The Devil Wears Obama [Reader Post]

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At her swanky Manhattan home, Sarah Jessica Parker held a fundraiser for Barack Obama.

NEW YORK – Facing a tightening presidential race and onslaught of cash from pro-Republican outside groups, President Obama tonight got a boost from some of his loyal allies in the film and fashion industries with an exclusive multimillion dollar campaign fundraiser at the home of actress Sarah Jessica Parker and her husband, actor Matthew Broderick.

A party of 50 donors, each paying $40,000 to attend, gathered around a long table just inside the entryway of Parker's four-story brownstone in the West Village to dine with the president and First Lady Michelle Obama. Spotted at the table were actress Meryl Streep, producer Andy Cohen, designer Michael Kors, “Vogue” editor-in-chief Anna Wintour, and actress Olivia Wilde. (Broderick was not in attendance; the president noted he “had a show to run off to.”)

And with irony exploding on a galactic scale Obama said:

“We're going to have to fight for it because the American people are tired, they've gone through a very tough economy. They're still having a tough time. And that's why this election is going to be close,” Obama said.

The American people are tired. They are hurting. They can't afford $40,000 a plate for dinner.

David Axelrod made the remark that when it comes to the economy Mitt Romney lives on different world from Barack Obama. There's no question that's true. While Romney lives on Planet Earth, Obama lives on Planet Hollywood.

They sure aren't hurting on Planet Hollywood.

Anna Wintour, who apparently is trying to bundle her way to becoming the next Ambassador to England, has created an Obama fashion line. The debut was fashionably pricey:

Tickets ran from $150 for a guest pass to sip cocktails and shop the collection to $1,000 for a VIP package, including a photo reception with Wintour and Iman (aka Mrs. David Bowie) and a limited edition bag, to $2,500 for access to the show, the reception and an exclusive dinner party at Oprah's Harpo headquarters. Donations benefited the Obama Victory Fund, according to a dedicated page on Obama's website.

How about a nice Obama dog tee for $40?

Or a nice Thakoon dog leash for $45?

And in a flashback to the movie Devil Wears Prada, Wintour sent out a memo that was, shall we say, emphatic:

Vogue editor in chief Anna Wintour is using her reputation as a demanding fashion editrix to raise money for President Barack Obama. On Sunday, Ms. Wintour sent an email with the subject line “I take deadlines seriously” reminding Obama supporters of the contest for donors to win a chance to attend Sarah Jessica Parker’s fundraiser for the presidentthis month.

“There’s simply no excuse to let this slip,” Ms. Wintour wrote with her trademark dose of mild menace. “I don’t do this sort of thing often–get involved with politics, that is. But I’m doing everything I can to support President Obama this summer and fall because it’s important that we all do.”

And at this super-rich soiree Barack Obama told the Hollywood elite that they are the arbiters of the future direction of the country.

NEW YORK (AP) — President Barack Obama soaked in the support — and the campaign cash — of Manhattan's elite entertainers Thursday as his re-election team sought to fill its fundraising coffers.

The president and first lady Michelle Obama made a rare joint fundraising appearance when they visited the home of actors Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew Broderick. The intimate dinner banked about $2 million, with 50 people paying $40,000 each.

The dinner was the Obama campaign's latest attempt to bank on celebrities for fundraising help in countering the growing donor enthusiasm from Republicans supporting Mitt Romney's presidential bid.

Speaking in a dimly lighted, art-filled room, Obama told supporters they would play a critical role in an election that would determine a vision for the nation's future.

“You're the tie-breaker,” he said. “You're the ultimate arbiter of which direction this country goes.”

Think of that. Super-wealthy celebrities are the arbiters of the direction the country goes. Mitt Romney is not the only one living on a different planet from Barack Obama. Every other working stiff in the country is as well. When all Obama does is pal around with the super-wealthy, it's no wonder he thinks the private sector is doing just fine. He is so out of touch with real people that he might as well be on an other world.

One wonders why these people are so supportive of Obama. He must be feverishly protecting their interests – the interests of the super-rich. That's comforting. Meanwhile, our net worths continue to plummet.

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Dog shirts and dog leashes to raise money for the dog-eater!

And WE paid for Obama’s trip because:
Quick Stop at Ground Zero Means Taxpayers Pay Obama’s Fundraising Tab

….Obama’s re-election campaign will not have to pay the full cost of his jaunt to the Big Apple, because he combined the trip with an official event which will be charged to the taxpayer.

Before the fundraisers, one at actress Sarah Jessica Parker’s house and one at the five-star Plaza Hotel, Mr. Obama scheduled a visit to the World Trade Center site.


Obama isn’t doing anything illegal in this, but something he and his team don’t seem to get is that decisions like this matter and that it’s not 2008 anymore — his media pals no longer own the narrative and stories and bad decisions like these are going to get some traction.

How out-of-touch can Obama be to think that regardless of the legality of it, Americans are not going to grimace at thought of a quick trip to the World Trade Center — wound still raw and fresh — working out as some sort of travel coupon so the President can go dine and raise gobs of money with The Beautiful People.

He belongs with all these people because he is as fake as they are. Do they think that we don’t have a brain that they think that we need them to tell us who to vote for….They are the ones that have no clu what people are going through in this country……

One of the perks of being president — great travel benefits! I just shrug and go back to the more important things. Remember past presidents — democrat and republican — have enjoyed the same travel perks. Unless and until Congress rewrites the laws regarding this, there’s no point to grumbling.

Sucks in the City

I have one question…..If Obama loses the Nov election, what happens to the money he has raised for the campaign?

Clint Eastwood said it best (I think) “They are a legend in their own mind” What smucks. At least they give normal people some comic relief. Fools all.

Are Republicans/Conservatives/Libertarians really any different?

Did they have any Obama branded Hope -n- Change poopie bags? I’s spring for some of those if they weren’t too expensive.


You could have some of them made up and sell them online yourself to dog-lovers!