Black Teenage Homicidal Maniac Gets Life For Killing British Tourists, The Families Ask Obama Why He Ignores Them


Angelic Face Of A Sixteen Year Old Homicidal Maniac

Black Teenager Shawn Tyson found two White British tourists walking drunk through the wrong neighborhood, stripped them of their clothes, forced them to their knees, and had them beg for their lives before shooting them repeatedly.

Although their families have asked our president to respond to this senseless crime of wanton violence in three different letters, he has ignored their pleas and has focused on the Martin shooting; presumably, to gain political traction in the upcoming election, since the Martin shooting fits the template of Blacks being victims rather than killers.

The two best friends were on a holiday from Britain and failed to realize the danger of Whites walking in a Black neighborhood. Thus they paid for their mistake after a night of drinking with their lives. Their valuables were left at the scene and we can only assume that Tyson killed them for the sadistic joy of committing murder and mayhem.

The parents of these young men and the people of Britain are asking why this post racial president is only concerned with the shooting death of a Black youth, but not the senseless killing of Whites by a Black youth. The president could have a son that resembles Shawn Tyson, the world is waiting for him to embrace this misguided homicidal maniac like he embraced the young Martin. Then maybe he could enlighten the world on this senseless violence based on race.

Treyvon Martin, Quasi-Stepson of Obama, Salutes America

Tyson tipped his hand with a taped phone call to his brother:

Shawn Tyson called his half brother from prison saying police had found bullet casings connected to the shooting, the Florida courtroom heard today.
Here is Tyson’s recorded telephone conversation with his half brother, who has not been named, from Sarasota County Jail:
Tyson: ‘What’s up, bro?’
Brother: ‘What’s up, lil’ man?’
Tyson: ‘S***.’
Brother: ‘What them crackers talkin’ about?’
Tyson: ‘S***. I don’t even know right now. I don’t know why they talkin’ about.’
Brother: ‘Yeah, I don’t know what them crackers talkin’ about. S***, like. You was in the house, like.’
Tyson: ‘I know… that’s what I keep on… these crackers talkin’ about that somebody say they seen me out there or some s***.’
Brother: ‘Them crackers trippin’, man.’
Tyson: ‘Hell yeah.’
Brother: ‘S***, you’re chate, through. You know what I’m sayin’ like? You ain’t got no guns or nothin’. Like f*** them crackers talkin’ about.’
Tyson: ‘Only thing is, they found the bullets, though.’
Brother: ‘Huh?’
Tyson: ‘They found the bullets.’
Brother: ‘Oh. Damn!’
Tyson: ‘That’s the only thing that’s gonna f*** me up.’
Brother: ‘They found them in the house?’
Tyson: ‘M-hm-mm.’

Tyson Looks His Best To Receive His Life Without Parole At 17

It’s too bad Tyson has sacrificed so much and yet, it is of dubious political value for Obama and his reelection, but one thing is for sure, the families of James Cooper (left) and James Kouzaris (right) are becoming a presidential embarrassment and they don’t realize what a tough election this is going to be. The Russians are willing to be patient so that Obama can talk tough about defense and then sell out the American people and their defense systems, but these damn Brits worrying over the deaths of their loved ones are going to hurt him in the polls, don’t they realize, he is limited in what he can say. His Department of Injustice is not programed to worry over injustice to Whites: they are in office to reverse the effects of Critical Race Theory. Otherwise the New Black Panther Party could not put a price on a man’s head in a form of vigilante justice. Come on people, this is the Age of Obama, learn to accept inequality under the law, The Law of Obama.

Shawn Tyson Sneers While Friends And Family Of The Victims Talk Of Their Loss
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Here we go again—justifying the ultra-conservative right-wing position on the Zimmerman/Martin shooting, and linking it to Obama.

The President can’t personally recognize every victim of crime in the country—but, at the time, with the facts as they seem, he felt a certain association with Trayvon . If you take good look at the early ‘boyish’ pictures published of Trayvon Martin—-and compare them with the pictures of Shawn Tyson—I think you can see a difference and understand why Obama saw a similarity in the looks of himself and Martin. (Unless of course, you can’t see the differences in the looks of one black man and another.)

President Obama is a human being in addition to being President of the United States. In his early life, I’m sure he felt the pangs of prejudice—which stays with him to this day. I know the right wing denies racialism in the US. Perhaps it would be a good ideas to explore your own racism. Here are some good articles to do so:

Now I know all the objections to this suggestion: Articles written by a bunch on liberal intellectuals for a biased left-wing media. Well, my answer is you might be able to learn something by being a little more open. Then again, there’s probably a modern response correspondent to the 60’s maxim: “Why I’m no racist—some of my best friends are Negroes.”

Although their families have asked our president to respond to this senseless crime of wanton violence in three different letters, he has ignored their pleas and has focused on the Martin shooting; presumably, to gain political traction in the upcoming election, since the Martin shooting fits the template of Blacks being victims rather than killers.

Skook, I believe the only reason why President Obama responded at all to the Martin/Zimmerman situation is because it has gained national attention and he was asked about it during his press announcement in the Rose Garden of something totally unrelated. It was an off-topic question. He didn’t condemn Zimmerman. He didn’t pass judgment on the Sanford police chief. He didn’t comment on the Stand Your Ground law. He did speak personally with empathy as a father of children.

“I’m the head of the executive branch, and the attorney general reports to me. So I’ve got to be careful about my statements to make sure that we’re not impairing any investigation that’s taking place right now.”

I’d caution Republican opponents of being careful in their criticism of the President and ask themselves, “Who’s trying to make political hay? The president or us?”

I think for the most part the president’s limited commentary on the situation was fine and appropriate.


Do you really trust a president to express true feelings of compassion, but only to members of “His People”.

The idea that the President would cater to the black community at the expense of the white as some sort political ploy is patently absurd. Has it occurred to you that black people make up less than 15% of the electorate? But the bigger issue here is that you are apparently blind to the fact that the majority of Americans no longer live in this “us vs. them” racial space that your brain inhabits. The vast majority of Americans can hear the President’s word’s on Martin and identify as a father or a mother, not only as a black or a white. That you don’t even realize this means maybe you should spend less time online and more time in the 21st century. Your race war fantasies aren’t even offensive any more, they’re so outdated. They’re just pathetic.


I would certainly address my words to any race-hustler or race-baiter who fits your profile, from either side. I don’t discriminate.


By the way, does it even sink in to you that being a racist isn’t a convincing defense to perceived racism?

It’s kind of sad that Obambi can apologize to everyone on the planet except for the ones who actually deserve one.

Skook, do you really expect Tom to condemn anyone on his side? He’s shown that no matter what they do, he will defend them, attack the Republicans for pointing it out and defending themselves, then accuse them of doing what he and his cronies are guilty of.
Sane, rational thought is something he is a stranger to.


The “lifeguard” can’t swim.

Obama didn’t just compare Trayvon with his own child, Obama said this:

“I think all of us have to do some soul searching to figure out how does something like this happen.

I have to soul search to figure out how something like this could happen?

And that means we examine the laws, the context for what happened, as well as the specifics of the incident.

Shades of Professor Bell and his filthy lie of ”Critical Race Theory.
No, the laws were NOT the problem.
Bell, and Obama to the extent he buys Bell’s theory, blames laws of the land for being secretly racist.
No, the laws are NOT secretly racist.
Race seems to have had zero to do with Trayvon’s death.
Behavior is likely going to be found to have been a big contributor.
And the law is all about behavior, not skin color.


May I ask you to maintain a level of intellect and decorum that we have come to expect from the erudite Tom, rather than the mouth frothing reactionary we have now have see before us. Reasoned dialogue and questions will receive logical responses. Let’s not let this thread devolve into name calling and the senseless hyperbole we see all to often on the Leftist sites.

That is a reasonable request and I will endeavor in the future to be more civil.

If you care to continue the discussion: as to what you’ve written, I think you’re trying to have it both ways. To those who critically question the meaning of your post, you claim it’s parody. To those who want to vent racially about the President’s handling of this situation, you give them a forum to do so. Is the joke on them if they agree literally with anything you’ve written? It’s like the person who habitually tells an off-color joke and then only when someone expresses offense claims ” I didn’t really mean it”.

I stand by my opinion that, from what I’ve read of your posts and comments, you habitually see events, particularly those involving Obama, through a racial lens to the exclusion of all others. This is not something I can prove, just something I would point out to you that you might consider.

Let’s put adjectives, all over the place, on race, just like the MSM.
The white, jewish, hispanic murdered the 12 year old black, kid.
The white, black thug murdered the black, white Brits. The Brits were ” black ” because they were hammered and were tresspassing in hallowed territory.

“this is not about any political ideology, it is about a police department in central Florida that acted in a terrible way”

“both sides try to politicize absolutely everything, but in this case the far right is being a bit more disgusting”

— quotes from Joe Scarborough this morning

Dr John and Snook are both just a different version of Jackson and Sharpton.


Skook, I honestly do not know why you spent time with Tom’s remarks. He is, at times, just being contrary for the sake of being contrary, and at other times, so blinded by what can only be considered hatred of conservatives, that he lets ideology get in the way of reality.

For example;

The idea that the President would cater to the black community at the expense of the white as some sort political ploy is patently absurd.

I suppose his justice department letting charges be dropped to two convicted NBPP members for voter intimidation, prior to their sentencing, wasn’t a political ploy. I suppose calling out a white policeman for “acting stupidly” against a black university professor wasn’t a political ploy. I suppose firing Ms. Sherrod, and then blaming it all on Breitbart, wasn’t a political ploy.

I think that what Tom is reacting to is the thought that a rational person would not engage in racist political ploys when the portion of population to be gained by such ploys is so small. And I would agree that for a politician to do that would be absurd. However, Obama’s record regarding racial preferences doesn’t support him being rational in this regard. Thus, Tom’s admonition of the idea that Obama wouldn’t act in such a way is what is truly absurd.

Then this;

But the bigger issue here is that you are apparently blind to the fact that the majority of Americans no longer live in this “us vs. them” racial space that your brain inhabits.

Now, I don’t believe that you need much defense against charges of racism, Skook. I’ve never known you to engage in political or social debate using race as reasoning or support for your position. Apparently, though, Tom believes that by noting a trend in someone’s actions or words that speak of racism, that it automatically means one is using race as reasoning or support for their position, and especially if the subject in question is Obama.

It is quite funny to me that most people I know, both conservative and liberal alike, reflect what Tom stated. That is, that most Americans do not live in an “us vs. them” world where race is a factor. I actually agree that is the case. What I would object to is Tom calling you racist for simply noting race as reason behind some of Obama’s actions and words. When true racism cannot be called into question, based on the subject’s race, or political ideology, then racism loses it’s meaning and impact. We conservatives see this on an almost daily level whenever criticism of Obama, or his party, is engaged in. We are called racist for simply opposing Obama’s ideology, even when we would have the same reservations, or opposition, if Obama was of a different race.

And this;

The vast majority of Americans can hear the President’s word’s on Martin and identify as a father or a mother, not only as a black or a white.

I wonder what “vast majority” Tom is speaking of. I certainly have not seen polling data reflecting that question. Also, considering Zimmerman is also of Hispanic heritage, it certainly is not a black or white thing. Now, maybe Obama had no idea of Zimmerman’s ethnicity. I don’t know, nor does it matter. The fact that he chose to single out Trayvon as the one he identified with, and they happen to be the same race, is why Obama’s words are being questioned in the first place. And, when you add in the case pointed out above, of two brits and a black murderer, and no words from Obama, even as the families requested something, anything, it looks suspiciously like racism.

Then this;

Your race war fantasies aren’t even offensive any more, they’re so outdated. They’re just pathetic.

Remind me, Skook, the last time you posted about killing blacks because they are black. I can’t remember either. Of course, one can go onto youtube, or google it, or any other searchable database can be used, and readily see that the same group Obama’s DOJ dropped charges against for voter intimidation, engage in racist rhetoric that even goes as far as advocating killing the white man. Race war “fantasies” are not something I, or any conservative I know, is looking forward to. It is something we are concerned about, and even somewhat frightened of.

In further comments, this;

I would certainly address my words to any race-hustler or race-baiter who fits your profile, from either side. I don’t discriminate.

Of course, you see that he qualifies it by projecting an air of impartiality. What you don’t see, and that I don’t remember seeing, in any of his comments in any topic relating to this, is a denouncement of Sharpton’s, Jackson’s, or the NBPP’s words or actions. He states that he doesn’t discriminate, but his record reflects otherwise. Now, why is that?

Then, lastly, this;

By the way, does it even sink in to you that being a racist isn’t a convincing defense to perceived racism?

Again he calls you a racist. It’s doubtful that he knows one little bit about your background, or anyone else’s on here. Your real crime is that you chose to criticize Obama, and thus, have drawn the accusation of racism. And not because of any racist remarks you made. The accusation was leveled not due to your words, or race, or anything about you, in particular, but because Obama is black. Now who is the one leveling charges of racism based purely on one’s race?

The left is famous for doing just that. Race is the first thing looked at, and especially so since Obama has been President. And the ones who do so are the liberal/progressives, and the race hustling crowd from the left. I guess that we cannot criticize the President, or anyone surrounding him now, because he is black.


Skook, I honestly do not know why you spent time with Tom’s remarks.

followed by nine paragraphs responding to Tom’s remarks. Ladies and Gentlemen, John Galt, the man who who so loves the drone of his own voice, even as it drowns out his own advice.

John Galt Everyone has a right to criticize the President on policy. To accuse him of being a racist is a serious and I think unwarrented charge. This guy,like W and Clinton is a great pol. and like them wants to be re-elected.You folks are delusional if you think he’s gonna go down easy like Carter.For starters we can agree Romney ain’t R.R.
I’ve been accused of race baiting. My question always “ARE YOU BAITING IF YOU ACTUALLY HOOK ONE” ??

Tom response to J.G. ABOVE——–beautiful


Hmm. Maybe I should have clarified that statement more. As in; “I honestly do not know why you addressed Tom’s remarks and engaged in discussion with him”.

Who suffers from murder at the hands of African-Americans?
Predominantly African-Americans, that’s who.
Where is the outrage about the Chicago deaths?
To rush to the defense, without having any facts, is just foolish.
I believe you will find in Proverbs the statement that the first guy sounds really good, until you hear the second guy.
It is not the outrage, or absence of same, which is so troubling.
It is the selectivity of the outrage, accompanied by the notable absence of fact (see the celebrated case of the Boston Professor).
I have seen too many of these instances of instant selective outrage (Tawana Brawley, anyone) to think that I know anything about the Trayvon Martin case yet. And any person claiming to know the whole story has not yet come forth with complete forensic documentation.
Right now, two British citizens are dead.
And there seems to be no interest in their deaths.
Those are indisputable facts.

One thing I’ve noticed about the Trayvon Martin/ George Zimmerman media storm is that many people are not on an impartial hunt for justice but are exploiting this crisis for personal or political gain and claiming that it is representative of larger societal problems.

We can all agree that it was wrong (if not outright illegal) for the New Black Panther Party to have offered a bounty for Zimmerman’s capture.

I also think we can agree that Jesse Jackson was wrong when he claimed that “targeting, arresting, convicting blacks and ultimately killing us is big business.”

Even Spike Lee, himself, agrees that tweeting an address of the supposed Zimmerman home was wrong.

But there are others who have weighed in who there might be debate about whether they are simply using this as a way to reinforce hatred and make money:
Karen Finney wears two hats, she works at MSNBC and she fundraises for the DNC.
Her quote:
“[Republican politicians] reinforce and validate old stereotypes that associate the poor and welfare as criminal behavior with African-Americans and people of color, calling us lazy, undeserving recipients of public assistance. In the case of Trayvon, those festering stereotypes had lethal consequences.”
So, she is claiming a Democrat, Mr. Zimmerman, was holding old stereotypes because he was in thrall of Republican sound bites?
Really? That is up for debate.
If racial resentment was so high that all Republicans held it as well as many Democrats Obama would never have been elected in the first place!

What are some facts?
Homicide is the leading cause of death for young black males in the USA.
93% of all blacks who die by homicide die at the hands of a fellow black.
I watch local news here in So Cal.
Whenever a young black is murdered it makes the news.
The police often do not get cooperation from any witnesses.
Many of these killings go unsolved because of that.
But that doesn’t stop the parent of the victim from crying on TV that this cycle of violence has got to stop.
It just never works.
Parents, churches, even ex-gang members cannot stop it.

That might be an issue Obama can wade into…..
Get black eyewitnesses to cooperate with the police.

@Liberal1 (objectivity): Your an idiot and a racist. This article rightfully shows the bias of our racist BLACK (1/2 black) president. It’s sad to see this cracker hater act this way!! You tell me why 0-bama acted so differently idiot.

@Liberal1 (objectivity):

Here we go again—justifying the ultra-conservative right-wing position on the Zimmerman/Martin shooting, and linking it to Obama.
[liberal 1 said]

Foreigners, parents of the victims did the linking.

President Obama is a human being in addition to being President of the United States. In his early life, I’m sure he felt the pangs of prejudice—which stays with him to this day.

emphasis mine

Barack Obama Jr. grew up as a Muslim with a Muslim stepfather in Indonesia. Tell me what sort of painful prejudice did Barack Obama suffer in Indonesia?

Thereafter, Barack Obama grew up in Hawaii where there is a three way racial divide: Native Hawaiians, Japanese and Whites, with White kids at the bottom of the social scale. Black kids in Hawaii were rare when Barack Obama was growing up. Tell me what sort of painful prejudice did Barack Obama suffer in Hawaii?


This sentence has me confused, mainly this phrase “to the exclusion of all others”. I don’t really know what this means.

I agree it was not a very elegantly constructed sentence, and quite confusing in hindsight.

Could it be that Democratic strategists wanted to ignite underlying feelings of mistrust between the races and reinvigorate a stalled campaign?

I think this might be the crux of where we part ways. I cannot prove that statement wrong, but I can’t see why you would jump to that conclusion while ignoring why this story might capture the interest of the public at large, regular people who are not race-baiters, or hatching conspiracies. You’re giving Obama too much credit if you think he can simply manufacture widespread interest in something like this where there would otherwise be none. Does it not occur to you why the parents of a teenager, particularly a black teen, might be intensely interested in why this happened? There seems to be a pervasive belief in some quarters of our society that to acknowledge that race might be a component in something like this is a racist notion itself. That it’s “race-baiting”. I disagree. I don’t know that George Zimmerman is a racist and I’m not accusing him of being one. That doesn’t mean that his actions might not have been partly dictated by a bias, perhaps one he’s not even conscious of. I certainly don’t think I’m a racist if I want to know how, if at all, it played a part when he deemed Martin “suspicious”. Does that make me part of mob that Dr John claims wants to “lynch” him (that really is an unfortunate word choice, btw). I think to ignore the possibility because it’s uncomfortable to talk about only allows it to fester.

It would be an interesting conversation, but the necessary subtlety is completely drowned in the noise of two sides who perpetually justify their own worst tendencies by pointing in the other direction. Martin’s death and Zimmerman’s fate are rendered incidental at this point, just two more weapons in the arsenal, another excuse for sound and fury.


I am writing a book on alternative examples to racial disharmony in America, you may have already read a few chapters Tom, they have been published in FA.

I will keep a look out for those posts.


This guy isn’t very clever or else he has contempt for White victims or maybe for our allies.


Or at least for one and likely two allies in particular, one being the Brits who had the nerve to use torture to put down the Kenyan Mau Maus as opposed to execution without trial by way of airborne terminators drones, which of course is worthy of a Nobel Peace Prize winner.

Obama and the Mau Maus


Could it be that Democratic strategists wanted to ignite underlying feelings of mistrust between the races and reinvigorate a stalled campaign?
[Skook asked]

One would hope not but such tactics earned Rev. Al Sharpton the honor of being a keynote speaker at a Democratic National Convent some years ago.

More projection from the usual suspects. They accuse the right of using this for political gain and to attack their opponents. This is in spite of the mountains of evidence it is the left that’s doing it. See, even they understand such a thing is dispicable, but unable to deal with their feelings/behavior they project them onto us. This allows them to clear their conscience and spew hatred at us while still thinking they are morally and intellectually superior.


John, if you think I’m just a message board troll, why do you spend so much time engaging me? Do you really think Skook isn’t smart enough to come to his own conclusions?

And I really wish you’d stop saying that I “hate conservatives”. It’s an asinine thing to say and it’s dishonest.


Thank you for the description of your book. I will check out those portions that have already been published.

@Richard Wheeler:

Everyone has a right to criticize the President on policy.

That is exactly right, Rich. The problem is that when this particular president is criticized, almost invariably the first charge that comes from the left is racism. Criticize his healthcare law, and it’s due to racism. Criticize his handling of foreign affairs, and it’s due to racism. Criticize his handling of pop culture stories, such as the Martin/Zimmerman case, and it’s due to racism. The charge of racism leveled at conservatives is nothing but a means of silencing dissent.

To accuse him of being a racist is a serious and I think unwarrented charge.

Is it any more unwarranted, or warranted, than the left accusing every conservative on the planet critical of Obama as being a racist? The left cannot have it both ways, Rich, but that is exactly what you are suggesting.

This guy,like W and Clinton is a great pol.

Finally, a statement I can agree with. However, being a great politician does not necessarily correspond to being a great person, or even a good one.

You folks are delusional if you think he’s gonna go down easy like Carter.For starters we can agree Romney ain’t R.R.

You folks? Exactly who is involved in that ‘you’, Rich. Certainly not me. And I cannot think of any of the regulars here who believe it will be easy to vote Obama out. Nice generalization, Rich.

As for Romney, I certainly agree that he isn’t Ronald Reagan. In fact, to me, he isn’t much better than Obama, ideologically speaking, of course.

And while my post above was long, it was to Skook, someone I seriously doubt has a racist bone in his body, yet Tom accused him of being exactly that numerous times. I wouldn’t have bothered breaking down Tom’s fantasies and false conjectures if the charge of racism wasn’t such a big part of Tom’s response to Skook.


And while my post above was long, it was to Skook, someone I seriously doubt has a racist bone in his body, yet Tom accused him of being exactly that numerous times. I wouldn’t have bothered breaking down Tom’s fantasies and false conjectures if the charge of racism wasn’t such a big part of Tom’s response to Skook.

The obsession continues. For those of you who have never experienced it, there’s nothing quite like having your very own message board stalker. It’s thrilling, but also a little scary. He used to just bat his eyes at me from across the room, but now I can’t turn a corner without him magically appearing.

He’s not the only one who likes you Tom. Just sayin’

(Bats eyes from across the room)



I don’t believe that I’ve ever called you a “message board troll”.

I have tried to engage you in several conversations, Tom, but you insist on presenting my statements and comments as something they are not, and then condemn the statements that I never made.

I guess I should apologize for taking offense at you calling Skook a racist, several times. No, I’m not Skook, but I think I know enough about him, through his writings, to believe that he is the furthest thing from that.

And I really wish you’d stop saying that I “hate conservatives”. It’s an asinine thing to say and it’s dishonest.

Fair enough, Tom. I went off what I’ve remembered of your comments and while they certainly didn’t show any love, or even like, towards conservatives, that doesn’t mean they are hateful.


Personally, Tom, I could ignore you and I’d be ok with it. As I posted above, I guess I should apologize for taking offense that you called Skook a racist, several times. That is what you did, isn’t it?

Remind me, though, exactly how many interactions between us I have initiated? Or even how many topics we’ve had direct comments to one another?


“the idea the President would cater to the black community at the expense of the white as some sort political ploy is patently absurd”

Umm, I beg your pardon. By proxy, you may want to remember Obama’s Holder’s DoJ’s dismissal of NBP’s voter intimidation case. And Obama’s black farmer reparations, the one that awarded reparations to five times the number of blacks who were actually farming during the time period in question and would possibly qualify for the reparations.


some enchanted evening, you may see a stranger….


I have tried to engage you in several conversations, Tom, but you insist on presenting my statements and comments as something they are not, and then condemn the statements that I never made.

John, I made the mistake of personally going after Skook above, rather than sticking to challenging his post and his arguments. I think he pointed that out in classy manner, which I appreciated, and I think I acknowledged he was correct that a lack of civility is a discussion killer. I still have a ton of problems with his post, but I can separate him as a person from his political views. There are some very smart people on here and I like to mix it up. The thing is, I rarely take anyting personally. Even when I fly off the handle, ten minutes later I’m on to something else. I guess my point is, if you think I’ve been unfair in the past, believe me, there was nothing malicious in it.

Fair enough, Tom. I went off what I’ve remembered of your comments and while they certainly didn’t show any love, or even like, towards conservatives, that doesn’t mean they are hateful.

The thing is, John, like most people, I have family members, coworkers and friends of all political persuasions. So for you to think I hate conservatives, well it’s kind of bizarre to me. Perhaps you mean in an abstract manner, but even there you’d be wrong. Take comfort in the fact that I have good friends who find some of my political beliefs just as annoying as you do.

John G. Says ” the left accuses every Conservative on the planet who criticises Obama of being a racist” Hyberbole and you know it. Not even true here at F.A. Agreed? Would you accuse Larry,Greg,Tom or myself of saying or believing that?
There are those on this post so lost in their hatred of Progressives they are foaming at the mouth and you know of whom I speak.

Fortunately reasoned, intelligent folk like Word, Mata and A.C. make a great case for the BEST of Conservatism.

Don’t think anyone can stop Kentucky but I”ll be pulling for Pitino.


Good points but here is the reparation link:
Turned out that Pigford reparation settlement was yet another way for Obama to feather his own cronies’ nests at the expense and blame of the average black who may or may not have farmed:

The Pigford Con Game That’s Ripped Off Thousands Of Black Americans.

The Pigford Settlement: It Doesn’t Add Up
Dec 6, 2010 … Despite what the Obama administration and the mainstream media would like you to believe the Pigford settlements that were meant to go to…..

How Pigford Made White Lawyers Like Al Pires Millions
Jul 26, 2011 … The Pigford settlement has made lawyers like Al Pires millions — all he had to do was find people willing to say the USDA threw….

All the above plus more at the link.
As for Obama and the New Black Panthers (whose leader visited the White House a couple of times) see these:
New Black Panthers: ‘Don’t Obey White Man’s Law’

‘DOJ Official’ Seen Conferring With New Black Panthers

New Black Panther Party President Admits to Philadelphia Voter Intimidation


As I said about the conservative hatred, Tom, fair enough. As this particular issue has revealed, here at FA and elsewhere, it can raise the emotions of even the best of us, no matter where you fall on it.

@Richard Wheeler:

Hyberbole and you know it. Not even true here at F.A. Agreed?

Hyperbole? Sure. But even statements containing hyperbole have an element of truth to them, Rich, otherwise they would be outright falsehoods. And here at FA, while I might not classify you, Larry(certainly not him), or even Tom as being that way, Greg is questionable, and lib1 has already shown himself to state that.

But, going into the wider world of the left, one sees such people as the Congressional Black Caucus assert such accusation continously, most famously during the Obamacare debates on the Hill. And let’s not forget the media commentators, such as Olbermann and Schultz, who view conservatives criticizing Obama as being just short of full-blown KKK members. Add in Sharpton and Jackson to the mix, and it seems that a conservative cannot render a small bit of negative criticism about Obama and his policies or ideology without hearing the name racist hurled at him/her at least once.

Fortunately reasoned, intelligent folk like Word, Mata and A.C. make a great case for the BEST of Conservatism.

It’s interesting that you’ve used those people to praise, Rich. Of course, on this particular issue, it seems that at least two of those have argued/debated with other conservatives here, seeming to take the side of those believing Martin an innocent victim. Funny enough, neither Mata, nor Aye, have actually come out in support of that assertion. Instead, they have only defended against the same distortion and twisting of facts about Martin, or Zimmerman, that others are using to defend Zimmerman.

In essence, they aren’t any different than I have been on this issue. That is, allow the police and DA’s to do their jobs, which will result in either Zimmerman being absolved of fault, or charges brought to bear. And even with that, Zimmerman should still be considered innocent until proven guilty. Agree?

The only statements I have made are in relation to the media’s sinful reporting of the story, and the incitement of anger and violence that Sharpton, Jackson, and the NBPP, are engaged in. Obama, for his part, and at the very least, made a poor choice in words that seemed to show his support was for Martin and against Zimmerman. As I said in another topic, Zimmerman is a marked man, whether or not he ends up being exonerated in the killing. And the fault for that lies squarely on the shoulders of Sharpton, Jackson, and the NBPP.


The only statements I have made are in relation to the media’s sinful reporting of the story, and the incitement of anger and violence that Sharpton, Jackson, and the NBPP, are engaged in. Obama, for his part, and at the very least, made a poor choice in words that seemed to show his support was for Martin and against Zimmerman. As I said in another topic, Zimmerman is a marked man, whether or not he ends up being exonerated in the killing. And the fault for that lies squarely on the shoulders of Sharpton, Jackson, and the NBPP.

Don’t under estimate Pres. Obama’s role in this affair. He plays a powerful role designating onto which select victim his followers may righteously focus their righteous hatreds and rage.

By now it may be difficult to empanel an untainted jury because of men such as Obama, Jackson and Sharpton. One can only pray now that Gorge Zimmerman’s future does not now play out the way Freddie’s Fashion Mart played out.

To accuse him of being a racist is a serious and I think unwarrented charge.

Quite warranted really. Thinking was never your strong point. If it was rich, you wouldn’t be a liberal.
Rev wright and bell were his buddies, but he isn’t racist? Sheesh.