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Obama pees on our leg and tells us it’s raining [Reader Post]

Unbelievable. Simply unbelievable.

Obama: “Nobody Accused Mr. Romney Of Being A Felon”

Nancy Cordes, CBS: As you know, your opponent recently accused you of waging a campaign filled with anger and hate. You told Entertainment Tonight that anyone who attends your rallies can see that they are not angry or hate-filled affairs. But in recent weeks, your campaign has suggested repeatedly – without proof – that Mr. Romney might be hiding something in his tax returns. They have suggested that Mr. Romney might be a felon for the way that he handed over power of Bain Capital. And your campaign and the White House have declined to condemn an ad by one of your top supporters that links Mr. Romney to a woman’s death from cancer. Are you comfortable with the tone being set with your campaign? Have you asked them to change their tone when it comes to defining Mr. Romney?

President Obama: Well, first of all I am not sure that all of those characterizations that you laid out there were accurate. For example, nobody accused Mr. Romney of being a felon. And, I think that what is absolutely true is if you watch me on the campaign trail, here’s what I’m talking about. I’m talking about how to put Americans back to work.

“Nobody accused Mr. Romney of being a felon”

What freaking planet is Obama on?

Obama team: Romney committed a felony or lied to voters

Mitt Romney either lied in federal filings that show he worked at Bain Capital through 2002 and could be guilty of a felony, or has lied to the American people in saying he left the company in 1999, the Obama campaign is arguing in light of news reports on the firm’s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

“This is serious business,” said Bob Bauer, the Obama campaign’s counsel, in a conference call for reporters coming after the Boston Globe published a story Thursday that calls into question the timeline of Romney’s involvement of the firm that the Republican candidate has been promulgating for years.

Deputy campaign manager Stephanie Cutter laid out the issue as the Obama team sees it: “Either Mitt Romney, through his own words and his own signature, was misrepresenting his position at Bain to the SEC, which is a felony.”

“Or,” she said, “he was misrepresenting his position at Bain to the American people to avoid responsibility for some of the consequences of his investments,” including layoffs and the outsourcing of jobs.

Obama Campaign Brings Up ‘Felons’ in Latest Ad

The latest web ad from Barack Obama’s campaign goes after Mitt Romney for not releasing more tax returns than he already has. The ad, titled “Mitt Romney’s Tax Returns: When Will He Come Clean?,” at one point flashes two words onscreen, “FELONS” and “TAX RECORDS.”

Obama Spokesman Tells Ed Schultz Campaign Will Not Apologize For Romney/Felony Remark

Ed Schultz hosted Obama 2012 national press secretary Ben Labolt on his show today, and asked him if the campaign will be apologizing for a remark made by a campaign staffer that either Mitt Romney lied about his Bain Capital tenure to voters or he misrepresented himself on federal filings and therefore could have committed a felony. The Romney campaign demanded one today, but Labolt said they shouldn’t be expecting an apology any time soon.

MUST SEE: Senior Obama Campaign Advisor Robert Gibbs Refuses to Condemn Ad Calling Romney Murderer

But let me urge you to watch anyway so you can see the depths with which the Obama campaign is unwilling to condemn something as blatantly outrageous as accusing Mitt Romney of being responsible for the death of a cancer victim.


“We point out sharp differences between the candidates, but we don’t go out of bounds.”

Felon. Liar. Murderer.

Not out of bounds, according to Obama.

This is offensive, so contemptuous of the American intellect that only an Obama supporter and the lapdog press could possibly be so stupid as to believe Obama any longer.

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