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They Can’t Even Keep Their Stories Straight….Obama’s Budget Director: “ObamaCare Not A Tax”

Talk about walking head first into a trap. This video clip would be so much fun to watch over and over again if the consequences of ObamaCare weren’t so real.


So here we have Obama’s budget director telling Congress that no, ObamaCare isn’t a tax. But then we have the DOJ arguing to the Supreme Court that yes, it is a tax.

This has always been a tricky argument for the Obama administration, because admitting that the mandate is a tax means that Obama violated his pledge not to raise taxes on those earning less than $250,000. In September 2009, Obama told ABC’s George Stephanapoulos that the mandate was not a tax. But by the following June, his administration was arguing in court that it was.

So the administration is making both arguments simultaneously. Before Congress, Zients is arguing that it is not a tax. But before the Supreme Court, the administration will argue that it is, in fact, a tax.

Which means at this very moment Zients is being raked over the coals by Obama and pals, soon to be replaced, and message to be back on track. What’s the message you ask?

That Bush and his Patriot Act was trampling on all of our rights……err, forget that one. That recess appointments are unconstitutional….forget this one too. That indefinite detentions of our citizens was unconstitutional….and this one. No war for oil….oh wait, Libya. That our deficit is unpatriotic….naw…just forget all these messages. Obama is in power now and all that is just fine and dandy.

Along with a federal mandate to force every person to pay for the health insurance of the other.


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