Rush Limbaugh has said many times that President Barack Hussein Obama views the US Constitution as an impediment, as an obstacle to be circumvented, to be worked around. Limbaugh said, “…The Constitution is Obama’s obstacle.” The latest Obama “accommodation” drove home the point that Obama really does see the US Constitution as an obstacle to tyrannical rule that he, and many liberals, want to impose.
For some insight into his current thinking, Obama, while in the Illinois senate, in a 2001 interview, said that the Chief Justice Earl Warren court failed to “break free from the essential constraints” in the US Constitution and launch a major redistribution of wealth. “It didn’t break free from the essential constraints that were placed by the Founding Fathers in the Constitution… that generally the Constitution is a charter of negative liberties. Says what the states can’t do to you. Says what the federal government can’t do to you, but doesn’t say what the federal government or state government must do on your behalf.”
That thinking is exemplified by his “We can’t wait” campaign to circumvent the US Constitution, to bypass Congress, and do whatever he pleases to extend “positive” rights when he thinks they are required. If Congress and the US Constitution gets in his way or don’t give him his way, he ignores them. He says “We can’t wait” and does what he wants.
Article II, section 1, of the US Constitution clearly states about the president: “Before he enter on the Execution of his Office, he shall take the following Oath or Affirmation: “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.” That is the oath that Obama voluntarily took. Further, Article I, section 1, states “All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.” So when he says “We can’t wait,” is he hiding behind the phrase “to the best of my Ability?” Does his ability include in what he believes? And how does he get around the phrase “faithfully execute the Office?” Does he think that he is faithfully executing his duties when he invokes his “We can’t wait” stratagem?
Here are some examples of his “We can’t wait” strategy and executive fiat:
- In October, 2011, Obama, seeking to circumvent congressional opposition and to jump-start the economy, pushed a series of “executive branch steps,” beginning with “new rules” to make it easier for homeowners with little or no equity to refinance their federally funded mortgages, through Fannie May and Freddie Mac, which posted larger losses than expected, sought $6 billion in additional aid.
- In July, 2011, Obama told the National Council of La Raza that the idea of “doing things” on his own was “very tempting” when it came to bypassing Congress on immigration.
- In September, 2011 Obama told the Congressional Hispanic Caucus he’d like to work his way “around Congress.”
- In July, 2011, during the debt limit debate, Obama asked lawyers if there was a way to interpret the 14th Amendment so as to get around Congress and establish a “long-term extension of the federal borrowing limit” on his own.
- Before Obama was president he said he wanted to bankrupt the coal industry by imposing a cap and trade system that would be so harsh that “electricity costs would necessarily skyrocket.” Unable to get that bill through Congress, Obama bypassed them and used Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations to accomplish his goals. According to an analysis released in October, 2011, by the Institute for Energy Research, the EPA is “leading the Obama administration’s assault on coal with a number of new regulations.”
- Blatant subversion: Lybia war – In Article I, section 8 (Powers of Congress) of the US Constitution, there is the phrase “To declare War…” But Obama said the US actions in Lybia didn’t amount to war, so he didn’t need the approval of Congress. And he ignored the War Powers Act.
His latest decree, announced by Kathleen Sebilius, Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS), said that many church-affiliated institutions will have to cover free birth control for employees, even if that decree violated moral and ethical beliefs. Robbie George, law professor at Princeton, said, “They pursue this agenda with a religious zeal because, in fact, the ideology in which abortion is a “right” and “sexual freedom” is a core value is their religion.” That decree caused such an uproar that Obama had to “accommodate” it. The point here, however, is that once again Obama is trying to circumvent the US Constitution. Amendment 1 clearly states, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;….” So again we see Obama, using HHS, trying to bypass Congress and the US Constitution. At least this time he didn’t try to hide behind “We can’t wait.” Was that the reason for his problems and eventual “accommodation?”
So anytime the US Constitution and Congress doesn’t let him have free reign, he simply says “We can’t wait.” The US Constitution and Congress are, indeed, an obstacle to him – and to his agenda.
But that’s just my opinion.
That’s pretty funny, Tom. Crying? Really? You couldn’t think up a better insult than that?
You don’t deserve an answer to your question, Tom, and I don’t feel like giving you anything else you will just twist around to project your hatred on everyone else.
I’ll tell you what. If you can find the exact quote that I uttered calling Rich a traitor, I’ll answer your question. If you cannot find it, you post a retraction of everything you said about me and label yourself a liar. Fair enough?
For reference, you said this in post #53;
The fact that Tom and Rich are demanding Mata and JG denounce me for speaking the facts about both Rich and Tom is monstrously hypocritical on their part. Remember, BOTH of them not only refused to denounce those that were blaming the right for Giffords shooting, but actually defended them.
Mata and JG, I commend you for trying to talk to them, but it’s a waste of time. Rich is little more than a troll. Tom is unbalanced. Calling them bottom feeders would be an undeserving elevation in status.
Rich WAS a patriot. He’s made clear he’s no longer supports America.
Rich, here’s a clue to how FITH you are. The people in charge of the dem party now, were the people calling you a murderer, baby, killer, etc. and cheering for the V.C. and NVA to kill you.
You truly prove liberalism is a mental illness.
I’m a liar, John? Perhaps if you answer my question, we’d find out whether you are a liar, whether the answer to the question is consistent with what you’ve expressed above and elsewhere on the forum. Wouldn’t that be a wonderful way to have a “meaningful exchange”? Or are you one of those who can have meaningful exchanges on his own terms, when he frames the discussion? Oh, you don’t like being asked a ridiculously loaded question, you just like asking them?
Well anyway, here is it is for the SIXTH time:
rich, it’s not me who’s using the measure of military service as also a measure of patriotism. That’s you. And why you would find the son of a POTUS a measure of redemption for that bizarre attitude is even more baffling.
But speaking about “dodgers”, I’m still waiting for your confirmation of my correction of your statement, as noted in @my comment #105 above:
So will you apply your same measure of draft dodging, of which you freely accuse Cheney, also to Clinton? Or shall I continue to consider you a hypocrite, picking and choosing standards you only apply to those you do not like politically? Simple question…
ADDED… INRE the POTUS military breakdown, out of the 45 POTUS, 12 did not serve, 10 served in militias and/or Continental Army, 23 US armed forces. Eight of the twelve with no service records were since Taft in the past century.
I didn’t call you vile, Tom. I said your lies and insults were vile. Even when presented with a simple sentence like that you show your atrocious lack of reading comprehension. And reading comprehension is an important part of having reasoned discussions over the internet, not that you would know or care though.
I gave you the conditions upon which I’d answer your question, Tom. Have you found my statement calling Rich a traitor yet? I thought not. And since you claim that I did call Rich a traitor, when I clearly did not, that makes you a liar.
you are precious here at FA,
TOM is expandable, so
don’t get upset with him, he is not worthy of being angry,
you are to bright to be affected by his insult game ,
he was exposed a long time ago, his only intent is to disrupt the POST WHEN HE SHOW UP,
yes you are a liars and trouble maker everytime you come, here,
now leave my friend alone and get your ass out of here. you punk
Hypothetically, if I clearly establish my belief that “all men are liars” and then asked you, “Oh, John, are you a man or a woman” am I not, in effect, calling you a liar?
So I’ve answered your question, now answer mine. Let me guess, “citing ‘technicalities’ John Gaul reaffirms his right not to respond” While you’re not answering my question, John, here’s another one I don’t expect you to answer, What’s it like to be so afraid to engage someone out of your comfort zone?
That’s the best shot anyone landed on me today. bravo. Ok, I will leave your little baby friend alone, Bees.
Mata see #112 Just when———– here comes bomb throwing HR in 115. You got my E-MAIL.Lets chat off line.
I’m gonna pump iron then have a beer.
@Hard Right, you’re a big boy who can dish it out and take it. No commendations necessary. Your battle with rich has been longstanding here.
@Richard Wheeler, since you added the answer to my later question, adding Clinton to your “draft dodger” list, I’ll retract my hypocrite opinion of you. I’m just sorry it took hours of prying teeth to get to it.
And speaking of hyperbole and exaggerations…
uh… [buzzer sounds]… wrong again.
That would be your third time. You first asked that of “can any one address” in #84, and I responded in #86. You then came back in your comment #96 for the second time, then specifically demanding johngalt respond. Why, who the hell knows. Since your entry in your comment #53, you haven’t deserved getting the time of day from him.
So this would be the… count ’em, you can remove your shoes… third time. Not sixth. Once to the forum at large, and this only being the second time specifically to johngalt.
Hard Right
hi, I know you enough to know you never lie,
Hard Right
I have 2 more you might like, here it is; the CATTLE CALL, and
CATTLE CALL by slim whitman or eddy arnold or tex ritter or roy rogers
Thanks Bees. I’ve heard of the Rovers, but not their music. I’ll check it out.
I’m betting you have this one by Johnny Cash
You know Rich, if these were the Kennedy type democrats, I could understand you supporting them. Supporting this bunch, who hate you and America, is beyond sane explanation.
Hey, I found Tom’s theme song!
H.R. We’re not gonna get another Kennedy.You’re not gonna get another Reagan. You go with what you have. Caroline K. said Barrack was the closest to her dad she’d seen and supported him strongly
I don’t like the direction of the Repub, Party on social issues,and that’s why I’ve supported the Dems primarily since JFK and Bobby.
Honestly, to hear you say Obama or Biden or Hillary Hates Me and America is absurd.Play that card with the indies you’ll get clobbered
Hard Right
yes the song fits very well, that is a better ending than Richard Wheeler’s ending,