Obama wants US taxpayers to pay to help build an Islamic World Caliphate [Reader Post]

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Obama wants US taxpayers to cough it up for the Arab Spring:

The White House announced plans on Monday to help “Arab Spring” countries swept by revolutions with more than $800 million in economic aid, while maintaining U.S. military aid to Egypt.

In his annual budget message to Congress, President Barack Obama asked that military aid to Egypt be kept at the level of recent years — $1.3 billion — despite a crisis triggered by an Egyptian probe targeting American democracy activists.

The proposals are part of Obama’s budget request for fiscal year 2013, which begins October 1. His requests need the approval of Congress, where some lawmakers want to cut overseas spending to address U.S. budget shortfalls and are particularly angry at Egypt.

Obama proposed $51.6 billion in funding for the U.S. State Department and foreign aid overall, when $8.2 billion in assistance to war zones is included. The “core budget” for the category would increase by 1.6 percent, officials said.

Most of the economic aid for the Arab Spring countries — $770 million — would go to establish a new “Middle East and North Africa Incentive Fund,” the president said in his budget plan.

And what would that be nurturing? This is what they have in mind:

In a recent sermon, the General Guide of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, Muhammad Badi’, set out his vision for his movement and for Egypt in the post-revolutionary era. Citing Muslim Brotherhood founder Hassan Al-Bana, he stated that the movement has two goals. The immediate goal is to prepare the hearts and minds of its members, which involves “purifying the soul, amending behavior, and preparing the spirit, the mind and the body for a long struggle.” The second, long-term, goal is to affect “a total reform of all domains of life,” which will eventually result in establishment of an Islamic state governed according to Koranic law – first in Egypt and eventually in the entire world.

Badi’ stressed that this long-term goal can only be achieved by gradual stages: by “reforming the individual, then restructuring the family, then building society and the government, then [establishing] the rightly guided Caliphate, and [finally achieving] mastership of the world.” He also emphasized that this must be achieved through cooperation among all the forces and sectors in Egypt, and without any coercion: “All these purposes and goals… must be realized… through unity of ranks [not division], by persuasion, not coercion, and by love, not by force.” Badi’ warned against the “attempts to split up the united ranks [of the nation] and drive a wedge between young and old, men and women, Muslims and Christians, and [different religious] schools and groups,” saying that the Egyptian nation will need all of its human resources in order to meet the challenges that lie ahead. Finally, he advised his followers not to follow their emotions but to manipulate the circumstances rationally and realistically: “Do not fight the ways of the world because they are overpowering. [Instead], try to overcome them, use them, change their course, and pit some of them against others.”

Obama wants us to pay for that! And what has Obama gotten us thus far? Nothing but bad news.

Remember the bad old days of George W. Bush, when cowboy foreign policy turned the world against America?

Remember how the dulcet tones and apology tours of Mr. Hope & Change would remake the globe in our favor?

Ah, never mind. The parade of horribles is on the march, and some former allies are leading the way.

Egypt, where President Obama tossed Hosni Mubarak under the bus, is rapidly becoming an Islamist state. The arrest and pending trials of 19 Americans working for nongovernmental agencies puts an exclamation point on how far Egypt has moved away from our orbit.

The Palestinians, blowing off the warning that our aid dollars cannot be used to support a government that includes Hamas, are moving toward a unity government—one that includes Hamas.

Three years of begging with the thugs running Syria got us a slaughter of civilians we are powerless to stop.

Libya, where we helped overthrow Qaddafi, is splintering, with the militias we supported starting to fight one another for power.

Nothing has changed in Iran, except the mullahs are three years closer to a nuclear bomb.

Russia has accepted our “reset” concessions and responded by sticking its thumb in our eye from Iran to Syria.

Meanwhile, how many new allies have we made in the past three years? None.

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17 Americans are being held in Egypt by a ”no-fly” list and arrest warrants, with plans to try them for the crime of using foreign money to criticize Islam (pointing out the raping and sexually assaulting women and girls, performing ”virginity tests” on females who want to file a complaint at police stations, looting homes and businesses of Copts then burning them down to hide the evidence) those FACTS are what they mean when they say ”criticizing Islam.”

So, what American can ever even visit Egypt?
How can you know you will not be accused of ”criticizing Islam” if you turn away when a Muslim publicly takes a rod to his wife or daughter?
“Insulting Islam,” needn’t be words, you know.

But Obama wanted, tried, to rush this huge aid check through to Egypt even as the American NGO members were getting arrested, refused exit and had all their NGO’s money and goods confiscated.
Obama’s budget is dead on arrival.
And this is true for many reasons.
Having this promise of bribery (for WHAT???) in it is just icing on the cake that it is dead on arrival.

the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, Muhammad Badi’[…] Badi’ stressed that this long-term goal […] then [establishing] the rightly guided Caliphate, and [finally achieving] mastership of the world.”

And remember, this guy is from the moderate Muslim Brotherhood. The votes for parliament are split something like 28% for Salafists (Al-Nour, the real conservatives), 38% for the Muslim Brotherhood (Freedom and Justice party), some more for small allies of the MB, and slightly less than 10% each for the New Wafd and the Egyptian Bloc, who are more or less the secular-right and secular-left parties in play. So Badi is not some radical on the Egyptian scene – he represents the mainstream of Egyptian political thought.
The Salafists probably think he’s a softy for wanting to achieve all of this without coercion.

Don’t overlook the inexplicable surge in fuel prices despite drop in demand. Obama’s policies continue to stifle domestic fuel extraction/refining which expedites the greatest transfer of Western wealth in all time to fuel global dawa, jihad and the resurrection of the caliphate. Jizya extracted under extreme humiliation by any other name (i.e. Obama bowing to Saud, Cairo speech, NASA sellout, EPA surge on refining, purge of FBI training material, Irrational nuclear cuts, etc. etc.) .
Election 2012 cannot come soon enough to rid us of this traitor. Lan Astaslem.

Please keep tabs on if Boehner gives him the money. I can see it happening.

Have you all figured out who’s side Obama is on yet? I figured it out when he was campaigning for the democratic nomination.

@Smorgasbord: Islam Firster!

Kick me I’m a Liberal. Can I have some more of that obama brand islamic coolaid?

To paraphrase Mark Levin, “Which one of those Islamic countries have said, ‘Hey that Obama’s not so bad? We love America now!'”

@Marine72: #6
I’m not sure what you mean by

Islam Firster!

If that is in reference to my believing that Obama PROBABLY doesn’t have an American birth certificate, and that I believe that Islam is intended to take over the world like the Koran says (not all Muslims want this), then I take it as a compliment.

Just when I think I can figure out when a ShiiteMuslim is lying for Islam’s sake (taqiyya) something new is added:
The Sunni Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood (also known as the Peace and Freedom Party) go a mile further with Muruna (which literally means “stealth” or “flexibility.”)
Muruna is far worse than taqiyya, since it sanctions all prohibitions that block Muslim interests, even blasphemous ones.

Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood Muhammad Badei in the General Guide of the Egyptian Muslim:

Do not fight the ways of the world because they are overpowering but try to overcome and use them, change their course, and pit some of them against others.

Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack:

Muruna was designed to catapult and advance Sharia by using Western means.
If one thinks that Sharia, with its harsh code, is problematic enough, how about the elimination of the kinder, gentler laws?
Muruna is literally accomplished by permitting behavior normally so eschewed by Sharia that Westerners logically assume a more moderate version of Islam when such prohibitions are suddenly permitted.
Westerners’ eyes are, in fact, deceiving them.

Muruna is about going to great lengths to gain interests through a much deeper level of deception while simultaneously lowering the guard and gaining the support of the infidels.

So, is Obama being snookered?
Is Obama a willing enabler?
Does Obama have America’s long-term interests at heart but we are only looking short-term?
Would America be better off under Sharia?
Every country that is added to the Sharia pool, now over 60 countries put the USA in a more minority role in International law.

I have a friend who has a factory that makes prayer clothes. He usually sells them to Muslims, but he was touched by the story and wants to donate a bunch of them.

They explode when prayed on. He says his business is booming, and that prophets are going through the roof. Do you have an address for him to send them to?

BOEMER MAKE HIM MAD don’t give him the money for the brotherhood,
enough is enough, you guys think for AMERICA first ,
do you have the guts to do what’s right?
this is part of your job, not more not less