Screw You! I am Outta Here G.O.P. [Reader Post]


To whomever this may concern

It’s been a relationship that has been on the skids since 2010. I tried to make it work, but after I saw that I was the only one making any concessions in our waning relationship I realized that you no longer considered our relationship worth saving. Instead of wasting each other’s time let me just pack up my vote and get the hell out of here. Goodbye Republican Party. It was fun while it lasted.

Mike Henkins

Whew! That felt good! I have been wanting to write that letter for a while now. I can’t believe I waited this long! I should have done it right after the election in November 2010. I knew then that it was over then but I was hoping things would change, but it didn’t. The Republican Party has done nothing but insult me and my Tea Party friends. I mean look! These bastards are going after Allen West now! Allen freakin’ West man! You know what really jumps my tracks? These same Sons of Bushs are the first ones to cry about the need for “party unity”. Un-flippin-real!

I will tell you what’s going to happen. If Romney gets the nomination they are going to come to us at first with hat in hand asking for our time and money to “help defeat Obama.” When we roll our eyes and slam the door in their faces, they will tell us they don’t need us anyway, their new best buds, the Independents, will help out. After they realize that the precious Independent voter isn’t going to waste their time helping out, they will be back again. They will finally get the message after you sic the dog after them. That’s when the crying starts. They will drag out the old “if you don’t vote for Romney, your voting for Obama!” crap. Of course they expect you to fold with this inspiring message. This will be repeated over and over until Election Day. Heh! “It’s your duty!” blah blah blah. Whatever.

The day after the election, when Romney and his little pack of clingers are all out looking for jobs they will point trembling snot covered fingers at us, yelling “It’s all your fault!”. It will have nothing to do with their candidate. It never is. It’s always our fault. No matter how many times they lose, it’s always somebody else’s fault. But this time nobody is going to be listening anymore. At least not me. I am glad to be rid of the back stabbing bunch of posers and two faced liars. Buh-bye!

Well, I have to get back to life. If you see the G.O.P. tell them not to call. I am changing my number and they can keep the cat. Hated the thing anyway.

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Many of us have been saying this over the last couple of weeks as the George Wills and others have been raking up everything possible about Gingrich and funding the Romney liberal attack dogs. When we stay home in droves on election day and leave their Romney candidate and their senate and house folks without votes, it is their fault. They should have stayed out and allowed the people to decide. If Romney had defeated Newt one on one, they they would have had our support and we would have had a party. What we need now is to formalize the tea party into a strong national movement and foget the Republican Democratic light. One day, many democrats are going to realize the same thing, that they have been used and taken for granted. Those that care about things like the constitution, family values, life, and more will have a new home waiting as well.


Obama will love your new look.

Yup… you can sign me on to that letter as well, Michael. Even here at FA, we get the “we have to defeat Obama” crap thrown our way. Will I trade eight years of Romney (if he ran and won, we’re stuck with him in 2016 too) for voting my conscience? Heck no. About all Romney could do to lessen the blow is to get Rubio to sign up for Veep. But then we wouldn’t have a chance at Rubio until 2020.

On an optimistic Romney double win, that’s eight more years of death by a thousand cuts, and a guy who negotiates with the opposition party, but always comes up on the losing end for a conservative lean.

No thanks.

In the meantime, it’s interesting to watch those that describe themselves as very conservative or conservative fight back against the traditional crowning of a nominee after three primaries. Despite Romney’s huge pile of cash, when pitted against those without the sleazy ad money, he’s still falls short of any dedicated support. But I do see a lot of resigned voters out there, dutifully following the establishment party and media’s commands.

Not me…

Depending upon what happens in the next couple of months, I’ve pretty much written off an effective POTUS, and can only hope for a GOP majority for both chambers to reign in Obama as much as possible. But then, he’ll be ruling by regulation for the next four years anyway… just as he’s done when he lost the House.

Of course, a majority GOP in Congress still requires a ton of Allen Wests and Marco Rubios. More McConnells, Boehners etal doesn’t do much either.

Just count me glad to be old, and can only find solace in the fact that my granddaughter and son will adapt with the nation’s flow towards Euro socialism and exceptional mediocrity.

As I agree with this entire thing it’s tough for me to not vote or vote 3rd party in 2012. We did it in 2008 for the most part. And what has happened to the nation is really not that bad. EXCEPT for the SCOTUS appointments. We gave 2 seats away at the most powerful table in the land. AND there’s going to be at least one more coming up in 2012 that will swing the balance of power of the court for a generation or 2.

My rights are more important than my anger at the GOP right now. I suggest this course of action: Help elect the R vs Obama. Do what ever it takes to elect Obama’s opponent and help gain the senate/house seats needed to swing this nation back in the right direction.

At that point, we watch we hold their feet to the fire. See the direction and if we don’t get the action we expect. JOIN with the opposition in opposing the R’s…. At least in polls, in arguments online and actually stand up for what’s right vs GOP/DEM and in 2016 push a within party opponent. We can force the R incumbent to face a primary challenger like West like Rubio like ??? But we can’t give away the SCOTUS. IMO of course.

This is a re-post of a blog entry I made last week on


The need for a third party is because the DNC is a thoroughly Socialist/Marxist/Communist organization, and is FUBAR. The GOP is so heavily infiltrated by liberals (see the S/M/C reference above) that it would take an effort of YEARS to take it back. Then you would STILL have to fight diligently to prevent other wolves in sheep’s clothing (RINO’s) from getting in again! What is needed is something new. With a whole new paradigm for a charter.

First I think a good name would be (there is THICK irony at work here!) the Conservative Constitutional Constructionist Party (Yeah… CCCP, I went there! For those who’re historically challenged, What we referred to as the USSR was referred to by themselves as the CCCP). Eh, what’s in a name, as long as it conveys who we are and what we believe in, Grand Old Party… That really means NOTHING, they can and have supported a LOT of heinous things! In lieu of arguing about a name in this place and at this time, I’ll just go with CCCP for now.

The GOP establishment has increasingly been leaning liberal, IMO. There is a reason that I consider myself an Independent, which NO one should EVER confuse with being a Moderate. I am a conservative and vote based on my views. I have held my nose in Presidential elections in the past, voting only for the least damaging character, or, the lesser of two evils. I have also voted FOR a candidate as well. This election is shaping up to be one where I hold my nose, unless a third party candidate emerges as the preferential choice.

Having said that, none of the Presidential election stuff will dampen my enthusiasm for going to vote in November. I will still have one senator, one representative, and numerous other state and local pols to vote FOR. And I will. Believe me. If I end up voting against Obama, or actually FOR another presidential nominee, then it will only be a by-product of my attendance at the voting booth in November.

The GOP and the Democratic Party seem to be bent on taking the country increasingly more liberal, taking away rights and liberty, replacing feelings with reason, and enslaving more and more of the populace to the government dole. I won’t support the GOP nominee blindly, like the establishment would have me, or the liberal/progressives would believe.

@Robert, the same story and plea, but a different meme. Using the SCOTUS to advance another RINO. Wow.. that’s unique. Not. LOL

First of all, any nominee needs to be approved by the Senate. So I’d prefer Senate control to thwart any living Constitution type appointment that a POTUS Obama proposes.

Secondly, perhaps you place more faith than I do in a Romney pick for a SCOTUS nominee. His gubernatorial history with a Dem MA legislature proves that he negotiates, and always comes out giving away the farm for conservative values. He’s quick to acquiesce, and prefers an easy route rather than adhering to conservative principles. It’s highly unlikely he’d advance a controversial strict constructionist appointee, because he’ll be seeking middle ground. He is, in fact, a moderate in ideology and as soon as he buys the nomination, he’ll be racing right back to the center… just as Obama will.

What a joke that will be .. debates for the Oval Office between a leftist and a moderate, both who don’t answer questions and instead try to outdo each other on lofty and meaningless principles about America’s political center.

But we can be sure they won’t be spending too much time on health care…

So while I respect your right to hold your opinion, unfortunately your “because of the SCOTUS” argument doesn’t really hold much water for me.


Let me lay it out for you: Obama picks a black woman far left judge from Berkeley and the R’s hold the senate majority. How long do you think the media will take to label every opposition to her appointment as RACIST and how soon will the R’s fold?…. The R’s will pander and fold just like they have for the last 3 years.

Now look at Romney and realize he couldn’t very well nominate a GOOD Conservative judge in Mas. He was working with a liberal congress at the state level. I would be willing to bet if Romney was elected POTUS and R’s were in charge of the Senate, the R’s would block ANY unacceptable appointee from Romney. Like they did with GWB’s Harriet Myers pick.

The SCOTUS appointment IS the only reason to vote R. Obama got a “Wise Latina” a “Lesbian-cracker” his next step is a black woman to add diversity and I’d bet my life that it will be someone who is more left than ANY of them. So hang on to your “Anyone but my guy/gal and I don’t vote or vote 3rd party” and we’ll see how that works out for our kids.

At what point did we think that, after 1 or 2 elections, that we would own the Republican party? There is a deeply entrenched ruling class that does not have to pass a budget and most of the laws which affect us directly are not even voted on, but a matter of regulations made by an army of bureaucrats.

I understand that there is that desire to cast a vote for a 3rd party president, but remember, all a 3rd party president will get us is 4 more years of Obama. I agree with the general sentiment here, that Romney is not my first or second choice…and there are some days when he isn’t even my third choice.

However, the key is on the down ballot, and we push them to do our bidding. Sometimes we will succeed and many times we will fail.

We have about 2 dozen people in Congress who at least sound as if they have a clue. We have to build on that, no matter how much we dislike Romney and the Republican elites. At the very least, we know who they are; they have been self-identifying all this past week. It’s good information to know.

Long term demographic trends aren’t good for conservatives. Gen X was good for conservatives. Millenials — not so much. Conservative Tea Party types are doing their very best to do for the national Hispanic vote what Pete Wilson did for California’s Hispanic vote.

IF the GOP got the White House and both houses of congress in 2012, it could do some real long term damage to the liberal agenda. Allowing an Obama victory would then require a wait until 2016, and there is no assurance that Obama’s Presidency will not then be viewed as a success. Obama’s favorable/unfavorable ratings today on RASMUSSEN (which is the most conservative-weighted of the mainstream national polls) are 51/47.

Independents decide elections. True conservatives (or true liberals) don’t decide elections.

All the above said, I wouldn’t be surprised to see Gingrich rise, yet again, from the dead.

– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach CA

Robert: I would be willing to bet if Romney was elected POTUS and R’s were in charge of the Senate, the R’s would block ANY unacceptable appointee from Romney.

uh… isn’t that what I said? That having control of the Senate with genuine conservatives is the key?

So this bolsters your reason to vote Romney in for a SCOTUS appointment reason only … why?

I too, cannot vote for Romney. I cannot vote for Obama so I will just stay at home. I am not a big contributor by any stretch of the imagination ($50 to $100 here and there) but I will give nothing to the GOP this year if Romney is the candidate. I will contribute to Tea Party candidates for the house and senate.


Okay here goes: Romney is NOT my conservative choice by a long shot. IS he better than Obama? Does he have a business mind? Does he realize the damage done by the current admin and is he willing to fix it? IS it worth it to shun him and give Obama 4 more years for to send a message to the GOP? We can send a message to the GOP with senate and house folks. Obama must be defeated if it’s by a lite version so be it for now. We took the house with new blood and that’s not worked out real well either. This is a chess game not roulette. We need to understand that it takes time to right the ship and every player has their strengths. IF we discount Romney/Newt/Santorum because they are NOT our guy, we risk losing what ever chance we have of removing the most destructive potus ever.

My opinion of course and I’ll hold my nose and vote for whoever is left standing with an R at the end of their name in 2012. My gun rights, My right to free speech, My rights as an individual will hang on one SCOTUS vote and I;m not going to make an assumption that the R’s pick will be as bad as Sotomeyor or Keagan. Sorry, it’s not going to happen.

I sadly agree with the article. I have steadily lost faith in the GOP since the days of Goldwater. The GOP establishment threw Goldwater under the bus when he ran against LBJ, and look at what we got with LBJ. The country has never recovered. Dick Morris echoed the view that independents decide elections as well today. The latest polls don’t have me too worried. They will most likely inch downward by the end of the week and those numbers won’t get my hopes up either. We are still too far out from election day.


IS he better than Obama? Does he have a business mind? Does he realize the damage done by the current admin and is he willing to fix it?

Again I go back to the same argument of death by a thousand cuts, and Romney’s penchant for negotiations in favor of the Dem moderates instead of the conservative agenda. So do I think he’s better than Obama? Not much. Doing the same, a tad slower, isn’t an improvement for me.

IS it worth it to shun him and give Obama 4 more years for to send a message to the GOP?

In my opinion, and not speaking for anyone else (since I’m the only one I’m qualified to speak for… :0), yes. The electorate is trying to send a message to the GOP even now, with 66-75% of any one but Romney constituency… and yet they still thrust a RINO on the party.

Accept another McCain, and we’ll get nothing but the same tired line that only a RINO can win, and get nothing but RINOs.

As I said, I’ll skip eight years of a forced Romney candidacy (once this year, and if successful again in 2016) and head straight for a hope for 2016 genuine conservative candidate, i.e. like Rubio, in 2016… and strive for Senate control this round. I’ve already cast my special election vote for just that… and in Oregon, our selections ain’t much..

Obama must be defeated if it’s by a lite version so be it for now. We took the house with new blood and that’s not worked out real well either. This is a chess game not roulette.

While I’m not in total agreement with @Gary Kukis above, the part I do agree with is that retaking control of the Legislative Branch is not a one step move – unless, of course, your name is Newt Gingrich and you’ve put together a Contract with America with peers, and followed it up with action. Unfortunately, the newbies in the Congress are not vast enough in numbers, nor powerful enough to usurp the established RINO leadership. Putting a RINO in the WH isn’t going to change that fact. And I’ll place more import on encouraging genuine conservatives like Rubio and West to run for Congress.

Enough real fiscally conservative elected members in Congress… ideally a veto proof… and I won’t care who’s POTUS as much.

As to your last paragraph, Robert I respect your rights to do as you wish. What I will not accept is the lack of reciprocal respect for the rest of us exercising our rights, votes and opinions as well. If you and the party want to run a RINO, you (not necessarily you, personally, but “you” collectively) have no right to demean any of us who choose not to support that RINO. Been there, done that… far too many times.

No meaningful change can be had by putting a RINO in charge of more RINOs against a lib/prog agenda. Especially one who has demonstrated he’s happy to give away the farm to the liberals in negotiations.

@Gary Kukis: Please read my post, it was excerpted rather poorly, but it details that now is not the time for a third party, but starting in Dec 2012/Jan 2013 it WILL be!

I am seeing a number of solid Conservatives swearing they WILL NOT vote for Romney. They are are so livid with him all common sense has gone out the window.

BTW Curt, I miss all the new fangled posting widgets you tried out.

The one thing that i would not promote amongst voters, any voters, is to ever stay home.

No matter who the GOP ends up with as the nominee, and in the context of the original posting means Romney, there are too many other worthwhile candidates out there, both for the federal government, and your state/local government, that need your support. Whether one ends up holding their nose and voting for a nominee like Romney, or voting for third party, or not voting in the Presidential election portion of the ballot at all is up to them. I would encourage people, however, to go vote in November anyway, no matter which part of the ballots they end up filling out, or not filling out.

@Mark: As man who has repeatedly taken the oath of service starting with my pledge of allegiance in grammar school and graduating to oath at joining the military and with every rank attained, I have always known that nowhere does it include fealty to a king.

“I, (NAME), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.”

As in all writings the first stated is by far the most salient: “I will support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; …” Yes the oath requires me to obey the orders of the President as he follows his oath. The one thing the UCMJ emphasizes is my obligation to follow “Lawful” orders. The “Lawful” orders of the President follow directly from his oath of office per Art. 2:
“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

Nowhere in Art. 2 is the presence of the words uttered repeatedly by this community organizer residing in the WH. As such, my first allegiance will always be to the Constitution and not to the usurper determined to act in any possible way without either the permission of the Senate or House of Representatives. Apparently he has no regard for the judiciary at all.

These are truly times that “try Men’s (and Women’s) souls.

Semper Fidelis

LOL… HR, I’ve not lost my common sense. I’ve lost my patience for being ignored, bullied, and taken advantage of.

I’ll be darned if I can’t remember what moderate pundit wrote this paraphrased assessment, but it’s revealing about the roll of the Republican (or any) Party.

Unnamed media source, paraphrased: The job of the Republican Party is to win elections, not push the conservative agenda

This is undeniably true… that the party picks a candidate to gain control. The agenda, after that, is which ever way the winds blow.

I don’t have many ways to express my discontent with this train wreck central government that listens to no one… least of all the constituents. My vote is my only official say. Outside of that, I can rant and post tirades on FA, moan and groan to friends, relatives and acquaintances, and try to keep voters abreast of half truths and political agendas that masquerade as news and facts.

As I’ve said, and I’ll say it the third time. I don’t like Romney for this election. I damned sure don’t want him to tie up 2016 as well. I’m not giving a RINO an eight year nod of approval – especially one who I’ve already seen how he will govern and negotiate badly – and give up a chance at a 2016 genuine conservative.

Obama can be checked in Congress. Hard to do in the regulatory agencies, but a genuine conservative and Constitutional Congress should be hauling all these appointments of unelected panels and czars before a court of law. But I’m not resting my hopes on a RINO in the WH as a solution.

BTW, dug that quote up… from John Hinderacker at Powerline when he endorsed Mittens at the end of December. Why? One of his four reasons is that ol’ crystal ball that says “only he can get elected”.

Fourth, Romney can and will, I think, beat Barack Obama. The purpose of a political party is to win elections. It would be terminally stupid for the Republican Party to nominate a candidate whose weaknesses more or less guarantee defeat when it has, readily at hand, a candidate who can win. Ideological movements are another animal entirely.

The purpose of the conservative movement is to advance conservative ideals, not necessarily to win elections for a particular party. Some conservative ideologues may choose to argue for a purer candidate (although I am not sure who that would be) in service of the long-run interests of the movement. But that is not the role of the Republican Party. The goal of the Republican Party is to win in 2012.

Using that methodology, the GOP might be even more clever in accomplishing that goal by running Hillary, don’t you think?

I supposed it would be futile to point out to Hinderaker that that Party, who’s sole purpose is to “win elections”, cannot do so without the support of that “conservative movement” he wishes to detach from the process.

So I actually wonder if those who are the one’s throwing common sense out the window are those that think they can ignore the conservative movement, and still win elections.

I sure as hell understand the frustration but to throw away or note vote is pretty damn shortsighted. We did it in 08 in the hopes we’d have better in 12. We’ll do in 12 and hope we have better in 16. Funny, the way us “Conservatives” go about picking apart our guy for all the little things, we allow a guy to get elected who smoked crack, never had a girlfriend/boyfriend in college, has a few issues with social Sec #’s consorted with known terrorists, has been a SCFOAMF since he took office and because one of ours isn’t “Conservative” enough we’re going to allow the SCFOAMF to have another 4 years… Good plan.

I’ll put the RINO up in the WH for a year and if he’s just as bad we open up a third party… We need to do it anyway. I don’t care if the 2012 POTUS becomes REAGAN part 2. We need a third party to keep this type of discussion from occurring. You could then firmly be 3rd party, R or D… I like that idea myself.

Those folks who say I’ll stay away or vote 3rd party now are basically just willing to keep things like they are. I won’t help. I’ll move my conservative hat to the dresser vote R and then do what NOBODY seems to be willing to do on Obama’s party… KEEP HIS FEET TO THE FIRE. All these promises, all these “Values” he’s supposedly for…. He’ll answer for them if we keep the pressure on. I won’t be defending bad decisions because he’s an R. We should be consistent in our ire over actions of the POTUS. Dems don’t understand that part. Time to do it.

Robert, no where did I say I wouldn’t vote. I always vote, and in fact already have in the Oregon Special Election, replacing David Wu. I’ve been trying to get rid of him since I moved here…

If the election were held today, I would not vote for Romney or Obama, but I’d vote for my local representatives. Nor would I commit to a third party. I may do a write in, or leave that part of the ballot blank. But I would most certainly vote. Of course, in Oregon, I’m just a speck of red in a sea of blue, so I doubt the state would even notice my absence if I did sit it out (I won’t…). This state will go Obama, no matter who is on the ticket. Unless, of course, the new “conservative” is for a popular vote count for POTUS instead of State elections. If that’s the case, you don’t have me as a supporter anyway.

As I said, I respect your opinion that compromise is fine with you, Robert. You haven’t told me anything that hasn’t been said for decades of elections before. But there will have to be some serious events happening between now and then for me to assume that compromise is fine for me.

I do expect equal respect for our voting choices. If you feel the need to “blame” me for Obama, I will feel the reciprocal need to “blame” you for why we keep getting more of the same putzes as candidates, and why we continue to spiral out of control with spending and nanny legislation. Doesn’t do either of us much good to go down that road.

Thank heavens that in the Reagan years, we had people who didn’t listen to polls, pols and fear tactics. And if your worst fears came true, after Obama’s second term, we could again come together for a West/Rubio type candidate, and not go thru the same RINO battles about Romney for another four years in 2016. But pick another RINO who’s history and beliefs do not echo my own, and you’ll again be running him, sans my support.

You know, I hear this voter turnout stuff quite often as a defense. And frankly, it just doesn’t hold water. The voter turnout for 2008 was the highest since the 1960s, as noted by GMU’s stats. There are no statistics that state Republicans stayed home and the Dems swarmed by comparison. If you have any, I’d like to seem them. But never have I found any statistic that validated that excuse.

“Yup… you can sign me on to that letter as well, Michael. Even here at FA, we get the “we have to defeat Obama” crap thrown our way. Will I trade eight years of Romney (if he ran and won, we’re stuck with him in 2016 too) for voting my conscience? Heck no. About all Romney could do to lessen the blow is to get Rubio to sign up for Veep. But then we wouldn’t have a chance at Rubio until 2020.”

Glad to see you come to my side of the river, Mata.

Ivan, I’ve always been anti-Romney/RINO. You have nothing to do with it. I’ve been adding to my Romney bookmarks file since 2007… which was titled then, and still is today… ROMNEY NEVER!

@another vet: Who said that independants are not conseratives. Just because someone registers one way doesn’t mean they think or vote that way.

Dear Michael

Michelle and I appreciate all you’re doing for us. While you’re at it would you mind sending $3 to enter the “Dinner with Barack” raffle?



The liberal rag, Time, has linked to your post Michael

I left the RNC in ’98, when the then senate let slick Willie off the hook.
In order to understand what is going on, one needs to research the history of the Republican Party starting in the early ’60’s. The way to do this is to start with a person named Madaline Brown, there is a one and half hour interview with her on line. It takes about two weeks of research to know what has happened to our Country.
From the sixties to the end of the eighties we lost our Country.
Good luck and be be strong, as, what you find you will not like.

Gingrich Called for ObamaCare Mandate in May 2009, Said ObamaCare “Healthier…More Open” Process than HillaryCare

Well, here you have it: not only has Gingrich been a long-standing proponent of a federal health insurance mandate, he clearly and unequivocally called for it as part of the White House health reform initiative in May 2009. Mission accomplished then.

@MataHarley: Haven’t you also been anti-Ivan, too?

Hi Curt/Mata:

I realize that this is basically a private conversation between conservatives, but I’m curious: F/A has a strong national defense emphasis. Romney makes a big point about Obama “gutting the military.” Romney says that he’s going to beef up the military. I’m wondering if the military spending issue might be equally important as the SCOTUS issue. Do either of you have thoughts regarding this? Are you worried that Obama is really going to “gut” the military and do you think that Romney would make a better Commander in Chief and would this issue improve your enthusiasm quotient, regarding Romney?

– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach CA

You know, guys, if Gingrich crumbles this easily Obama would have roasted him.

Wow! It is not often I turn to someone on the right and say, ‘Hats off, Sir! Great analysis’. Give Henkins the mic! … so to speak.

To me, Henkins represents actual ‘thinking’, in what has been a largely ‘affect’ driven movement, an ‘affect-driven’ movement that has allowed the GOP Establishment to do the ‘thinking’ for them. From the perspective of the Left, the Tea Party has looked like wound up toys, that the GOP operatives wind up more, to hysteria, then point them in a prescribed direction.

The Tea Party have been props the GOP drag out for the MSM, to demonstrate anger and frustration. The GOP wink at the MSM and the MSM say, ‘Yes they are legitimately angry, but they’re the children, only the seasoned politicians know how the system works’. And that’s how the co-opting is done!

If the existing system(s) is to change, that change will not come within the existing ‘established’ system. Change will only happen from the outside. If Henkins thinking represents Tea Party ‘thinking’, then the Tea Party might actually be growing into that roll.



I wasn’t talking about you Mata, but I understand exactly where you are coming from.
Something that has me worried is SCOTUS. All it would take is one more flaming leftist and many of the gains made would be reversed. 2nd Amend? Kiss that goodbye.
The thing is, Newt is the only one I trust to pick a solid Conservative. Obama and Romney will likely pick someone we won’t be happy with for decades to come.

Big $$$ will not allow a legitimate anti-Establishment candidate to arise within the Establishment.

They will pander to the anti-Establishment, and that’s why the GOP end up with hollow suites like Romney, pretending ‘feel’ the Tea Party, but who clearly do not.

Gingrich ‘feels’ the anti-Establishment mood in his gut, but for different reasons than the base. He ‘feels’ it for personal reasons. Seeing Gingrich and Romney arguing about their investment portfolio, as opposed to issue the base ‘feels’, proves that point to anyone watching the last debate.


Mata, Michael, Aqua and gang

So all of Romney’s ads and Romney’s words could not peel you off? Then what happened?

Not arguing about how you feel per se, but how do you imagine Newt’s support fell apart? Why was/is it so fragile?

Serious question.

If you ask me…this is going to be a replay of 2008…where conservatives stay home in droves so as not to support a “RINO” and Obama walks with the win. How anyone could let that happen again after living through the last few years….I don’t know.

@Dc: not in Colorado! Our caucus is 7 Feb. There is a lot of activity. I get 3 0r 4 calls a day. NOPE bumper stickers all over the place! People here will vote against rather than endure another 4 years!

@Randy: I agree, Randy and I think as much as anything they’re voting for the electable guy. ABO.

I have donated to the Republican party many times over the years, but quit when John McCain became the nominee. I now send their self addressed stamped requests back with nasty notes and no money. We need more people like Allen West in office, I have sent him money and will send him more. Wish I could vote for him.

Let’s face it, the Republican Party uses conservatives just like the Democrat Party uses blacks.

It’s already starting. Just look above: people equating Romney with Obama (as in no difference between them). Same thing happened to McCain. People sat on their hands. Even now..Obama can still count on the base of the DNC voting for him….because they’ll rather shoot themselves in the head than vote for a RNC candidate. Evidently, the RNC base does not feel the same..preferring not to participate and stick their head in the sand. There IS a lot at stake this election. I would take McCain over what we’ve had the last 4 years anyday!!
In terms of voting for someone strong on the military, if Romney gets bin Laden, then even I would vote for him … 😉


Newt has never been my first choice. I don’t like Santorum, never have. He is a big government republican. I don’t like Romney, I think he will do and say whatever he has to, to win the nomination. I love Ron Paul, but I can’t fully back his foreign policy. If he had Rand’s ability to spell out foreign policy, there would be no one standing at the next debate, Dr. Paul would have this wrapped up. Newt is a walking talking time bomb. But right now he is the only candidate that has actually reduced the size of government and balanced the budget. I also think he would shake things up in DC. He may very well be the only candidate with the cajones to make Ron Paul SecTreas and I’m with Mata on this; I would pay money to see that appointment. Hell, I would pay money to see the look on BernYankMe’s face the day Newt announced the appointment.
I don’t know what I will do if Romney wins the nomination. I don’t get to vote in the primaries until Super Tuesday, so there is no telling what will happen between now and then. Newt may not be around. I know that I am tired of the GOP taking us for granted. If Romney gets the nomination, they will just sit around and say, “see, we can keep these folks in line.”
I’m tired of the the GOP. I’m done with them and I’m going to see what will happen if I register as a Conservative.

@John Cooper:

Yes, (R)z use conservatives like (D)z use blacks … except the (D) allow a black presidential candidate, where the GOP will not allow a conservative presidential candidate, eh!?


Rasmussen had this 6 days ago:

Seventy-nine percent (79%) of all Republican primary voters say they will vote for the GOP candidate even if their favorite doesn’t win the nomination.

Eight percent (8%) will opt for Obama instead, while six percent (6%) would vote for a third-party candidate.

Paul’s campaign announced he has ruled out a third-party run, but his supporters remain by far the most willing to vote third party.

It, therefore, seems to me that those who are playing this, ” my way or the highway,” song and dance might be of the Ron Paul Republican variety, the Independents and others who have voted in Republican primaries while being so liberal that actually pulling the lever for Obama isn’t averse to them.

Voltaire is credited with this quote that one of our GREAT American military leaders borrowed:
Don’t let the PERFECT be the enemy of the GOOD.

@drjohn: Gingrich Called for ObamaCare Mandate in May 2009, Said ObamaCare “Healthier…More Open” Process than HillaryCare

Ya know, drj… considering you’re pressuring the “no RINOs for us” group to vote for Romney, I don’t think you can be chastising anyone that supports Newt for a past (not current) support for the mandate (like Heritage did, also until the lawsuits amicus brief in 2009, BTW) when you’re asking us go take a chance on a guy who sees no problem with a mandate at all.

@drjohn: So all of Romney’s ads and Romney’s words could not peel you off? Then what happened?

Not arguing about how you feel per se, but how do you imagine Newt’s support fell apart?

Romney hasn’t been able to “peel me off” since he was perpetually running for POTUS in the last election, drj. Why would he now? His record, as far as I’m concerned, has only gotten worse.

No clue what you’re referring to with your observation that “Newt’s support fell apart”. Are we paying attention to polls again, and deciding the three primaries are enough for you to declare a nominee? Thanks for considering the rest of us chopped liver…

I think it might be nice to let the primary process and vetting period play out. I’m in no hurry. You might want to consider waiting until you declare Newt dead … again… yourself and let the voters weigh in.

Nor do I see what you see about Newt “falling apart”…. still makes me laugh to see that. But then, I don’t live and breathe polls daily, assuming they are reality. Dang, drj.. .you’re starting to sound like Greg, who picks a good day for the stock market and pronounces the seas have parted, the earth is healed, and all is well in America’s economy.

Then more time goes buy, and the yo-yo/vacillating effect again happens.

You get motion sickness watching this stuff, drj, and therefore want it to stop? I don’t. Neither do a majority of us.

I look at it this way. Most of the people I like… Palin, Cain, Fred Thompson, etal… support Newt. Most the people I don’t (not a slight at you personally, just at the political powers that be), support Romney, desperate for what they think is a “win”.

I guess it’s all what the meaning of “winning” is to an individual, eh?

@Robert: I’ll put the RINO up in the WH for a year and if he’s just as bad we open up a third party… We need to do it anyway. I don’t care if the 2012 POTUS becomes REAGAN part 2. We need a third party to keep this type of discussion from occurring. You could then firmly be 3rd party, R or D… I like that idea myself.

Robert, I think you miss the entire purpose and theory of “Independent”. I don’t need no stinkin’ party (hat doff to Blazing Saddles, paraphrased…). As I pointed out, most believe that the entire purpose of a political party is to “win”.. which doesn’t necessarily mean running a candidate that mirrors the ideology of the party “membership”.

Why would I believe that a 3rd party would be any less corrupt, any less over bearing than the GOP party is today?

Answer… I don’t.

I don’t want a new party. I want the conservatives to take the leadership of the GOP, and sideline the moderates to the rear. I want the GOP to vet and pick candidates/nominees that actually mirror the philosophical party platform of a fiscally responsible, small and non intrusive government.

I’m not throwing the baby out with the bath water. I’m keeping the baby, the tub, and filling it up with fresh water.

@Randy: Not all independents are conservative as evidenced by the fact that Obama won the majority of their vote in ’08. My own view on independents is that they are fiscally conservative, respect the Constitution, and support a strong military but they are probably more moderate on social issues and less hawkish with regards to wars. That would put them in the center or slightly to the right of center. Obama was obviously able to fool enough of them last election into thinking that he was more moderate. He now has a record that shows otherwise so he won’t have as easy of a time winning them over this year.

I will support whoever runs against Obama. There is way too much at stake- the hollowing out of the military, the disregard for our laws and Constitution, the outrageous deficits, and openings on SCOTUS. Romney is not my first choice but it will take more than controlling both houses to undo the damage that has been done. One aspect of this that is troubling is where are all of these supposed conservative candidates and why aren’t they running? Do they even exist? It’s probably a little early for individuals like Rubio and West but where are the rest of them who are supposedly ready? If they aren’t running now, who is to say they’ll run in 2016 should Obama win. Obama is very vulnerable and he needs to be sent packing. If none of the potential conservative candidates want to step up to the challenge, then they will be just as much at fault should he get re-elected as the Republican nominee is.

@another vet: My point is that no one knows what the political leanings of the independent voters are. The register independent to avoid the hassles of primaries and activities associated with the political parties.

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