“The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam”


I never thought I’d hear those words from an American President.

Let’s put the paragraphs up:

The future must not belong to those who target Coptic Christians in Egypt – it must be claimed by those in Tahrir Square who chanted “Muslims, Christians, we are one.” The future must not belong to those who bully women – it must be shaped by girls who go to school, and those who stand for a world where our daughters can live their dreams just like our sons. The future must not belong to those corrupt few who steal a country’s resources – it must be won by the students and entrepreneurs; workers and business owners who seek a broader prosperity for all people. Those are the men and women that America stands with; theirs is the vision we will support.

The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam. Yet to be credible, those who condemn that slander must also condemn the hate we see when the image of Jesus Christ is desecrated, churches are destroyed, or the Holocaust is denied. Let us condemn incitement against Sufi Muslims, and Shiite pilgrims. It is time to heed the words of Gandhi: “Intolerance is itself a form of violence and an obstacle to the growth of a true democratic spirit.” Together, we must work towards a world where we are strengthened by our differences, and not defined by them. That is what America embodies, and that is the vision we will support.

What Obama did say:

The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.

What he didn’t say:

“The future must not belong to those who slander Jesus Christ.”

Obama singled out the prophet of Islam specifically for protection. Oh sure, he made a reference to the “image” of Jesus but Jesus himself was not accorded the same cushy treatment as Allah.

And there was no “terrorism” mentioned. Probably because Obama was afraid that mentioning terrorism would cause more terrorism. You know how sensitive some people are.

“The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.”

What if I feel like slandering Allah? What if all of America feels like slandering Allah? Our Constitution gurantees us that right. Obama differs. He would take that away from us.

Tapxpayer money is used to slander Jesus- e.g. “Piss Christ”

Yet we must not be allowed to slander Allah? Even on our own dime?

If I am Romney, I run this as an ad every day.

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Again, the ultra-conservative right-wing takes one statement out of many about the sanctity of religions and makes a big deal out of it. Dr. John, are you one of the approximately 50% of Republicans who believe President Obama is a Muslim?

Here is another presidential quote:
“If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.”
George Washington

I understand what George Washington meant by that quote. So what exactly did Barack Obama mean by his statement?

Definitely a poor choice of words in an otherwise excellent speech. Looking at that surrounding context, the sentence in question was meant to fit the word pattern, “The future must not belong to…”. And that word pattern is clearly being used to condemn violent reaction to offensive speech. The President is (rightly) pointing out how anti-free-speech laws reward such violence and actually serve to empower those who’d incite such violence by, e.g. insulting the prophet of Islam. That said, “slander” was the worst possible word Obama could’ve used there, and it’s no surprise that those who want him to look bad would capitalize on his doing so. In fact, the word “slander” was completely contradicted by Obama’s overall message: the USofA will never punish offensive speech, not as slander, hate-speech, blasphemy, or any other descriptor. In his words from the same speech (emphasis mine):

I know there are some who ask why we don’t just ban such a video. The answer is enshrined in our laws: our Constitution protects the right to practice free speech. Here in the United States, countless publications provoke offense. Like me, the majority of Americans are Christian, and yet we do not ban blasphemy against our most sacred beliefs. Moreover, as President of our country, and Commander-in-Chief of our military, I accept that people are going to call me awful things every day, and I will always defend their right to do so. Americans have fought and died around the globe to protect the right of all people to express their views – even views that we disagree with.

We do so not because we support hateful speech, but because our Founders understood that without such protections, the capacity of each individual to express their own views, and practice their own faith, may be threatened. We do so because in a diverse society, efforts to restrict speech can become a tool to silence critics, or oppress minorities. We do so because given the power of faith in our lives, and the passion that religious differences can inflame, the strongest weapon against hateful speech is not repression, it is more speech – the voices of tolerance that rally against bigotry and blasphemy, and lift up the values of understanding and mutual respect.

And in light of that quoted that passage, I now repost the author’s words as prime, grade-A, ODS:

What if I feel like slandering Allah? What if all of America feels like slandering Allah? Our Constitution gurantees us that right. Obama differs. He would take that away from us.


Definitely a poor choice of words

And no one with a modicum of intelligence in the Whitehouse and State Department vetted that wording?


Dr. John, are you one of the approximately 50% of Republicans who believe President Obama is a Muslim?

The media in the Islamic world has reported that Muslim diplomat after Muslim diplomat has come away from private meetings with Pres. Obama under the impression that Barack Obama is some sort of Muslim.


That said, “slander” was the worst possible word Obama could’ve used there…


And we are to supposed to believe that no one with a modicum of intelligence in the Whitehouse and State Department vetted that wording?

What we must say is that it was definitely a deliberate choice of words.

If we are honest with ourselves we would concede that it seems to be a rather revealing choice of words.

What President Zero has done is to equate “slandering Islam” with real crimes such as targeting Egyptian Copts and Christians, repressing and abusing women, and corruption. He has played right into the hands of the extremists who are trying to make “Islamaphobia” illegal and punishable by law, just as corruption and murder are punishable by law.


Yet to be credible, those who condemn that slander must also condemn the hate we see when the image of Jesus Christ is desecrated, churches are destroyed, or the Holocaust is denied.

We seem to have a special group of people, those who condemn Islam, but we might ask why do they condemn Islam. Is it for reasons of blind hatred or is it from the disgust they feel from the senseless slaughter of thousands every year by the Islamo-fascist. I think most of the people of the world would be content to ignore the prophet and his religion if the rages of the homicidal maniacs weren’t continuously perpetrated on the western world every year.

Why does Obama neglect to condemn the people who create the hostility toward Islam, but finds it expedient to complain about the people who consider the Islamo-fascist to be blood thirsty savages: instead, he concentrates on the negativity engendered by such actions. Using Obama logic, and if we apply a liberal definition to the word logic, we should never condemn Islam’s homicidal maniacs or even call them terrorists, for that would tend to incite the rest of Islam.

Well, thank you Mr President for straightening our opinions and morals, but you have forgotten one important issue: you neglected to tell the Muslim world to stop with the terrorism. Treating symptoms will never cure the primary problem, and you want the world to treat the symptoms of Islamic Terror. Like you, the rest of the world is supposed to sit idly by while Iran builds its nuclear arsenal and copies our drone that was supplied to them during your administration, a breach of security that for some reason has never been prosecuted; yet, they can now threaten our Navy with these drones. Iran is threatening to wipe Israel off the face of the earth. The Iranians like many Liberals are denying the Holocaust, but they are perfectly willing to carry out their own Holocaust, while you and your appeasement friends and tell us you need more time to convince the Iranians to desist with their nuclear program. It’s been almost four years Mr President and you have not prevented one wire from being connected or one screw to be turned. Your policy has been an utter failure; except for the fact, the Iranians are now much better equipped to take on the Israeli and US war machine, thanks to the extra time they have had to develop a nuclear arsenal and probably most importantly, to the gift from your government to theirs of our most sophisticated drone.

Yes, the world will little note, nor long remember your worn out cliches as you stood in front of the world and condemned us for being pissed off at the murderous atrocities of Islam, but we won’t forget where your true loyalties lie when our American servicemen are dying because of your dilettante life style and your apologist attitudes for Islamic Terror.

But we would be more in line with the infamous Obama Logic of non-logic if we sat back and let Iran destroy our most loyal ally in the Middle East. That is how you really want to bring peace to the Middle East, but it will be easier to make apologies after the fact rather than stand up and condemn Iran’s plan for genocide. It is the rest of the world’s problem, for they have precipitated the problem by not recognizing the superiority of the Religion of Peace. Unfortunately for us and the rest of the world, after Iran kick’s Israel’s ass, they will be looking at Europe and the US, but this is all part of Obama Logic. Don’t worry if Obama Logic is confusing; actually that is a good sign, because it is based on the mind of a witless fool who can read a teleprompter.


Criticizing and exposing a homicidal genocidal fanatic is crime, an offense, placed on a moral par with actual acts of oppression, homicide and genocide!

One wonders how this advances human rights and democracy?

Neville Chamberlain had a spine compared to our Jakarta Kid.

What can I say – it’s my contention that the president use of “slander” was nonsensical: contradicted by his overall message and by the very legal definition of slander (which is limitted to the living; you cannot slander the dead). How it made it through, rather than the far more appropriate word, “insult”, I guess we can speculate until the cows come home.

But I don’t see how anyone could listen to the overall speech and hear anything but a big fat “FU” to those who’d have us enforce laws to restrict free speech. Watch the audience during that speech – can you spot any Islamic heads-of-state applauding a single word Obama said?

On a side note, if your overall point is the pitch, “Obama is really a Muslim”, I’m afraid it’s kind of lost on me. As an atheist, I’m an equal opportunity scorner. I am flatly embarrased to have a leader who openly talks to his imaginary friend; the name his invisible friend goes by is the least of my concerns.

So, we are to condemn those who speak ill of a religious prophet whose followers subscribe to madness, mayhem and murder? Well, let’s just even the playing field. How about Obama set aside money for an artist to take a picture of a likeness of said religion’s Prophet submursed in his own urine and place it right next to the “art” that is called “PissChrist?” Then we can see just how much Obama supports free speech.

Obama spent more time taking about a YouTube clip of a movie that no one (well, ten people) has seen, than he did talking about the threat that is Iran. Gotta have your priorities, right? Or maybe he could have commented on the Muslim Day celebration recently where Imams got up on a stage just blocks from where the World Trade Center buildings once stood and bashed the United States to the point it forced a New York Congressman to get up and leave because he found the bashing disgusting. Maybe Obama could have pointed out that in America, even jihadists get to fly their Al Qaeda flags in New York because we honor free speech and don’t slaughter innocent people because of it.

What can you say?

You can say is that it was definitely a deliberate choice of words.

If you are honest with yourself we would concede that it seems to be a rather revealing choice of words.

On a side note, if your overall point is the pitch, “Obama is really a Muslim”, I’m afraid it’s kind of lost on me. As an atheist, I’m an equal opportunity scorner.

This is not all about you Kevin. In my view Barack Obama Jr. is an atheist too. He is however an Alinskian Marxist and he identifies with the Third World. See 2016 and understand the Barack Obama Jr. is an Occidentalist.

I’m an equal opportunity scorner. I am flatly embarrased to have a leader who openly talks to his imaginary friend; the name his invisible friend goes by is the least of my concerns.

And you may want to get over yourself because in all likelihood you DO NOT scorn all equally. In all likelihood you give atheists an undeserved pass. Remember in the Archaic world the gods were NOT invisible. Neither are the godlings of atheism’s modern world invisible: Mao, Pol Pot, Stalin, Lenin, Che …


Obama is either a Muslim, or he’s an Islamic Apostate.
Since the Imams have NOT been calling for his head, I think we know which it is.

Hint, if Barry EVER said the words:
“There is only One God, and Mohammed is His Prophet.”
then, in the eyes of other Muslims, Obama IS Muslim.

Oh, wait, I forgot; you know zip about Islam. Or, anything else, for that matter.

Federal records show that opie has given $145 million to the muslim brothhood??? When did I or you approve that one..

I’m going to repeat what I said on another post:
IF Obama’s rule of not ”slandering the prophet” (THE?????) had already applied to all set religions like Catholicism, Protestantism, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, etc., then poor Obama would have had to go to some other ”church” than his beloved black liberation theology ”church.”
That abomination was only created after James Cone called for the murder of the God of Christianity.
He said, of the God of the Bible, ”He MUST be KILLED!”
Only after Cone ”killed” the God of the Bible could he amalgamate what bits and pieces of the Bible as he wanted to use to ”tickle the ears” (2 Timothy 4:3) of his black congregants, including Michelle and Barack Obama.
We have all seen the video of Obama MOCKING the God, Jesus and the Bible, right?
There are plenty of prophets in that book who should be as protected a class as Mohammad.
IF they should be a protected class…..which they should not.
The God of the Bible gave humans the choice of doing right or wrong.
Making light of His prophets was fairly common if you all read the whole Bible and look for it.


Dr. John, are you one of the approximately 50% of Republicans who believe President Obama is a Muslim?

Madonna says he is. She’s always right, isn’t she?

@Mike O’Malley:

What we must say is that it was definitely a deliberate choice of words.

You betcha

“Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does NOT mean to stand by the President or any other public official save exactly to the degree in which he himself stands by the country. It is patriotic to support him insofar as he efficiently serves the country. It is unpatriotic not to oppose him to the exact extent that by inefficiency or otherwise he fails in his duty to stand by the country.” ~ Theodore Roosevelt

Doc, is Madonna a Republican? She can’t be part of the 50% if she isn’t a Republican. The Libs only point fingers at Republicans. Liberals can make the same assumptions with impunity, because they exist on a higher plane of thought and reason.

Madonna also said if Obama is re-elected, she will remove ALL her clothes on stage.

Another reason to vote for Romney.

Walid Shoebat has a 1st cousin involved in the ”Innocence of Muslims,” film that supposedly got all of Islam in an uproar.
As such he can credibly weigh in about the backstory of the film…..

1. Court documents reveal that Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, the producer of the movie Innocence of Muslims, partnered in a scheme with Eiad Salameh, my first cousin.

Eiad is a Muslim terror supporter and is not an Egyptian Copt.
Eiad comes from Beit Sahour, Bethlehem and is well known by the FBI and the Arab community as a conduit for Middle Easterners who can obtain authentic, legitimate identifications, from passports to credit cards including many nationalities. He then places these identifications in the hands of dubious characters to use for fraudulent purposes.

2. Nakoula Basseley Nakoula is one of many, many AKAs for the supposed film maker of ”Innocence of Muslims.”
But no one has stepped forward or can confirm for certain that whoever holds an identity by the name of Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, is even that man.
Think about this: if an Egyptian by the name of Nakoula Basseley Nakoula is blamed for angering over a billion Muslims, it would not be that difficult to find the entire family in Egypt, including brothers, cousins, aunts, siblings, wife, wives, ex-wives, mistresses, pet names and all.
But….Egypt cannot produce this man’s family and background!!!

3. Nakoula Basseley Nakoula claims to be a religious Copt yet he has extensive connections with Eiad Salameh, a man who I know hates Copts and is well-known to be one of the best schemers the Middle East has contacts with terror networks.

QUESTION: How is it possible that these two strange bedfellows would snuggle up together?
One is an Egyptian-Coptic-anti-Muslim-activist-fundamentalist-Christian turned Meth-dealer and the other is a Muslim-Palestinian scam-artist-terrorist.

4. Tobacco.
The two were linked for at least a decade from the year 2000.
Nakoula had used “P.J. Tobacco” and Eiad was linked to a tobacco smuggling operation into Syria in 2001 by using a fictitious name A&M Trading, as revealed in the U.S. Trustee report in 2001. Nakoula used M&A Trading in 2009 with his pseudoephedrine dealings.

He simply switched letters; A&M became M&A.

Nakoula used Eiad’s last name “Erwin Salameh” portraying himself as Eiad’s brother.

A Terrorism Plot?
The USA feds (under Obama) were complicit: the Justice Department lawyers and federal agents, despite Nakoula’s two previous offenses, defended Nakoula and gave several excuses to Judge Snyder and pushed for leniency, all because he supposedly promised to help them catch Eiad:

[H]e [Nakoula] has implicated Mr. Salamay [aka Salameh] there is no question that Mr. Salamay at some point is gonna be indicted if he hasn’t already been… we all know what’s gonna happen. Salamay is gonna get arrested some day and based on the debriefing information turned over he is gonna enter a guilty plea, or if he doesn’t, then Mr. Nakoula is going to be called in to testify…” [see sentencing transcript].

If the feds were indeed looking to catch Eiad, he had in fact been doing his shenanigans for three decades, warrants were issued, his location was known and no arrests were ever made, in thirty some years.

The evidence compounds. Eiad was not, however, immune in Canada and was finally caught and locked up there in January 2011. We have emails from the Intelligence Bureau in Canada (IBC) who wrote us.
The Canadians wanted to keep Eiad in custody as long as it took to extradite him to the United States, yet the U.S. refused for seven months to take him and preferred to fly him to Palestine.

On July 15th, 2011, the Canadians wrote me: “He is awaiting deportation to Palestine, unless the US hurry up and indict him…” The feds never responded to the Canadian’s last appeal and within a few days, Eiad was sent to Palestine.

More here with LINKS to everything:

Everything in the media narrative and the Obama narrative is a lie.
Remember the phony Al Dura ”movie?
A made up ”atrocity” by the IDF upon an innocent child?
A proven fiction with out-takes and laughing extras?
Maybe someday we will get to the bottom of all this.
But it won’t be under Obama.


Quoting the president’s speech

I accept that people are going to call me awful things every day, and I will always defend their right to do so.

That doesn’t seem to be what the thin-skinned president was doing during his war against FOX News.

@Mike O’Malley:

The media in the Islamic world has reported that Muslim diplomat after Muslim diplomat has come away from private meetings with Pres. Obama under the impression that Barack Obama is some sort of Muslim.

Do you have any links to these?


Obama is either a Muslim, or he’s an Islamic Apostate.
Since the Imams have NOT been calling for his head, I think we know which it is.

Hint, if Barry EVER said the words:
“There is only One God, and Mohammed is His Prophet.”
then, in the eyes of other Muslims, Obama IS Muslim.

Well then wouldn’t he also be tacking on, “Peace be with him”? And even if he did, what of it? Non-Muslims who wish to go the extra mile to show respect might also speak of “The Prophet Muhammad- Peace be with him” and still not be a Muslim.

Any evidence that President Obama takes time out of his hectic schedule to pray 5 times a day, facing Mecca on a prayer rug?

President Obama is not a Muslim. And even if he were, it wouldn’t be an issue with me, in and of itself.

@MOS 8541:

Federal records show that opie has given $145 million to the muslim brothhood??? When did I or you approve that one..

Is this an Obama issue or an issue in general regarding our government’s history of foreign financial aid?


President Obama is not a Muslim. And even if he were, it wouldn’t be an issue with me, in and of itself.

I agree with that. If anything, Obama is like Carter, in regards to muslims, only more dangerous to the safety and security of our citizens and country. He is an appeaser. Prostrating himself, and by extension, the US, to hardline muslim extremist countries such as Iran.

Now, some people would claim that his ‘decision’ to off OBL is counter to that idea. However, Pakistan is a mess and most hardline muslim extremist countries didn’t really give a rat’s ass about OBL, other than his ability to be a thorn in the side of America. Kind of like when an organized crime ring gives up a middling gangster to keep the police off of their backs.

No, Obama is an appeaser. If it was something other than muslim extremists threatening America, he’d be prostrating himself to them, instead. Hell, he pretty much does that to Mexico. And China.


Clarify something for me Kevin. You said:

As an atheist, I’m an equal opportunity scorner. I am flatly embarrased to have a leader who openly talks to his imaginary friend; the name his invisible friend goes by is the least of my concerns.

You mean of course the Judea-Christian G-d, YHWH? No?

In almost all pre-Judeao-Christian societies the’ gods’ are most often quite visible in the form of idols. And what about Pharaoh, Caesar and the Japanese emperor? Were they imaginary? They were gods you know. (Or maybe you didn’t know? Public education in America fails in many regards.) The worship accorded divine personages such as Pharaoh, Caesar and the Japanese emperor was at many times quite similar to the worship accorded any number of secularist “Dear Leaders” such as Mao, Stalin, Kim Il-sung and dare I say … Barack Obama Jr..

@drjohn: @liberal1(objectivity):

Stanley Ann Dunham (mom) and Obama’s stepfather said he was a Muslim right on Obama’s application for admissions to a Catholic school in Indonesia.

One would think that his mom and dad would know!


Obama told me he is still a Muslim, who supports the Muslim agenda.

This was a statement by Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Abul Gheit on Nile-TV. It was made on the «Round table show».

This is the statement recorded:

Adul Gheit said he had a one-on-one meeting with Obama, where the US President told him that He was still a Muslim, the son of a Muslim father, the step son of Muslim stepfather, that his half brothers in Kenya are Muslims, and that he was sympatetic towards the Muslim agenda.

Adul Gheit claimed Obama told the Arabs to show patience. Obama promised that once he overcame some domestic issues, like the Health care reform, he would show the Muslim World how to deal with Israel.

Egyptian minister says “Obama Told Me He Is A Muslim”


Of course, if Obama believes himself a Muslim, then his prior behavior constituted taqiya — deception or lies to advance Islam.


Mike O,
I’m dubious of one source stories like this one where a Muslim from Egypt supposedly says Obama is a Muslim.
Here’s why.
Disinformation is part and parcel of Islamic media.
Telling the folks one thing in Arabic and the rest of the world a 180-degree opposite is very common in Islamic propaganda.
Yasser Arafat famously did just that pre-MEMRI and MEMRI-TV.
And before MEMRI came along, he and other liars from the Islamic world got away with lying, too.
But MEMRI invites any and all Arabic scholars to check their work in translating speeches and snippets by Muslims.
One fairly recent big, important example:
In Farsi (Iran’s language) a few years back, a story came out that ex-Chancellor of Germany, Helmut Kohl had a conversation with a top Iranian diplomat in an elevator (yes, they were alone) wherein Kohl denied the Holocaust!
This ”news” was all over the Arab world in a flash!
Because Mr. Kohl had health issues, he didn’t even learn about this false claim until about three weeks had gone by.
He made a strong denial and even called the diplomat from Iran quite a few choice names!
Someone in Egypt might have thought there was an advantage to saying Obama is a Muslim.
But the source material has been removed from the web.
(If you follow the links, you hit dead links)

@ThunderGod: Obama is either a Muslim, or he’s an Islamic Apostate.
Since the Imams have NOT been calling for his head, I think we know which it is.

That’s interesting. So giving the order to the SEALs for UBLs death, not to mention all the deaths from drones on Islamist groups in multiple countries, is a forgivable “taqiya” to hide his affiliations and ultimate stealth agenda to “deal with Israel”? Woof… raised the bar from lies and media disinformation campaigns to slaughtering jihad leaders as forgivable. Amazing.

Warning… steady diets of Pam Geller make for scrambled brains.

Since the Imams have NOT been calling for his head, I think we know which it is.




Sri Lanka:

Political Correctness means our media never has to cover Obama being burned in effigy.
Obama’s PC and multiculturalism means he and his never get to the bottom of ….
1. A report of claims by a Libyan deputy interior minister that he had warned U.S. officials of imminent trouble in Benghazi. Whom exactly did he warn, and when?
2. The attack on the consulate. Was it a pre-planned al Qaeda operation waiting for an opportunity, or was it essentially a spontaneous armed mob infuriated by the video?
3. Whether some of the Libyan guards were complicit in gathering intelligence about the consulate for the attackers.
4. The circumstances surrounding the now famous statement issued by an embassy officer in Cairo before the mob breached embassy grounds.
5. What is Egyptian policy for protecting U.S. embassies and consulates? Egyptian officials argue that their guards were correct in not using force to repel the protesters and thus allowing them to overrun U.S. territory. The Cairo government maintains that it makes sense not to fire on unarmed protesters. But that abdicates Egypt’s total responsibility to protect embassies. If that is Egypt’s policy, it’s just dumb luck the mob didn’t kill U.S. personnel last week as they did in Libya.

@Nan G:

Just a reminder: in my view Barack Obama Jr. is an atheist too. He is however an Alinskian Marxist and he identifies with the Third World. One may see the film 2016 and understand. Barack Obama Jr. is an Occidentalist as in Occidentalism: The West in the Eyes of Its Enemies .

That’s too bad about the dead links. I read the originals some two years ago. If one has the time one could try to obtain the original news report by way of inter-library loan as I have done on occasion.


No one kills more Muslims, than Muslims. Arab Muslims think nothing of Pashtun Muslims, Black Muslims, etc… bombing them means nothing to him.

Nan, that is he current situation, as created by Obama apologizing for the inciteful video. I was referring to Imams and his apostasy. Obama claims to have converted from Islam to Christianity; that’s an automatic Death sentence. Why have those protests only started, now?

Besides, I’ve been paying attention to who he sides with in the Middle East, watching the big picture. He’s backing the Islamo-Fascists at every turn, and thwarting real freedom movements. Guess who he’s “standing with?”

@ThunderGod: I was referring to Imams and his apostasy. Obama claims to have converted from Islam to Christianity; that’s an automatic Death sentence. Why have those protests only started, now?

Sorry Thunder God, misunderstood you.

Actually, before Rev. Wright took down all his web postings from his church and his conversations with and about Obama, he reminisced about how Obama first came to his church and wondered IF he had to be baptized to join.
Wright said, No.
Obama has never admitted to becoming a Muslim, and, as far as Islam is concerned, we are ALL born Muslims.
That is why Muslims say people ”revert” back into Islam as opposed to ”converting.”
One of the many, many records we have no access to about Obama is his baptismal one.
No one, that I know of, has ever seen it.

@Nan G:

Obama has never admitted to becoming a Muslim, and, as far as Islam is concerned, we are ALL born Muslims.

Unfortunately that comes across as disingenuous, nan.

Barack Obama Jr. did not become Muslim. He was born Muslim because his father was Muslim. This is similar to the way it works in Judaism where the children of a Jewish mother are automatically considered Jewish at birth. That’s just the way it is.

Thereafter Barack’s mother and stepfather identified young Barack as Muslim on official documents in Indonesia the same way my parents identified me as Catholic on documents when I was child.

When Barack approach Rev. Wright about joining Wright’s church Obama was worried about losing his Muslim identity. Rev. Wright explicitly assured Obama that he could join the Trinity congregation without losing his Muslim identity.

One of the many, many records we have no access to about Obama is his baptismal one.
No one, that I know of, has ever seen it.

But we do have access to some of Obama’s school records in Indonesia. I’ve seem them. They state that Obama WAS then Muslim.

@ThunderGod: No one kills more Muslims, than Muslims. Arab Muslims think nothing of Pashtun Muslims, Black Muslims, etc… bombing them means nothing to him.

While I agree Muslim on Muslim violence far outweighs Muslim on infidel violence, thundergod, you’re missing the point. You assume that since he’s not the target of the Islamists, he must be one of them.

Muslims do not kill their own leadership figures. They kill innocents and collateral damage. They do not give Obama a pass for killing the AQ leader just before Sept 11th, and do not consider him one of them.

@Mike O’Malley:
Hey Mike, frankly I have no clue where you’re coming from. In my comment, I was referring a video clip in which the president closed his eyes and spoke to an figment of his imagination as though it were in the room with him. I’d have to dig to find the link, but as I recall, in the video he addresses his imaginary friend as “Lord” (using some affectionate qualifier or other). My statement was simply noting that the least of my concerns was the name by which our Commander-in-Chief addressed his imaginary friend. I had the impression that if he actually thought his imaginary friend was named “Allah”, a whole bunch of otherwise unconcerned American citizens would suddenly become very concerned about this behavior; presumably that’s why some on this board get so excited about portraying him as a Muslim (as I felt you were trying to do). I was simply noting that I’m not amongst that crowd.

: Flag on the play, red-herring. Yes, you might argue that Obama’s anti-Fox antics paint him in an unfavorable light (“immature crybaby” comes to mind). This is important though: there is a categorical difference between those antics and what we’re talking about with respect to free speech. Don’t blow this off as rhetorical; consider it as a reasonable question, as it helps highlight the gulf between what you’re refering to and what I was talking about: Do you seriously believe that the Islamic world would be satisfied with Obama promising to “punish’ the makers of the Muslim film by denying them interviews and not inviting them to press conferences? My point was about censorship: the influencing of press/speech by weilding the power of law. Show me examples of Obama using (or threatening the use of) fines, taxes, or imprisonment to influence the messages broadcast by Fox News. THAT would be on point. Barring that, you more or less make my point for me – Obama does not engage in censorship, and what stuff he does pull shows just how impotent we render our most powerful leaders if they’d ever choose to do so.


Hey Mike, frankly I have no clue where you’re coming from.

Then pay attention and ask questions. If you do, you will have an opportunity to learn things that the American public school systems have been unable to teach for two or three generations.

For example in Arabic the Christian name for G-d is Allah.

I had the impression that if he actually thought his imaginary friend was named “Allah”, a whole bunch of otherwise unconcerned American citizens would suddenly become very concerned about this behavior;

You mean some group other than those many informed American citizens who been concerned with Dear Leader’s Barack Obama’s behavior for several years now?


BTW Kevin: let me know if you have heard of G. K. Chesterton.

Chesterton was an extraordinarily insightful English intellectual to whom this adage is attributed:
“When a Man stops believing in God he doesn’t then believe in nothing, he believes anything.”

To no small extent Chesterton’s insight helps us understand why Barack Obama is so unusually attractive to a whole bunch of the faithless, atheist Americans.

It pays to know that in almost all pre-Judeao-Christian societies the’ gods’ are most often quite visible and scary real in the form of idols. Perhaps all people without gods will in due time have their gods. They will have divine persons, deified real people such as Pharaoh, Caesar and the Japanese emperor. Such gods are not imaginary. The worship accorded divine personages such as Pharaoh, Caesar and the Japanese emperor was at many times substantially the same as the worship accorded any number of secularist war-gods such as Napoleon and Hitler or atheist “Dear Leaders” such as Mao, Stalin, Kim Il-sung and dare I say … Barack Obama Jr..

@Mike O’Malley: “….[I]n Arabic the Christian name for G-d is Allah. ”
Actually the word ”god” is a general term that is θεὸς Theos in Greek, Elohim in Hebrew and Allah in Arabic.
None of those is the NAME of the God of the Bible.
That is represented by the Tetragrammaton, or 4 Hebrew letters we use YHWH in English.

A lot of Bibles in Indonesia and Malaysia were confiscated by Muslims on the flimsy grounds that they offended Mohammad by using the term ”Allah” for God in their translations.

Mike, I think very little of our current president. May not even vote for him this November. I consider him particularly ineffective in terms of economic policy and defense. I certainly wasn’t amongst the fawning masses who though “great change” would come with his election (and even so, I’ve found myself pretty disappointed with how he’s actually run thing)s. I don’t believe he’s a god, and I… I don’t know what words I could use to express how utterly ludicrous that notion seems. I’m an atheist, I don’t believe there are any gods. I don’t believe there are any people, anywhere, of an infallible nature, nor any that could ever circumvent the laws of nature or elude the fate of death. I don’t even believe we live in a world where any such people could come to be. As such, I will *never* perceive another person, from the lowest of criminals to the most powerful leaders, as anything more or less than another human being (with all the potential and shortcomings that entails). Maybe you can explain how you feel your Chesterton quote applies to me. Lacking a belief in god, I “believe anything”? Can you point to anything (or any persona) that used to exist, exists today, or that could potentially exist tomorrow, that you think I personally would consider to be a god (and worship thusly)?

@Nan G:

Actually the word ”god” is a general term that is θεὸς Theos in Greek, Elohim in Hebrew and Allah in Arabic.
None of those is the NAME of the God of the Bible.

Allah is indeed the general term for god in contemporary Arabic, however it is used by Arabic speaking Christians to designate G-d, YHWH.

Elohim is indeed a very old general term for god in Biblical Hebrew. It is employed in the Hebrew Bible however in most instances as a specific alternative name for G-d, YHWH.

The word ‘god’ in English is different. When the earliest Christian missionaries came to Britain to convert the Anglo-Saxons they discovered that Old English had no satisfactory word for ‘god’. So those Christian missionaries fabricated a new word, a noun, to specifically mean G-d, YHWH, in the English language out of the Old English adjective ‘good’, or ‘gód’, our modern English adjective ‘good’.


Mike, I think very little of our current president.

Then watch with discernment. Act and observe as would an anthropologist. The worship accorded divine personages such as Pharaoh, Caesar and the Japanese emperor was at many times substantially the same as the worship accorded any number of secularist war-gods such as Napoleon and Hitler or atheist “Dear Leaders” such as Mao, Stalin, Kim Il-sung and Barack Obama Jr.. There is an alternative religious quality to the ‘faith’ no few Progressives have in Barack Obama.

Your picture reminded me of one of my Tea Party poster pictures. I like to put some humor in them, but when I looked at the two pictures at the bottom, I almost cried, because I have seen this happening for years. I haven’t laughed at this one yet.


@liberal1(objectivity): Your a punk so I know why you would make such comments. Of course you miss the point but then again I’m not surprised. The point here is your black messiah (muslim or not) has determined that the muslim prophet has prsidence over our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. This type of behavior is disgusting!!

obama is either knowingly empathizing with islamists or he is an obtuse idiot who is full of himself and his abilities to shape other peoples reactions and desires and belief system. like if he says stop murdering infidels, well then mr. homicidal islamist is just gonna stop doing that, he’s seen the light now….

no. this is the end result of that speech, hundreds of thousands of ringtones around the muslim world with the voice of obummer saying only one thing~~~~~

The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.

everything else is filler, chaf blown away by the wind and I SUSPECT HE KNOWS IT.

obama is either knowingly empathizing with islamists or he is an obtuse idiot who is full of himself and his abilities to shape other peoples reactions and desires and belief system. like if he says stop murdering infidels, well then mr. homicidal islamist is just gonna stop doing that, he’s seen the light now….

no. this is the end result of that speech, hundreds of thousands of phones around the muslim world ringing with the voice of obummer saying only one thing~~~~~

The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.

everything else is filler, chaf blown away by the wind and I SUSPECT HE KNOWS IT.

Someone else had the same idea I did.

Those of us who have been saying for years that obama is a Muslim are sounding less and less crazy.

Would a non-Muslim bow to the Saudi king?

Why did Bryan Williams bow to obama? Is Bryan a Muslim too, and bowed to his king?

obama is either a Muslim, or using the religion to get what he wants.



Your twisted logic, claiming to be protecting free speech from us rabid right wingers, has no substance in light of the US attorney in Tennessee on the record stating that criticizing islam is a civil rights violation that DOJ would be looking to prosecute.

So either you are a pseudointellectual who does not understand what is going on around you as you spew forth ridiculous blatherings to avoid accepting the truth in front of your face, or you already know the truth and you are deliberately trying to deceive others. Obama said what he said. Screw him. Mohammed was a bloodthirsty, illiterate, thieving pedophile who pretended to have visions of Gabriel everytime his followers caught him violating his previous vision-made edicts, all for the sole purpose of justifying whatever immediate whim Mohammed wanted satisfied at a particular moment.

Christians are not slaughtering Hindus. Jews are not beating, kidnapping and beheading Taoists. Sihks are not stoning women for alleged adultery, nor cutting off the hands of alleged thieves. Buddhist monks are not hacking off the heads of off-duty British soldiers while screaming “Budda is the Best!” on videocameras. Wiccans are not raiding tourist hotels in suicide teams, then indiscriminately shooting hostages before blowing themselves up. Taoists are not bulldozing mosques, nor denying the followers of any other religion the right to practice their faith in their territory. Hindus are not setting explosives at marathons or other sporting events to blow off the limbs of spectators, including children. Catholics are not throwing acid in the faces of women who refuse to accept offers of marriage, nor killing daughters who go on dates with men of whom their fathers disapprove. None of the aforementioned religious groups are engaging in 5-6 day riots burning cars and businesses and attacking the local police and firemen who respond to put out the fires. The one “religion” that seems to have followers repeatedly engaging in these violent, bloodthirsty acts over and over again all over the world is islam. You on the left know this, but you can’t stand to admit this truth in front of your face – and the hypocrisy is glaringly self-evident as when multiple MSM talking heads voiced their hope/belief that the Boston Marathon bombers were right wing anti-tax white people instead of muslims.

Whether Obama is a muslim is not as important as the obvious effect of his words and actions which clearly show a pro-islamic sympathy that is not in the best interest of the US nor the western world.

@Wordsmith: #48
obama has sided with the Muslim religion since he got in office. He turned NASA into an organization that is supposed to help people accept the Muslim religion. He wanted the Missile Defense Agency’s logo changed to look like the Muslim logo. http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-chat/2456423/posts He praises the Muslim religion, but doesn’t say much good about any other religion. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tCAffMSWSzY.

Why isn’t the Department of Justice going after the Muslim men who kill their children or their wives because they offended the father of husband. The Muslim religion teaches that it is OK for a man to kill members of his own family if that family member causes embarrassment to the father or husband. Daughters wearing makeup is an example. There have been several instances of things like this happening across the country. Why doesn’t obama order the investigation and prosecution of such HONOR KILLINGS?

Why did he bow to the king of Saudi Arabia if he isn’t a Muslim. If you have seen the video, it is hard to deny he actually bowed to the king. If you look for that video, you will find that most of the them have taken it down. It is still at

I can’t imagine anyone with an open mind watching the video and saying obama didn’t BOW to the Saudi king. No president has ever bowed to ANYBODY. From the time of George Washington to today, we have fought others around the world so we won’t have to bow to their leader. Why would a non-Muslim bow to a Muslim king?

Since the bowing incident, obama has bowed to different officials to make it look like he bows to anybody in authority, but he never bowed to any of them until AFTER he bowed to the saudi king. He even started bowing to lower ranking officials, like Chris Christy and the Burger King http://www.blingcheese.com/image/code/7/burger+king.htm