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Mata #Roger that. You reiterate you are an Independant and not a “large C” Conservative/ Party. Correct?
My problem with folks like Hard Right who declare themselves Conservatives should be obvious to anyone who can read. I’ve never seen you hold back from criticising those with whom you disagree. Therefore 82 and clear in So.Cal Enjoy the debate WATCH RUBIO over next few days.His actions will determine the winner.

Sorry Mata. It appears he is “downgrading” you because you won’t rebuke me. You know, the very thing he has made it a point not to do to his fellow leftists. Case in point, the Tucson shooting of Giffords and how the left smeared the GOP/Conservatives with it.

@Lorie Robinson, first let me apologize because I didn’t see your answer to my two questions.

As to your response to #1, repeated below:

Mata: : Are you suggesting that Newt should go to the NAACP convention, and tell them that white people should demand a paycheck instead of food stamps? Because he was speaking to the audience (black), and also to those that are most affected by the lack of jobs.

Lorie: He chose to highlight the black community playing to the more racist element to his base. That is what I have a problem with. He did not include other races in his rant.

Lorie, that statement makes no sense. Were Newt attempting to “play to the more racist element to his base”… ergo KKK types that would prefer a society cleansed of all blacks…. he certainly wouldn’t be doing so by suggesting that there be incentive programs to help them acquire entry level jobs. Most especially by taking away some cushy union jobs. If anything, such proposal would turn off the racial bigots in any party. (and you have more than a few in your party as well… including a former Klan leader)

In fact, if this supposed racist base believed it was a racially motivated program, they’d be shouting it from the mountain tops as being a form of affirmative action.

What most of us understand is that the program is not geared to race, but to entry level opportunity for anyone that wants to take advantage of it. Perhaps you don’t know much of Newt’s background, but as a former teacher, and one still involved in education, he has made the poor and students… of all races… an issue for years. For those to twist this program, and the context of that remark, as racist is simply the shoe on the other foot. The accuser is, in fact, the one playing the race card. This has been the point I’ve been trying to make… but I suspect you will resist despite all facts and history of that candidate. You insist upon hearing exactly what you want to hear, and close your eyes to anything else.

@Richard Wheeler: Roger that. You reiterate you are an Independant and not a “large C” Conservative/ Party. Correct?

sigh… I’m not exactly sure how to present to those of the lib/prog bent that I find attempts to pigeon hole, categorize, and place people into classes so very offensive. I am, like every one else, a potpourri of political leanings, and individuals just don’t fit into little labels.

So frankly, I haven’t got a clue how to answer your question. I’m not a “party” anything. I’m an individual who decides on issues for sundry reasons.

@Hard Right: It appears he is “downgrading” you because you won’t rebuke me.

I haven’t got a clue as to why I’m *supposed* to be rebuking you, HR. If it’s your direct, unedited opinions of Lorie’s commentary, I’m afraid I can’t let Lorie off the hook for her own participation in playing the race card. We all respond negative to such false charges. The only difference between your responses and mine is the approach and delivery…. not the meat of the disagreement. Or perhaps because I’m demonstrating more patience for what I truly will admit is a likely lost cause.

I grew up the daughter of first generation Americans, and have heard more than a few bigoted insults tossed at my parents. But none of us seethe with rooted resentment. It was a different era than today.

I also still know a few bigots to this day… most of which I have absolutely no patience with, and will not associate with unless forced to for business. Then I simply deal with business alone, and never broach any other subjects.

But I will also say that I have met just as many black bigots as white bigots. Racism is not a trait that is owned only by Caucasians.

@Richard Wheeler:

Rich, I will state this again, albeit a little differently. Hopefully you understand after it.

Being an “Independent” does not have anything whatsoever to do with being a liberal, conservative, or even a moderate. All it means is that a person does not affiliate him or her -self with any particular party. I believe that you are confusing the terms “Independent” and “moderate”, and attempting to use them somewhat interchangeably.

I am an Independent, as I do not affiliate myself with the GOP, or the Democrats. However, I am a conservative, so subsequently, tend to vote more for the GOP candidate, and especially in a national political race.

Please quit confusing the terms, Rich. You are smarter than that.


Mata, I would comment more often, but I have this little thing called work that at times, leaves me with very little free time to even read the postings, let alone comment on them or others’ comments. I did find it quite funny that Lori assumed that because I had commented a few times, up to that point, and directed them at her, that it meant that I didn’t have a life away from the computer. And what is even funnier, is that somehow my few comments mean that I have no life, yet she was responding to several different people, and with quite a few interactions with those people.