Quote of the Night

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Sounds even better when you que in the violin background music.

As a top comment on the YouTube video puts it:

Democrats win = proof the system works

Democrats lose = the system is broken, voting machines are rigged, electoral college needs to be abolished.

Congratulations Scott Walker, Wisconsin, and America!

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Doesn’t matter how much was spent.
How many came out to vote for his guy, Barrett?
Not enough.
And slapping Barrett because he graciously conceded is low.
But that is what happened.
I guess the rump of his supporters felt they should fight forever, recounting until it comes out in Barrett’s favor then declaring the vote valid.
Dumb dummies!

Waa waa waa poor poor baby!! His world has change for sure. He may even need to enjoy the same benefits as most Americans. What a snapshot of liberal wachos!! Waa waa waa, I love it!!!

Perhaps he’s disappointed that someone underestimated the number of busloads of new Wisconsin voters they needed to bring in from Michigan and Minnesota.

This is an old one: Election fraud charge filed in Milwaukee: Worker had quota to fill, complaint claims

Also, in 2004, Milwaukee Detective Mike Sandvick found that between 4,600 and 5,300 more votes were counted than there were people recorded as having cast votes. Absentee ballots were accepted from people who didn’t live in Wisconsin, convicted felons were allowed to vote – and work at the polls. College students who didn’t have primary residence in Wisconsin voted as well.

Election fraud allegations fly in close Wisconsin Supreme Court race

By the way in that 2004 election the Democrat John Kerry won Wisconsin’s 10 Electorial College Votes by only 11,384 popular votes out of 3 million votes cast of president.

But, I ask of the cry guy, exactly what is ‘his’ view of democracy?? [in America as ‘we’ know it]? What exactly is he so worked up over – paying a little extra for his health insurance and pension? – like we ‘all’ now have to do …??

The light bulb(s) are ever so slowly blinking “on” in the Taxpayers heads….I believe they are ‘realizing’ that, hey, these [Public Union] people are getting a hell of a lot of “perks” that I am paying for, and not only that, as a Taxpayer ‘paying’ for all of this, I don’t even have any say
in what goes on with these so called ‘Union contracts’….wtf?

Besides Cry Guy, Democracy has been dead in America – We are a Republic – are we not?

anothervet@#4 – What I cannot believe is…these same people are the very people who wanted the recall to take place … Walker didn’t want any part of it…he just wanted to Govern as he had been….Now he is getting death threats…. None of this is normal behavior…. none of it….

With every episode I truly believe liberalism/Progressives have mental problems….

Roger L. Simon has brought up ”the Bradley Effect,” as an explanation of hos the exit polls were so far off.
And why Obama might be surprised if he puts too much faith in the exit polls about him, too.

@FAITH7:There is an old saying about being careful for what you wish for. This group loves to bully and intimidate people who don’t share their views. Some do it verbally, others try to do it physically. Then they complain when someone stands up to them. You are right. It’s not normal behavior.

Death to the Democracy!
Long live the Republic!!

All I want to say is this: “This is what democraacy looks like!”