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What I really loved most was the store front with the sign in it.
We have already seen this same thing locally.
And we are in a liberal bastion!

Didn’t Bristol Palin put the video together from still photos submitted by her blog readers? See:

110,000 Views of the #IBuiltThis Video!!

Of course she didn’t do it herself… /sarc

I was going to comment on this great video that displays the individual spirit that has made America great, however I was unable to contact President Obama and therefore had no help, so I was unable to comment.

An excellent video…I salute all those brave ‘small business’ owners across our Great Nation!! God Bless each and every one of you…May you all succeed in every endeavor…and more so than you ever dreamed…

Since hate is such a strong word…I’ll just say I dislike intensely our ‘so-called’ incompetent leader Mr Obama…

The man has not a clue…my jaw dropped when I heard his speech of stupidty to the stupid [that he actually got cheers for this ‘message’ socialist rhetoric is frightening…and so very telling of ‘what’ is in his audiences….]

For being such a so called smart guy… a lot of stupid stuff comes out of his mouth… when he is not using his prompter…. No wonder he relies on that thing so much…!!! Could you just imagine what we would hear if he decided to use his prompter less often or not at all?????