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Insight On Obama From The Debate Sidelines [Reader Post]

The second debate between President Obama and Mitt Romney delivered few surprises, including the obviously planted questions as well as a moderator purposely helping the Democratic candidate. However, from the sidelines, and following the debate, the first questioner Jeremy Epstein talked about his interaction with the candidates once the cameras had been turned off.

Here is what Jeremy had to say of this interaction, “I asked him (Romney) if he's gonna give me that job in two years and he said 'Maybe,'” Epstein said. “Then I was speaking with President Obama asking how his Chicago Bulls are gonna do, because they lost their MVP Derek Rose, and he said that I could not beat him in one-on-one, but I disagree with that.”

Here we have twenty year old kid on the world stage, facing the individual sitting in the most powerful office in the world, and what does this “most powerful man” do to him? Slams him.

Obama’s ego just cannot take a back seat to anyone. Even a young student

has to be put in his place. Might this have been an opportunity for the President to lift this student’s spirits on a personal level during his one on one away from the microphones? Could Obama have been just a little self-deprecating, even jokingly? Not a chance. Obama has no empathy. There is no room for empathy in egotism. The self-serving mind cannot be modest or critical of itself. It must at all times retain the upper hand, and cannot help itself, even as its words and actions discharge vast quantities of arrogance.

This private moment is further evidence that Obama is incapable of being conscious of his own shortcomings. How can he be re-elected, since by his very nature, it is impossible for him to have learned anything from his past actions? Re-electing such a character simply guarantees four years of more of the same and probably worse.

We’re not looking for general self-deprecation in a leader, but we would certainly expect a President to not ‘need’ to ‘better’ a twenty year old student. Obama was not in a competition with Jeremy Epstein, so why the slam away from the cameras? He can’t help himself.

This interchange innocently reported by a wide-eyed student confirms much about the character and nature of the individual sitting in the Oval Office.

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