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End The Attack By Talking Heads

The shock settles into our private thoughts looking for a place that will explain the wanton destruction of so many lives, most especially of the youngest innocents who could not have understood the savagery which faced them, and each one of us wonders, “why?” We sense a particular empathy for Connecticut parents who will never again know another day quite like those they had known prior to the morning of December 14, 2012.

We feel a profound sadness and quietly, privately, shed a tear for the harm which has befallen our neighborhood. Most of us have compassion for the extreme pain imposed on a fellow community. Most of us that is, but not all.

A few seem to have recognized an opportunity for self-promotion amidst the grieving, the commotion and sense of loss.  As I read posts like this regarding ABC News editorial producer Nadine Shubailat, and like this one concerning Katie Couric, I am reminded of an interview I watched in the mid ‘80s conducted by Diane Sawyer.  Sawyer interviewed a couple, in their home, some time after their daughter had been severely abused and killed and her body mutilated. I shall never forget the revulsion I sensed at Sawyer’s insane question delivered with a furrowed brow feigning a pained look, “How does it feel?” I could never view her, or her ilk in the same light again. In fact, I find it impossible to listen to anything such talentless, mindless drones have to disseminate.

These same parasites have today invaded Sandy Hook Elementary School and its environs, extracting comments from shocked and grieving children, as well as from their parents. Ms. Shubailat boasts that, “she books interview subjects for Diane Sawyer, George Stephanopoulos, Barbara Walters, Robin Roberts, Jake Tapper, Bob Woodruff and other ABC journalists,” which suggests the invasion and the attacks will continue.

We may not all know their pain, but we can sense and feel sorrow which all of these families in Connecticut are living through. Personally, I do not wish to have a microphone shoved in their faces on my behalf. Leave them alone. When those who represent law enforcement have updates, they will provide them, and from those professionals we will hope to find answers.

Until then, leave these children and their families in peace to grieve privately, and to gradually regain some footing in lives which will never be the same, in a community which will also never be the same.

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