Nanny Bloomberg's War Against Obesity

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Today it’s just the Happy Meals in San Francisco. Before long McDonalds and the rest of the obesity inducing profiteers will be put out of business and we will all be eating tofu burgers garnished with organic tomatoes on pita bread. Yummy!

First Lady Michelle Obama:

told critics that her “Lets Move” program to fight obesity was never about big government.

“That's not really what Let's Move has ever been about,” she responded, when asked about her critics, adding that her goal was to give parents the right tools they needed to make “choices that are right for them.”

“But this isn't about government telling people what to do,” the First Lady said. “What we know we need to do is give parents, community, families, the tools and information they need to make choices that are right for them and there's no one size fits all solution.”

Well, in NY, the latest strategy in the war on obesity is to ban choice when it comes to size variety on sodas:

New York City plans to enact a far-reaching ban on the sale of large sodas and other sugary drinks at restaurants, movie theaters and street carts, in the most ambitious effort yet by the Bloomberg administration to combat rising obesity.

The proposed ban would affect virtually the entire menu of popular sugary drinks found in delis, fast-food franchises and even sports arenas, from energy drinks to pre-sweetened iced teas. The sale of any cup or bottle of sweetened drink larger than 16 fluid ounces — about the size of a medium coffee, and smaller than a common soda bottle — would be prohibited under the first-in-the-nation plan, which could take effect as soon as next March.

Okay..why single out sodas? (In 2009, Democratic leaders wanted new federal taxes on soda and other sugary drinks). And why not go all the way and ban sugar? Or go even further and ban all junk food and 7-11 stores; and dictate every aspect of what citizens put into their bodies? It's the only way to insure good nutrition, right? It would help the poor who definitely suffer from an obesity problem.

In recent years, soda has emerged as a battleground in efforts to counter obesity. Across the nation, some school districts have banned the sale of soda in schools, and some cities have banned the sale of soda in public buildings.

In New York City, where more than half of adults are obese or overweight, Dr. Thomas Farley, the health commissioner, blames sweetened drinks for up to half of the increase in city obesity rates over the last 30 years. About a third of New Yorkers drink one or more sugary drinks a day, according to the city. Dr. Farley said the city had seen higher obesity rates in neighborhoods where soda consumption was more common.


At fast-food chains, where sodas are often dispersed at self-serve fountains, restaurants would be required to hand out cup sizes of 16 ounces or less, regardless of whether a customer opts for a diet drink. But free refills — and additional drink purchases — would be allowed.

So what's the point, then? Is this really going to even be effective? If someone wants to poison his body with a 16 oz soda, what's to prevent him from buying two 8 oz cups?

Well, Nanny Bloomberg has an answer to that:

The mayor, who said he occasionally drank a diet soda “on a hot day,” contested the idea that the plan would limit consumers’ choices, saying the option to buy more soda would always be available.

“Your argument, I guess, could be that it’s a little less convenient to have to carry two 16-ounce drinks to your seat in the movie theater rather than one 32 ounce,” Mr. Bloomberg said in a sarcastic tone. “I don’t think you can make the case that we’re taking things away.”

He also said he foresaw no adverse effect on local businesses, and he suggested that restaurants could simply charge more for smaller drinks if their sales were to drop.

The Bloomberg administration had made previous, unsuccessful efforts to make soda consumption less appealing. The mayor supported a state tax on sodas, but the measure died in Albany, and he tried to restrict the use of food stamps to buy sodas, but the idea was rejected by federal regulators.

With the new proposal, City Hall is now trying to see how much it can accomplish without requiring outside approval. Mayoral aides say they are confident that they have the legal authority to restrict soda sales, based on the city’s jurisdiction over local eating establishments, the same oversight that allows for the health department’s letter-grade cleanliness rating system for restaurants.

In interviews at the AMC Loews Village, in the East Village in Manhattan, some filmgoers said restricting large soda sales made sense to them.

“I think it’s a good idea,” said Sara Gochenauer, 21, a personal assistant from the Upper West Side. Soda, she said, “rots your teeth.”

But others said consumers should be free to choose.

“If people want to drink 24 ounces, it’s their decision,” said Zara Atal, 20, a college student from the Upper East Side.

There are so many things available to us that (in my personal opinion) are bad for me and bad for others. But why restrict the freedom of choice so selectively? How much impact would a law like this even have in reducing the obesity and health problem that bad nutrition in general poses? After all, it doesn't eliminate at all access to sodas, nor in purchasing seconds, thirds, fourths, etc.

In the Nanny government's war against obesity, who ultimately wins?

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Future news:

At the press conference, Bloomberg commented on his non “war against soda”:

“We are not waging a war against soda. We merely suggested through the force of law that people should think about how much soda they were drinking. As our slogan said  Count the cups, don’t slurp it up.

The political backlash has been dramatic. An informal “Trash ‘Em” campaign left thousands of 16 ounce cups littering public buildings, each one spilling a few ounces intentionally left in the cup. The sticky mess was amazing.

One protestor yelled from across the street “You don’t think we have any discipline Mr. Bloomberg? We are happy to drink less soda and leave it on your doorstep.”

Bloomberg continued:
“We will not be stopped by these childish protests, punishable as Class C felonies by 2-4 years in the state penitentiary. The cup size limit will be enforced.

Further, we have mandated that cheeseburgers may no longer be accompanied by any paper products such as plates or napkins. If you want to eat your fattening cheeseburger, bring your own napkin.

Plain hamburgers are not affected. Rules are being drafted for which toppings may or may not trigger the paper ban.

Really, people. Just think a moment before fattening youselves up. Government cares about you. I care about you.”

Will Mittens denounce this?

Will those who ridiculed Newt’s statement about social engineering from the right apologize?

Does everyone in the GOP establishment now understand why so many of us don’t trust any politicians from the NE to be anything other than big government?

Will the GOP officially renounce this sort of big government bullying?

The answer to all of the above, is obviously; NO, which makes me question if paying attention to politics in this country is even worth the effort. We’ve got a closeted communist (with one foot out) vs a liberal whose even described himself as “progressive” vs Gary Johnson, and those of us who refuse to just keep voting for business as usual are to blame for this mess?

Once again, the answer is a resounding; NO, we aren’t.

“We are not waging a war against soda. We merely suggested through the force of law that people should think about how much soda they were drinking. As our slogan said Count the cups, don’t slurp it up.”

Bloomberg continued:
“We will not be stopped by these childish protests, punishable as Class C felonies by 2-4 years in the state penitentiary. The cup size limit will be enforced.”

Someone help me understand please, if the State has the authority to regulate what citizens eat (1), why does the State not have the authority to regulate how citizens have sex?

HIV/AIDS is far more deadly than a super-sized Pepsi. It has cost society in general far far more. HIV/AIDS is spread primarily through two vectors: intravenous drug use and sodomy. Someone help me understand how does the State not have the authority to regulate and/or to restrict sodomy if the State has the authority to regulate and restrict sugar consumption?

Is the only difference between the two the aesthetic or subjective preferences of America’s wealthy Progressive elite?

I don’t ask this to be “cute” but because I worry. It seems to me that a State that has the authority to force me to violate my religion and to force me to pay for someone’s birth control and to finance the promotion of its use in society in general, a State that has the authority to regulate and restrict what I eat, is a state that would very well claim to have the authority to compel me to use such birth control and to restrict and limit my reproductive rights(2) . This has long been the goal of the Progressive elite Population Control Movement.

Is the only difference between one such authority and the other the public policy prerogative of America’s wealthy Progressive elite?


(1) for their own good and that of the larger community in general , of course.
(2) As America’s Progressive elite Population Control Movement has long supported in China for example.


Big Fat Moochelle, you will be kicked to the curb in November 2012!

“No one believes more firmly than Comrade Napoleon that all animals are equal. He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where should we be?”

So internet child pornography is now legal in NY, yet they are going to ban the evil large sodas…I never thought I’d live to see the day when our society became this corrupt and evil.

I, for one, like this.

Do you know how many fat-ass people I see waddling thru New York? It’s like an Omega-Mu pledge party in some places. I hate ladies with cankles and a size 58 jean whistling at me as I walk by. People’s stomachs jiggling like a 10 year old fruit cake.

@cml in maine:

So it is a matter of aesthetics for you Mr. Maine? You are appalled and disgusted by the very sight of fat people so therefore you think it is OK to criminalize selling selling food to them?

@Tanya Ishere:

Pretty much just sums up what I was thinking.

As for cml in Maine, you are a very ignorant and very disturbing person. That type of Rhetoric is exactly on par what Nazi’s in Germany argued over about what the, “Pure” human should be. It’s clear you have no idea that millions of Americans, even with controlled diets, suffer from diseases that cause weight gain such as Hypothyroidism, Insulin Resistance syndrome, or the hormone imblance wrought disease Cushing’s Syndrome. No two humans are alike and this type of, “Government knows what’s best for you” nonsense doesn’t even remotely fix the issues that may be causing a person’s weight issues. Cheap, and abundant unhealthy food is only one of dozens of viariables to consider to why a person is overweight or obese, and that variable may even not apply if many of those, “obese” have controled diets already incase they might suffer physical defects to their hypothalamus/pituitary region of the brain from various reasons.

cml in maine

I really don’t know if we need all these silly laws.
For the sake of our glorious Fatherland wouldn’t it be more efficient to ship the “fat-ass” people off to some type of camp that encourages hard work to set them free?


I like it. Send them to fat camp. Better yet, send them to Montana and make them hike 20 miles a day.

Actually, my first post was sarcasm. However, as someone who works in health care and genomic research, I applaude any law that takes aim at excessive sugar intake. Obesity is a nasty disease and future health care costs will crush this country. Soda is a useless and potentially health threatening item.

Soda, cigarettes, GE based crops, unchecked Mexican produce imported to the US, the horrible pollution we allow to our water sources…..I’m all for someone stepping up and trying to fix these issues.

@Mr. Irons:

You’re comparing someone trying to limit sugar and empty caloric intake to Nazi Germany?

As for your examples of disease that can cause obesity, every single one of your examples can be corrected thru a combination of medicine combined with a change in diet and exercise habits.

@CML in Maine:

“Obesity is a nasty disease and future health care costs will crush this country”
Only because the government has decided to pay for it. People should be able to live in whatever manner that they choose, and the rest of us should not be forced to pay for the results.
The government chooses to provide health care, and then uses future costs as a way to control our behavior.

CML In Maine, my family is part German and part Russian with me being a Second generation to be born State Side. I’ll leave you to do the math, but my Great Uncles and Aunts who are still alive still remember rather clearly what Nazis did and had planned for the, “Perfect” human this included everything from intentional eugenics to controlled diets all the way to death camps for the, “undesireables” to make the “pure breed.” The Russian side of my family fled their farm lands in the early 20’s to escape Lenin’s bloody take overs of labor, and the Russian Military had a very harsh treatment to conscripts demanding that their diet almost be verbatium what liberals in the United States want enforced diet wise on Citizens such as the intended rationed levels of sugar and salts. We are citizens of a Representive Republic, not conscripts to a standing army in an Oilgarchy.

And you’re highly ignorant, there are no golden treatments to get people with weight gain issues and health problems to trim down or at all. People who suffer from many of the disesaes I have listed WITH your medical treatment solutions can only either halt new weight gain or slow the pace pending how how bad the conditions are. Then there’s those who may be on anti-depressants or perscribed steroids who see unwanted weightgain while being on a strict diet.

Are you always this moronic or always this facist? I can’t tell.

Right on target Mr. Irons.
We are so steeped in facist ideology, they call it “nanny state” just to be PC, that many cannot recognize it when they see it. We are paying with our freedom and the blow back will be ferocious, when it comes and it will.