Liberals Hate Liberals


A good friend of mine, Clay B., sent this to me as a statement on the current state of politics and the political landscape. It was such a great read, I asked him if I could publish it here and he agreed.

Since my political awakening in the early 1980s, when I realized that the big three nightly news programs and my ‘news’ magazine subscriptions were all slanted against Ronald Reagan, I have generally stayed away from political characterizations, being happy to follow and vote my views and observing others with the same privilege without comment.

However, with the extreme importance of this year’s presidential election and my own highly vested interest in a stronger economy, I have taken to reading numerous websites and blogs of various political leanings. Albeit there are a few nonpartisan pundits, I have discovered, to no one’s surprise, that liberals espouse liberalism and conservatives espouse conservatism …… with some pointed and vast differences.

Somewhere in a liberal blog or website you invariably find commentary or posted rhetoric proclaiming that conservatives want to destroy the entire planet and everything in it or on it except for ‘rich’ people and ‘corporations’. No use arguing that the kind of destruction they envision the political right desiring would destroy the right themselves.

There are several other examples of subject matter found in liberal blogospheres without corresponding opposing rhetoric in conservatism but I want to identify something that I think almost the entire conservative body has missed.

Have you noticed that the people who call for liberal idealistic laws and changes (I’ll include socialistic ideals here to reduce the repetitions I will have to make later) never argue for changes that will affect themselves?

OWS was about, or against if you will, ‘corporations’ and ‘banks’. Was there a single corporate or bank officer, stockholder or even employee in any of the OWS groups around the country? Would any of the OWS protesters be affected by the changes they advocated?

Tax the rich, tax the rich, tax the rich. How many rich democrats are promoting increased taxes on themselves? (Warren Buffet doesn’t count here. Just look at his reported personal income. Everything he uses or owns belongs to his corporations so he pays almost no personal taxes.) The OWS and groupie protesting crowds don’t pay taxes.

Rent controls, free housing, free utilities. Which one of these advocates owns anything? Which one owns real estate, works at a utility company or works at all? Will they suffer the financial losses they proscribe for others or will they live in the free housing they advocate others to live in?

Union leaders want this and that and that again but not for themselves. When was the last time a union boss lived off union subsidies during a strike? When did a union boss work the assembly line or dock or coal mine (oh yeah – coal miners are persona non-grata now). Yet union bosses want the working masses to pay for their opulent lifestyles.

Liberal advocates, pundits, talking heads and ‘reporters’ will use language and verbiage banned from the conservative mouth lest there be a spontaneous uprising over its hatred, bigotry and racism. Yet when a liberal espousing the tiniest conservative thought uses the same phrase or snatch of text reserved for the devotee, they are excoriated, expelled and demonized.

There are many more, almost endless examples. The vocal left mouthpiece only wants change for the right and the masses of the powerless left. They themselves want no part of the changes. So fearful are they of the changes impinging on their lives that ordinances, rules and even legislation is crafted to exempt the liberal petitioners and leaders. The left hates the right so prodigiously that they are willing to impose socialism upon their own followers while at the same time exempting themselves from participation. In their efforts to force the overwhelming majority of societal contributing workers into taxed submission, they will repress and subjugate the majority of their own voting base – those who subsist on government munificence.

Why would any leadership want and even force more and more people to be dependent on the work and product of others unless they hated and despised those masses to the point of tyrannical subjugation?

I can only conclude that liberalism, in its purest forms of socialism and communism, or rather the liberal ideological advocate and champion, hates the masses he hopes to ensconce in poverty and dependence on the government whilst insulating himself from those very masses and the conditions they live in.

Putin lives in exorbitant luxury without ever fearing to live as the masses he governs; as does Castro, Chavez, Jaibao, Kim Jong-il, and every other extreme example of liberal and socialistic government in the world. I can only assume they hate, despise and loathe the liberal masses they govern.

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I have no issue with paying taxes and whatever needs to be done for my country to grow. So I will pay anything that I need to pay to keep my country growing,” American actor Will Smith said to a French interviewer.
Then the newsman informed Smith that the rich, like him, in France will pay a 75% tax.
75? Yeah, that’s different, that’s different,” Smith then said. “Yeah, 75. Well, you know, God bless America.”

Poor Will.
He hasn’t learned that there never is an end to the demands of the Leftist leaders supposedly in behalf of ”the poor.”

The liberals who vote for liberals are what the elected liberals call “useful idiots.”

Romney, the vanguard of the Tea party.

With conservatives, Love is all around.

Liberals Hate Liberals.
This must be why one union after another is distancing itself from Obama.
They are even having a shadow convention and NOT supporting the DNC one.
Today yet another union left Obama:

After giving then-Sen. Barack Obama a full-throttled endorsement in the 2008 presidential election, the United Mine Workers of America has decided not to endorse either Obama or the presumptive Republican nominee, Mitt Romney, in 2012. “As of right now, we’ve elected to stay out of this election,” said Mike Caputo, a UMWA official and a Democratic member of the West Virginia House of Delegates. “Our members right now have indicated to stay out of this race, and that’s why we’ve done that….”

Obama in Colorado today:

“I said, I believe in American workers, I believe in this American industry, and now the American auto industry has come roaring back. Now I want to do the same thing with manufacturing jobs, not just in the auto industry, but in every industry.”

Politico adjusted their story and quotes after Obama’s peeps got offended.
Here’s the correction:

Clarification: This post was updated to reflect the president’s intent to express his support for manufacturing success. An earlier version was unclear about his intent.

Apparently Obama doesn’t realize every auto job ”saved” cost the taxpayers over $60,000 the first year.
GM would need its stock to sell at $53/share for us to sell and break even… is at $12.
The auto industry’s SHARE HOLDERS also might have something to say about how Obama’s ”bailout” threw them, the creditors of first resort, under the bus, too!
Obama’s ”fairness” crap is shaking to the top.
It stinks to high heaven.
When he ”saved” the auto industry with our money he threw 20,000 non-union workers’ retirement funds under the bus, too!

This is a perfect example of how little ultra-conservative righties know about liberalism, as they serve a ‘useful idiots’ for the authoritarian Republican dogma.

Actually, Lib1, most of us got to where we are by traveling down, then across, the Liberal road.
Some of us just grew out of the childish fantasy world in which the average Leftist, such as yourself, is encapsulated. In truth, it is the Leftist/Liberal mind that is so wrapped in oxymoronic falsehoods that could it NEVER conceive of what a Conservative mind is capable of understanding.

It’s not our fault that the self-loathing generated within you by the unconscious knowledge of just how wrong you are, bubbles to the surface as vicious projection, transference and hatred.

@Liberal1 (objectivity): Nothing intelligent to add eh??

Liberals probably believe it’s Mitt’s fault Arrested Development got cancelled.

@Liberal1 (objectivity):

This is a perfect example of how little ultra-conservative righties know about liberalism,…

Conservatism and liberalism are not opposing, separate or divergence elements of constitutionalism. “Conservatives” relates to the power, size and scope of the government, yet we also support the same liberal freedoms for the people that the founders intended. Freedom for the people via limited government control.

The left are blind, for while they look for pseudo-demonic ‘enemies who would control them’ in the political opposition, (as is constantly preached to them by the propaganda ministry of the MSM and DNC,) they fail to recognize that the Democratic leadership is continually creating more legislation to control individuals, “for their own good” and forge them into slaves to the bureaucracy. When has the elites of our government ever passed legislation to expunge laws and limit their powers? Only the courts have done so, yet ever more even the courts are bowing and yielding way for the power of the government to control the people.

Socialism in all it’s forms is the antithesis of freedom and liberalism, as its manipulative elite posers plot to place limitations and regulations on everything and everyone, in order to place everything under their elite control. Even their entitlement programs are a means of control, they offer them in order to control the votes, by manipulating people to vote to gain more largess at public expense, and when these closet tyrants get power, they use the threat of losing entitlements to force people to toe the party line or do without. These elites know full well that the money will someday run out, but they expect that by then the people will be trained to subservience to their overlords.

@Liberal1 (objectivity): As the author of this article I would invite Liberal1 to respond objectively to a rational discussion. I am not a professional writer and I may not have expressed my ideas concisely but I think I gave it good start. Please provide refutation and counter-argument and let’s further discuss the subject matter.

@Liberal1 (objectivity): BOHICAman2: I love your detailed, documented, supported, insightful liberal helping of liberal sauce on your liberal liberal helping of liberal ideology. As you bend over to touch your toes, just remember who is standing behind you. Liberals hate liberals.