I’m not shocked, it’s CNN afterall, but just a few examples:
Q – “Which candidate believes in birth control and why?”
Yeah, no bias there. Newt kills it:
“But I just want to point out you did not once in the 2008 campaign, not once did anybody in the elite media ask why Barack Obama voted in favor of legalizing infanticide. So let’s be clear here, if we’re going to have a debate about who the extremist is on these issues it is President Obama, who as a State Senator voted to protect doctors who killed babies who survived the abortion.”
This one kills me.
Q – Hi, my name is Ken Taylor (ph) from Wickenberg, Arizona and my question to all the candidates is, how do you plan on dealing with the growing nuclear threat in Iran?
A great question actually, but apparently CNN host John King believed Ken Taylor didn’t know what he was talking about since he proceeded to twist the question to fit into the MSM narrative….it’s all Israel’s fault.
It’s a pressing question at the moment. Mr. Speaker, let’s go to you first on this one. I want to ask you in the context of the president’s and this country’s highest ranking military officer, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, General Dempsey told CNN this last week, quote, “A strike at this time would be destabilizing and would not achieve Israel’s long term objectives.” If you win this election, General Dempsey would still be — would then be your chairman of the joint chiefs.
If the prime minister of Israel called you, said he wanted to go forward and questioned, Sir do you agree — Mr. President do you agree with your chairman of the joint chiefs? Would you say, yes, Mr. Prime Minister, please stand down? Or would you give Israel the green light
As Joel Pollak notes, this question went from “how do you deal with Iran” to “how do you deal with Israel” in 30 seconds flat.
The press has given the President a pass on his weak response to the gay marriage issue. Obama can simply say that his views are “evolving” but the GOP candidates are subjected to being grilled about the nuances of their personal views on homosexuality. The media was very quick to bring up and keep the questions coming about DADT and other gay rights issues in previous GOP debates.
When the President is challenged about social issues he shows contempt to the media and begs, “Come on, guys!” And the media is happy to appease.
The MSM are fully behind Obama and will do all they can, as they did in 2008, to ensure this pitiful excuse for a leader will be elected once again.

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Rich Wheeler
you cannot predict this kind of surprising all the time conclusion,
newt is not done yet, he has a lot more to say to the people and if they are paying attention, they will come his way, as they should, in order to be sure of beating OBAMA, AND NEWT CAN BEAT HIM
to a point of no chance to return.