Tim Tebow has this to say about football:
“I think number one is, what my mom and dad preached to me when I was a little kid: Just because you may have athletic ability and you may be able to play a sport doesn’t make you any more special than anybody else,” Tebow said. “Doesn’t mean God loves you more than anybody else.
“We play a sport. It’s a game. At the end of the day, that’s all it is, is a game. It doesn’t make you any better or any worse than anybody else. So by winning a game, you’re no better. By losing a game, you’re no worse. I think by keeping that mentality, it really keeps things in perspective for me to treat everybody the same.”
The Broncos lost to the Patriots. Well, the vermin at Huffington Post took out the long knives for Tim Tebow again. I thought you might find interesting what many had to say.
Does Tebow have one of them “Jesus Fish” on his car bumper? (Out of respect for Jesus Fish, I capitalized it.)
I’d appreciate if TMZ or the National Enquirer could get on that, immediately if not sooner. And while you are investigating this, don’t forget to check inside his car. I suspect he has a Fish stuck to his dashboard too.
I despise hypocrisy... and God’s Quarterback is high atop that list
Sometimes its difficult for me to tell, what exactly Jesus said that today’s republicans embrace. As a matter of fact, I cant find anything..yet they “claim” him!
Fox News is VERY upset. They just said Tebow lost to Tom Hussein Brady.
Bruce Forbes
Incessant displays of public piety say nothing about a person’s faith and say everything about their awareness of where the cameras are. And if Tebow’s God is so small that He/She cares about football, I want nothing to do with Him/Her.
Perhaps if he spent his time on the sideline reviewing plays and strategy, instead of asking for divine intervention, the Broncos coulda won…
Ktbu Lfu
I guess God likes Tom Brady better.
Saturday evening, a phone rings in heaven:
(Jesus) “Daddddd!” “Phone!”
(God) “Who is it this time?”
(Jesus) “It’s that Tim guy again – he says he really needs your help.”
(God) “Jesus Christ! – uhhh, sorry son, I mean, “for My sake,” tell him to call back on Monday.”
(Jesus) “He says Monday will be too late. Look, you want me to take care of this?”
(God) “Absolutely not! You know your Mother and I don’t want you performing anymore miracles until you’re at least 2100 – you know what happened last time.”
(Jesus) “Awwwww Dad, come on! I’m almost 2020!”
I am relieved that G-d’s team lost. All the signs pointed to victory. The players should have carried a monstrance onto the field. Denver should embrace the red cross of the crusades. Ancient Torah scrolls, relics of the True Cross, the blessing of the Pope, and the prayers of a billion Christians should have guaranteed victory. This is causing me to renounce my faith.
Enough about a thoroughly mediocre and selfish football player who uses religion the same way the roman church does – to make $$$$.
So that must mean that God doesn’t exist, right? I mean, you can’t have selection bias here: what’s good for the goose must be good for the gander. Or maybe it means that Quetzalcoatl or Zeus is just a bigger man in the Great Beyond than bad ol’ Yahweh…
God has a sense of humor – this explains Michele Bachmann as well.
Marco Lanz
God is a patriot.
Psst… God, its me, Tebow. I’d really like to see these Yankee sons of beeches get their heads handed to them on a platter next week. Brady’s wife is really hot and I would appreciate it if you would send something like that my way (virginal please…not Katy Perry).
Dang, looks like Brady must pray harder than Tebow.
God’s own quarterback crashes and burns. sniffle.
John 1:36
“He who over useth my name, to further their own petty sporting pursuits and personal gain, will get their comeuppance dealt personally by me.”
Thank you lord. For your loving but firm words. We know that you only do it to better us.
John Toth
Jesus doesn’t like suck-ups.
Guess it dawned on him that since the Patriots had completely crushed him, their god was OBVIOUSLY better than his. Or at least stronger.
Been a bad couple of weeks for God. First, his two annointed candidates, Bachmann and Perry, get crushed, then Tebow. I’m waiting to hear who he bets on for the Super Bowl so I can take the other team.
Let me understand this… the creator of the universe who is busy making planets, exploding supernovas, creating quasars, busily monitoring the daily activities of billions and billions of people, whipping up fabulous days for some, scaring rednecks with tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes and other natural phenomena, punishing America for tolerance of gays with nasty weather, ignoring the desperate prayers of millions throughout the world…. has time to watch American football on earth and singles out one quarterback for all his adoration and does miracles to make the football go where he intends to throw it. Hmmmmm. Think about it.
How is this any more bizarre than thinking that if you dress up in feathers and bones, sacrifice a virgin and dance in circles, an invisible being will make it rain or make you victorious in war or you will win a football game? Every study ever done shows that prayers do nothing. They have no effect on the person(s) or thing being prayed for and only makes the one praying feel better about themselves and offers those being prayed for a sense of caring from others. Tebow may have gained increased self-confidence from prayer but he could have been praying to anything and felt a renewed sense of purpose because he believes that is what will happen.
Maximo Ugmo
gOd “hates” ALL wanna be gOds…sHe said so.
Maximo Ugmo
I would like TeaBow to avow himself as a transgender-ed, homophobic, catholic expressionistic, theocratic, sanctimonious, bloatware...
And all is right with the world. The right wing messiah has been neutered for another game thanks to a real Quarterback.
None of these knuckleheads asks why Huffington Post continues to highlight Tim Tebow. They just love to hate him.
As for Tebow- what was his reaction to the loss?
Tim Tebow, the Denver Broncos’ quarterback, said win or lose, the important thing is that he honors the Lord.
The New England Patriots crushed Denver 45-10 in Saturday’s American Football Conference division’s playoff game, which received the highest television ratings for any AFC playoff game in 18 years.
Tebow congratulated the Patriots on their victory.
“Even though you can be dejected, you can still feel hurt. You can be disappointed, but you can still honor the Lord with how you handle things,” the 24-year-old quarterback said.
Ray Lewis was involved in a murder. Plaxico Burress shot himself with an illegally held weapon. Ben Rothlisberger is accused of routinely sexual assaulting women. Then there’s Michael Vick.
A current log of crimes committed by NFL players can be seen here. And who do the inhabitants of Huffington post make the target of their hatred?
Tim Tebow is a great kid with a lot of class. Liberalism really is a mental illness.

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
They direct their hatred of themselves for what they are toward that classy kid. Christians know this is to be expected so no surprise here. Those folks are in for a real surprise when their time runs out and they stand to be judged. Lord help them…
I could care less what the Huffers opine about Tim Tebow.
I didn’t know much about him before he bacame news.
Heck, I hadn’t watched football in YEARS!
But I’m learning.
This was from the heart of an ESPN writer named Rick Reilly:
Mr. Reilly (is he famous? I don’t even know.) added a few details about Tebow’s visit with 16-year-old Bailey Knaub who came, at his invite, to that Steelers game he won in OT.
Bailey Knaub has already had 73 operations!
Mr. Reilly adds:
More here and it includes another account of Tebow with another child at another game.
Nothing a Huffer can write can take away how terrific Tim Tebow is.
I’m glad there was enough controversy that I learned about him.
Even though I just wrote about this too I think I’d give the Huffies a bit of a pass on this. The posting itself actually had none of the typical lefty vitriol, and hitting their commenters is like shooting fish in a barrel =8^)
@Nan: Reilly is a pretty famous sports writer, and generally a self-righteous jerk. He’s the reason I cancelled my Sports Illustrated subscription (where he used to write). The fact that even he can’t hate on Tebow speaks volumes.
Really? You’re re-posting from another site when you have some of the most vile and ridiculous post right here under your nose from those on your side of the aisle. Hypocrite!
@Brother Bob:
Thanks for the info on Mr. Reilly, BB.
I’m just not that into sports, you know?
@Brother Bob:
That’s part of the fun of posting!
@liberalchild: It said:
So when it attacks a fatherless infant, that isn’t vile and ridiculous?
After it made vile comments attacking the innocent baby, it refused to apologize.
Hypocrite, indeed. Looks like when liberalchild makes vile, nasty comments, it thinks it is okay. When anyone on the right makes a comment, not even necessarily vile, but just that disagrees with liberalchild’s ideology, then it yells hypocrisy.
I suppose one can only expect so much from liberalchild, especially given the obvious lack of intellect.
they truly spread the hate they have in their soul,
they are the product of sub human beast engendered, they use to hide, and keep silent,
but now they where allowed to rise above the bottomless pit,
this just for a time, so they are rushing to spread the hate card to peaceful loving humans,
but their time is coming to an end.
@Dr. John: True dat double true! =8^)
@antisocksrocks: Lets stop feeding the trolls. Liberalman and liberal (objectivity) never have anything intelligent to say and just put up these stupid drive-by comments intended to annoy us and get us to waste our time responding. We’ve got enough lefties who come around here who at least make an honest effort to talk to us. Let’s stop wasting time on these a**hats.
Huff spits on Tebow? Yea well, what do you expect from a no class bunch?
Tebow possesses more humility in his little pinky finger then all these people will ever possess in a lifetime. He has more Faith in his heart and soul… then they can ever dream of having.
Funny, he is a wholesome person a KID or young adult can actually look up to and all people want to do is tear him down… What kind of Society has America become????
Oh, and, you go Brother Bob! Amen!
@Brother Bob: I personally found what liberalchild said about the infant who lost his father in the war to be reprehensible. I provided the link so that all could see what he said, if they chose. I’m not feeding his trollish behavior, I am going to be a constant reminder to him of what he said.
Other than that, I see your point.
A lot of times when I see players, or the whole team, praying, I can’t help but wonder, “What if God wants the OTHER team to win?”
@Smorgasbord: What if God is watching baseball that day instead?
@anticsrocks: #13
Then, he probably won’t help either team, and they will have to survive on their own. That would be quite a game to watch.! No, “Hail Mary” passes.
@Smorgasbord: LOL
@anticsrocks: #15
I was partly serious. Just how serious, I ain’t sure yet.
Liberalism does not claim a corner on mental health. But I think those of the right-wing who continue to keep the Tebow story alive suffer from the same malady that they condemn as a liberal disease.
@Liberal1 (objectivity): Why is that? This is not about Tebow the football player. This post is a response to the story being kept alive at HuffPo- if there’s a problem, it lies with HuffPo. I find it detestable to malign such a good kid over his religion.
Liberal1 [objectivity]
because mouth and fingers are all you have left,
God even cares about sparrows. Luke 12:6.
What does the anti-Tebow crowd think he is praying for? Victory for his team?
Or is he praying that, win or lose, more people will see and wonder at his faith, and be led to Christ?
Or is he praying for the cancer-stricken child whose entire family he brought to the game?
People who don’t know, don’t want to know, and make too many asinine assumptions.
They’re not Tebow-haters as much as they are Christ-haters — it’s quite obvious. Yet Christ still loves them, and wants them to see this, and embrace it, and is using Tebow to this end.
I’m not sure what they hate more:
1) He’s successful
2) He’s a Christian
3) He’s genuine
hi, nice to have you back,
yes to what you said, a very good way to look at it.
hope your year is a good one, who can create such beautiful birds of all colors of all beautiful songs all differents just for us,
before the music was born.
I would guess that Huffpo is all excited to blast Tim Tebow. Sounds about right. Must be awful to get old and craggy looking when you want to be a dazzler. Sorry old lady. Suggest you praise Michael Moore. He seems more your type. Bet money you will not post this.
Thought so.
@Liberal1 (objectivity): #17
I am not a religious person, so I don’t read many of the posts that involve Tebow. Let me see if I understand what you are saying. If someone is brought up to not think of themselves as better than others, aren’t trying to draw attention to themselves, give credit to those who deserve it, probably feel good when they can help another person who can’t pay them back, and don’t seem to have any desire to force there way of life on any others, should probably seek psychiatric help.
Why do liberals see someone who honestly cares more for others than themselves as having a mental problem? Today I helped two people get unstuck in the snow. I broke a rope trying to pull one of them out, but didn’t ask them to pay for it, since I volunteered to help. I didn’t ask either one of them for payment, and wouldn’t have accepted it if they did. A liberal would find out how much they would get before they even get out of their vehicle to help. Should I seek help?