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What a brave act. We ought to call you Mitt.

liberal a relative term
objectivity the opposite of relative

I guess we can call you an Oxy Moron. Enjoy it, I ration troll chow.

Good on ya…


For someone who bashes Christians so often, and religion in general, it is perplexing that you would mock Curt for doing similar, simply because it is Islam and Mohammed.

Maybe we should call you ‘Achmed1(prejudiced)’.

Although Just Al’s is just more amusing.

I like it.

Here’s my contribution from Everybody Draws Muhammed Day.


@mossomo: very nice and oh so appropriate. Sadly MooHamMad would be very much at home in the Peoples Demokratic Socialist Republik of Kalifornia, so many of his followers are here…sadly.

@liberal1(objectivity): I’ve been on the run and in hiding ever since I drew this:

I should change my name “wordsmith” to an anonymous pseudonym. If only I hadn’t signed it….:(

They probably can’t find you since they’re looking in Nantucket, Word… LOL

You know, I’m still trying to square all this with the celebrated “art” of a crucifix in urine, Mary painted with dung, etc..that used PUBLIC funded/gov grant money and public funded spaces to insult good Christians everywhere and celebrated by the Left. It’s a blood sport and an art form in America to offend Christians everywhere…depictions of the Pope, cartoons about Jesus, desecrating religious symbols as “art”, etc. This double standard for Islam is insulting to everyone’s intelligence.


They probably can’t find you since they’re looking in Nantucket, Word… LOL

Hahaha…(for those not in the know: my full original username on my old blog is “wordsmith from nantucket”).

I feel insulted and am in perpetual outrage that Curt didn’t think my ‘toon worthy enough to include in his post.

I feel like beheading something right now!

Do any of you recall the death of muhammed? Well, he was assassinated by his followers in the form of poison. He was a smack, pig at best. A true review of history showed that this guy was a true duch bag. misogynist,and true female hater. Need to reader Woman-Haters by Joseph Lincoln, good book. muhammed was assassinated my his own followers.

liberal 1..
we know what you are. Your posts have demonstrated your behaviour and intellectual position over many months. maybe you and muhammed should correspond?

Curt, your idea of publishing more Mohammad cartoons caught on……in FRANCE!

By Jean-Nicholas Fievet
Sep 18, 2012 5:49pm
French Mag to Publish Cartoons of Prophet Mohammed

The magazine “Charlie Hebdo” has confirmed that it will publish the cartoons, but has not revealed what they will depict. French newspaper “Le Monde” reports that some of the cartoons show the prophet in “particularly explicit poses,” without providing any further detail.

French government ministers have criticized the magazine’s decision and police in Paris have stepped up security around its offices.

France is home to Europe’s largest Muslim population, and the senior cleric at Paris’ biggest mosque has appealed for followers to remain calm, according to the French news agency AFP.

The magazine has defended the move by invoking the right to free speech. Speaking on French radio, the magazine’s director explained that a decision not to publish would “hand victory to a handful of extremists that are causing a commotion in the world and in France.”

So much for ”Freedom Fries.”
I’m going back to FRENCH Fries!

Looks like we caught that about the same time, Nan G. I mentioned it to you on another thread.

Satirical Weekly knows what’s coming their way since they had their offices petrol bombed last year. Then their host, Bluevision, was cyberattacked and they took the Satirical Weekly down for a while because of death threats.

Yup… poking the hornet’s nest. Won’t be any surprise when the protests spread to France. Guess this guy felt they needed to get in on the action, and he could use more PR. But I suppose if this is the quest, it’s a mission accomplished.

Curt.. You r one sick son of a bitch. You must have a lot of time on your hands. Shame on an “ex-marine” if you are even one to draw and post such garbage. Now, I’m imagining your MOTHER in all of these pictures.
Do u know who ur mama is? did she get fucked before she met ur daddy or during their marriage?

tamra, if your intent was to protest what you believe is unwise or thoughtless use of the 1st Amendment, then I’d say that you don’t possess even a pin needle of area size on any high moral ground.

And lawdy… I wish the young generation would learn how to spell and use English instead of “text’ese”. Do “u” get the hint about “ur” perceived level of education?


Now, I’m imagining your MOTHER in all of these pictures.

Perhaps Tamra you would do well to imagine your mother taken captive during modern Islamic jihad, in accordance with the behavioral example and the sacred instruction of Mohammad. What in your view would be more offensive? Curt’s postings about Muhammad or the reduction of your mother to a brutalized household servant/sex slave with a maximum remaining life span of 4 to 5 years?

Perhaps you would do us the service of comparing these cartoons to those Curt posted:

these in particular

Tamra tell us which is more offensive and why?

YouR god had son? Your god are having sex? LOL so funny!

And you say that radical Islamic religion, but who painted and dissemination of these images huh extremist and terrorist Muhammad is the rassol of Allah and the Seal of the Prophets purer than those terrorist Graphics

@ahmad: You are a bit slow on the uptake.
This has been up on the web almost a year.
And, Mo was allah’s rassol?
You mean ”rascal?”

I looked up Mohammad Rassol.
It is a man in Texas who drowned all his sons and was tried, found guilty and sentenced to death.
I know that comes as a big surprise to you.
In some Islamic countries there is no law broken when a parent kills his own children.

u r fucking person

@MOS 8541: probably killed by the father of one of the little girls he raped, or as the quaran put it..deflowered.