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Of course, you’re right about using Sluts and the City as role models for teenage girls. I never saw an episode and never will.
I would never want to face that Montana gal in a shaving contest. My scalp would be pretty barren,anyway. The moral of the story is,keep your hair short.

Very well done Skook, I did noticed one typo near the start of your excellent yarn that I wanted to bring to your attention.

“She fashioned a backpack out of a portion of the serape and carried her baby on he back to free up her arms.”

Women have always been the heart and soul of the family, the glue that bound us together as family. My mother and both my grandmothers were such women. My maternal grandmother picked cotton in the early 30’s for a penny a pound and proudly states that she made a “dollar a day” at a time when some grown men made less. My paternal grandmother raised 5 children by herself after grandpa died in 46′. When I meet my wife she was picking pecans of the side of the road in order to provide a Christmas for her children, she had just left a cheating husband and was determined to make it with or without anyone’s help. While I agree that the ditzy, self-absorbed stereotype seems to have become the norm there are still exceptions. Strong, determined women are a blessing and there are still some to be found, two of my step-daughters are such, unfortunately one of them does like to lose herself watching “Sex-in-City”.

I enjoyed this Skook. When will the novel be out? Or can you post a link/title on Amazon? I’ve got a vacation in 2 weeks and I usually start my book orders now …

Interesting how right off the bat there is a comment from a man who doesn’t hesitate in calling women “sluts’ while admitting he has never watched the show, Sex and The City.

Don’t get me wrong, I haven’t seen it nor do I care to, but I AM going to object over a man calling ANY woman a slut just by his own conclusions that are not based on any actual fact observed by him.

Your comment is unnecessary and unacceptable.

To the poster, fascinating story. Thank you for posting.

maybe she does watch with her husband who love the show,
she would not tell, woman does many things for their husband,

Montana WildfLOWER
what a pretty nick name, too nice to be angry, SKOOKUM IS NOT LIKE YOU SAID,
on the contrary, he followed on to the story that’s all.

@Skook: Skook…I fully agree about the strength of women (who have been raised properly)I have raised two foster daughters…one from 16 on…she was pulling c’s & d”s…but after she came to live with us…she wound up straight A’s, and lettering all state in three different sports, she must have listened to my stories since she choose to go into the Army..in EOD no less…she traveled all over europe went on to OCS and is currently a LTC….and still remains very feminen….the other came to us at 15…out of a family with drug use, premarital sex etc….we had known her before and one day she called up from several states away and asked “can I come home”…she wound up a strong Christian…good schooling and marrying a fine man, they have two children and another on the way…and she is slowly going to nursing school…a man might be physically strong but so many women are mentally, morally etc…much stronger…needless to say I am very proud of both my daughters.

Skook, read the entire entry and found it enjoyable. And you are correct; too many times it was the men who gained all the glory from the acheivements of our ancesters.

I am reminded of the bravery, and steadfastness, of the women of my own state almost 180 years ago. When the men were banding together to defeat the oncoming Mexican army, the women remained at their homesteads. The tended not only the children, but the livestock and crops, as well as made sure that fences were mended, roofs were patched and chink was added to keep out the strong Texas winds. Not to mention the threat of Indians on raiding parties who were looking for not only cattle but captives.

There is a famous exodus in our state’s history; the Runaway Scrape. Comprised of mostly women and children, with few Texian troops to protect and support them, these women pressed on to safety, children and rifles in tow. Their history is told in a great book, True Women.

I would take one exception to your premise that women have relinquised their own strengths by emulating those of Sex and The City. We as Americans have relinquised our heritage of a people who persevere, who press on against insumountable odds, who faced mountain ranges never before crossed by any human in order to seek a better life. We are raising children who no longer respect the efforts put out by those who came before us, but instead, are content to turn into lazy leeches who expect the Nanny State to care for them. Ben Franklin was right.

Continue with your stories, Skook. They are a breath of fresh air.

I loved this story and am sending it to all my email friends..especially women..My son sent the story to me…I am 90 years young and am a transplanted Texan..my parents were from Austin, and Brownwood, near the town of Comanche..I know some strong women..my Mother was one of them…I’m waiting for the book and will have Amazon.com keep me informed as to when it will be available..Thank you and thanks to my son who sent me this amazing story….

Larry U, your story is awe inspiring. You have some strengths that you should share with us.

I wish we could clone you and your wife a hundred thousand times to help so many children that need help.

Well done Sir, well done indeed!

I hope there is a special place in heaven for the two of you.

Thanks Retiro, I will read that book for sure. It helps with the realism to read the actual accounts.

I am afraid our youngsters don’t realize what a struggle it was to persevere and survive on the frontier. We need to wake them up a bit,

Gloria Lee, it makes me proud to have you compliment my writing. When you tell me you are looking forward to the book, it gives me the same determination to finish that I once needed to climb on rank broncs. I am going to finish that book, God Bless Texas.

Good tale Snook.

I did catch what I believe to be an error in the following paragraph:

When they were fifteen, they had several fish traps on the Colorado. Minnow rolled her skirt to her waist and Seamus was nude as they caught the trapped fish and tossed them onto the bank. They were laughing and enjoying the sport, but they neglected to see the three young warriors appear out of the brush. One of them grabbed Montana by the left arm and jerked her out of the river. Seamus protested and received a blow from a war club across his face, breaking his nose. He fell backwards and the other warrior jumped on him and started to drown him while the three of them were laughing. Montana reached into the folds of her skirt and pulled out her knife and cut the throat of the warrior holding her arm. He let go of her arm to try and stop the spurting blood with both hands and with a most surprised look on his face.

You say “Minnow” in the second line, but as this portion of the tale is about the two now grown children Montana and Seamus and Minnow is nowhere else mentioned until they return to their parents, I suspect you meant it to be “Montana”:

When they were fifteen, they had several fish traps on the Colorado. Montana rolled her skirt to her waist and Seamus was nude as they caught the trapped fish and tossed them onto the bank. …


No Ms. Bees, she’s just your stereotypical cheerleader type, fashion slave, drama queen and ditzy blond all rolled into one. On the bright side she just got engaged to a nice young man, a hard working oilfield hand who doesn’t tolerate a bunch of nonsense. He has gotten her back into hunting and fishing, things she enjoyed before she developed her substantial assets and discovered her feminine wiles. So hopefully he’ll straighten her out, lord knows I tried.

try to remember what click on you when you saw your wife,
that is a click on the first look, and he liked what he saw,
she did too,
so they will compromise each will shine on each other,
and leave out the surplus of theit
r youth to make thing work when reality take a lead to the rest,
what’s left is their love, and that is the power to make their union work,
like you’res, and what you think she did not take advices from you, will come back in her mind, it’s not lost, only filled for when it’s needed,
just giving my two cents,
best to you

Ditto, yes, you are right on the money. The names Minnow and Montana were confusing. I will correct that mistake when I have a chance to fire up my own computer, thanks for the note.

Excellent and absolutely brilliant!!! I love reading when I am learning and I am addicted to history. I did not find the names of Minnow and Montana to be confusing — Minnow is perfect for the small 15-year old girl. I do remember your words — Montana was named for the mountains and, coincidentally, she is a ‘mountain’ of a girl (spittin’ image of her Mom) by the conclusion of this chapter. Please do not change the names.

Perhaps I am misunderstanding either DITTO’s comment or your response to DITTO. My understanding of DITTO’s comment is that the mention of Minnow (in his quoted text) should actually be Montana.

Thanks for the sneak peek at a chapter — looking forward to your completion of this wonderful project.

Great as always Skookum, your stories flow which marks a good writer in my opinion. Its the reason I read Edgar Rice Burroughs and Robert E Howard, their works flow and need little detail. By all means let us know when you actually publish and you have my business as well.

Babsi, thanks for your wonderful review.

I meant to write of the confusion I had while writing the story. I am working in a foreign country for a few more days, so i don’t always have internet access that allows me to use my own computer. Consequently there is often delays in responding to commentary.

I have already made the correction, so everything becomes more confusing.

I enjoed the names Minnow and Montana, and I will keep them. Thre have been several chapters published on this forum: The Spaniard, Cugar Cub of the Metis, Sex, Love, and Slavery on The Mississippi, and the original chapter about The Oregon Trail.

The rest of the book will be the continuation of the trek and the interaction of these colorful characters in Portland.

It is good to hear from you.

Skooks You could be our next John Steinbeck. Keep up the good work Marine!

“Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are too busy living our fears.”

Thanks Aleric, I am going to check those out those guys. You need to read good writers to write well.

Rich, thank you for your compliment. As you know so well, it means a lot to me.

This is an interesting quote:

“Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are too busy living our fears.”

Skook: Great writing – Please let us know when you have more!

Babsi, the original chapter was, “Three Island Crossing, A Lesson In Racial Harmony”. I couldn’t remember the name when I wrote the comment.

Thanks Bob, I am anxious to get back to work on the story. You guys have made me feel so good, I needed a shoe horn to get my Western Hat on this morning.

Wow! Skook what a great read…!! It kept my interest to the very end! Minnow was only 15 years old….she had quite a lot of challenges for such a young girl woman. I think calling her a ‘strong’ woman is an understatement….And, I don’t want to underestimate myself, but, I don’t know if I could do all she did with such courage and keeping her wits about her…people react differently in life and death situations…she has a lot of courage…very brave…

Thank you Faith, it was a different day when women were primarily concerned with survival and being a help-mate to their man. If we think of women in the present day, we see too many who concentrate primarily on their appearance. Survival or being a help-mate probably aren’t in the top ten concerns. Being a help-mate to a husband or partner wasn’t considered a sign of submission, it indicated the need for a partnership in order to survive or prosper. Sadly the marriage contract has become more like a gym membership. It is important in the beginning, but interest wanes with time. I think there is a real difference when the traditional roles are serious endeavors and not taken lightly.

I like what you said, it is so true, and those woman where stronger too
not easy to break, they could do many things to help the partnership to prosper,
they knew their priority where for all the household, and you know they own house
at a younger age than today with less cash than needed today, they even own big lands.
and went in town and anxious to come back home, because that’s where they loved and where loved.
today it’s anywhere but the home because there is nothing there which meet their number one interest
enough, they are spread out too much between other things so boring,

I had 85 when I turned on my computer now , I deleted them, and more are coming