Reid His Lips [Reader Post]


Now, I’ve been around and seen many a strange thing

And many are despicable, both right and left wing.

Newt was a hoot, and Byrd was one of the same,

But this guy Reid is in the Hall of Shame.

He uses the senate floor to spout his putrid lies,

The only ones to believe him are his liberal allies.

But the problem is much deeper than his speech,

And there should be a means whereby to impeach.

So what to do and how to get rid of this ass?

The Repubs hate him, the Liberals give him a pass.

I have a solution, and I hope all will agree,

Term Limits and from trash like Reid we’ll be free.

From the rhyming shores of Hannibal, MO by: A.R. Eskew

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The compost pile will also work!

Why doesn’t Romney just show his tax returns? Why didn’t he include his forms showing his off-shore accounts with his regular returns for 2010?

@Liberal1 (objectivity): Why doesn’t Obama reveal a valid birth certificate? I expect that proof of citizenship by a presidential candidate is more important than the amount of tax on has paid!

Liberal1, Admiral Akbar just called and left a message for you.

@Liberal1 (objectivity):

Better yet, why doesn’t Obama reveal his college transcripts? Why are they sealed? What’s he hiding?

Some people at Columbia who were there at the EXACT same time as Obama says he was there, and took the EXACT same major that Obama claims to have studies, says: OBAMA WASN’T THERE These people knew everyone within their major study courses and now they’ve come out in unison and assert that Obama never went to Colombia.

Why are Obama’s college transcripts SEALED????

Why isn’t the left upset by this obvious fraud?

Oh right, because the left is comprised of HYPOCRITES, that’s why…

Go Figure.

It’s not about Reid. It’s about Romney. You’d have to be a complete idiot to believe he’s not hiding something.

@Liberal1 (objectivity): Let me try and help you dirt bag, Romeny does NOT need to show his tax returns just like 0-bama doesn’t need to release his college records. Reid is the one that needs to come clean with his accusation. Do you not really understand or are you just trying to act ignorant??

@Jason: If Romney committed a crime, Reid should turn him for the bounty! It is about Reid. He lied! Oh, that’s right, lefties are allowed to lie!

@Jason: You bet Reid is hiding something. He has accused Romeny and been called on it. Your correct he needs to come clean. Romeny does NOT need to show anything just like 0-bama doesn’t need to show his college records. Let me ask you, what is 0-bama hiding? According to your warped logic he MUST be hiding something.

I continue to be amused at how the ‘smart’ liberals keep repeating the same talking points without thinking about what they are saying.

Non-working people, like Romney, can often pay few-to-no taxes, depending on how many charities and tax-deductable expenses they have.
Reid ought to know this.
He’s been a law maker for how long now?
And, as a Mormon, Reid could have reported tithing himself, saving tons from his taxable income.

The only reason Reid is doing this for Obama is to goad Romney into putting all his tax record out in public.
Then Obama can go through them with a fine tooth comb looking for ”us VS them” class warfare points.
Like, did you know Romney writes off the expenses for his wife’s physical therapy horse’s upkeep?
Hey, until ObamaCare makes this illegal, so can you!

And, as a matter of fact, many parents of permanently, totally disabled adult children are really going to be hurt by the new ObamaCare TAXES on their care of their children.

So, lump yourself in with Romney.
You should want medical expenses for chronic disabilities written off, too!
If you don’t, woe be you if and/or when an unforeseen occurrence befalls your family.
It will break you.

My will sets up a permanent trust for a now-adult nephew born with Downs Syndrome.
I cannot think of a better thing to do with it all.

@Jason: So Jason, thanks for volunteering to be our token Complete Idiot.
-yours truly, DQcowboy

There is one way to stop this type of nonsense but it happens to be outlawed in most states. It’s called dueling. If Reid was faced with the prospect of either proving his allegations or fighting a duel, how much do want to bet he would stand down?

Maybe it’s just me but I am far more concerned with what I will be paying in taxes under the Obama regime than what Romney paid for the past 10 years….Plus if I was Romney I would raise him, trade him 10 years of tax returns for full disclosure of his college years at Columbia and I would do that in a debate that is televised on national TV…
Obama doesn’t want his theoretical years at Columbia revealed, if there ever were any….

Reid became a millionaire (10 million) on a Senator’s salary ($190,000) and he won’t show his tax returns.

No one at Columbia remembers seeing Obama or taking a class with him; how did he score high enough to get into Harvard if he didn’t take classes? Strange, let’s see his transcripts! Perhaps there is more to this story than meets the eye.

I like the poem.

Reid is out on a very big limb. He’s made very specific accusations. Romney has made the calculation that stonewalling will be less harmful than releasing the forms. I see it as pretty much a stalemate.

Obama has released his official birth certificate — and it was validated by the State of Hawaii.

Obama did attend and graduate from Columbia:


A guy is trying to sell you a used car, but refuses to open the trunk. A passerby suggests you really should insist on seeing what’s in there before buying. Your response is to call him a Complete Idiot.

@Liberal1 (objectivity):

Why doesn’t Romney just show his tax returns?

And then you’ll vote for him? LMAO

The horse is dead Stop beating it.

@Common Sense: I doubt that it is an act Obama has released his official birth certificate — and it was validated by the State of Hawaii.

And of which a law enforcement investigation has concluded that there is probable cause to believe it is a fraud.


A passerby suggests you really should insist on seeing what’s in there before buying.

A passerby? More like the guy across the street working for the rival used car lot that looks more like a salvage yard.

Reid made a pretty serious accusation here. An accusation that would require you and me, if we made the same, to provide the source of the info, or the evidence, or face criminal and civil charges. Reid can get away with it because of the media and people like yourself who slurp up the liberal/progressive koolaid like they are on a week-long bender.

I don’t care what Romney did with his money. I DO care about what obama and the other America hating socialists have done with mine.