The “it’s racist” attacks for the 2012 election have begun….
Ok, I lie…they began awhile ago but here is the latest example, this time from tingles:
Chris Matthews says the way Newt Gingrich pronounced moderator Juan Williams’ name at last night’s debate was a racially charged moment. Matthews, who would later sum this up as a “dog whistle,” made his case that this is racist because some people will “clearly hear” it while others “don’t want to hear it.”
So let me get this straight. Those who WANT to hear racism will “clearly hear” it. Everyone else is just…just….just RACIST dammit! How dare you boo clear race-baiting! All you Republicans are racist so just admit it and get it over with.
Just a few days ago we get one MSNBC dummy claiming Romney is racist for helping someone out. Now we get tingles claiming Newt is racist for calling someone by their name.
This is all they have, and it’s pathetic.

See author page
People are imagining things!
Remember when two black congressmen lyingly claimed the TEA partiers yelled the n-word at them ”15 times,” as they walked toward their vote on ObamaCare?
One of those two congressman was Rep. James Clyburn.
He was on Fox Business this AM.
He was also livid about Newt.
REP. JAMES CLYBURN: I understand what Newt is doing. I always have a problem when anyone denigrates another person……..tries to lower the office itself……..
ERIC BOLLING, FOX NEWS HOST: What’s denigrating about calling [President Obama] the food stamp President?
The whole 5 minute interview is worth the time.
His ignorance shows when he says Roosevelt had to put tons of Americans on Food Stamps during the Great Depression.
Of course, why should I be surprised?
He did not care when he lied about the TEA party.
He falsely called them racists.
He’s a Liar.
I guess the Dem strategy right now is to go after anyone-but-Romney.
Nan says Dem policy “go after anyone but Romney” Dems have been blasting Romney for weeks. It’s the Repubs who are late to this party and Dems are lovin it.
That was one of the most despicable things I had ever seen. Congressmen and woman trolling for racism and when they didn’t get any bites they just made up a racist fish story.
Of course the Republican Party didn’t do much in the way to call attention to this because they wanted the Tea Party to go away.
Newt was also racist for quoting statistics that make Obama look bad.
That reminds me of how a few years ago the proponents of ”ebonics” said spelling was racist.
Now it is math.
Every one of the Republican candidates has been accused of racism at this point.
Juan Williams gave Newt Gingrich a perfect opportunity to rephrase what he’d said into a less insulting statement. Instead, he refused to recognize that anyone might have been insulted.
If no one was, why does he suppose he was asked for a clarification?
Like I said elsewhere–the man is tone deaf. Possibly to the extent that he wouldn’t even understand that people are giving him the benefit of the doubt if they interpret things that way. The other interpretation would be far less flattering.
Greg, it was never an insulting statement. Maybe you and Juan (and his email fans) weren’t clever enough to figure that out, but Ruben Navarrette did right from the start, and noted how valuable it would be for minorities in particular.
You accuse Newt of being “tone deaf”. Yet it is you, and your ilk, who are monotone… hearing only the hatred you envision lives in the hearts of conservatives. And I might add that I find the arrogance that anyone is too good to be a “janitor”, or take a similar entry level job, extremely offensive. How about you start explaining to us just why you find janitorial work, or housecleaning, so demeaning and racial a subject. Frankly, this crap from you is disgusting.
@Greg: You asked RE Juan Williams’ question about Newt’s comment saying that poor, black kids need a better role model for a good work ethic:
Williams did not ask for clarification. He asked if Speaker Gingrich viewed it as insulting to “all Americans, but particularly to black Americans.”
Newt then was honest with him and said that, No he didn’t see it that way. He then went to very eloquently make his point.
I personally don’t think Juan Williams was intentionally looking for a gotcha moment. I think it was just his liberal thought processes kicking into high gear, so to speak.
@MataHarley: Well said.
In general, it’s probably a good idea to take someone’s word for whether they feel insulted or not. Often it’s not so much a question of what was meant so much as of how it was taken. Gingrich doesn’t get this? Or doesn’t think it’s important?
Juan Williams went on ”The Five” today and raved about how he is treated by the people in the audience at the debate after that exchange with Newt.
People came up, wanted his photo and to shake his hand.
He said, if you disagree with one of the left, when you are NPR you do NOT get treated nicely like that!
He also had nothing to say about feeling personally insulted.
He was carrying an opinion other people supposedly hold of being insulted that about something other than how Newt pronounces the word, “Juan.”
And Newt answered that question spot on perfectly.
@anticsrocks: #4
Please quote me some statistics that make Obama look good.
@Smorgasbord: Can I hold off on that until November 13, 2012? 😛
Curt, I posted this over at a new Conservative forum – Conservative Hideout 2.0 Forum.
Political Scraps
With attribution, of course!
@anticsrocks: #14
Take all the time you need. I can’t come up with any either. Maybe I should put a reward poster up, just like I would like to see a reward put up for anyone who can find Obama’s picture in ANY Columbia University yearbook. Nobody has found one yet.
@Smorgasbord: List of Obama’s documents we would like to see:
* Kindergarten records
* Punahou school records
* Occidental College records
* Columbia University records
* Columbia thesis
* Harvard Law School records
* Harvard Law Review articles
* Scholarly articles from the University of Chicago
* Passport
* Medical records
* Files from his years as an Illinois state senator
* Illinois State Bar Association records – Source
Well Greg, I’m insulted. Since I feel insulted, you just need to take my word for it. I suggest you rephrase your post in a less hurtful manner.
This is exactly like DWS and her rant about civility. The only truly uncivil discourse in this country is if you disagree with a liberal, call them out on their lies, or call them out on their hypocrisy. Why doesn’t DWS apologize for blaming the tea party for the Arizona shooting Greg? Why won’t the representatives that claimed they were spit on and called racial slurs apologize to the tea party? How about Obama apologizing to people that won’t vote for him clinging to their guns and religion? Because the left doesn’t need to apologize, right? Hypocrites.
@anticsrocks: #17
He did show an image of his passport, but the date of issue and expiration were covered over and no reason was given. He’s using the democrat saying, “We don’t have to fool all of the people all of the time, just enough people long enough to get elected.”
* A REAL birth certificate.
* A social Security card that was issued to him and not someone else.
There is one record he won’t be able to keep secret. That is his prison number when he is proven a fake. I wonder how many of his buddies will be in with him.
@Aqua: #18
“Praise The Lord And Pass The Ammunition” iTunes
Which should I get first, the ammo, or the guns?
There are at least two ways to pronounce Juan, and I am not sure whether Mathews knows the difference, but you may want to learn the distinction, for the Gringo pronunciation is a dead give away as to your awareness and sensitivity of the Hispanic culture. Americans want to pronounce the J as an English J with a harsh ugly sound that is mildly offensive to the literate Hispanic ear and classifies the speaker in a lesser position of intelligence and culture. The more correct method, is to pronounce the J as a soft sound while exhaling.
You can laugh and make derisive remarks, but then stop and think. The American Southwest was Spanish for two hundred years before the war with Mexico. Because of our government’s refusal to secure our border, throughout the history of our country, we are being overwhelmed by the Hispanic culture; unfortunately, because of the ignorance of our politicians, most of these people are illiterate and unskilled. Mexico has an educated class, but few of them are willing to risk death in the mountains and deserts to work for minimum wage.
The point is that since we are being asked to accept Mexico’s hardcore unemployed so that Obama can get elected, we should begin to respect their culture and earn a measure of respect as Conservatives, for many of these people are sickened by being regarded as wards of the state by Democrats: many of them consider themselves business men and are anxious to start a business in the true spirit of America.
Mathews is an idiot looking for an excuse to piss his trousers and blame Newt, but the name Juan will become more prominent in your life, whether you like it or not. Will we stand on dubious princiPles, that our leaders have forsaken for political advantage or accept these new Americans and help them realize the American dream: the Libs will be pleased to see us ignore them and keep them in the slavery of welfare and dependency. The choice is ours; do we make the best of a bad situation or forfeit the future to the Marxists.
IIRC, Matthews was one of the people at the WH recently. Basically the strategy has been decided and communicated to the drones– scream racism at everything the GOP does and says.
They are desperately hoping if they say it loud enough and long enough it will work. Unless the economy actually recovers, the plan will fail miserabely.
@Hard Right: Great point, HR.
We are seeing a somewhat coordinated attack against all Anti-Obamites.
Usually it is to scream, “RACIST!!!!”
Was Alan Colmes at that meeting, or did he just get the memo?
I heard that Obama plans to reject the Keystone Pipeline today.
If he does that our ”recovery” will stay on a slow course.
It might be years (Or never) before we get back to pre-recession unemployment percentages…..and that’s with all of the workers leaving the workforce who do not count as part of the totals.
It has already been 40 months!
Only two recessions since WWII lasted longer….and each of them was much milder of a jobs loss than this one!
@MataHarley, #8:
It’s not a matter of anyone being “too good” for anything. It’s the matter of Newt’s very public exercise in racial stereotyping. Is Newt so out of touch that he doesn’t even know what the issue is? Newt is smarter than that.
This little incident is telling, in my opinion. What it reveals is that Newt has no real expectation of becoming president. If he did, he wouldn’t be placing more value on a moment of acclaim from a predominantly republican debate audience than on the votes he has just lost by alienating a far larger number of independent and minority voters. Newt is apparently in it because it puts him in the media spotlight. That translates into celebrity and dollars.
Dang all the spin makes me dizzy. Let me give you Newt’s quotes from the beginning on this suggested program.. which I think is a win win all around idea.
Is saying “really poor children in really poor neighborhoods”… never mentioning race… a “racial stereotype” comment? Or is it you and Juan who apply the term “poor” as racial? In which case, and the truth’s gonna hurt, it is actually you and Juan who are exercising racial stereotyping. Financial hardship is color blind, but apparently you aren’t.
As I pointed out Reuben Navarrette, himself an activist Hispanic and a minority, calls your tactics a smear campaign, and lauds Newt for not only the idea, but for the straight talk.
To this,
You mean because he isn’t like your POTUS, who is busy helping corporations make the largest profits ever under any POTUS, isn’t dancing around making PC statements while attempting to hide their real agenda behind lofty phrases and rhetoric? I’d say that Newt can handle himself quite well on this issue – as he did in the debate and receiving a standing O – and will do so again. You may attempt to paint this as racist and a smear, but Newt can better explain truths to the masses, undoing your deliberate propaganda.
Mata, just embed the Daily Show take down of Ms. Civility Project. Maybe he’ll see the irony, but I doubt it.
The irony of Newt calling the people who lack work ethic POOR people is that Obama has skewed our poverty numbers so that EVERYONE under the median income in the USA is either POOR or “near-POOR.”
Is that racist, too?
I doubt 1/2 of all Americans are black or some other minority.
A huge % of these people are white.
@Nan G:
I saw a funny parody about how the dems are programmed to respond.
a) Bush’s Fault b) The GOP’s Fault c) RACIST!
The dems are driving us toward a cliff and anyone who tries to stop them are called racists, obstructionists, and evil 1%’ers.
@Hard Right:
I’m tired of making Greg’s arguments look ridiculous. Has anyone else stopped to think that we are about to let four States, (Iowa, New Hampshire, S.C., and Florida) decide who our top candidates for the republican nominee are going to be? Three of the four went for Obama in 2008. Why is this the case? I’m done. I was going to support the nominee no matter what, but I’m pretty sure I’m not. I’m going to write in who I want to be president. Since my vote doesn’t matter to the GOP anyway, it won’t matter at the election either. I’d rather focus on the Senate and House.
AQUA Why can’t a Georgia Conserv. get more votes than a Mass. moderate in a solid red S.C. If Newt can’t win there,WHAT CHANCE?
@Richard Wheeler:
I’m not a big Newt fan, but something just doesn’t seem right. I have no idea how Romney is carrying SC. I think the GOP has bought into the “Romney is our only chance” theme. I guess it worked so well with McCain that we’re going to double down. The most vulnerable sitting president in a very long time, and we’re going to shoot ourselves in the foot.
Aqua says “I’m not a big Newt fan” Who is? This guy is the ultimate insider who doesn’t have alot of strong friends including his 2 exes. Why are Conservs. like Haley,Bolton,Christie etc. not backing him? BAGGAGE
On Anderson Cooper’s Tuesday program, Democratic strategist and Obama 2012 campaign pollster Cornell Belcher took aim at former House Speaker Newt Gingrich’s response to a question from Fox News Channel’s Juan Williams during a Monday GOP presidential debate, saying it was “it was dog-whistle politics at its worst.
Former White House press secretary Ari Fleischer noted that Belcher has made these charges before.
“This is the second time I’ve been on the show with Cornell,” Fleischer said. “Earlier, he said Herman Cain was a racist. Now he’s saying Newt uses these terms, as he put it. And what I hear, Anderson, is actually the opposite.”
Belcher then denied that he had ever called Cain a racist.
One of the soundbites not on the video:
BELCHER: His language was bigoted. No, I said his language was bigoted. I never called him actually a racist. I understand the difference. Because I understand. I never called him racist; I did say it was bigoted, because I do understand the difference between racism and bigotry.
Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2012/01/18/obama-pollster-calls-herman-cain-racist-on-camera-then-denies-he-did-it/#ixzz1jrYlOaF6
“Herman Cain ….is a racist, bigoted person who makes racist, bigoted statements.”
Yes, I do believe there have been talking points handed out to the Leftist, Obama-slobberers who can get face time in the media.
And this guy – Democratic strategist and Obama 2012 campaign pollster Cornell Belcher is playing the race card as much as possible.
Chris Matthews is a wingnut and if you believe anything he says I got a bridge to sell.
It would be remiss of me to ask, does anyone give a flying hockey puck about what Tingles Chris has to say? His ratings and creds have been in the toilet bowl for years now.
@Aqua: #29
What you said is one reason I joined GOOOH (Get Out Of Our House), who’s purpose is to get ALL of the politicians out of congress. I have said for several years that the democrats and republicans have merged together and become republicrats. The only way to fix the country’s problems is to get people in office who ACTUALLY want what is best for the USA.. The politicians in office now (republican and democrat) only want what’s best for them.
@Aqua: ROFLMAO @ the Daily Show Civility Project video. Thanks for the tip, Aqua.
Greg’s comments already are ridiculous. We don’t have to do anything. That’s what happens when you are a leftists who feels lying for the cause is justified.
Newt is allegedly ahead of Romney in 3 different SC polls right now. I’m not wild about Newt either, but obama can do tremendous amounts of damage-far more than he has- if he wins a second term. This is in spite of any GOP takeover of Congress.
Oh, and Iowa has been called for Santorum from what I understand. It’s not over yet.