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I don’t like obama because he is red.

Apparently, once we have our black president, we can never give him up.

Personally, I think if Obama was white, his poll numbers would be even lower. So it seems to me that the “racists” if they’re there, are on Obama’s side.

CBS’s Scott Pelley, must be a racist…..
Ben Shapiro:

This morning on CBS’ Face the Nation, President Obama made clear that the centerpiece of his entire presidential campaign will be his Ahab-like quest to raise Americans’ taxes. Last year, Republicans signaled they were willing to raise some taxes in order to cut the deficit, so long as Obama agreed to spending cuts; Obama sunk that deal at the last minute by insisting in hundreds of billions of dollars in new taxes to which Republicans had not agreed.

Scott Pelley of CBS called Obama on his nonsense:

OBAMA: What I’ve said in reducing our deficits – we can make sure that we cut 2.5 dollars for every dollar of increased revenue.

PELLEY: That’s the deal they turned down.

OBAMA: That’s part of what this election is about. Gov. Romney said he wouldn’t take a deal for $10 in spending cuts for $1 of revenue increases.

“… liberals who see no other explanation for such deep dislike of the president.”

Of course they see no other explanation – that would require that they think instead of feel. Not gonna happen.

Calling someone a racist, or, more correctly in the highlighted article above, a group of people racist, is nothing more than a tactic meant to induce shame in those in the middle.

By being purposely vague on how, exactly, someone is racist if they aren’t “all in for Obama”, the writer, as just another voice in the sea of racist prigs over in the liberal/progressive camp, is suggesting that simply by having doubts about Obama, that it is due to inherent, socially-injected, racial stereotyping and hatred, or, at the very least, severe dislike.

As Curt said; What insufferable bullsh*t!

Even with a long list of reasons, none of which have anything to do with the color of Obama’s skin, people are considered to be racists by the very group that is practicing such overt racism. The irony is evident, for those with enough objectivity to see it.

As for Obama, I’ll announce my heavy dislike for him right here. I seriously dislike Obama. And even if I was a racist, which I am not, there are multitudes of reasons to dislike him even before I ever worked my way down the list, a long, long list, of reasons why one shouldn’t vote for him. But go ahead. Call me a racist. You show more racism by your insistence on my own, than in anything I actually say or do.

Her conclusion is based on something called “implicit bias”- prejudices that people don’t realize they have.

I admit that while growing up and while going to college- before I became politically aware- I had an “implicit bias” against liberalism that I didn’t understand or realize I even had.

I accept who I am today without shame; and acknowledge my overt bias against liberalism.

I recognize it, now.

What color is a LAME DUCK?

Here’s a helpful tip: Whenever you hear someone mention “Willie Horton” you know you’re listening to someone without a leg to stand on.
Willie Horton was a real criminal, a rapist and murderer, who was released from prison in Massachusetts under a deranged furlough program and then, surprise, went on to commit still more violent crimes. The 1988 presidential campaign of Republican George HW Bush used that tragedy in a campaign ad to highlight the incompetence of the Massachusetts governor on whose watch it happened, Bush’s opponent Democrat Michael Dukakis.
Fair game?
Hell yes.
A few things to remember whenever anyone mentions Willie Horton.
1. That campaign was more than two decades ago.
2. Every assertion made in the Willie Horton TV ads was true.
3. The ads never once, not once, mentioned Willie Horton’s race.

Oh, yeah, Willie Horton was black, a point irrelevant to the thrust of the ads and, again, a point never once mentioned in the ads.
In fact, the ads as originally produced by the Bush campaign didn’t even feature Horton’s mug shot, which was added later. All the ads showed was a revolving turnstile in which actors depicting criminals supposedly cycle into and out of prison. THAT was the point of the ad. It had nothing whatsoever to do with race.
The racial component of the ads was only added retroactively, by Democrats pissed off at the ads’ effectiveness.
Their logic: The only reason for picking on Willie Horton simply MUST be because he was black and not because he was a violent homicidal criminal.
Hey, that sounds familiar, doesn’t it?

@Nan G: Apparently, once we have our black president, we can never give him up

Simple solution… swap him for Condi.

Mata I like Condi–pro choice and true social moderate. How bout Rubio/Condi ?
Might see HRC against Rubio or Condi in 2016.

@Richard Wheeler, you are embellishing on Condi’s abortion stance. She is a self-described “mild pro choice”. Specifically, taking a more libertarian position, she is against federal funding or any federal government involvement in the abortion choice. She is anti third term abortions.

It might be a stretch to describer her as a “social moderate”, sans any detail. A tad broad for any accuracy in that statement as well.

Mata I would agree with her “mild pro choice” including O.K. in rape,incest,and life of the mother.Believe this is position of majority of Americans. Also pro adoption.
Within the Repub. Party framework think she is a social moderate. Believe she favors “dream act” and % of income student loan payback.
Like her mentor Colin Powell I think she’s a “talk softly and carry a big sick” T.R. type Repub.

@Richard Wheeler:
Condi would rather be NFL Commissioner. After this weekends officiating, she might just get her wish.

Aqua Got a feeling Condi can do most anything she wants. Possible she’ll run for Gov. or Senate here in Cal. Believe her the only Repub. with good chance of breaking Dem.stranglehold.
T.R. wrote in a letter in 1900 one year before he began his Presidency “Speak softly and carry a big stick” from a West African adage. He repeated it in a speech in 2003 and twice more in his future writings. It ends with “and you will go far”—– Good lesson.

If you ask me, this whole ‘racist” name calling is nothing more than the new code word invented by liberals, used when they don’t agree with conservatives. It makes not a ounce of sense, and I continue to be amazed both by those who can’t see through it and those who use it thinking it’s some powerful end all. Sadly, for any racism that was left in this country, the “name callers” have relgated it to “crying fire in a crowded theater”, that of course, isn’t burning!

Let’s look at some facts:

1. First I will link to a great short article by Dennis Prager on why America is the “least” racist country in the entire world.

2. America not only elected a black president, but idolizes many black Americans, from Oprah to rappers, sports stars, actors, and everyday men and women. The only people looking at “color” it appears are the dems who loathe successful black conservatives like Condi.

How many weeks was it that America mourned the death of Michael Jackson, with endless 24/7 news coverage?

3. Obama is as much “white” as he is “black.” I certainly don’t mean to sound “racist” but for goodness sakes, even if I was objecting to his color when I”ve only ever objected to his policies, how could one race trump the other? Even if he” ID’s” as black, he was born to a white mother!

Lastly, I would just like to make the argument that the biggest likely place to find authentic racsim is within the democratic party.

Does anyone really thing that Maxine Walters or other black congress members are looking out for “ALL” of America?

And if we are really honest, aren’t all the people, regardless of color, who voted for Obama “because he is black” actually voting in a “racist kind of way?” The same can be said for Latinos or Muslims who “vote not party but race.”

We can thank the left for another “rewrite” of American vocabulary. Call me what ever you want, because in my heart, I know I am not a racist nor will I ever be one.

American Jewish voters….the newest ”racists.”
Obama’s support among Jewish voters is down 19 percentage points since his 2008 election victory, a new poll reveals. A recent Investor’s Business Daily/Christian Science Monitor/TIPP Poll, released Monday, found that Obama’s support among Jewish voters has dropped from 78 percent in 2008 to 59 percent today.

Actually, the KC Star article seemed like a fair-enough presentation of both opinions. I couldn’t tell what the reporter’s actual opinion was.


If you don’t like his policies, you’re a racist.

If you don’t like what he’s doing to the country, your a racist.

I’ve heard it before, had it thrown at me. I’m not a racist. People forget, the man is part white, too.

We could easily spin it and say those who support Obama are racist.

There are those knock out games where Aftrican Americans knock out white people, but most won’t acknowledge that as a hate crime because it’s against whites.

Things are now topsy turvy and anti-white when you come to think of it.

No, I’m not racist. America is the melting pot. No race is better, no race is worse.

Now Hilary will be running for president. I’m not fond of her policies. Does that make me anti-woman? That would be rather funny when I am a woman!