Drunk driving illegal kills baby
They are powerful images. One is of an anguished young mother lying in a hospital bed holding her lifeless baby. The other is of the father, saying a prayer over the tiny boy just before handing him over to the Office of the Medical Examiner.
It was the only time Zach and Aileen Smith held their son, whom they named Dimitri after Aileen’s grandfather. The child was born by Caesarean section in a Santa Fe hospital in an effort to save him, just hours after the Smiths were involved in a crash with an alleged drunk driver on June 10 on Interstate 25 in San Miguel County. Aileen was seven months pregnant at the time.
Ramon Hernandez, 43, of Las Vegas — who has at least four prior DWI convictions — appeared in court on Tuesday on charges of multiple offenses.
He was originally charged with felony DWI and causing injury to a pregnant woman. The latter charge was amended a few days later to vehicular homicide.
Hernandez is an illegal alien
Flores said Hernandez was also being detained over immigration concerns.
The question is- is there anyone in charge at DHS?
It’s been quite a confusing week for the Obama regime. Last week it was reported that hundreds of illegal alien detainees were being released as a consequence of the sequester budget cuts.
The Department of Homeland Security has started releasing hundreds of illegal immigrants held in local jails in anticipation of automatic budget cuts, in a move one Arizona sheriff called politically motivated — and dangerous.
Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu said Tuesday that Immigration and Customs Enforcement released more than 500 detainees in his county alone over the weekend. A spokesman for Babeu told FoxNews.com that ICE officials have said they plan to release a total of nearly 10,000 illegal immigrants.
The numbers, though, are in dispute. ICE officials said that it’s unclear how many ultimately might be released and that only 303 have been released from four Arizona facilities so far, though all those are in Pinal County. According to ICE, 2,280 detainees are still in custody in those facilities.
It turns out that thousands, not hundreds, were being released. The big question is, who authorized it, especially as the “cuts” had yet to occur.
Thousands of illegal immigrants ticketed for deportation have been released from federal detention centers in recent weeks, according to a report that came out even as the White House and Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano denied any involvement in the policy.
Plans to release illegal immigrants in anticipation of looming budget cuts were announced earlier this week, but the report by The Associated Press detailed the policy had already taken effect and on a much larger scale. Citing federal documents, the agency said more than 2,000 illegal immigrants facing deportation had been released from immigration jails and plans exist to release 3,000 more people by the end of the month.
Obama said “not my fault”
The newly disclosed figures are significantly higher than what the Obama administration acknowledged this week as a “few hundred” who were released without the White House’s direct knowledge.
Even though the Obama regime was content to lie about the number released.
Then Napolitano said “Not my fault”
And on Friday, Napolitano, whose agency oversaw the move, said the decision to release illegal immigrants was made “in the field,” and without her knowledge.
So who made the decision?
Jay Carney said it was made by “career ICE officials.”
Curiously and conveniently, a high ranking DHS official chose to resign this week.
The senior Homeland Security Department official in charge of arresting and deporting illegal immigrants announced his retirement to his staff on Tuesday, the same day the administration first openly confirmed the release of what it called several hundred immigrants. The executive associate director over ICE enforcement and removal operations, Gary Mead, told his staff he was leaving his job with mixed emotions. A career law enforcement officer, Mead will leave at the end of April.
After AP reported on Mead’s retirement, ICE spokeswoman Gillian Christensen said his decision was not related to criticism over the jail releases and said Mead had notified the agency’s senior leaders “several weeks ago” that he intended to leave. She also called AP’s reporting about Mead’s departure “inaccurate and misleading.” On Thursday, ICE corrected her statement to say that Mead has notified his bosses “more than a week ago,” not several weeks ago.
But the AP was unable to reach him for comment:
The later government statement also criticized AP’s reporting as “ill-informed, inaccurate information” and complained that AP had failed to contact the agency before publishing what it called a “misguided headline,” although the AP had noted its unsuccessful efforts to contact Mead directly by telephone and email.
So as of yet, no one know who made the decision to release thousands of illegal alien detainees. There is absolutely no question that this is bare knuckle politics but it does put American citizens in jeopardy. And it could come back to bite Obama in the backside:
The release of hundreds of illegal immigrants into a federal monitoring system this week may be an ongoing headache for the Obama administration, as Republicans focus their scrutiny on uncovering potential missteps.
Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.), the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, “will be aggressively examining the ramification of this decision,” according to a committee aide.
The GOP did offer legislation to give Obama more flexibility on the cuts but the Senate killed it and Obama promised to veto it.
Obama’s releasing arrested illegals and not deporting them already has had consequences:
President Barack Obama‘s decision not to deport some arrested illegal immigrants has enabled a crime wave — but no American or immigrant victims have been publicly identified, and GOP politicians have mostly remained mute.
Illegal aliens who have been released from custody between 2008 and mid-2011 have been charged with 16,226 subsequent crimes, including 19 murders, 142 sex crimes and thousands of drunk-driving offenses, drug-crimes and felonies, according to a new report from the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service.
“Rather than protect the American people he was elected to serve, President Obama has imposed a policy that allows thousands of illegal immigrants to be released into our communities,” said a statement from Rep. Lamar Smith, the chairman of the House judiciary committee.
Obama best hope he hasn’t released the next Ramon Hernandez.
DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
Why would he even worry about it? No matter what happens (unless, of course, it is good), Obama will have his media propagandists blame it on the Republicans. No doubt, he is hoping for it. As the liberal said, “worst case scenario, nothing happens”.
On the other hand, Obama has imprisoned in a gulag all of the (between 6 and 30) survivors of the Benghazi attack.
Almost 6 months they have been hidden from us now.
Two US Congressmen have written Sec. State Kerry demanding to see them and know who they are.
@Nan G: I believe Benghazi is the key to the unravelling of the entire Obama government…
A case for ciminal charges of Treason and participation in an Ongoing Criminal Enterprise seem to be developing, but with the DOJ being complicit I don’t guess we’ll see prosecution before revolution will we.
Democrats are evil. There is no hiding the inherent maleficence of the left.
The fact that Maxine Waters can shamelessly claim that the sequester would result in 170 million jobs being lost…when there are only 150-154 million workers total in our country is an indictment of the media in not showing her ignorance and demagoguery for what it is. Can you imagine how gleefully the leftist media would have endlessly reported such a comment if Dan Quayle or George Bush had said something so patently stupid? Yet Maxine’s ignorance is purposefully ignored…just as Menendez’s use of young Dominican prostitutes is willfully ignored.
Those who believe leftist ideology are stupid. Those who put out leftist propaganda are evil.
Marxism delenda est.
Obama talks about young illegals being like little angels, so innocent and desirous of citizenship and assimilation.
Not so fast.
A 13-year old was arrested in Mexico with other members of the Los Zetas drug cartel and gang.
In police custody the ”child” admitted to being a hitman and killing 10 people.
BUT police let him go.
You have to be 14 to be a criminal in Mexico because…..young people are little angels, so innocent.
His dead body was found with signs of torture the other day.
Seems he’d have been better off under arrest.
Budget cuts have real-world consequences.
Keep repeating the above statement until it finally begins to sink in.
Especially those that haven’t occurred yet, eh Greg?
Spending more money (expenses) than you take in (income) is a sure signing that you are failing to work within your budget
There are dire consequences for going over budget too
@Greg: Yes Greg, buget cuts DO have consequences, it is a shame that the people who are deciding who will be punished by these cuts do not have the best interest of the country in mind.
Tell us, can your household continue to survive with 2.5% less income? Or did you go totally broke when the Social Security deduction went back up Jan 1. Obviously you didn’t have to give up the internet, did you have to give anything up?
@John Hardesty: But it’s a lot easier when you don’t pass a budget for the entire first term in office, despite the law, right?
Have we not been here before? Remember Fast & Furious, where Eric Holder testified that he was not responsible for the actions of “career ATF agents” who Holder claimed were actually the ones responsible for the program that went so terribly wrong? Obviously, it is George Bush’s fault for hiring these “career” officials. Or maybe it is Bill Clinton’s fault? But you can take it to the bank that this Administration will wash its hands of any copability in the decision made to put 2,000 criminals back on our streets in California, Arizona, Georgia and Texas.
So while the Administration, via its mouthpiece, Jay Carney, blatantly lies to the American people about the number of illegals released, and tries to pass the lie that these were “non-criminal” illegals, we learn once again the Administration is willing to perpetrate any lie in order to carry out its nefarious actions against American citizens. So the question poses itself; if Napolitano, Holder and Obama are not in control over their subordinates, who the hell is running this country?
Crime in the United States, committed by illegal aliens, is not something the D.C. elites and their lap dog press want to talk about. If the American people were truely aware of the cost of illegal immigration, they would be marching on Washington, D.C. by the millions. Instead, violent crime committed by illegals is a subject basically ignore by the national press, relegated to the columns of local newspapers and short reports from local channels. But make no mistake; illegal immigration crime is a problem that will not be helped with any back door amnesty. In fact, it probably will only make it worse as those who commit crimes are treated like American citizens and not deported because they are now “legal” residents.
Take the example of Edwin Ramos.
Ramos was an illegal alien from El Salvador who had a criminal history of drug offices and other “violent” crimes but was not deported as San Francisco is a sanctuary city. While Anthony Bolgona and his two sons, Michael, 20 and Matthew, 16, sat in their car at an intersection near their home on June 22, 2008, Ramos shot and killed all three men.
But it gets even better. Bolgona’s widow, who lost not only her husband but two of her three sons to the thug, Ramos, sued the city of San Francisco for its sanctuary city policies that allowed Ramos to walk free only to murder most of her family. But a California Court of Appeals said that Danielle Bologna had no case and that the City of San Francisco cannot be held responsible for the deaths because “although tragic” did not fit into the narrow legal exception allowing such lawsuits against government entities. Because of San Francisco’s sanctuary city policies, which violate federal law, Ramos was not deported and Danielle Bologna has to live the rest of her life knowing those policies allowed for the death of her family. Ramos was later proved to be part of the vicious gang, MS-13.
In May, 2010 Houston PD Officer Kevin Will was working a road block. He was struck, and killed, by drunk driver, Johoan Rodriquez, traveling at a high rate of speed. Rodriquez, an illegal alien from Mexico, was charged with not only intoxicating manslaughter of Officer Will, but also with possession of a control substance. His alcohol level at the time he killed Officer Will was .238.
A 2003 article in the Austin American-Statesman reported that of the 3,007 drunken driving arrests in 2003, 43% involved Hispanic men, although Hispanic men make up only 11% of Austin’s driving population. Add Hispanic women to the mix, and the rate rises to 47% of all DWI arrests although Hispanics represent only 21% of all Austin drivers.
The article goes on to report that one third of last year’s (2002) 71 traffic fatalities in Austin involved Latino deaths and of that 71, 74% involved alcohol. Statewide, 42% of people arrested for DWI were Latinos, and in Austin between 1999 and 202, 46% were Latinos. Because Austin is a sanctuary city, it does not report whether the “Latino” who slaugtered someone in a hit and run are illegal or legal residents.
What budget cuts, Greggie?
The truth of the matter is that there are NO budget cuts. The budget is actually larger this year than last year’s [non-passed] budget. And if you earn $1,000 a week and you can’t work around a $25.00 cut in pay, then you are too stupid to own a check book.
@retire05, #12:
You’re citing decade-old Texas statistics. Here’s something a lot more recent:
Apparently Hispanics are now responsible for a smaller percentage of DUI accidents than would be expected from their demographic percentage.
Maybe their driving skills are now superior to other demographic groups. Or maybe the Obama administration’s policy of selectively deporting those deemed to represent the highest degree of danger to the community is responsible. Take your pick.
@Nan G: of course he has detained them. They will provide evidence to impeach barry for treason. However the OMG. obama media group will let nothing bad about their boy out in public. Disgusting.
@retire05, #13:
Of course the government can work around sequestration. Releasing prisoners that you don’t expect you’ll be able to afford to feed and house is one example of a work-around. Doubling the length of lines at airport security check points is another. As time goes by, we’ll likely see an increasing number of examples. Feel free to complain about each and every one.
Have your own routine daily expenses gone up a bit during the past year? Here’s a news flash: The same thing is true of the cost of operating the government. Cutting funding increases that were made in anticipation of such cost increases is, in fact, A REAL CUT. It means that you will have to stop doing as much as you did before.
@Greg: why yes, Greg, especially gasoline and I have simply had to do with less. Now it’s government’s turn to do the same.
I see; releasing criminals is the only answer, right? Nevermind that we should be cutting the welfare benefits of those who are too damn lazy to get a job, even one at minimum wage. They would rather suck off the taxpayer teat. Prime example? NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA, where they are still whining about Katrina. Why are we paying women to do nothing but have children when you progressives think abortion is an answer to proverty?
Funny, when Fidel Castro took over Cuba and turned it into a Communist heaven, one of his first actions was to release the criminals. Only Castro was smarter than Obama is; Castro put them on boats headed for Florida.
Yep. But only because Obama has done nothing, not one damn thing, to alleviate the cost of fuel. So my groceries have gone up but not because farmers are making more money but because the cost of tranporting food is greater, the gas I put in my truck has gone up, and my utilities have gone up, even though I have cut consumption. It all surrounds around Obama’s total reluctance to provide us with the bounty of natural fuel sources this country is so rich in. Remember what a gallon of gas cost on January 20, 2009, Greggie? Because I damn sure do. Oh, and my insurance premiums have gone up because of Obamacare. Sandra Fluck must get her birth control pills paid for, you know, because she just might want to go back to Paris with her boyfriend and couldn’t get her script filled there.
@ Greg; yes, real consequences…. one of those being fiscal security. Spending with reckless disregard for being able to sustain the spending has consequences; dire consequences.
But the question is, Greggie, what percentage of drivers are Hispanic. It doesn’t matter if the population is the same as the percentage of Hispanics involved in a traffic fatality, only if you think Hispanic kids are drive drunk. Do you really think that Hispanic kids are driving drunk, Greggie? They make up the largest portion of the Hispanic community in Texas.
As usual, you’re trying to compare apples (drunk drivers old enough to drive) to oranges (Hispanic population that includes all kids under the age of 18).
@retire05, #18:
Hey, Shell was finally allowed to get on with 2 Arctic drilling projects this past year, despite concerns about their ability to deal with unforeseen contingencies in a fragile, pristine environment. Present score, 0 for 2. Both operations were halted by the company after a series of accidents that left their clever drilling equipment adrift. Fortunately, they managed to round it up without creating any minor disasters, but the company has suspended any new efforts at least through 2013. “Our decision to pause in 2013 will give us time to ensure the readiness of all our equipment and people following the drilling season in 2012.” Yeah, right. That’s what regulators and environmentalists have had doubts about. Based on recent history.
But fear not! The administration may cave on the Keystone Pipeline, allowing Canadian industrialists to pipe toxic crap across the United States and gain access to world markets through Gulf ports. Never mind the fact that the stuff has already contaminated Canadian lakes over 50 miles away from Canadian production facilities. Compare the proposed route of the Keystone XL pipeline with a map of the Ogallala Aquifer. One thousand and seven hundred miles of 36″ pipeline, buried 48″ deep. What could possibly go wrong?
Hey, anything to shave a few pennies off pump prices. Assuming that even happens. We are, after all, talking about a world market.
@retire05, #20:
If the percentage of all Texas DUI accidents that involve Hispanics is less than the percentage Hispanics represent of the total Texas population, it makes no sense to single Hispanics out as more of a DUI threat to the general public. Assuming one is thinking rationally, of course.
According to the 2000 U.S. Census, Hispanics in Texas represented 32% of the population, yet represented only 11% of all Texas drivers. Why would you think that when 32% represents 11% of all driver that now because their Hispanic population is now 38%, that the percentage of all Texas drivers would increase by 27% to represent their actual population numbers?
Show me where Hispanics represent 38% of all Texas drivers.
Try checking the latest census, rather than one that’s now over a decade old. The information that the Texas Department of Transportation provided was based on the 2010 census, and their own 2011 state accident data. I included a link in post #14. I don’t believe the TexasDOT has provided incorrect information.
According to the U.S. Census site, that I just visited here is the breakdown for Texas:
Population 26,059,203
Percent of Hispanics: 38.1% = 9,902,497
Total number of Texans under the age of 18: 27.1% or 7,062,044
Percentage of Texans under 18 who are Hispanic: 48.3% pr 3,41o,967.
As you can see, over 1 in three of all Hispanics in Texas are under the age of 18.
So the percentage of the population would not equal the percentage of drivers, Greggie.
Yet, if you do the math, using U.S. Census numbers, Hispanics represent only 34.1% of all residents of Texas over the age 18.
Isn’t the minimum age for a Texas drivers license 16? I’m not sure I understand the relevance of Hispanics being over or under age 18.
@Greg: @Greg:
Yes, kids 16 may get a restricted driver’s license in Texas. But not until they have been trained by a) a driver’s ed instuctor, which costs money you claim poor people don’t have or b) a licensed parent who has a clean driving record.
My point is: if adult Hispanics represent only 34% of all Texas adults who are eligible to drive due to age, but the percentage of DWIs in the Hispanic population is 38%, that means that a greater number of Hispanics are involved in DWIs than blacks, whites, Asians and Native Americans.
Again, what is the Hispanic percentage of all Texas drivers?
In Texas, as in CA the numbers driving on the road is difficult to ascertain.
In CA drivers are NOT represented accurately by studying Drivers Licenses.
Too many illegals do not have one.
Also too many illegals drive without insurance.
A great number of them also drive cars with stolen tags to make it LOOK like they are at least registering their autos.
But they are not.
Listen – one night – to police calls and hear how often the tags and or plates are not correct for the vehicle.
If you get a restricted Texas license at 16 and drive without incident for 12 months, you’ll have an unrestricted Texas driver’s license by age 17. If there are a higher percentage of Hispanics under age 18, there’s also likely a higher percentage of Hispanics having an unrestricted license by age 17.
For some reason, you really do seem to want Hispanic drivers to be perceived as a proven Texas public menace.
For some reason you want to divert attention to my opinion of Hispanic (a generalized term, if ever there was one) drivers from the real issue this thread is about; Obama’s lying ass.
Do you really believe that Obama, and his lackey, Janet Napolitano, were unaware that DHS was going to release thousands of illegals in ICE jails? Do you really buy Jay Carney’s b/s that these were NON-criminals? If they were NON-criminals, and Obama is only deporting criminals, why were those illegals in an ICE jail awaiting deportation?
Why are we allowing the importation of criminals? Don’t we have enough home-grown criminals to suit you progressives? And do you really think those who sneak across our borders have any respect for any of our laws? Pew Hispanic Center did a survey that showed that a majority of those who violate our immigration laws knew they were violating our immigration laws. Hey, break a little law here, another little law there, and what do you have? 11 to 20 million criminals.
So do a little research, Greggie, that doesn’t fit with the progressive agenda of pandering to law breakers. Read criminal psychologist Dr. Deborah Schurman-Kaufman extensive report on sex crimes committed in the U.S. by illegals. Go to Local 2544 of the Border Patrol’s website and link on to the human cost of illegal immigration. The truth is out there, although I doubt you really want to know it. Murdering a Catholic nun? No problem. An illegal will do it. Killing three members of one family just trying to get home? No problem. An illegal will do it. Kill a cop? Sure. Just as Officer Rodney Johnson’s widow how its done.
So stop trying to dodge the issue.
@retire05, #31:
Maybe you should have asked that of your old’ buddy, George W. Bush. (Who was arrested for DUI, btw, as was Dick Cheney–twice. That guy might have racked up a third alcohol-related arrest, had he not been spirited away after an accidental shooting and kept from authorities for over 14 hours, until his blood alcohol level dropped.) Illegal immigration was at a much higher level during the Bush administration. Under Obama, illegal immigration has declined dramatically. What has been higher under Obama is the rate of deportations.
Is that the sort of dodging you’re referring to?
@Nan G: Only two — uh? – WTF – over??? — outta 500+ congresscritters – only two have the ‘nads to ask lurch – ‘ell that moran probably doesn’t know — they should be waterboarding the hildabeast!!!
@Nan G: All–Riight!!!!
Hernandez is an illegal alien.
This is a hateful and ‘dehumanizing’ statement….
Hernandez is an illegal INVADER…..
….and now a Illegal Invader murderer….with a drinking problem….somehow this Invader is now our problem… who da thunk…
@retire05 – Food Prices going up.. up.. up.. you betcha…and I agree with you it all goes back to FUEL COSTS…FUEL COSTS…FUEL COSTS… It does not take a rocket scientist to figure that one out!! That is not to mention every other necessity “COST” going up….yep OFraud was correct on that one…I’ll give him that…
There is a store which I love and used to frequent it once a month and spend a decent amount of money there…now, I am lucky if I get there once every 3 months…I don’t drive anymore unless I have to… and to think Witch Pelosi was continually bitching about the $1.85 fuel costs under Bush…Gee, I wonder why haven’t heard her ‘bitching’ about fuel costs these days….??!?? [sarc]
To say what happened to this family is tragic is a understatement….You know who I blame??
I blame the bleeding heart Liberals/Democrats/Progressives/…the Low Information Voters…The Brain Dead…and foremost our GOVERNMENT [that goes for the Senate and the Congress and the Homeland Agencies ] ALL SIDES !!…. And I blame the Illegal INVADERS south of our States Borders for having the gall to think they can just do whatever they please without consequences…AND …the same for those from wherever else anyone wishes to describe the Invaders to come from to be in this country “Illegally”.
An American Invading any “Other” country [illegally] and the consequences would be dire by US standards…
I pray for this family that they can get through this horrible and tragic time… their lives will never be the same…God Bless Them…
We have enough drunk driving by US citizens. We don’t need drunk illegals. We don’t need illegals. After all, if it saves just one life….
That’s because it was actually reported and the deportations you speak of actually began under Bush. Right now we’re basically deporting no one.
Exactly. Neither Bush, nor Cheney, have anything to do with this thread. It’s just more exhibition of your BDS. Bush has been out of office for over four years, yet you, like the liar that now occupies the Oval Office, still want to blame everything on the previous administration. You just cannot bring yourself to admit that your Chicago messiah lies, and with regularity.
Yes, George Bush got a DWI. When he was 20. He was using a legal product. Shall we talk about Obama’s use of illegal drugs when he was 20? Nah, didn’t think you wanted to go there.
Really? And why did more illegals try to sneak into our country during Bush? BECAUSE THERE WERE JOBS. Almost the whole time Bush was in office, our unemployment numbers were at what Democrats once called “acceptable” rates, well that is, until Bush got into office. You don’t want to address the fact that 1) Obama released 2,000 criminal aliens into the general public 2) he, Napolitano and Carney all lied about the number and 3) he has put the general public into harm’s way.
So instead, you twist and turn, trying to avoid the real issues. You bring up Bush and Cheney, claim Obama is better at everything, yada yada yada. Tell me, Greggie, how did you become so brain washed?
Similar happened in Minnesota, http://michellemalkin.com/2008/02/21/illegal-alien-bus-driver-arrested-in-minnesota-school-tragedy/comment-page-1/ 3 kids killed and then another case of an Ethiopian American teenager being killed by an Illegal in the state. These things burn me up and then people wonder why I am so anti-illegal-immigration.
@retire05, #39:
The fact that you believe Obama to be the antichrist doesn’t mean that everyone who disagrees with you automatically believes him to be some sort of model of human perfection.
@Greg: We know that Greg, but you are obviously enthralled with him…
The fact that you refuse to acknowledge that the Obama administration lies to the American people with unprecedented regularity means that you are supportive of his actions. There is no doubt that the lie of “200” illegals released was put out there. It was only by some digging by the AP that the truth came out. And of course, the standard excuse put out by anyone connected with this Administration is “I didn’t do it. Underlings did it and I have no control over them.”
If Janet Napolitano, and Barack Obama, cannot govern, why are we giving them a paycheck? Why not just hire the underlings that seem to be the cause for everything that happens? Janet Napolitano makes the claim our borders are safer than ever. They are, but not for us, but for Mexico because Mexico has encouraged its criminal element to migrate, illegally, to the U.S.
But Obama was going to make things so much better for the average American, right? How so? No you are getting less every payday; the cost of groceries, utilities and insurace are skyrocketing. Taxes are going up and we see Democrat run enclaves like towns in California and Detroit in bankruptcy. Middle class wage earners can no longer afford the products made by GM. Housing will continue to devalue as middle class workers can no longer afford to maintain them in proper condition (hired a plumber, electrician lately, Greggie?) and because they are having to spend more for food, gas, insurance and utilities. 8% unemployment has become the norm, and although our nation continues to see a population growth, our work force is at 40 year lows.
But none of that seems to matter to you and does’t seem to alarm you in the least. Not once have you ever criticized Obama, or any of his actions. Nevermind our domestic troubles, the MiddleEast is exploding, thanks to Obama’s facilitating rebels who turn out to be Al Qaeda (revealed by the British press who are not in Obama’s lap) and we are giving fighter jets to Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood who continue to demand the destruction of not only Israel, but us, as well.
As a progressive, you have certainly backed a man that is progressing the U.S.; right into disaster. Yet you say not one word.
Obama as the anti-Christ? I won’t go that far, although he is doing some of the exact things that were done by others who also claimed not to be dictators. But then, perhaps the destruction of the miracle that was this nation is what you truely want.
@Scott in Oklahoma, #42:
I generally support the President, and I strongly disagree with many of the opinions expressed by the far right. That doesn’t equate with enthrallment. It equates with a political orientation.
So you admit to being a lemming. Great, that’s a start.
Scott in Oklahoma
I wonder if this I read, is related to BENGHASI,
you should be ashamed to use the BUSH NAME to protect an illegal criminal,
My mother was killed by a drunk illegal Mexican driver in Denver in 1982. He was tested at .24 four hours AFTER THE ACCIDENT! His penalty was house detention on weekends and work release during the week. His insurance company was only obligated to pay $50k because Colorado had a no-fault law. $36k of this money went to the driver that sustained many injuries but lived. My mother’s life was worth $16,000.
Are you listening senators and representatives?
sorry to hear that, and an illegal on top of that,
that is not fair price for a life, it’s priceless but the amount should have at least one hundreds thousands,
to the children and husband, best to you