Libya Attack Caused By Homemade Movie On 9/11? Give Me A Break


I’ve been watching with growing incredulity in the last 24 hours how people are blaming this Libya attack on some cheap movie made by someone unknown. Do people really believe that that this was all a coincidence on the anniversary of 9/11?

Come on…

This wasn’t the fault of some nutcase making a home movie. This was a coordinated attack on the anniversary of 9/11 by our enemy.

Plain and simple.

Although initial reports described the events as a demonstration that had spiraled out of control, there are indications that the attack may have been planned, most likely by Islamic radicals who have been gaining ground in Libya.

Stevens had gone to the consulate in still-restive Benghazi to oversee its evacuation after the demonstration had started. The building was then stormed by gunmen, who succeeded in setting it on fire.

The ambassador was well-liked by many Libyans, particularly the pro-democracy rebels on whose behalf he passionately argued during the conflict last year that brought down dictator Muammar Gaddafi.

An almost-simultaneous demonstration was held outside the US Embassy in Cairo, though events did not turn violent there. Both protests were sparked by a 14-minute trailer of the hour-long movie Innocence of Muslims, which was posted on YouTube and openly ridicules the prophet Muhammad – whom religious Muslims believe should not be portrayed at all.

The shortened version of the video is being promoted and circulated by Morris Sadek, an Egyptian-born Coptic Christian in the Washington area who has expressed extreme anti- Islamist views.

There are several indications, however, that there was a concerted effort to rile up emotions based on the crude video in the days before the attack, and that the demonstration may have been a pretext for a more serious assault.

The fact that it happened on September 11, coinciding with the 11th anniversary of al-Qaida’s attacks on the US, fueled speculation that it was a planned attack, rather than spontaneous violence.

If this had happened any other day I could entertain the explanation that these Muslim idiots got their widdle feelings hurt over a video but for this to happen on 9/11 over any other day explains everything to me.

And they know the weakest United States President in our history will do nothing. Maybe he will shoot a few drone missiles but no one, least of all members of al-Qaeda, are afraid of that. Hell, they have taken over Libya and Egypt while this President was shooting his missiles. What are they supposed to fear?

A man who explains away the fact that these Muslim animals paraded around our dead Ambassador as good samaritans dragging a dead body to the hospital?

Wow….just wow.

The action and inaction of this President over the last four years have made me so ashamed…I don’t think I have never been so ashamed of a President in my lifetime. (I was too young to comprehend the cowardice of Jimmy Carter so you have to give me a pass on that one).

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And they know the weakest United States President in our history will do nothing.

One of these days Obama and Hillary will perhaps enlighten us on this Administration’s meaning of, . . . “We condemn in the strongest terms.” They’ve used it so liberally for four years, they have the Middle East shaking, particularly Iran.

A man who explains away the fact that these Muslim animals paraded around our dead Ambassador as good samaritans dragging a dead body to the hospital?

The biggest question for me is, How, on September 11, 2012, is it possible for any Egyptians to get this close to any ambassador?

Sean Smith, one of the 4 US Embassy victims, was an avid on-line gamer.
On Tuesday, Sean Smith, a Foreign Service Information Management Officer assigned to the American consulate in Benghazi, Libya, typed a message to the director of his online gaming guild: ”Assuming we don’t die tonight. We saw one of our ‘police’ that guard the compound taking pictures.” The consulate was under siege, and within hours, a mob would attack, killing Smith along with three others, including the U.S. ambassador.
He used the tag, vile_rat.

(12:54:09 PM) vile_rat: assuming we don’t die tonight. We saw one of our ‘police’ that guard the compound taking pictures

We knew that Vile Rat was in Benghazi; he told us. He commented on how they use guns to celebrate weddings and how there was a constant susurrus of weaponry in the background. He was in situ to provide IT services for the consulate, which meant he was on the net all the time, hanging out with us on Jabber as usual and talking about internet spaceship games.

That would make sense given reports of a possible coordinated attack.

Later the police let the terrorists know where the ”safe house” was.
Sean and the Ambassador and two others were murdered.

Go and look at the video by the Coptic Christians.
In it the POLICE sit idly by while their Muslim BUDDIES destroy Coptic medical clinic and beat (looked like to death) a Coptic woman.
This is NOT NEWS.
The police really have been complicit in letting Coptics in Egypt be kidnapped, beaten, raped, forcibly ”married,” to Muslims and looted and burned out.
All without so much as a police report!

Garbage, the slut hillary and the piece of crap opie..a US citizen died, while the ass**** slept. Wake up America, in the end the piece of garbage will praise the muslim world for what they did.. We are on the heels of Rome!

Curt, you have to understand; some people just need to find a scapegoat to blame for the actions of the followers of the Religion of Pieces. So they will blame Salman Rushdie, the Dutch cartoonist, Theo Van Gogh, Terry Jones or anyone else who is willing to call Islam what it is, a political/socio/faux religion based on the teachings of a 7th century war lord.

And in keeping with the POTUSs current policy of Muslim appeasement, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Martin Dempsey, called Terry Jones today and ask Jones to back off his support for a film no one has seen and damn few people even knew existed until today.

Dempsey’s spokesman, Marine Col. David Lapan has this to say:

“The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Martin E. Dempsey, spoke by phone this morning with Pastor Terry Jones. In the brief call, Gen. Dempsey expressed his concerns over the nature of the film, the tensions it will inflame and the violence it will cause.”

Got that? A film will cause violence, NOT the actual people being violent. So instead of condemning the Muslims that murdered four Americans in Benghazi, the administration wants to lecture Terry JOnes on free speech. And to add insult to injury, the Administration thinks we are so stupid that they (Hillary) can tell us how those freedom loving Libyans were simply taking Ambassador Steven’s body to the hospital. Odd, it looked a lot like Mogadishu to me. I guess since they didn’t hang the Ambassador from a bridge and torch his body we should be grateful to those peace loving Islamists for just killing him. Wonder what made the religionists in Libya attack our consulate in June, which got little, if any American press?

And now we are learning that these attacks were planned and really didn’t have anything to do with a film no one has seen and not many knew anything about. But wait, we can’t blame those who still live in the 7th century, can we? That would not be in keeping with Obama foreign policy. After all, don’t you understand that the Arab Spring is an Obama success?

And who was present at the Libyan riots? Gee, only Ayman al Zawahri’s own brother, who also belongs to Al Qaida. Ummmm, wonder why that was?

Jimmy Carter gave us a radical and dangerous Iran. Obama is going for the whole shabang, a complete radicalized Middle East that we will be fighting for decades.

@MOS 8541:

You don’t seem to understand. Obama can’t deal with this right now. He had to go to Las Vegas to campaign.

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Martin Dempsey was just obeying his master, Islam.
Here’s what Egypt’s prime minister, Hisham Kandil, has magnanimously said the U.S. government should not be blamed for the film about Mohammed that is the latest pretext for Islamic supremacist savagery.

Oh, gee.

But, and it’s a BIG butt:
Kandil says the attack was “regrettable” — but not because rioting over a film is barbaric. Rather, it is “regrettable” because “the people who produced this low film have no relation to the (U.S.) government.”

Then this:
Kandil says, “We ask the American government to take a firm position toward this film’s producers within the framework of international charters that criminalize acts that stir strife on the basis of race, color or religion.” Translation: We’re not holding the American government responsible … yet — but if it fails to punish the filmmakers, then all that “regrettable” stuff might not be so regrettable.

Islamic law brutally punishes what it regards as blasphemy — any insult to Islam or its prophet, no matter how slight.
Obama has raised the expectations of Egypt’s government that he stands with them on this principle.

Oh, my!
Obama is going to do Islam’s $#!+ work for them here in the USA!!!!!!!!!!!

Curt – I really want to cry after reading this….I feel Frustration, Anger, Disbelief, Empathy for our fellow Americans and what they had to endure at the hands of these animals…

….My Frustration is aimed at our Government for their unbelievable stupidity and their stupid belief they are going to “turn the Face of Evil around” in the name of “democracy” ….. of a people who have lived in this turmoil for thousands of years…. and continue to do so, with or without our help… Get off the merry-go-round – stop this insanity!!

Seriously, do YOU think these people even ‘want’ democracy?

What fantasy world does this current administration and the Left live in???!

Their arrogance is unbelievable!! Their apologizing [for the United States ] is appalling….

….the way our Government keep giving these people a pass…. and the way we keep giving “Evil” in any form a pass… is really shameful.

You know, the apparent failure of the obvious to sink in, whether feigned for political reasons or genuine, is beginning to get more than a little annoying. First Romney blasts the Cairo embassy for the apologetic tone of their statement–which anyone but a complete idiot should recognize as a calculated effort to defuse tensions, buy time, and increase their own safety. Then he blasts the President for publicly standing behind the embassy’s statement, which was done for the same reasons. Meanwhile, without public announcement, warships are being moved.

Just how stupid is this guy, anyway? Sometimes you should keep your mouth shut and let the people who actually are in office do their jobs. Surely a guy who thinks he’s qualified to be president can recognize that there might be a need to stfu until he knows what’s going on behind the scenes and knows that our people are safe.

Romney’s boat was taking water already. I think he just knocked another hole in the bottom. If the guy can’t calculate his political moves any better than this, he’s not qualified to call the shots in a real world game of geopolitical strategy. It’s not like running a business.

Pardon me, but I’m genuinely ticked off.

Obama vowed in a Rose Garden address that the U.S. would “work with the Libyan government to bring to justice” those who killed Ambassador Chris Stevens, information manager Sean Smith and two other Americans who were not identified.

Work WITH the Libyan government???
According to Sean Smith it was the Libyan government who led terrorists to his (and the others) safe house!!!!!

I agree… I think that every anniversary of Sept 11 brings a poignant moment to an Islamic radical, hoping to pile on. I’m equally sure they are overjoyed to have yet another “reason”, without sane reasoning, as an excuse to their Muslim audience for what they do.

On the flip side, it would be equally naive to suggest that the film’s release had no impact or influence on Muslims – including the jihadists – as well.

I don’t care about career jihadists. They are of a mindset that cannot be changed and fall into the human cockroach category. I do, however, care about the other Muslims that are *also* under assault from from their fellow Muslim jihadists – and whether they view the West as more evil incarnate and intolerant of their beliefs than the radicals themselves.

In this instance, the pseudo Jew/filmmaker did no one any favors, save the jihadists.

So the real question is, was that Bacile’s – plus his Syrian, Pakistani, Turkish and Egyptian cohorts – genuine intents? Personally, I can not discount the possibility that this was a “double agent” sting operation, designed to do that piling on. This “filmmaker”, who attempted to falsely align Israel with his actions, seems to be invisible for all intents and purposes. I find that somewhat suspicious in itself. This is, after all, no eloquent and credible Irshad Manji, but a bolt out of the blue individual with an unproven, and some discounted, background of ties.

Another “Obama is a ” post. Really is there any other kind? I wonder if this indiscriminate, hateful nonsense ever has tangible repercussions?


Romney’s boat was taking water already. I think he just knocked another hole in the bottom. If the guy can’t calculate his political moves any better than this, he’s not qualified to call the shots in a real world game of geopolitical strategy. It’s not like running a business.

Get specific. I don’t know that Romney did ANYTHING wrong but I do see Obama screwing up.

During his 30-year rule President Hosni Mubarak has pursued a policy of tolerance and religious tolerance, consistently upholding equal rights for Muslim majority and Christian minority,.
But that ended with the ”arab spring.”

The Netherlands has opened the program by Egyptian Christians, giving them refuge in their country.
1/10th of Egypt’s population was Coptic when the MB took power and began their persecution against all Coptics.
Is America open to Coptic influx as well?
I hope so.
These people are being given ultimatums by the MB: either convert into Islam or we will kill you and take all your stuff.

@drjohn, #13:

His comments attacking the conciliatory tone of the embassy’s statement and the President’s statement had an effect precisely the opposite of what those statements were calculated to accomplish. His comments weren’t made in retrospect. They were made in the middle of a developing situation.

Do you think that increased or decreased the danger to embassy personnel? Did it buy time for us to act, or shorten it?

For additional specifics, refer to the above photographs.

We still plan to bankroll the Libyans with hundreds of millions of dollars. RINOs like Dreier from CA say it is too late and we must not risk harming our relationship with Libya and Egypt. I wonder if they are worried about harming our relationship. What did we decide to send, 800 million, I guess if we send less they will kill more Americans.

First, I extend my condolences to Ambassador Chris Stevens family and the families of the other Americans Killed by these animals… this is a horrible act and I pray they rest in peace…

Curt, yours is another ‘take’ on what is currently happening in the Middle East….the Egyptian Government could have stopped this… they knew a mob was coming….did they ‘choose’ not to? Did they encourage it?? Did they want to poke the US in the Eyes..

You know what?? “diplomacy” – “Discussions” aren’t working….it’s not trickling down to these thugs… these animals who seem to be ‘running a muck’ with no boundaries…..just HATE…

Obama and ilk do not see the Muslim Brotherhood as a threat……wake up Mr President!!! – Wake up America !!!- Wake up Liberals!!! Wake up Washington!!! quit coddling these animals…. they are not NOT the Moose Lodge guys….

There is no other way to deal with this bully bullshit. They believe they can bully the US because our Government [policies and (non- Action/political correctness) ] makes us look and act weak…

We give them diplomacy!!… the next time something happens to U.S. Property [US Consulates etc] and/or American Lives …. they will face consequences…one of them being that we annihilate them….Period!!! Then give them everything we got…THAT will wake them up!! Screw “cutting off” money or whatever else.

Harsh?? No – this is the only thing these people understand and respect.

Quite frankly, I am tired of Liberal/Progressive/Democratic policies putting MY life, and my fellow Americans Lives in danger! !!


obama just sat there and did nothing. Yes the consulate was the first to apologize BUT hillary again apologized. – and you know she didn’t make a move before consulting obama. obama just sat there and did nothing and said nothing. Romney was right in what he said. Because the media is so far in the tank with obama they coordinated before the question time period and decided among themselves what to ask. Not once did they ask what he would do, how he would handle the situation. they asked inane questions so they could go after him. (you would think the slimey media would learn about open mics). If you think back some time, obama went past Congress and sent in troops to Libya and if you don’t think this doesn’t play into this scenario you are wrong, dead wrong. Frankly I am sick and tired of people like you. I am usually tolerant, but no more. Am I angry? you betcha.

American citizens were KILLED because of obama. This is ALL obama’s fault . This is what happens when you have a person in charge (SIC) that is unwilling to stand up for the country he supposedly leads (SIC), and kisses the asses of radical islamic muslims (yes I know islam is a culture and muslim is a religion) . obama can’t wait to take down the stars and stripes and replace it with a hammer and sickle. I am sick and tired of it. If people like you want to live in a socialist environment leave. move to cuba, bolivia, france, or greece and don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

Oh yeah obama can’t meet with Netanyahu because he said he didn’t have time BUT he has time to go to a fund raiser given by Jay-Z and Bey0nce AND go to Vegas. Excuse me? what is more important?

Thanks Curt. Exactly how I see it. It smells so much like a false flag operation. And on 911. I can’t by the current narrative. Ambassador Stevens was ASSASINATED. Make no mistake. When all said and done, it’ll come out that this was pre-planned.

Remember folks – just because Obama refuses to call it a War on Terror won’t change things nor make these people not want to kill us. They are not going away.

We were caught with our pants down. We lost a good man for it. G-d bless.


And now we are learning that these attacks were planned

Oh yeah? Good. The narrative needs to change and everybody needs to understand our ambassador was assasinated.

@Greg: Greg, Romney showed leadership. Something you know very little about given your admiration for the worst leader America has ever had.

@Disenchanted, #18:

obama just sat there and did nothing.

How would you know? We don’t publicly announce our intentions. We publicly state what we want people to hear. Statements are a part of strategy.

We know that warships are moving, Marines have been mobilized, and attack and surveillance drones have already been positioned. More time to get all of our ducks in a row probably would have been nice. It’s already too late for some people.

The news that Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton’s motorcade was pelted with shoes and tomatoes by Egyptian protesters, who also taunted her by chanting “Monica! Monica!” as she left the U.S. consulate in Alexandria on Sunday, delighted conservative bloggers in the United States.

What has attracted less attention, however, is the extent to which the Egyptians who vented their rage during Mrs. Clinton’s visit appear to have been inspired by fears that the Obama administration harbors a secret, pro-Islamist agenda which originated with American conservatives.

As my colleague Kareem Fahim reported on Sunday, some political opponents of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt claim that the United States even plotted to install the Islamist party’s presidential candidate in office. “Although wildly counterintuitive,” my colleagues David Kirkpatrick and Mayy El Sheikh observed on Saturday, “that conspiracy theory has tapped into the deep popular distrust here of the United States.”


Would those warships that are moving be the same ones the Democrats put up on the big screen during their salute to the military at their convention?

Yeah, Obama would be JUST that stupid.

@ James #1…..

” “We condemn in the strongest terms.” ”

Translation: Don’t worry, this message is ALL we will do. Carry On.

Greg, two destroyers are being positioned. These ships, whose mission is to protect the carriers, do not have any significant fire power. There has been no public announcement about drones being positioned or Marines being mobilized. In fact, we don’t mobilize our soldiers. They are always on duty. In any event, if Obama had attended his intelligence briefings, he would have known that the anniversary of 9/11 would be seen as an opportunity for these thugs to take revenge for successful drone attacks. But he is just too busy with his campaign to be President. We now learn that the counselor offices where the attack took place were completely unguarded and further, that the so-called safe house was a set up by Libyan intelligence since the minute the Americans arrived, they were greeted by a rain of mortar fire. This is a huge screw up that needlessly cost American lives. You may be “ticked” at Romney’s statement, or rather the timing of Romney’s statement since you don’t question the substance, but that is process and the substance of this matter is that we do not have to apologize for our values and we need to have meaningful security for our diplomatic missions. The Administration’s actions on both these items has been deplorable. It amazes me that you consistently justify objectively incompetent conduct by this Administration. I can understand your politics, but you appear to be intelligent enough to understand and acknowledge that in at least this instance, calming the crowd (an impossible task) cannot override what most of us believe is a core value of this country, freedom of speech. Romney’s comment came six hours after the attack was essentially over. Obama still hasn’t asserted meaningful outrage.


@Hankster58: #24,

Even if this Administration is shamed into action, it failed to protect its people in a dangerous environment.

This was obviously a “state of mind” – Obama, Hillary, and the rest of this sad crew, just didn’t really give a damn. They pretend and spew worthless words, but they don’t really care. When the CIC can’t be bothered to get out of bed to attend his briefings, do you really need to know more?

The evidence is too obvious, and four families are paying a price for that insouciance tonight. TWO unprotected Embassies. NO LEADERSHIP.

Mission of Destroyers:

“Destroyers (DDs) and guided-missile destroyers (DDGs) are multi-purpose ships that are useful in almost any kind of naval operation. They are fast ships with a variety of armament, but little or no armor. For protection, they depend on their speed and mobility. Their displacement varies from about 4,500 tons to 7,800 tons. The principal mission of destroyers is to operate offensively and defensively against submarines and surface ships and to take defensive action against air attacks. They also provide gunfire support for amphibious assaults and perform patrol, search, and rescue missions.”

Post Reply

California man confirms role in anti-Islam film

Bacile told the AP he was an Israeli-born, 56-year-old, Jewish writer and director. But a Christian activist involved in the film project, Steve Klein, told AP on Wednesday that Bacile was a pseudonym and that he was Christian.
. . .
The Southern Poverty Law Center, which monitors hate groups, said Klein is a former Marine and longtime religious-right activist who has helped train paramilitary militias at a California church. It described Klein as founder of Courageous Christians United, which conducts protests outside abortion clinics, Mormon temples and mosques.
. . .
It quoted Klein as saying he believes that California is riddled with Muslim Brotherhood sleeper cells “who are awaiting the trigger date and will begin randomly killing as many of us as they can.”
. . .
Klein told the AP that he vowed to help make the movie but warned the filmmaker that “you’re going to be the next Theo van Gogh.” Van Gogh was a Dutch filmmaker killed by a Muslim extremist in 2004 after making a film that was perceived as insulting to Islam.

“We went into this knowing this was probably going to happen,” Klein said.

Well, it turns out that the Administration was in complete disarray over the statement issued by the consular officer and agreed with Romney all along:


Anti-Muslim film consultant says he’s not responsible for violence

“I am not responsible for the actions that they go out and do,” Klein said. “Why would I be bothered? I told the truth. I have told the truth. I will continue to tell the truth.”

Maybe we should buy this jackass a ticket to Libya so he could tell the truth there.

@Nan G: Islamic law brutally punishes what it regards as blasphemy — any insult to Islam or its prophet, no matter how slight.
Obama has raised the expectations of Egypt’s government that he stands with them on this principle.

Oh, my!
Obama is going to do Islam’s $#!+ work for them here in the USA!!!!!!!!!!!

Let us know when you return to Earth, Nan G. Maybe then you can suggest just what laws Obama or his DOJ is going to use to “do Islam’s $#!+ work for them” Or maybe you think he’ll send a few black helicopters to keep an eye on a 5th rate wannabe “film director”, who doesn’t use his own name and none of the ties to Israel or Egypt are verified as true?

Didn’t like Obama’s response, but predictable “zero” nonsense.. Didn’t like Romney attempting to rush to the dais to use it for his campaign, ahead of current heads of state. When we have national events like this, it’s inappropriate for the wannabe to usurp current leadership. Dumb move, but not unexpected from Romney. Was really embarrassing watching him pull all the press out of his announced presser this AM because he scheduled it at the same time SOS Hillary was speaking. They dutifully piled in when she was done, so he could again put his foot in his mouth ahead of the Hillary/O’bummer presser later on.

I didn’t like what Romney said anymore than I like Obama’s comments. Arsenic in wine, or rat poison in tea is still the POTUS fare for the menu to me. But let’s not wander off into LALA land here about Obama doing Islam’s work.

Mata.. Why did Obama PULL the Marine guard details from the embassies??? Leaving them 100% DEFENSELESS??
That isn’t doing “Americas” work”!

Jeffrey Goldberg- The Atlantic

What are we to make of Steve Klein’s assertions? I’m taking everything about this strange and horrible episod with a grain of salt, though I will say that I haven’t seen any proof yet that Sam Bacile is an actual Israeli Jew, or that the name is anything other than a pseudonym. More to come, undoubtedly.

‘Innocence of Muslims’ mystery: Who is Sam Bacile? by Associated Press

All that currently exists of the film are about 13 minutes of excerpts on YouTube, in English and Arabic language versions.While the excerpts were still viewable online in the U.S. on Wednesday, they vanished from the Web in Egypt. Cairo residents who tried to view the YouTube site instead got a warning that “this content is not available in your country due to a legal complaint.”

In an interview Tuesday with the AP, Klein said the filmmaker is concerned for family members who live in Egypt. Bacile declined to confirm that suggestion. Klein did not return phone messages to the AP on Wednesday.

Why would a supposedly Israeli director make an Arabic language version? Something very fishy about that.

Bacile’s film was dubbed into Egyptian Arabic by someone he doesn’t know, but he speaks enough Arabic to confirm that the translation is accurate. It was made in three months in the summer of 2011, with 59 actors and about 45 people behind the camera.

Curiouser and curiouser.

Sam Bacile And His Low-Budget Anti-Muslim Movie: Is It All A Hoax? By Christopher Zara:

Update: According to the Times of Israel, officials for that country confirmed that they have no record of Israeli citizenship for a Sam Bacile.

But according to Steve Klein, who claims to have worked as a consultant on the film, Bacile knew it would ignite violence.

Perhaps this was the entire purpose. I suspect this “film” may have been created by either a Coptic seeking to insult Muslims, or a radical Islamist with the intent to to fuel Islamic anger. We have the film-maker claiming that he was an Israeli (Israel denies this,) and that he had Jewish financiers (no evidence can be found to support this,) yet no one in the industry seems to have heard of him. Klein admits the film-maker’s name is not Bacile (probably true as California we have been told that California records show no records regarding that name.) “Bacile” supposedly tells Klein that he is concerned about family members in Egypt (This is possibly true, but makes it highly unlikely that these family members are Jewish. Coptic perhaps)

Hankster, Nan G was not talking about Marines stationed an embassies, but insinuating that Obama would do Islam’s work by “punishing” the filmmaker. I’m in the apple pie booth, and you’re throwing out peach cobbler for tasting. Unrelated to Nan G’s trip to the ethers.


“When we have national events like this, it’s inappropriate for the wannabe to usurp current leadership.”

Well then Mata, perhaps you can tell me who is the leadership, because so far, Obama has been AWOL on both Cairo and Libya. His statements today were read right out of Jimmy Carter’s play book. Obama should be on the damn phone now with Mahamed Marsi and the leader of Libya and telling them both to either get their damn houses in order, or we will do it for them. He should also be telling Marsi that there will not be one damn red cent coming his way from the U.S. The gravy train is over.

Instead, as the entire Middle East is about to blow, he refused to meet with Benjamin Netanyah, but is going to meet with the head of the Muslim Brotherhood in New York next Friday. And you dare call that leadership? I sure and the hell don’t. Maybe it’s part of that “leading from behind” crap.

As to Romney jumping in front of the diaz, hardly. He had prepared a statement about Cairo and Libya, but had made the decision to hold off until today to make them. Remember, these two events happened yesterday, when Obama was playing duck and hide. Greta Van Sustern contracted the Romney campaign an asked for the statement early. Right before midnight.

And Romney, who is not my favorite guy, most certainly has a right to speak out on U.S. affairs. He’s running for the highest office in the land, and he better be landing some body blows to Obama if he has a hope in hell of winning.

@James Raider:

Everybody is going to be running for cover now. They don’t want to be the next Theo Van Gogh or the next Danny Pearle. Now, think about that for a while and tell me just how damn sad that is.

@James Raider:

From your link:

On Wednesday night, the AP reported that it had tracked his cellphone number to an address near Los Angeles where a man called Nakoula Basseley Nakoula was found.

Mr. Nakoula, a Coptic Christian, claimed he was manager for the company that produced Innocence of Muslims, but he denied he directed the film or that he knew Mr. Bacile.


Who the hell cares? The Muslim cretins will riot next week in protest of American’s eating pork. If it is not one thing, it will be another.

Maybe Obama should have been more open to talking with Israel.
Or, at least Obama should have been attending his briefings on a daily basis.
Look what he missed…..

Israeli sources have revealed that Egypt’s General Intelligence warned jihadists were planning attacks on U.S. and Israeli embassies as early as a week before they occurred on the anniversary of Al Qaeda’s 9/11 terror attacks.
The report indicated that the group behind the attacks was Global Jihad.
This group is now suspected in the deaths of 16 Egyptian border guards in Sinai — deaths for which some Egyptian officials originally blamed Israel.
A letter from Egyptian intelligence warning of pending attacks was circulated to all Egyptian security posts on September 4th.

I have no idea how Israel got this information.


There should be a TV channel that plays stuff like that 24/7. Then kill all the muslims in self defense.


So, you don’t see the antisemitic implications of a Muslim bashing filmmaker pretending to be Israeli and falsely claiming that a hundred Jews had financed the production? Really?!

@ Greg: You ought to take your own advice and STFU. Gov. Romney was right to decry any thing that smacked of an apology to a barbarous,inbred, Arabian death cult. Hillary’s state dept. has the equivalent of an infantry brigade in 5500 contracted security operators. Where were they? Wouldn’t want to pissoff the nice muzzies that tax dollars installed, would we?The Libyan attack was planned and the Libyan commander sent to aid the extraction stated that the accuracy of mortar fire was obviously due to targets having been registered beforehand. The team that was sent to extract the consulate staff was ambushed at their initial landing zone. Both point to a preplanned operation timed to 9/11. One consistent thing I have seen from Liberals on other forums is that they blame a disjointed,moronic video for the actions of the inbred , Islamic Neanderthals and would have the first amendment abridged before holding Islam responsible for its actions that make it incompatible with any other culture on earth. The Muslims have been at war with the Jews and the Christian West for 1300 hundred years. A piece of crap overdubbed movie didn’t start this.

After 11 years years of rigid stoicism, Muslim outrage was finally in evidence on a 9/11 anniversary… not that the mass murder of3,000 innocents in the name of Islam had anything to do with it. Apparently, someone said something offensive about their religion – and Muslims worked through their hurt feelings by killing more Americans and raising the al-Qaeda flag over the US embassy.

“The Embassy of the United States in Cairo condemns the continuing efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims — as we condemn efforts to offend believers of all religions.”

This is the apology Obama’s Embassy issued, once again kowtowing to Islam. Bad United States. Bad free speech.

The reservoir of offense would seem unlimited as the very existence of infidels, unbelievers, is an offense to Allah.

It is time to reread Obama’s speech in Cairo:

Text: Obama’s Speech in Cairo, Published: June 4, 2009

Stole this from Blue Crab Boulevard

We owe no apology for tolerating freedom of speech. We do not have a government that should care about “hurting the religious sensitivities” of anyone.

Is this the actual movie:

God, that’s bad! My brain cells are rioting!

I don’t think I have never been so ashamed of a President in my lifetime.

But, Curt, this president made his wife proud of the USA for the first time.

That “movie” has been around since June, but not until 9-11 did Muslims decide to be offended.

drj, the film first aired to a virtually empty theater earlier this year. It was only this July that it was posted to the Internet… but in English. It was not translated/dubbed into Arabic until last week, which is when the Islamists picked up on it. Ergo, it was not a delayed reaction until Sept 11th. But it does seem that Bacile, himself, specifically translated it into Arabic, and posted in on YouTube Sept 4th, just in time for Sept 11th.

Coincidence? Or not? Why didn’t this guy have it available in Arabic from the get go, as all film releases meant for foreign and domestic audiences do? There’s been ample time since it’s completion to get that done, yet he didn’t do it until Sept 4th. One would think this would get some people’s brain cells rubbing together…

Meanwhile, one of the actresses is threatening to sue the mysterious man who isn’t who he says he is. And the entire cast/crew – approx 80 some people – issued a joint statement of disgust, saying they were deliberately misled, and lied to, about the film’s storyline and characters.

The entire cast and crew are extremely upset and feel taken advantage of by the producer.
We are 100% not behind this film and were grossly misled about its intent and purpose.
We are shocked by the drastic re-writes of the script and lies that were told to all involved.
We are deeply saddened by the tragedies that have occurred.

Apparently, it put out an original casting call in Craigslist for a movie called “Desert Warriors”. The anti-Islam stuff was changed in post production. It was not available in Arabic until last week, as I already mentioned.

The genuine allegiances of those producing the film are unknown. The different stories Bacile has offered up have proven to be conflicting. I’ve already stated that I am highly suspicious of this mysterious group and their lip service. We all know that terrorists use the media as a weapon, and that they infiltrate our culture. Strikes me as odd that few want to consider the possibility that these guys just may be terrorists, posing as Coptics, fooling people into doing a film that they can rewrite and portray their prophet in a negative light just to get a desired effect. Those involved with the production are invisible in real life.

What we do know is that this mysterious bunch contacted classified “Christian Hate Groups” for distribution of their film. Not respected and well known Islamic reformers like Irshad Manji, but their extreme ying to their yang. Both groups find stuff like this an advantage to their respective agendas. I’m wondering if the terrorists, themselves, didn’t provide the hate groups with the propaganda to distribute, as it suits both their needs.

Morris Sadek, an Egypt-born Coptic Christian who lives in the US, told the Associated Press he had been promoting the film on his website. He also tweeted a link to the trailer on September 9.

Sadek, who serves as head of the National American Coptic Assembly, is known for his vehemently anti-Islam views. He told the Wall Street Journal that “the violence that it [the film] caused in Egypt is further evidence of how violent the religion and people are”.

Terry Jones, the Florida pastor whose burning of copies of the Quran in 2011 spurred riots across the Muslim world leading to several deaths, also reportedly promoted the film.

The Arabic version of the trailer received heavy media coverage in Egypt last week, including by controversial hardline TV host Khaled Abdallah, who reported on the film on September 8.

A clip of the show was posted to YouTube on September 9, where it has received almost 400,000.

“The operation behind this film appears to be extreme Egyptian Copts who want to discredit the Morsi government and create a provocation,” journalist Max Blumenthal told Al Jazeera on Wednesday.

“They oppose the revolution and are aligned with Christian right groups who have an apocalyptic, theocratic agenda and who are inciting against Muslim-Americans,” Blumenthal said.

“They put Muslims in the US in danger, they put Copts in Egypt in danger, and they’re putting US diplomats in danger.”

It seems that the promotional push around the Sept 11th anniversary was deliberately done by these groups… and to get a desired effect. I suggest that it’s not only possible, but could have been a deliberate agenda of those who created this film.

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