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Is There a Double Standard in the MSM?

It is happening, again. In the aftermath of the 2008 Election:

Media bias was more intense in the 2008 election than in any other national campaign in recent history, Time magazine’s Mark Halperin said Friday at the Politico/USC conference on the 2008 election.

“It’s the most disgusting failure of people in our business since the Iraq war,” [ed. failure to force the United States to run like cowards?] Halperin said at a panel of media analysts. “It was extreme bias, extreme pro-Obama coverage.”

MSM in ’08 did not properly vet Senator Obama.

Posts to reflect upon:

UPDATED! The Ties That Bind…The NYT’s Kills Story To Protect Obama Before Election

VDH: MSM Unprofessional Lobbying For Obama Will, In A Decade Or Two, Become Case Study In Graduate Classes On Journalistic Ethics

Mark Halperin: MSM Bias For Obama Worst In Recent History

The WaPo Tries To Buy Back Some Of It’s Credibility

The Suppression Of Bad Obama News By Our MSM

Where Did the Public Get the Idea that McCain is Running A Negative Campaign?

There are pockets of disillusionment and desertion here; an unflattering story published there; but the MSM as a general whole seems determined to carry President Obama across the finish line.

Coverage of the Conventions? Defined by MSM as Michelle Obama and Bill Clinton hitting home runs; Paul Ryan factchecked to be lying and Clint Eastwood talks to chairs (side trivia remembrance: He used to talk to the trees).

Dana Milbank attempts sarcasm in his defense of the MSM. What comes across to me is that he is embarrassingly oblivious to the lack of self-knowledge and wherewithal of the MSM. Of the double-standard:

Romney’s hit parade — insulting the British, inviting Clint Eastwood to the Republican convention, flubbing Libya and now dismissing half the nation as parasites — may make good copy for the next seven weeks. But if we go easy on the man, we could have four years of gaffes instead of just seven more weeks. Admittedly, this may not be the best outcome for the country, or for the world. But in this race, there is no denying that one man will give us much better material.

President Obama has many talents, but he is not good copy. He speaks grammatically, in fully formed paragraphs. He has yet to produce a scandal of any magnitude. He is maddeningly on message, and his few gaffes — “you didn’t build that,” “the private sector is doing fine” — are inflammatory only out of context. If it weren’t for the occasional relief offered by Joe Biden, the Samaritans would have installed a ­suicide-prevention hotline in the White House press room by now.

The media is having a field day pushing the secret Romney video as some shocking revelation. Meanwhile negative stories on the president, or easy, simple gaffes, don’t get the same drumbeat and pick up the same level of leg power in the mainstream media. Negative stories on Romney get cycled and recycled as frontpage news; negative stories on Obama? What negative stories! God, what was I thinking! Nothing to redistribute to news outlets here!

To recap Milbank:

President Obama has many talents, but he is not good copy. He speaks grammatically, in fully formed paragraphs. He has yet to produce a scandal of any magnitude. He is maddeningly on message, and his few gaffes — “you didn’t build that,” “the private sector is doing fine” — are inflammatory only out of context. If it weren’t for the occasional relief offered by Joe Biden, the Samaritans would have installed a ­suicide-prevention hotline in the White House press room by now.

I guess you have to be clinging to your guns and religion to understand.

Meanwhile, President Obama on Letterman, in response to the Romney 47% remark:

“Well, I don’t know what he was referring to, but I can tell you this. When I won in 2008, 47 percent of the American people voted for John McCain, they didn’t vote for me. And what I said on election night was, even though you didn’t vote for me, I hear your voices and I’m going to work as hard as I can to be your president. And one of the things I’ve learned as president is you represent the entire country. And when I meet Republicans as I’m traveling around the country, they are hard working, family people, who care deeply about this country and my expectation is that if you want to be president you got to work for everybody not just for some.”

Has President Obama ever stopped being in campaign-mode since his ’08 election win? Has he ever truly reached across the aisle other than to say to Republicans, “I won, the keys are mine, get in the back of the seat and just shut up while I drive.”? His idea of bipartisanship seems to be “my way or the highway”. He has constantly ridiculed Republicans. That’s his idea of representing “the entire country”?

Obama went on to talk about how hard Americans work. “You don’t meet anybody who doesn’t believe in the American Dream and the fact that nobody’s entitled to success,” Obama said. He continued, saying “There are not a lot of people out there who think they’re victims. There are not a lot of people who think they’re entitled to something. What I think the majority of people, Democrats and Republicans, believe is that we’ve got some obligations to each other and there’s nothing wrong with us giving each other a helping hand.”

Seems like this gotcha undercover video is a very serious, campaign-winning issue to the people who are not going to pull the lever for Mitt Romney, anyway (including many journalists). Mitt’s dog decades ago, Paul Ryan’s marathon time, Clint’s chair (did I already mention he used to talk to the trees?)…

42 consecutive months of unemployment above 8%, the spending, how he’s (mis)handled the Arab Spring, the endless class warfare rhetoric and divisiveness…somehow these things doesn’t register with liberal journalists who live under the delusion that there is no media bias.

And that this president is practically perfect in every way.

He’s hip. He’s cool. He can sing. He can fist-bump.

Hell, he even got a big ol’ bear hug from a Republican pizza owner! That’s worthy of A1 news for several consecutive days!

I guess I just don’t see it because I’m a racist.

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