IT APPEARED to provide incontrovertible proof that global warming was accelerating faster than even the most doom-laden scientists had predicted.
There was considerable alarm when the word’s most authoritative atlas printed a map which showed that Greenland was rapidly turning green.
However, experts from around the globe pointed out that the cataclysmic chart had no scientific support and was contradicted by all of the most recent satellite images.
Now the Scottish map-makers responsible for the disappearance of 115,830 square miles of polar ice have admitted publicly they were wrong.
As an act of contrition, The Times Comprehensive Atlas of the World cartographers have produced a new map which restores Greenland’s ice cover.
We’re sorry- that we got caught.
Jethro Lennox, senior publishing editor of the £150 tome, insisted lessons would be learned from the episode, which generated headlines around the globe.
The Glasgow-based map-maker said: “We’re very disappointed at the way it happened.
Nothing to see here, move on:
“But we are now looking to draw a line under the Greenland controversy and move on.”
It was a “blunder”
The latest atlas, which was published in September, showed a reduction in ice cover compared with the previous edition from four years ago.
Accompanying publicity material declared the change represented “concrete evidence” of the effects of global warming, stating: “For the first time the new edition has had to erase 15 per cent of Greenland’s permanent ice cover – turning an area the size of the UK and Ireland ‘green’ and ice-free.”
Publishers HarperCollins originally stood by the accuracy of the map but have since admitted to the mistake after the blunder was exposed by scientists.
No word on exactly how this “blunder” happened.

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
Love the maps on the “fake but true” link.
Just change it, Beevis, change it!
Had they not been called on it, they would have trumpeted the lost ice like it was a million drowned poley bears…
Omg. Listen. If you are one of the few in the world who doesn’t believe in climate change, do this: write a letter to your great, great grandchildren about how you believe it’s some ‘leftist’ plot to force regulation on us and make ‘ALGORE’ rich in the green industry-or what ever lame crap wingnuts use to deny what’s happening right under their noses.
Put it in a safe or the family bible. I’m betting you will be thought of as the family fool by your descendants.
Oh! But what descendants oh liberal one?
Don’t forget your angst!
@liberalmann: There is a difference in believing on global warming and anthropogenic global warming. I noticed you never answered my question on the percentage of CO2 in the atmosphere. I guess it doesn’t take knowledge to reason, only faith in the lefties!
Isn’t it wonderful that these AGW folks keep shooting themselvesin the foot. They lie so much, they can no longer tell a lie from the truth. Michael Mann really believes that the weather caused people to not attend his latest talk. Maybe they see the hockey stick for what it is! Fraud.
But But But Manbearpig is real. I am serial. We need to find him or we are doomed.
DOOOOOMEd I tell you
Dang… what are we waiting for? Quick! Break out the blenders for the margaritas before they make it disappear again! LOL
I noticed you didn’t actually comment on the topic itself. No words of wisdom for those of us reading this article on how we are being duped by those lousy scientists who uncovered this lie? No report on how those same scientists are somehow, secretly being paid by the global oil industry? What? Silence? Huh. I would have thought someone as smart as you would be able to actually prove the ice is, in fact, gone, and that all those scientists, and the map-maker themselves after the change, are completely wrong.
What happened was that mapmakers working for the publisher of an atlas made an interpretive error. The error was not made by climate scientists; it was climate scientists who pointed out that the error had been made.
An article that further details the circumstances can be found here:
Scientists estimate that Greenland has lost approximately .1% of its total ice volume over the 12 years in question. That estimate isn’t based on a comparison of maps that someone found in a couple of atlases.
@Liberalmann – I sincerely hope that you and your ilk are not able to procreate – therefore you will be spared the embarassment of leaving a legacy letter accepting blame for the untold millions of dollars wasted on the global warming scam perpatrated on humankind by unethical ‘scientists.’ I can only surmise that they have done so simply to steal grant money from other deserving projects. Al Gore AKA manbearpig as he is fondly called by us right thinking indiviuals has grown rich on such idiocy.
The real joke is that you ‘true belivers’ in global warming scamology actually think that there are only a few of us “non-believers” — in reality we are the 99 percent that can recognise bullshit when we see it. In the future you can ask forgiveness from those you have bilked and perhaps some will grant it —- if you accept responsibilty and act contrite. However, in my opinion these fake scientists should be held financially liable for this gross distrotion of the climate issues.
Do some useful reading, follow accurate science journals and give up on the anthropogenic global warming scam, it just won’t play anymore!
@liberalchild: Our resident troll awakens like the sleeping Kraken to foist his miniscule intellect on us like a Democrat handing out entitlements to buy votes. And what brought the ire of liberalchild down upon us here at FA? Was it a helpless infant who had lost his father?
No, it was an attack on his religion, man made global warming.
liberalchild said:
Speaking from experience, are ya?
Things that have been done to show an increase in world temperatures:
(1) Sensors put near heat sources.
(2) Emails released revealing fraud. In the emails the scientists were talking about their faking the data.
(3) Siberian sensors were shut off. I can’t find a web sight about this, but I remember reading it. It might have been in the emails that were released.
@Smorgasbord: Smorg, my favorite all-time Oops moment of the pro-AGW camp was when Gore bought that mansion on the coast of California. He spent $7 million on a home that, according to him, will be underwater soon.
@anticsrocks: #14
I never thought about that. That is hilarious! I wonder if he has flood insurance.
@Smorgasbord: I stand corrected, it was closer to $9 mil
Algore buys ocean-front mansion
Indisputable: Gore buys Montecito villa
How green is Al Gore’s $9 million Montecito oceanfront villa?
@liberalmann: Nobody thinks climate change isn’t happening–it’s about the rate and severity. The issue is the manipulation done by Libs to get their agenda passed through. So wise up and do some research. This is what the MSM programmed you to get mad about, and you’re responses are predictable, and easily overturned with simple, rational thought.
@anticsrocks: #16
He and the rest of the democrats know that they can do whatever they want and the propaganda media will leave them alone.
Y’all might enjoy this article w/pics that documents how the polar ice cap has fluctuated since the 50’s…
…seems that some years are better than others for the poor polar bears.
The new report put out by the East Anglia crew is REALLY going to confuse the followers of the warmist religion! But maybe getting the word from their own demigods will finally convince them to zip it.–Cycle-25-need-worry-NASA-scientists-right-Thames-freezing-again.html
@Greg: An “interpretive error.”
Uh huh. The unicorns did it.
Who seized upon it as proof of AGW.
On point #3, the shutting off of the sensors from Siberia, they might not have been shut off.
It might be that, because their inputs hurt the philosophy of manmade global warming, their results were erased and nearby data collectors were averaged to create false data more agreeable to the warmist belief.
Here are a couple of the relevant emails with commentary:
Here is a link showing the decline in the number of reporting stations, primarily in Siberia and Northern Canada, perhaps linked to winding down of the cold war .
Historical Station Distribution
@Nan G: #22
I never read the emails. I went by comments from others like you who did. You could be right in them just not using the coldest place on the planet for input.
Good research Greg. Many people, instead of doing the research necessary to weed out fact from fiction, simply believe what they read because it agrees with their view point. That’s why it’s important to have liberal input to balance out the conservative bias—and vice versa.
For example the study commissioned by the Heartland Institute—a right-wing think tank—that suggested the ill-positioning of temperature sensors, provided scientists with information, and appropriate modifications were made regarding the data received by the sensors, some placed as many as thirty years ago.
Now many who read this critique may tend to disparage the information from the website listed above, because of the source reporting it—Think Progress. But they only reported it, they didn’t create it.
@Liberal1 (objectivity):
And many people, instead of getting an education in science will simply post whatever drivel someone with a degree posts, with no clue about the basics.
The primary “Basic” being: There is simply no way; NO way, that a few dozen or even a few hundred years of actual data (not a cobbled together patchwork of “proxies” used and discarded as needed to prove the theory), could render a statistically significant trend in a 4.5B year old, highly dynamic system. Reducing the situation to it’s essentials is enough to convince anyone with a background in science (except those who fill their rice bowl entirely from the AGW scam), that something doesn’t smell right with the warmmongers.
@JustAl: #23
I never saw that site before. You can see how fewer and fewer sensors were used. Almost like it was planned.
OOps, even the Global Warming supporters are seeing that it is a hoax.
Those real world facts kind of put a bite into the computer models that have been absolutely incorrect. Real world observations have debunked almost all of the AGW models. OOPS Sorry we screwed so many people out of billions of dollars
I firmly believe that one could go up to a liberal/progressive, with boxing gloves(truth) on, and tell that liberal/progressive that you are going to hit them, and that they will deny it.
Then, you tap them on the nose with a glove(truth), tell them you are going to hit them, and they will still deny it.
Then, take a big back swing and whip a punch(truth) just past their nose, tell them you are going to hit them, and they will still deny it.
And then, as you take your back swing to actually punch(hit them with the truth) them, tell them you are going to hit them, and they will still deny it.
And finally, right before you make contact between your glove(truth) and their nose, tell them you are going to hit them, and they will still deny it.
I wonder, when they actually feel the punch(truth), will they still deny it? Oh, wait, they will, because they do so all the time.
Looking at a globe, never mind just Greenland, a rational mind might think that thawing the incredibly immense expanses of Canada and northern Asia would actually be a good thing.
Wouldn’t it? The biggest portions of North America and Asia are pretty much unusable right now.
The only answer the Progs have for all of this is: Less People.
These people masturbate to Stephen King’s The Stand, thinking that everything would be better (for them) if 9/10 of the human population (excluding them, again) were to be obliterated.
Which is why they’re against all energy use. Not just fossil fuels. Everything. Hydro kills the fish. Wind kills the birds. If it works to provide humans with more survivability, then they are against it.
Mao, Stalin, and Hitler (screw Godwin), were on the right track — according to your average anti-human humanist utopianist. “We can create heaven on earth, if only we kill enough people.”
The” incorrect” people, of course.
Hey, Science used to defend anti-science …
@DrJohn: #21
It was only seized upon by climate change deniers as the centerpiece of one of those straw man arguments that they’re so fond of accusing others of forwarding.
The 13th edition of The Times Comprehensive Atlas of the World didn’t even become available to the general public until October 1, 2011, the official publication date. The errors had already been pointed out at that point based on the review of advanced copies–by climate scientists. You can actually find pre-publication reviews discussing that very thing on Amazon, dated September 24 and September 25, 2011. Additionally, you can find a September 26, 2011 review by some crank who is already attempting to pitch the error as evidence of scientific fraud.
Gården under Sandet – Viking Farm in Greenland found covered in permafrost in 1991 (University of Alberta). Emphasis: Farm. What that tells you is that at that time of Norse settlement, the climate was much more hospitable to farming than now, permafrost not being very conducive to farming you know.
So with no help from man, Greenland in the past has been warmer than the present.
@mossomo, #33:
There have always been naturally occurring warming and cooling episodes. The question is whether the current warming trend is part of that natural cycle. Most climatologists seem to be convinced that they’re observing a deviation from the normal pattern.
@Greg: No Greg, Climatologist who are getting grants to study climate change and those who they can easily convince with no scientific fact and only their faulty climate models. There is no consensus in science! There are only proven or unproven theorems. Doesn’t it bother you even a little that the APW advocates are making big bucks? The climate gate scandal shows they wanted to keep others with contrary evidence from publishing their findings in scientific journals. The reason, if enough people saw their fraudulent data the money spigot would shut down. Remember, many of these same people were on the money train in the 1970s when they predicted global cooling!
@mossomo: Now don’t you know that the AGW activists cannot consider an icy Viking farm as evidence? Just look at Greg’s answer to you. “Most climatologists seem to be convinced that they’re observing a deviation from the normal pattern.” Do you remember from your history books who was around over 1000 years ago with a thermometer to record “normal” patterns? Michael Mann with his famous hockey stick graph managed to even delete the “little Ice Age”
The first modern thermometer, the mercury thermometer with a standardized scale, was invented by Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit in 1714. Over 700 years after the Vikings settled in Greenland. Who recorded the world temperatures since then? Why really no one until the last half century. A recent discussion here showed that there really are not actual temperatures recorded by anyone. They take some temperatures and then manipulate the data. In fact, the temperature data that has been taken has been so corrupted that even the frauds at East Anglia University believe there is no unadulterated data existing any more. The original data has been lost! How convenient!
Now, East Anglia University comes out with some real data from satellites (the only accurate data according to Dr. Roy Spencer and real climate scientists), admit there has been no warming since 1997. So, with CO2 levels at the highest in actual recorded history, there is global cooling? Maybe all those grant hogging climate scientists made a mistake in thinking that “they’re observing a deviation from the normal pattern.” Do not worry; they will not publicly admit this. They will continue to milk the cow until she is dry!
@Randy, #35:
Outspoken scientists holding an opposing view are, for the most part, a small minority who have received direct or indirect funding from special interests primarily concerned with the effects of remediation on their profit margins.
Of all primary motivations, I consider the corporate profit motive the least likely to produce optimal environmental results.
The reconstruction of past climate patterns doesn’t require Vikings equipped with accurate thermometers and a penchant for precise keeping. There are tree rings, stratified annual ice layers of varying thickness that captured atmospheric gases and pollen, etc.
Everything is not a left-wing conspiracy.
“There have always been naturally occurring warming and cooling episodes. The question is whether the current warming trend is part of that natural cycle. Most climatologists seem to be convinced that they’re observing a deviation from the normal pattern.”
Normal pattern. WTF are you talking about. There has been no identifiable pattern except for ice ages interrupted by 10,000 year warm periods (like the present one) every 100,000 years or so. What caused the Medieval Warm Period? What caused the Little Ice Age? What “pattern” do they fit into?
“The reconstruction of past climate patterns doesn’t require Vikings equipped with accurate thermometers and a penchant for precise keeping. There are tree rings”
HA! Comparison of the modern contemporaneous instrumental temperature record to tree ring data shows that trees are most definitely not thermometers. And after the AGW crew found themselves demonstrating this with their own data, they grafted old pre-thermometer tree ring proxies onto the record anyway. And they cherry-picked trees from the data set to get a few that showed the “right” trend.
The best proxies are ice cap borehole temperatures and oxygen isotope ratios in the carbonate in seashells, neither of which you mentioned. And they don’t show a problem. They show it was warmer a thousand years ago than it is now.
“Everything is not a left-wing conspiracy.”
No, just the things that are.
@Greg: So, Greg, who sponsors Roy Spencer? Who pays Anthony Watts? Freeman Dyson, Nils-Axel Mörner, Hendrik Tennekes, Khabibullo Abdusamatov, Sallie Baliunas, Ian Clark, Chris de Freitas, David Douglass, and 31,487other scientists. Think the Oil industry is paying all of them?
Here are a few comments from others who are not paid by the oil industry. Really not surprised you continue to blab that tierd excuse- “Those who hold an opposing view are, for the most part, a small minority of scientists who have received direct or indirect funding from special interests primarily concerned with the effects of remediation on their profit margins.”
Here are a few quotes from some other noted scientists:
William M. Gray, Professor Emeritus and head of The Tropical Meteorology Project, Department of Atmospheric Science, Colorado State University said in a 2006 newspaper interview: “I am of the opinion that [global warming] is one of the greatest hoaxes ever perpetrated on the American people.”
David Legates, associate professor of geography and director of the Center for Climatic Research, University of Delaware wrote in a 2006 article for the National Center for Policy Analysis: “About half of the warming during the 20th century occurred prior to the 1940s, and natural variability accounts for all or nearly all of the warming.”
Tad Murty, oceanographer; adjunct professor, Departments of Civil Engineering and Earth Sciences, University of Ottawa said in 2005: Global warming “is the biggest scientific hoax being perpetrated on humanity. There is no global warming due to human anthropogenic activities. The atmosphere hasn’t changed much in 280 million years, and there have always been cycles of warming and cooling. The Cretaceous period was the warmest on earth. You could have grown tomatoes at the North Pole”
Tim Patterson, paleoclimatologist and Professor of Geology at Carleton University in Canada said in a 2007 newspaper article: “There is no meaningful correlation between CO2 levels and Earth’s temperature over this [geologic] time frame. In fact, when CO2 levels were over ten times higher than they are now, about 450 million years ago, the planet was in the depths of the absolute coldest period in the last half billion years. On the basis of this evidence, how could anyone still believe that the recent relatively small increase in CO2 levels would be the major cause of the past century’s modest warming?”
Ian Plimer, Professor emeritus of Mining Geology, The University of Adelaide said in a 2002 television debate: “Natural climate changes occur unrelated to carbon dioxide contents. We’ve had many, many times in the recent past where we’ve rapidly gone into a greenhouse and the carbon dioxide content has been far, far lower than the current carbon dioxide content… It looks as if carbon dioxide actually follows climate change rather than drives it”.
I got tired of arguing about this a long time ago. It makes as little sense as arguing about evolution. Better use can probably be made of this early February spring weather. (Which I readily concede is evidence of nothing.)
Neither Creationists not Evolutionists are trying to hijack trillions of dollars out of our economy, Greg. If they were not proposing to impoverish and weaken us, we wouldn’t really care that much.
@Wm T Sherman: Good answer for someone with no answer! LOL
Sorry That was meant for Greg!
@Greg: You said:
No, but AGW is.
@mossomo: #33
As I read your post I thought about the frog in the pot of water that was being heated up slowly. The frogs (liberal voters) are just cooking themselves. They are actually bringing the wood to keep the fire going.