He’s Done [Reader Post]


The One Is Done

During the Denver debate Obama came off as if he knows the game is over. His body language has been described as disengaged, disinterested, sleepy, off his game, etc. Nonsense. This man simply no longer wants the job. He just had his Roberto Duran No Mas moment.

President Obama doesn’t want to work hard. He just wants to play. He is a delegator which isn’t necessarily a bad thing as long as those surrounding him pulling the levers are up to the task. Unfortunately, and at great expense of the American people his staff is filled with neophytes who aren’t up to that task.

His skill set as a politician is at best some place between a public speaker and a rabble rouser. He’s never been a leader at any of his career stops. His most recent included. He was never up to the job. Surely he went in with high hopes about his abilities. He seemed to truly believe he could make a difference. It appears that the sheer tidal wave of work involved with the job simply overwhelmed him. He looked like a defeated man.

It has been described in detail how far out of his depth he is as the leader of the free world and it was on display at the Denver debate. He’s been built up to believe in the nonsense that people have been shoveling him for his entire adolescent and adult life. The President fancies himself a man of ideas. His detachment from the concept that his ideas are not palatable is becoming blatantly evident. He is so engrained in his core beliefs that he feels anyone who challenges or debates him ‘doesn’t get it.’ He is jaded and incapable of logically analyzing alternative positions – those contrary to his big state beliefs. He gets indignant and dismissive toward those with differing views. He seems to be suffering and incapable of cogently formulating responses to anyone that doesn’t buy into the great Obama vacuum of hype.

Although he appears to be above average intellectually he has never challenged himself. Nor has he been forced to put the necessary time in to appreciate or understand the incrementally important factor of actually doing the work and how that can unilaterally be a driver for his intellectual side. His id is what has caused him to spiral into an utter failure as a leader and ultimately a failed President. He cannot control his pleasure principal impulses. These impulses coupled with his weak leadership core competencies have shaped him into an idea man rather than a man of action. He is not a deep enough thinker to be a difference maker in the idea man department.

Obama has been handled and coddled. My guess is that his handlers and mentors were blown away that this man ascended to the highest office in the land. I imagine at cocktail parties they are in complete disbelief that Barack Obama, a man of rather ordinary political acumen and of the thinnest resume was able to rise to the office of the President. They are clinking their glasses and saying it was a better run than their wildest dreams.

In the end Obama came off as nothing more than a man child whose self absorption has finally caught up with him. Romney came off as a strong businessman and more importantly a statesman.

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Brad, this is a well written essay, but I wonder how many are familiar with Duran’s final fight. It is a good analogy. He was one of my favorite fighters back in his day and his method for quitting came as a shock. I think the analogy might be more powerful for the Useful Idiots with a link.

It is a little troubling; since Duran was a fighter and Obama is more a ditherer, Duran was known as the “Man with stone hands” and Obama thinks of himself as “eye candy,” but the article is basically for those who have lived under the Obama delusion. Those who actually believed he was an extraordinary person and now must accept the fact that he isn’t really up to the job, and he is in over his head.

I could not disagree more, and I do say that with all respect.

Obama is a man of entitlement. He believes he is “The One” and he believes he is entitled to be adored, respected, and obeyed. There is no way Obama is done. You say his handlers can’t believe he was elected, but he is the perfect candidate for our decadent, receding nation. He acts like a tv star, because that is what he is. Most people watch mindless tv, and that is where Obama goes for votes. If he can’t get enough votes from the brain deads, the Chicago Machine t.m. will get the rest.

I agree Obama blew the debate, but there is no freaking way the left wing machine that runs the media, our schools, the unions, and the rest of the dumbocracy is going to lie down. They will not only commit voter fraud if they have to, they will enact a scorched earth policy that will sicken some of their own voters, but still get them to vote.

Obama is not giving up for the reason that he believes he is entitled to the job. He believes the rhetoric is the job. Remember, he does not want for this nation what we want, he wants to take us down a few pegs. What some might consider blunders, he sees as achievements.

I still say Obama is a 60-40 favorite. The left has created an entrenched machine that will not go quietly. If anyone thinks the first debate was a game changer, they are new to this game. Romney will have to at minimum consider the race as starting now, and he still has to defeat every entrenched interest. It is not even about Obama, it is about the left. Obama will not give up because they can NOT give up, they have too much to lose. If Obama quits, the Chicago thugs will hold him up ala Weekend at Bernies.

No, the race has just begun, and we are losing. Our side needs to be pouring money at Romney, not claiming a win at the end of the first quarter.

I would not be surprised if obama declared Marshall Law and cancelled the elections. Then obama could stay president indefinitely!

Romney/Ryan 2012.

Obama isn’t done yet.

The Jobs Report is saying Unemployment is now 7.8%.
(It’s made up from a POLL, btw)
The number of employed Americans comes from a government survey of 60,000 households that determines the unemployment rate. The government asks a series of questions, by phone or in person. For example:

Do you own a business? Did you work for pay? If not, did you provide unpaid work for a family business or farm? (Those who did are considered employed.)

Afterward, the survey participants are asked whether they had a job and, if so, whether it was full or part time.
A certain number of the same people are quizzed each month for 3 months, while some new people are quizzed to keep the sample level.
This makes up a poll sample EASY to game.

Bryan Preston:

There is a contradiction within the numbers: Just 114,000 jobs were created, but more than 800,000 said that they found jobs.


http://news.yahoo.com/us-unemployment-rate-falls-7-8-pct-september-133013978.html;_ylt=A2KLOzKg4W5QRlYAHcnQtDMD Lowest since Jan. ’09…
Total employment ‘highest one-month jump in 29 years’…
Welch: Obama manipulating numbers after debate performance…
Rate Plummets to 4.3% — For Govt Workers…

The government sector unemployment has dropped dramatically from 5.7 percent in July to 5.1 percent in August to 4.3 percent in September, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics…
In July, the federal government employed 2,804,000 civilian workers.
In August, that increased to 2,810,000.
And, in September, the number of civilian federal employees increased again to 2,814,000.

Part-timers surge to 8.6 million…

[M]any of the jobs the economy added last month were part time. The number of people with part-time jobs who wanted full-time work rose 7.5 percent to 8.6 million, the most since February 2009.

The real answer to why Obama turned in such a poor performance in the debate yesterday was that from the very first denial by Romney of the amount of his 20% across the board tax reductions would have on the deficit, Obama he realized that Romney was prepared to continued to lie about everything. You can’t have a debate when the other party is going to lie about everything. You can not prove a point to a pathological liar. Romney is the kind of businessman that’s gotten his way—made the sale—by lying. Can you imagine winning a debate with John Sunnunu or Donald Trump (who exhibit the same type of mentality), for example? So, Obama, seeing what he was up against, decided to keep his powder dry, let Romney run himself out, and make a strategic plan how to handle his lies at the next debate.

Unlike pundits, who rarely win their debates hands down, the President doesn’t want to accept this kind of questionable victory—he wants to make sure that everyone sees Romney for what he is—a liar and a loser. Don’t forget, when Obama ran the debate tables against the entire Republican Congressional Summit on Health Care in 2010. Romney didn’t address any new information, and the President could have easily rebutted his comments. But Romney would just tell another lie, and it would have gone on and on like that. He has to figure out a strategy to put an end to that sort of maneuver in the future and get final closure—and he will.

@Doc Holliday: One of my greatest concerns has been how much identity the Dem party is now taking from Obama. What happens when he’s gone, either now, or (if he wins the election) in 2016? The great Obama Seal and all the obamatons–what will happen when Obama is an ex-President? That is what I’m concerned about. The Dem party was very, very weak in 2008, and is getting weaker. Obama’s installation was an act of desperation.
What’s next?

@Liberal1 (Objectivity):@Liberal1 (Objectivity): You’ve fallen to liberal rhetoric: “when you can’t beat’em, just say they are lying.” Seriously, that’s a big accusation and one designed to slander a candidate by unethical means. Both candidates want what is best for the American public, but both differ on what that is, exactly. You really need to jettison the whole”Romney is lying” bit. I makes your contribution to the discussion easily dismissed as childishness and immaturity, not serious discourse.

I think you’re pouting because Romney trounced Obama–not two ways about it. It’s not about Obama’s debate skills, it’s about his lack of understanding and lack of acumen when it comes to being the president. Some of us knew this before the 2008 election–that’s why we didn’t vote for him. When put to the test, he showed he can’t do anything except look pretty atop a podium, with pre-digested information feed via prompter. Romney had better points, better knowledge, better experience, and better drive: the man wants the job, and for the right reasons.

Esse quam videri
“To Be, Rather than Appear”

That’s the true disease of our nation–we have too many posers and not enough women and men of grit. Obama’s reckoning has begun, and even if he wins the next election, the truth of his “poserness” is now an American fact. We will undo all of his damage and his legacy will be this: Barack Obama, the Fraud.”

to translate lib#2

Waaaaaaaaaa! He beat up our guy using facts and stuff. That’s not fair! Waaaaaaaaaa!

@Liberal1 (Objectivity):

Obama’s claimed with his“first budget, released in February 2009, that his policies would bring about ‘bottom-up growth that empowers hardworking families to climb the ladder of success.’
But, none of that has happened during Obama’s recovery. (started June 2009)
Instead he has produced historically low rates of economic growth and only the wealthiest households have managed to eke out income gains!
Obama actually said “I’ve put forward a series of proposals that will foster economic growth from the bottom up.”

Let’s put the reality of Obama’s policies on ”equality” graphically.
Joe Biden was right…..when Joe Biden said that the middle class has been “buried” for the past four years.
It is on Obama that this has happened.

Romney has policies to reverse this.
Obama only promises more of the same policies that caused it while expecting YOU to believe we will get an opposite result from his policies.

@Liberal1 (Objectivity): You wrote a lot just to explain what the maximum effective range of an excuse is… 0.00 meters

@Liberal1 (Objectivity):

And here I was thinking that Precedent Obama lost the debate because he wasn’t acclimated to Denver’s high altitude.

Now, thanks to you, I discover that he performed poorly because of basic, fundamental incompetence.

Thank you so much for clearing up my confusion.

Obama was not chosen by the voters, but rather by the steath Marxist movement in this nation. He is the center of the spider web that was woven by Frank Marshall Davis, Vernon Jarrett, David Axelrod, Tony Rezko, and many, many others. Obama’s entrance to the Chicago political machine was not happenstance.

In 2008, you had all the factors for a major shift in American politics. For 8 years, the press had run headlines like “Bush lied, people died”, accusations of Bush’s Constitutional violations, protests against “King George” and anti-war protests with reporters demanding the right to take photographs of returning flag drapped coffins (notice how those have disappeared, although the military body count from Afghanistan has now reached 2,000?). Voters were war weary and tired of the man the press had spent 8 years slamming.

But Hillary Clinton was well liked among Democrats, and so a machine had to be designed to take her down. And what better way to do that than the obscene structure of Democrat caucuses. If anyone thinks that machine was not in play, you have to look no farther than Texas where Hillary won the Democrat primary by over 100,000 votes, yet lost that night at the caucuses, giving Obama much needed Texas. Voter fraud in the Democrat primaries that year were rampant. Donna Brazil, who was on the committee to determine if Obama was even eligible to take the votes in a state that he was not on the ballot, gave that state to Obama, not Hillary. In Mexia, Texas, goons wearing Obama buttons locked Hillary supporters out of the caucuses, threatening those who declared for Hillary. One very senior woman was knocked down by an Obama goon and had to be taken to the hospital. The Sheriff’s Department demanded the doors to the caucus be re-opened, but by then, the Obama supporters claimed that all the sign-in lists were already complete. The fraud was so bad that a Democrat made a move called “We Will Not Be Silenced.”

Now, those people are not going to go to the polls this year to re-elect a man who they believe allowed his goons to steal their vote. There was no doubt that Hillary had taken Texas, yet at the end of the night, Obama was declared the winner of Texas. And all the claims about King George have now been dumped on King Barack, as he treats the Oval Office like a publicity office. And the press remains quiet about the Constitutional violations of the Obama administration via Executive Orders. Wonder how all those St. Louis Obama supporters felt when they saw military tanks rolling down the streets of their residential neighborhoods, or did they really believe the excuse that it was simply a training session for troops out of Maryland?

Obama is simply a figure head; a Howdy Doody to Valerie Jarrett’s Buffalo Bob. He is not in control, has never been in control, and will not be in control if he wins another term. He presents the face of those who are attempting to take this nation in the direction of a socialist European model, a model that we now see crumbing before our eyes on the nightly news. Obama could present himself as a blank slate that people could project their own “hope and change” desires onto.

MITT ROMNEY is not a liar, OBAMA failed on all his promises he is the liar, like you are
MITT ROMNEY did not need to lie, he just had to confront
the OBAMA lies and failures and spending sprees so much as to raise the debt to astronomic numbers for AMERICANS to need generations to pay for to CHINA ON TOP OF IT.
he had him confounded so much as to see OBAMA head down, defeated, and babbling moribund words
as a blood sucker insect heavy after having stung many people laying down , with a human foot over it
ready to crush it

I am truly surprised that Valerie Jarrett didn’t run up on stage and re-wind him or something…. She is the puppetmaster! Will Rahm Emanuel come back or are all the rats still swimming away from this ship….?

Obama is trying to change his message a bit.
So, he put his foot in it.
He said, according to a rush transcript of the remarks:

“This country does not just succeed when just a few are doing well at the top.
It succeeds when the middle class gets bigger.
Our economy does not grow from the top-down, it grows from the middle-out.
We do not believe that anybody is entitled to success in this country.
But we do believe in opportunity.
We believe in a country where hard work pays off and responsibilities are rewarded and everybody is getting a fair shot and everybody’s doing their fair share.
And everybody’s paying by the same rules.
That is the country believe in.
That is what we have been fighting for the last four years.
That is what we’re going to put in place in the next four years if you reelect me as president of the United States of America.”

We do not believe that anybody is entitled to success in this country. (?????)
We do not believe that anybody is entitled to success in this country. (????)
So, if I worked hard and became successful, I have to spread my profits all around to those who did not????
I took MY fair shot.
I played by the rules.
Why am I not entitled to the success I’ve earned in this country?

Either Obama has a mouse in his pocket or he’s referring to Biden.

@Liberal1 (Objectivity): Bwaa haaa haaa what a lame excuse that is!! I’m sure 0-blama preferred losing to getting is A whipped!! Your stupidity is amazing!!

This isn’t really about Obama. It’s about two fundamentally different views regarding the relationship between the individual and society. The right has made Obama a symbol for themselves of everything they dislike about government.

@Greg: Really?? Maybe 0-blama is the President and he lied to America to get elected. Let’s see, unemployment at 6% by now? The deficit cut in half by now?? The so-called right didn’t make these promises but your black messiah did.

It’s only the right who thinks of the man as a “black messiah.” He’s undeniably been elevated to a higher position than a president normally would be in the opinion of many black voters, but the reason for that should be obvious and understandable. That doesn’t make him a “messiah” in the minds of a majority of black Americans, either–only a man who finally broke a long-standing racial barrier.

martial, not Marshall law. geez, what with martial arts all the rage, one might learn to spell.

Marshall law – governs a few small flyspeck islands in the Pacific, or alternatively airlifts in boatloads of money to rebuild countries that lost WWII.

NO NOT THE RIGHT take him as a MESSIAH, only the propaganda from the medias made it
and in a subliminal way to empower the BLACKS AND THE WHITES who are not aware in this kind of messiah, and not aware of the dangerous selling tools used on them to think he is the messiah, they are the evils in there for having done this inciting to young listener, not ready to judge their propaganda
he is not messiah he himself was told to be, hell he even believe it himself as we notice, these years, they for some are still waiting for his promises to come
to reality. and another four years would really shattered their dream and adoration of the man,
hope it make all of them returned to adoring GOD .

@Greg: The argument raised is that he is a demagogue: a political no-name in which a crowd can see whatever they want to see, as long as they support him. His race was exploited to get votes–he didn’t earn the right the Oval office, but rather was installed by money and very slick advertising (the kind that makes people by things they don’t need).

I feel that if you could try to be objective, you’d see that his entire Presidency is a fraud. Obama’s campaign is counting on you not seeing that, however. Be a Democrat. Be a Liberal. But don’t support a demagogue, even if withing your own party.

@Greg: He hasn’t broken any racial barrier, he has elevated racism to the office of President. Evidence is very clear on this including the fact that Holder should be long gone for his incompetence!! Remember Van Jones? It is 0-blama who is the racist in this secnario and for those who choose to follow him because of the color of his skin, well they disgusting racist as well.

@Greg: The right has made Obama a symbol for themselves of everything they dislike about government. and that’s a bad thing?….It’s only the right who thinks of the man as a “black messiah.”Apparently you had doubled up on your prescription that past 3 1/2 years, read not one article or had seen one media personality/hollywood type gushing, then prance in and attempt in typical cake-eater fashion to insult everyones intelligence and state none of this has been happening….Thou doest be-clown thyself sir clown…


What racial barriers did Obama break, Greg? Running for the highest office in the land? Umm, I think Jesse Jackson can say “Been there. Done that.” Of course, Jackson, once he won the S.C. primary, never had a chance. His own party [the Democrats] created the caucus system to block him in case he won other major states. Jackson knew it, the Democrats new it, and Bob Beckel, lover of cocaine and hookers, helped design the primary system to block Jackson. Why? They were afraid Jackson was going to win the primaries and the DNC couldn’t have that. No, no, no, having a black guy win over the DNC supported candidate just wouldn’t do.

And it wasn’t black Americans creating the photos of Obama with a halo around his head during the 2008 election cycle. It was white run publications like Time Magazine.

It was a long standing and frequently voiced opinion that no black man would ever be elected as President of the United States. That was proven to be incorrect.

@Sua Sponte, #24:

He’s going to have a second term. Maybe you’d better see to your own prescriptions.

@ Greg,

It is interesting that now it’s not enough to criticize a person’s vote: the reason behind the vote (at least in Obama’s case) must now come under scrutiny, and the result thus possibly delegitimized. A black person voting for Obama because even 20 years ago his election would have been inconceivable: racism. A young person voting for Obama because she finds him inspirational: demagoguery. Apparently the bar for choosing a candidate to vote for is very high on the Right. It rests entirely on knowledge of the Constitution, a deep understanding of economics, and a comprehensive grasp of geopolitical issues.

Well, except for the ones who only vote prolife and/or pro “traditional marriage”. Or the ones who vote based on saucy “how’s that hopey changey thing goin” anti-elite zingers. Or the ones who vote for a guy because he seems more like “someone i’d have a beer with” and because he wears cowboy boots. Voting for a Good Ole Messiah, that I reckon is just dandy.


And who voiced that opinion, Greg? Name them. Be specific. Certainly not Republicans since the days of Frederick Douglass or Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., both Republicans. Maybe it was in the voices of those in your own party, who did every thing they could to block Jesse Jackson when the Democrat power brokers wanted Walter Mondale.


I realize you intended your post to be mocking, but in reality, it was simply stupidity.

Yes, it is important to understand why people vote for who they do. Millions of $$ are spent on trying to figure that out. But when you have almost 100% of black Americans voting for a guy for no other reason than his skin tone, that is just as racist as 100% of white people voting against a guy for no other reason than his skin tone.


But when you have almost 100% of black Americans voting for a guy for no other reason than his skin tone, that is just as racist as 100% of white people voting against a guy for no other reason than his skin tone.

So you know exactly why each and every black American who voted for Obama cast that vote? And therefore you can safely label them all, millions of them, racists? Hmmm. I wonder who the racist is here. Unless of course you have data supporting your claim that every black voter for Obama voted soley because he was black. Where is it? You don’t have it. Your argument is offensively racist, AND hopelessly stupid. Blacks (for good reason if you’re any indication) statistically have supported Democrats, so almost all of those votes would have likely gone to white Hillary Clinton, no? And what about those red state districts where whites went 90% against Obama are they racists too?

Unless you can cough up that data, I think we know one racist at least.

Tom re#31 F.A .frowns on any that suggest their posters are racists.

But if it walks like a duck, swims like a duck and QUACKS like a duck it’s a damn duck.

Yes, usually by liberals in an effort to gain the black vote.

Tom, so far every African American I have spoken with has said they voted for him because he was black. Where I work is 50% black. Maybe that isn’t proof they all voted for him for that reason, but multiple black celebrities have also stated they voted for him for those reasons too. So probability wise?
Feel free to call me a racist. You have no other way to fight the facts we present, so you demonize us to justify your bigotry against us.

rich is either a troll or suffering from an untreatable case of VD he picked up from a VN hooker.

@Hard Right:

Wow, being a racist and disrespecting a veteran’s military service: down at the idiot track they call that an exacta.

The dems are still bigots to this day when it comes to minorities.
They see tham as weak and unintelligent and needing their help to ascend the rungs on the ladder of life.
If a black person is a Conservative, you will see them unleash their racism towards the one that dared to leave their plantation. Freedom of thought is not allowed.
They have also turned their bigotry towards the Republicans. Youe see, because we don’t know our place, it is ok to treat us anyway they see fit. They used to see blacks as subhuman. Now we are the subhuman ones. The nazis (cousins to todays left), also used this technique with Jews. While some of the left would love to put us in death camps, I am not suggesting that the dem leadership wants this. I am saying because we refuse to be their step-and-fech-it boys, they will continue to spew hatred towards us.
I used to be more moderate, but after years of discrimination and hatred by the left, I have become a brass knuckle Conservative.

From you that is a compliment. It’s like being called a “race traitor” by a KKK’er. You know, the organization formed by people like you.
BTW, you know I did not impugn his service, just what he’s done since. You are an unhinged bigot and have proven so many times over.


He’s going to have a second term. Maybe you’d better see to your own prescriptions.

Duly noted that you’re a cake-eating hack as your response has absolutely nothing to do with my previous statement…Well done Sir Clown, well done.

@Sua Sponte:

Like I have said, I suspect greg is a paid marxist poster. He has stated he is “not a fan of “Capitalism”. He defends the dems 100% of the time and not even the most ardent Republican does that with the GOP.


Blacks, when given a choice between a half black candidate who had never really accomplished anything other than a political seat in both Illinois and D.C., and a white American war hero, by even greater numbers than blacks have ever voted Democrat, elected the half black candidate. But they were not the only ones; whites, who suffer from white guilt, were equally to blame for the election of a man who has proven he is incapable of handling the office he was elected to. And if you don’t understand the dynamics of white guilt, I suggest you read Shelby Steele. But I am sure you will label Mr. Steele a racist as well, because you on the left have played that card for so long.

Tell me, what are you going to do with an ever growing Hispanic population, and voter base, that is seeing movement toward the Republican Party? Unfortunately, for people like you, who like to use the race card as trump, Hispanics don’t suffer from white guilt. And believe me, as second and third generation Hispanics achieve higher education, and greater wealth, they are not going to buy into the left’s redistribution policies. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton’s days are numbered when it comes to influence.

The party of Jim Crow is in peril. The nation, as a whole, is moving to the right. And as the Hispanic voter bloc grows, your use of throwing the accusation of “racist” at anyone who disagrees with the left is going to have no affect as it lands with a resounding thud. And this is not to mention the number of black Americans who have had their eyes opened to the deception of the Democrat Party. Or do you think that blacks like Thomas Sowell, Doreen Borelli, Larry Elder, Clarence Thomas, Walter Williams, Allen West, Michael Steele, Ken Blackwell, et al, are just anomolies that are simply traitors to their skin color?

You see, to paraphrase Starr Parker, you can only keep black Americans on the government plantation for just so long. Eventually, they realize that all they have done is trade one master for another, but they are still slaves to Uncle Sam.


Disrespecting someone’s service? May I remind you that Benedict Arnold fought honorably and bravely for the colonists before he turned traitor and sold his nation out?

@Doc Holliday: #2 Sadly, I tend to agree. His total ‘fish out of water’ ‘disinterested’ act is just that because he feels he shouldn’t have to contend for re-election, that he is ‘entitled’ to it. And his gang will do what is necessary to get him reelected. There will be large numbers of dead voters in the critical swing precincts in swing states to carry the state. It will only take a few thousands and that many dead voters will be easy for ‘the machine’ to produce. This election, unfortunately, is going to be decided on just a few swing states, a situation just made for ‘the machine’. So, Empty Chair didn’t have to get involved, he knows his mob will do it for him. He is genuinely disinterested in having to lead a legitmate government, but he has no problem leading the country down the road of ruin.

@Hard Right:

BTW, you know I did not impugn his service, just what he’s done since.

Except for that part where you said he contracted VD in VN from a hooker. Or did that happen since? So you are a liar. How convenient for me that you would just hand me that evidence. Remarkable really. Trifecta.


For me to have “disrespected” his service I would have called him a baby killer/murderer (like the other leftists) or said he deserved to be spit on (as the left also did).
I have stated that he has betrayed everything he and his buddies fought for by supporting the current regime. He once fought for freedom. He now supports oppression due to his delusions. He supports people like greg and tom merely because they take his side. Like I said, rich is mentally ill or a troll.
He has some people fooled. Not me.


See my number 44, bigot.

@ Retire,

As I suspected: your unforgivably long-winded response offers not a hint of evidence to support your assertion millions of blacks voted for Obama only for his skin color. What an offensive assertion. You’re beyond a bigot. I think you might be a character in one of those Saturday morning cartoons on the White Supremacy Network.

Hard Right
It surely not the CONSERVATIVES who started the great divide in AMERICA,
in theses last four years BLACKS joined the CONSERVATIVES more than ever before,
and are united together as a benevolent power to save AMERICA , which is going into such
hateful rhetoric among groups having different issues, the poor against the wealthy, the DEMOCRATS started
the OWLS MOVEMENT, beating the police officers in the streets, breaking every thing they can like a bunch of anarchist disregarding the laws, and the BLACKS killing BLACKS on the streets never seen before,
and the DEMOCRATS on the racist card dividing the WHITES KIDS AND BLACKS KIDS in school,
hurting each other because the teacher tell them, the white kids are not like us. it’s okay to hate,
and the WOMEN against the one who want to or not use the abortion, ecetera ecetera,
did you ever see that much separation in AMERICA?


As I suspected: your unforgivably long-winded response offers not a hint of evidence to support your assertion millions of blacks voted for Obama only for his skin color. What an offensive assertion. You�re beyond a bigot. I think you might be a character in one of those Saturday morning cartoons on the White Supremacy Network.

How does it feel to be of the party that gave birth to the KKK and is still racist to this day?
Project much?

@Tom: #31 Tom, so you think someone voted for Empty Chair for some reason other than his skin color? Maybe… it could well just be affirmative action..

@ HR,

I have known many conservative vets, and the thought of anyone disrespecting their careers disgust me. Of course I wouldn’t be here if one Republican vet of two wars hadn’t made it back. Rich put his life on the line. What have you done? You are not half the man he is, for a variety of reasons, and you hate him because you know it.

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