisive rot eating away at the nation.

Really? Let’s talk about how patriotic that woman from Planned Parenthood is when she declared that a born alive baby’s life was the decision of the mother and the doctor, or the clowns with their “Free Mumbia” signs, or the left wing press are when they express sympathy for the Boston terrorist, or when Dianne Feinstein admits, in vague terms, that she wants to totally disarm America, in spite of the 2nd Amendment or when the Democrats vote to place the United State’s, and our right to own firearms, under the control of the UN as they just did.

Let’s talk about the rot (Socialism) that is eating at the left, shall we?

The dad was distraught over the death of his older son, and said all Hell would break loose if his younger maniac was killed; what a load of horse manure, the younger son drove over his older brother while he was being cuffed. The cops were able to dive out of the way, but when you have been shot several times, you don’t move too fast. He ran over him and dragged him down the road underneath his stolen MB SUV.

This is when he had the biscuit: he was alive up until this point. This is really humorous, I hope his dad gets the joke! What the Hell, I bet Obama needs a little humor as well, he’s been awfully quiet lately. Personally, I love a good joke.

Oh well, if you are going to be keel hauled under a vehicle, you might as well be keel hauled under a luxury car

@Greg: Do you listen to Mark Levin? Every night first responders phone in. Some even on duty. Levin has this crowd locked in. Try it some time. You’ll be amazed.


Or we might say that the nation came under attack and prevailed against an internal threat through unified action, without consideration of politics.

You really are delusional, Greggie. Do you not understand the purpose of the Islamist jihadists? They won. And they won big. They created mahem in Boston, killing three and critically wounded scores more. They single handedly shut down a major U.S. city and had American citizens cowering in their homes. One died for Allah, and the other one is well on his way to getting his 72 virgins. View the photographs of a Boston resembling a ghost town and tell me how the Islamist pigs didn’t win.

And the Boston authorities? What idiots. They shut down an entire town and surrounding areas. Even New York didn’t shut down after 9-11-2001. I promise you, had that happened in Houston, Dallas or any large city in Texas, the citizens would have said “F-you. We are not going to cower in the corner like frightened children.”

So, no, the nation didn’t come under attack; Boston did, and it reacted exactly the way the jihadists wanted it to.

@retire05: They single handedly shut down a major U.S. city and had American citizens cowering in their homes.View the photographs of a Boston resembling a ghost town and tell me how the Islamist pigs didn’t win.

And the Boston authorities? What idiots. They shut down an entire town and surrounding areas. Even New York didn’t shut down after 9-11-2001. I promise you, had that happened in Houston, Dallas or any large city in Texas, the citizens would have said “F-you. We are not going to cower in the corner like frightened children.”

So, no, the nation didn’t come under attack; Boston did, and it reacted exactly the way the jihadists wanted it to.

In comment #12 I wrote:

And, one thing I’ll say about Boston/Watertown: they took being put under martial law more easily than I expected.
Ironically, when that ended was when the younger one was found, not during.

But you added to that very well, retir05.
If this was a test, the jihadists now know to attack in liberal….read blue….areas.
Those areas will shut down as if Martial Law has been declared even if it is an informal version like Boston’s ”shelter in place.”
During both the original Watts riots of the late 1960’s and the more recent Rodney King riots many people of a Red State inclination armed themselves and patrolled their own blocks.
We did in both instances.
Dad and older bros in the 60’s and me, hubby and other armed men and women in the area during the Rodney King riots.
Police tacitly approved.
I saw nothing like that in blue Boston.

@Rasputin lives: There is a generalization with the term” most”. Respect for people and people’s property is not a liberal or progressive trait. Their tenet is “what do I get for nothing?” I’m a victim and its got to be fair.

@oil guy from Alberta: #13
####Isn’t it ironic that the older piece of meat was admitted to a Beth Israel hospital?####

I noticed that too. I’m guessing the staff treating him didn’t know at that time that he was a Muslim terrorist, but I’m also guessing that they would have treaded him the same way if they did.

@oil guy from Alberta, #21:

Talk programs that have a strong political orientation attract listeners who share that political orientation. The vast majority of callers will be from that same pool of listeners. By no stretch of the imagination are they a random sample, evenly representing views across the entire population of first responders.


You really are delusional, Greggie. Do you not understand the purpose of the Islamist jihadists? They won. And they won big.

That’s hardly the way I see things. I think they just got a sample of how America responds to this sort of crap. I’m proud of the way my nation responded.

Next, they’re going to see what they actually represent put on public display, for all the world to see. Some PR victory for their cause: They’re the people who slaughter innocent women and children.


You really are delusional, Greggie. Do you not understand the purpose of the Islamist jihadists? They won. And they won big.

That’s hardly the way I see things. I think they just got a sample of how America responds to this sort of crap. I’m proud of the way my nation responded.

American didn’t respond; Boston did. And how? Mass hysteria when it first happened. Shocked, crying Americans on TV. Followed by a weeks worth of 24/7 coverage on them, complete with a total shutdown of a major city with Americans cowering in their homes, disrupting the normal flow of American life in that major city. That is what they saw. That is what the rest of the jihadist world saw. And it doesn’t matter how you view it; it matters how they view it.

Next, they’re going to see what they actually represent put on public display, for all the world to see. Some PR victory for their cause: They’re the people who slaughter innocent women and children.

Again, they will be the main attraction. Day after day, we will watch, and listen, to how they managed to bomb a major city in the U.S., killing and maiming Americans. They were not seeking a PR victory here, Greggie. They were seeking a PR victory in the Islamic jihadist’s world, and they acheived that goal. And yes, they slaughtered innocent men, women and children and that too, was their goal.

So for years, if the younger brother lives, he will be a hero to the Islamic jihad cause, his brother having already reached martyrdom, just as the Fort Hood Shooter is as he smiles when he enters court with his beard. And while we view Nidal Hassan as an animal, he is viewed as a hero to those that will try to repeat his actions.

I don’t want to know his name. I don’t want to see his face. I don’t want to know his life’s history, his back-story, who his family is, where he went to school, or what he liked to do in his spare time. I don’t want to know what “cause”, if any, he was fighting for. I don’t want to know why he did it, or may have done it, or what possessed him to carry out his actions. I don’t want to know. Because that’s what he really wants. I’ll be damned if I’m going to give him what he wants.

Put him on trial, but don’t cover it. Tell me when you decide to jail him for three lifetimes – because that number matters. That’s the number of lives he has to now pay for. That’s all I want to know about him. Nothing else.

Instead, tell me about the first responders who ran towards the fray, within seconds, fearless. Tell me about the ones wearing the yellow volunteer jacket, or the neon police vest, or even the ones in the regular everyday t-shirt who became a helper. Tell me the story about the first responder who held gauze over a wound until they made it to the hospital. Tell me the story about the volunteer who held the hand of the injured spectator until they got into the ambulance. In six months, tell me the story of those who lost a limb, who beat the odds, pulled through countless surgeries, and are learning to walk again. Tell me the story about the love, the compassion, and the never-ending support of thousands, millions, of people who support the victims here. Tell me their stories. Tell me everything you can, because they are the ones that matter. Tell me of the good that they have done, are doing, and will continue to do, regardless of… No, not regardless of, in spite of. In spite of that someone who would do them harm. Because that’s what freedom in this country means. It means coming together in the hardest of times, even in the face of unfathomable adversity, to make life better for all those around us.

Tell me the good stories. That’s all I want to hear.

Again, they will be the main attraction. Day after day, we will watch, and listen, to how they managed to bomb a major city in the U.S., killing and maiming Americans. They were not seeking a PR victory here, Greggie. They were seeking a PR victory in the Islamic jihadist’s world, and they acheived that goal. And yes, they slaughtered innocent men, women and children and that too, was their goal.

You seem to be suggesting that the murder of innocent men, women, and children is seen as honorable or acceptable in the Islamic world in general. I suppose it’s possible that you have your head so far up your butt that you actually believe that. I probably shouldn’t be surprised. You seem to hold half of your own countrymen in total contempt.

The end for the fanatics will eventually come when their own culture rejects them.


Maybe having locals run around in their underwear with shotguns would be the preferable response in some communities, but I’m quite satisfied with the actions taken by local and federal officials in this case.

So you get upset that some guy tweeted that everyone in Boston probably wished they had an AR-15, and then you post this? So now those of us that have guns run around in our underwear? Nice.

@David Brickner: It certainly is interesting.

Especially this

c) What was the exact purpose of the Boston Marathon bombings and their aftermath at MIT in Watertown?

I’m not going to blame those brothers for the Martial Law that Bostonians suffered under – I’m going to blame an administration who ‘never lets a crisis go to waste’. Massachusetts is a BO stronghold and he let Big Sis rip all over them. This was his beta test for the rest of the country and he’s watching the so-called conservative sites to see how they respond. The more that agree it was the right thing to do the more he’ll know he has leeway to do it again. Thank you, Nan G and retire05, for pointing out how easy the ‘blues’ accept the chains of tyranny.

This video proves the 4th Amendment is dead and just how easily people will be forced to give up their essential liberty for the Police State’s brand of security. It’s sickening.

Glenn Beck seems determined to go after the Saudi connection.

you said it for many of us
and it’s so well said,
it’s incredibly perfect for a first page of a book
you brought tears in my eyes,
and I don’t cry easy,
best to you

@Aqua: #32
Maybe he’s imagining us in our underwear.

@justme95: #33
obama did bow to the King of Saudi Arabia:

He has bowed to another king since then:


I’m not going to blame those brothers for the Martial Law that Bostonians suffered under – I’m going to blame an administration who ‘never lets a crisis go to waste’. Massachusetts is a BO stronghold and he let Big Sis rip all over them. This was his beta test for the rest of the country. . .

I honestly don’t get this sort of attitude.

Considering that two armed terrorists who had clearly demonstrated their intentions were known to be at large in a specific area, how should state and federal authorities have responded?

I can only imagine what would be said if authorities hadn’t responded so quickly and effectively. Or what would sort of attack would have come next, if the terrorists had managed to escape. It would only have been a matter of time.

@Smorgasbord: Oh, I see how that sentence could be miscontrued. I’m actually happy to see Beck do this. I think the US has been snuggling up to the Saudis for waaay past that use-by date. The Wahhabi schools in America should be shut down IMMEDIATELY! Gert Wilders got it right. The cultures are incomaptible. Sharia and our Republic do not mix. And No Burka!

@Greg: Did they shut down the whole of Manhattan Island after the atrocities of 9/11? NO! Did they shut down London after their attack? NO! And as Nan G pointed out, they only caught the guy because they LIFTED the lockdown. If you are unable to see that the BO admin is salivating at the mouth to place the entire country under Matial Law and really get his drone strikes going on Americans, well, I can’t make the blind see.

@justme95: #38
I agree with all you said.

SENATOR GRAHAM is really good , he and other with him are
telling which way the terrorist should be following and he know what he is talking about,
SENATOR RAND will be speaking on FOX about it.


I honestly don’t get this sort of attitude.

Right now there seems to be some video floating around showing SWAT teams going door-to-door, ordering the residents out at gunpoint. Asking for identification and sending them down the street to be frisked by other police officers. I’m waiting to see how this pans out, but if it is true? You’d be ok with that? Because I damn sure wouldn’t.

on 31
we must not wait till their own CULTURE make them stop to hate,
we must exterminate them before because they will always follow
who has dictated them to hate the infidels since CENTURIES AGO,
where they would have to pay their passage or else become prisoneers forever in those countries
they where claiming their ownership of the water around the WORLD,
THE AMERICAN got tired of it and decide to stop it, they took them on
and won, it end up that tribute charge by the MUSLIMS LEADERS,
so where did their mentality came from, that is from when they are the one who took by sea way
THE AFRICANS AS SLAVES for their own used,
how come it was STOP BY THE WHITES AMERICANS, who fought them for it,
the ones who survived where bought from ARABS unscrupulous dealers
because of the natural inner core compassion of the WHITES, who gave them bread and work and made them proud to earn their stay,