For now, we must stay ever vigilant.
Meanwhile after the loss Obama showed the emotion we expected of a leader after Newton, Boston, Benghazi…but never got. I wonder why?
Given his record, there’s every reason to believe that what’s really bothering him is the fact that red-state Dems denied him an easy chance today to demagogue Republicans as the party of child murder or whatever, which he was hoping to use next year as a way to retake the House. Then, once he had a Democratic Congress again, he could pass some new horrible permutation of ObamaCare or immigration or the minimum wage or some other liberal wishlist item that has nothing to do with gun control. Just like in his first term! That’s what he’s mad about, that a political bludgeon was essentially taken out of his hands before he had a chance to use it to achieve unrelated goals.
Poor widdle President Stompy Foot.
This angry little man is the man we don’t see behind the scenes. He cannot tolerate dissent, cannot tolerant anyone who doesn’t agree with him…in short the definition of a bad leader.
See author page
Tom, I’m not even sure I’m getting your point. Are you saying that nobody here acknowledged this as a crime until we found out it was a muslim who committed it? Or that if the perps had been white supremacist that we would have somehow decided it was conspiracy by police instead or defended it? I’m not sure where you are seeing that.
@This one: What a bogus study and studies referenced. They base the violence on lax gun laws and the number of guns in the state. No one knows how many guns are in any state! Then look at what they consider gun violence. Not one of these studies would get a passing grade in my 9th grade class. Not one has been peer reviewed.
@Tom: Why do you suppose the people in Chicago have such a high rate of gun violence or a high rate of violence in general? Do you think they commit violence against someone else because of a gun or because they just don’t have any respect for others? And that just doesn’t apply to Chicago. Here are the 2011 homicide statistics for the U.S. What is your analysis of those stats?
@another vet:
Excellent questions. We can’t police human nature. We can’t stop people from wanting to do harm, but we can very much influence their ability to do so. Of course that might entail minor inconveniences for law abiding citizens. which is unacceptable when you’ve just been invited on a hunt that starts in two hours and you’ve never shot a gun before.
@Tom: I don’t think it’s true. Since I found out it was a Muslim, I’ve not had a word to say except that I’m glad they caught the bombers. I’m not surprised at who it was.
@Tom: Tom, another of your fallacious arguments:
They don’t have to steal them because they are available on every street corner. If they closed the borders and limited the illegal entry of hundreds of thousands of weapons, then you would see the theft rate go up. Why steal one when you can buy one much easier. Registering guns is not the answer, not a single one of the guns brought across the border illegally will ever be ‘registered’. Australia made guns illegal, but they didn’t stop the hundreds of thousands entering their country illegally either. Consequently 90+% of the people there still own guns.
Another? Oh, I forgot about that other time.
Which is the point. You will never eliminate crime, violent or not. In our PC society, people are reluctant to put the blame on human nature or something more complex and would rather point the blame somewhere else. Here is an eye opening study of homicides in the black community. Notice how the conclusion is not to get to the nuts and bolts as to why the homicide rate is so much higher in the black community by applying the various criminological theories as to why people commit crime in the first place regardless of race such as the sociological theories, the General Theory, the Routine Activities Theory, the Social Control Theory, the Classical Theory, or the Differential Association Theory, but rather to reduce access to guns. It’s the easy, lazy person’s way out. Kind of like our deficit problem.
thank you for enlighting me,
@ilovebeeswarzone: AAANDDD you add a lot to it, Beeeeees
thank you
Here is the vital ingredient you and other left wing apologists always ignore/overlook… those “wrong hands”. Those are people, criminals, committing crimes. Again, to emphasize the weakness of your argument for MORE gun control, Chicago shows how it fails if the criminals are excused, forgiven and let go. As long as they can see that their courthouse protectors will make every excuse imaginable to keep from holding those “wrong hands” accountable, what do they have to fear? It is their culture, and this is a left-wing culture, that makes it acceptable to use violence in public places merely to make a point, innocent lives be damned. I would appreciate it if you would spell out a law that will affect that attitude. Regulation has no effect on those who ignore regulation.
Now, take Aurora, Illinois, just outside of Chicago. While Chicago had over 500 gun murders in 2012 (thanks to the effective gun ban), Aurora had ZERO. So, what is the difference? Aurora has no gun ban and no murders, Chicago has a gun ban and hundreds of murders. Is it guns or people?
bburris… you nailed it.
But I’ll add one thing… in these HIGH CRIME areas… the HIGHER the CRIME RATE… the HIGHER the % of Liberal voters….. the PARTY of elected reps of these districts PROVES this to be true….. why doesn’t the LEFT, ever talk about THAT FACTOID??
@Hankster58: It is very unusual to find a city with a high crime rate that is run by conservatives (Repubs), almost without exception, it is Libs (Dims)
@Redteam: 121
Example of your statement: