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A Word To The Intellectually Challenged And Biased

This is a message to Candy Crowley and all the intellectual lightweights of Obama’s state-directed propaganda bureaus: we are no longer unarmed and sitting back to be spoon fed your drivel. We will use perspicuity to check every micro piece of biased misinformation you try to palm off on America, and while you are moderating with the traditional smug and self-assured attitude and your expressions of self-designated superiority; remember, you are losing credibility and market share and we gaining credibility and market share daily.

By we, I mean the army of amateur journalists on the web. We are improving and our influence is growing. We are primarily responsible for exposing the hypocrisy of Obama’s State Directed Media, and on Tuesday evening, our hands will be poised over thousands of keyboards, ready to make you and your hypocrisy look like a bumbling gong show.

The world is on to how you prop up the empty shirt of Obama, it has become embarrassingly obvious and laughable to even the semi-literate citizenry. Oh, your sycophants and the Useful Idiots of Media will praise you, but that is their job. It is us, the ones who write, we are the ones you need to worry about.

Candy Crowley has been designated to monitor the presidential debate on Tuesday night. She surely figures she can cut off Governor Romney like the “Radish” did to congressman Ryan. Why not, in the past no one would challenge the Left Wing propaganda machine, but now we have an army of writers who do it for the love of freedom. After an examination of the moderator’s behavior and employing intense perspicuity to examine every word she utters, we will be ready to eviscerate her before the clock strikes twelve that night.

Am I be a little premature in my condemnation? Check out what Crowley said after Romney chose Ryan for his running mate.

We’ve already had this debate. All they have to do at Obama Reelect is open up the files because this debate has already happened. They just bring it back, it goes, it is, you know, what they talk about. But I think the other thing that’s worth pointing out is not every Republican has signed on to this kind of, I mean, they will publicly. But there is some trepidation… it looks like some kind of death wish.

Oh sure, she is ready to moderate a fair debate.

Three weeks ago, while interviewing Dick Durbin and Lindsay Graham, hit Durbin with this tough gut wrenching question:

Because we are seeing polling indicating that in the battleground states, as well as nationwide, the president now seems ahead by an amount that is perceptible. As far as you are concerned, where are the biggest danger points for the president message wise or campaign wise as he moves forward?

Then in the interest of fairness, posed this series of questions to Graham:

And Senator Graham, to you, why do you think Mitt Romney is struggling so much? We’ve — we’ve talked so much about the history of the numbers as relates to unemployment or anything else and how it would seem that President Obama would not be doing well, and yet Mitt Romney is the one who is struggling. Why?

Graham the survivor answered,

“Well, to be honest with you, I think if history holds here and undecided voters break against the incumbent, as they generally do, that this is a very close race. Quite frankly I like our positioning

Crowley cut him off with typical Liberal rudeness,


In her eulogy to Kennedy she used the Obama tactic of referencing Mary Jo Kopechne as if she was an inconvenient bump in the road:

It’s an imperfect story of an often reckless young man who lived hard and as a U.S. senator drove a car off a bridge after a party, killing a young campaign aide.

It’s okay, Kennedy was a reckless young man, who just left a young pregnant woman to suffocate in a partially submerged car, while he split to get sober.

In the Senate was redemption. In the Senate, the dream came alive.

Mary Jo died, but the dream of a Kennedy in the Senate stayed alive for decades. We would have been charged with manslaughter, but he was a Kennedy on his home turf. Mary Jo’s dream had nothing to do with dying in a drunk’s car.

Eventually, someone will fill the Senate seat of Edward Moore Kennedy, but there’s pretty much universal agreement that nobody — family or friend — can take his place.

Yes, it is hard to elect an un-convicted murderer to the Senate, but easier in Massachusetts.

Do we really wonder whether she will be a partisan for Obama:

“Usually you kind of give the President a pass on leaking confidential stuff.”

Do your best Crowley, we have our keyboards oiled and sighted in, we are the minutemen of the early days. The moderator is wearing no drawers and we are watching and listening. You can protect President Clueless to the best of your abilities, but as the quotes up above attest, your abilities are minimal at best.

Remember, we are your enemy and you are defenseless to our unremitting counter attacks.

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