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The silent majority needs to start taking action. I wrote LEGO and told them they are now on my “Businesses not to buy from” list. The companies who are bowing to the Muslim religion are giving them free advertising, and are emboldening them to continue this tactic with other companies. This all helps in their recruiting efforts. Let’s start speaking out and letting companies know that most of their customers are not Muslim and can quit buying their products.

Decisions like this have consequences beyond a little toy.

My son got me to go see ‘Olympus Has Fallen’ last week with him, he’s so happy when I’ll go see any movie with him because I go so infrequently. We were talking and I mentioned that his mother & I would go to the movies almost weekly when we were dating, he asked what happened that I don’t go more then once or twice a year now and I didn’t have an answer for him then.

But it’s just occurred to me why, I think it was ‘The Sum of All Fears’ movie that killed Hollywood & movies for me. I’d read the book and enjoyed it but when the movie came out they changed the terrorists from Muslim to Neo-Nazis, this was 2002 and that had a profound impact on me.

I’m much more careful about what I spend my money & time on, Lego should consider the wider impact of their decision.

@D: #2
I don’t think the entertainment industry has ever turned a book into a movie without making it the way they want it to be. I never read the book, “Forrest Gump”, but the ones making the movie wanted him to write a second so they could make a second movie. In an interview, he said something like, “What am I supposed to do? They killed off all of my characters. Nobody died in the book.”

When you see the words, “Based on….”, you know ahead of time it means, “I bought the right to change the story line any way I want.” I very seldom go to any of today’s movies. If certain actors are in them, I don’t watch them, even when they come on cable or satellite, because they track what you watch. The more they are watched, the more the company makes that made them. I keep a list of companies NOT to buy from. The latest person on my list is Jim Carrey.

One way to protest the TV and movie industry is to not watch the things or people you object to.