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She’s Sorry [Reader Post]

Michelle Williams, the Community Organizer Activist who just happens to be Chief of Staff of the Tampa New Black Panther Party made some really interesting comments a few days ago and it was captured in a video audio:

I just want to say to all the listeners on this phone call, that if you are having any doubt about getting suited, booted, and armed up for this race war that we’re in that has never ended, let me tell you somethin…the thing that’s about to happen these honkies, these crackers, these pigs, these people, these motherf*er…it has been long overdue.”


“My prize right now this evening … is gonna be the bounty, the arrest, dead or alive, for George Zimmerman. You feel me?”


“I’m kinda pissed off right now that the state of Florida ain’t on fire. This could not have happened in L.A. because them brothers up there are not scared to riot. This could not have happened in St. Petersburg Florida, where the black man over there are ain’t scared to kill a cracker.”


“Absolutely, we want the complete removal of capitalism. Why? Because capitalism sets up a class structure and a class society. As I said in the beginning of the “haves” and “have nots,” [the] pivotal point is racism, it is racism that keeps them perpetuating a capitalistic motion. So yes, we want capitalism completely eradicated, especially from the minds and hearts and dealings of black people.”

Well, she’s sorry.

“My words were out of anger. I did not incite, I did not promote, nor did I encourage anyone to go and pick up a gun.”

Uh huh.

Ms. Williams has an interesting history, which includes Aggravated Assault Handgun.

She doesn’t look so sorry here:

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