Ron Paul…Conservative Killer! And Just Plain Crazy

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Rush Limbaugh blasts Ron Paul as the Conservative Killer:

…the majority of people that voted him were not Republican. And in another poll, the percentage of Ron Paul voters who say they will vote for the Republican nominee is… like 80% of Tea Party voters in New Hampshire said no matter who the Republican nominee is they’re voting for it. The Ron Paul number is 40%. Now, as I say, I’ve gotta double confirm. It’s ostensibly Rasmussen and we’re double-checking this, but what I know so far, or what I’ve been told is that Ron Paul supporters, 40% say they would vote for the Republican nominee, 23% said they’d vote for Obama, and 31% of Ron Paul voters said they would vote third party. So the Ron Paul voters cannot be counted on, and most of Huntsman’s voters and most of Paul’s voters were Democrats who walked into the New Hampshire primary, picked up a Republican ballot, also according to this polling data.

…Here we go. It’s the exit polling data from Fox, and it is on political matters, “Do you consider yourself very liberal, somewhat liberal, moderate, somewhat conservative, very conservative?” You go to Ron Paul, 33% of his voters, according to exit polls, were somewhat liberal; 24% were moderate; 0 were very liberal. So 57% of the voters that voted for Ron Paul were not Republican conservatives. And that’s one of the things that I wanted to see because with this big push — what is happening here, the final push now that’s on to get Romney the nomination, Newt and Perry, with their attacks, have made it impossible to defend them. I hate to tell you, folks, but you just can’t put your name to what they’re out there saying, vulture capitalism and so forth.

Romney, however, wants Ron Paul to stay in. Everybody is urging everybody else to get out of this except for Ron Paul. They want Ron Paul to keep pounding away at Santorum and Newt. They want Ron Paul to continue to get big numbers and take away any high second- or third-place finishes from Santorum or Gingrich or Perry or anybody else. So the powers that be realize the monkey wrench that Ron Paul represents. Ron Paul is a conservative killer. Ron Paul kills the conservative vote, and the Romney camp wants him in there, encouraging him to stay in there.

So 40% of Paul voters said they would go on to support the eventual Republican nominee. 40%!

Where’s the other 60% going to go? Apparently Obama.

While 80% of the tea-party voters will support WHOEVER the Republican nominee is.

That should tell us a whole lot about Ron Paul and his supporters. They cannot be counted on to push the Republicans to victory in 2012. The only thing Ron Paul can guarantee is to kill off Santorum and Newt’s chances.

With that I’ll segue into the John Gibson show yesterday in which Gibson asked Ron Paul supporters to call in and give him reasons why he is so awesome: (its 15 minutes well spent?)


And hey, guess who else loves themselves some Ron Paul?

The Iranian regime’s English language propaganda channel, PressTV, has discovered a new American idol: presidential contender Rep. Ron Paul.

PressTV has stepped up its coverage of Paul’s campaign to win the Republican presidential nomination in recent weeks, featuring his anti-Israel rants, his claim that sanctions against Iran are “acts of war,” his approval of Iran’s nuclear ambitions, and much more.

The Iranian government channel portrays Ron Paul as an American hero, and brings on conspiracy theorists masquerading as political “analysts” to laud him for “challenging the American establishment” and the “corporate neo-conservative Zionist consensus,” that cabal of Jews, banksters, and Reagan Democrats who in Tehran’s eyes (and in the eyes of these Ron Paul supporters) run the world.

It’s a script taken almost word-for-word from the infamous anti-Semitic forgery, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

So go ahead Paulbots….vote for Ron Paul, or Obama when RP doesn’t get the nomination but I will never pull the lever for this nut.

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Richard Wheeler

Ms Bees I’d love to see the many millions given to ALL the candidates given to abused and homeless children’s charities.

Rich Wheeler those are being help by welfare as oppose to OBAMA’S DEBT STILL RISING,

@Richard Wheeler: Yeah I remember one of your “calmer” times. What was it? Oh yeah, I was somebody’s “mini me.”

The only reason I have been less than charitable to Ron Paul supporters is because I got tired of being called names due to the fact that I dared to disagree with his foreign policy and the way he lies about pork barrel spending.

After it became apparent that this treatment from the Paulbearers was the rule and not the exception, I gave up trying to be civil. The same cult of personality that is around Obama is also surrounding Ron Paul. It is weird, spooky and frankly has no place in American politics.

As for you sir, I usually try to be civil with you, but there are times that the things you say really just defy logic. I will also note that as of late, your postings have devolved from actually adding to the discussion to just seeing what you can stir up.

Anticsrocks On this post you called me a “pot stirrer” which indeed I am.It’s good for ALL to know their beliefs can be challenged by others.
It seems to me the inevitability of a Romney candidacy has upset many here at F.A. Rather than rallying around a capable ,well qualified candidate they bemoan the loss of those like Cain and Perry who had NO chance of unseating BHO. Seems some mentioned above would rather see Obama than Romney.
Tell me anticsrocks,does that make sense to you?

@Richard Wheeler: Seems some mentioned above would rather see Obama than Romney.

Really? Since you insist that is a fact, why don’t you tell us just who said that?

Or are you again demonstrating your penchant for reading too fast, not at all, or filling in the blanks with your own assumptions? Perhaps you need to be reminded, again, that a vote of no confidence is Romney is not translated as a vote preferring Obama. We’ve been here, done that, with your abuse of others’ statements, rich.

@Richard Wheeler: You said:

It seems to me the inevitability of a Romney candidacy has upset many here at F.A. Rather than rallying around a capable ,well qualified candidate they bemoan the loss of those like Cain and Perry who had NO chance of unseating BHO.

Really? Who says Cain or Perry couldn’t have beat him in the general election? Why? Other than this being your opinion, where do you derive your conclusions?

Seems some mentioned above would rather see Obama than Romney. Tell me anticsrocks,does that make sense to you?

No, it doesn’t. As Mata so succinctly and eloquently pointed out, because some of us are not enamored, head over heels in love with Romney as you seem to be, that doesn’t mean we want 4 more of Obama.

You have been beating the “All Hail Romney” drums for nearly a year now. For months you pestered me about who I supported. Why? In order to have a debate or discussion? No, much like a junior high school kid, or more aptly a community organizer, you merely wanted to stir sh*t up.

It gets old Rich, when everyone knows that you couldn’t give a rat’s azz about having an actual debate or discussion. That is why you are getting less and less respect here. I would suspect that the only topic you might be able to actually discuss would be your love for classic rock music.

Grow up and try to see points of view other than your own narrow liberal, leftist definition of all things political.

Anticsrocks As you know I picked Romney to win months ago and I continue to say Romney/Rubio can beat Obama. I correctly predicted the outcome of the House and Senate in 2010 midterms (Aye can confirm).
I enjoy reading everyone’s point of view and obviously don’t buy alot of the radical right screed I read at F.A. I get a great laugh from the birthers,Obama’s a Muslim,a Communist,types. I LOVE TO PULL THEIR STRINGS. Wouldn’t you agree they are doing our Country a disservice. Not to mention the Republican Party.
I do love Rock n Roll and I’m picking Kentucky BIG over Ohio State.

@Richard Wheeler: I agree that the First Amendment protects everyone’s right to say what they want, to express their views.

Why would folks who have legitimate questions be doing a disservice to our Country? Obama promised he would run the most transparent Presidency in history, that transparency would be the corner stone of his administration.

So why then has he spent millions of dollars to hide his school records, college transcripts, college essays, etc…? Are you so far in the tank for Obama that you refuse to hold him accountable for not only his actions and promises, but also for hiding his past?

And questions about him, legitimate questions hurt who? How?

Anticsrocks We agree that the First Amendment protects everyone’s freedom of speech Protects everyone’s right to make fools of themselves. There it is.
My belief is birthers and those who accuse Obama of beimg a Muslim or a Communist are helping him get relelected and hurting the Repub. Party. Others here may agree or disagree.

@Richard Wheeler: Okay, you stated your opinion, but you conveniently ignored my question –

So why then has he spent millions of dollars to hide his school records, college transcripts, college essays, etc…? Are you so far in the tank for Obama that you refuse to hold him accountable for not only his actions and promises, but also for hiding his past?

Just saying that people who question Obama on various issues helps get him re-elected doesn’t make it so. I can say that folks who believe the Nazis made a base on the moon hurts the image of the country of Germany. It may be my opinion, but it doesn’t make it fact.

I’ll be waiting for an honest answer if you truly wish to discuss. If, on the other hand, you are just continuing your trend of stirring things up, I s’pose I shouldn’t hold my breath…

Anticsrocks Why hasn’t BHO released all his school records? Maybe he got some “D”s he’s not proud of. Heck there’s folks on here who claim he never attended or graduated from Columbia.”F” for them.We also know he graduated from Harvard Law and was Pres. of the Law Review.
As far as Nazi base on the moon . Just as crazy as BHO Kenyan birth.Good example Anticsrocks.

@Richard Wheeler: So you are saying that you are okay with the fact that this man goes to such great lengths to hide most aspects of his past?

You said:

As far as Nazi base on the moon . Just as crazy as BHO Kenyan birth.Good example Anticsrocks.

At least you agree that folks questioning him about this aren’t doing any harm now. Glad I could get you to come around.

Anticsrocks If you’ll agree birthers are as crazy as people suggesting Nazi settlements on the moon I’ll agree they aren’t hurting Repub. Party too badly YET
I gave possible reason for ducking college records. What else are you concerned about?

@Richard Wheeler: Well I’m not so fast at labeling anyone who has questions that Obama pays A LOT of money to cover up with one broad, derogatory term. Beyond that, I will say that there are tinfoil hat wearers in every movement. The difference is how each side handles those folks.

Right now, there are elements on the left accusing Obama of getting ready for war with Iran with this last EO he has signed. If the far right folks were saying such things, the MSM would be apoplectic, yet nary a word has been spoken about this since it is their side making the accusations.

I am sure you don’t see the hypocrisy of this, though…

As for what “else” I’m concerned about, please remind me what are of his life he has uncovered already. I mean did I miss his release of a thesis, or some grades from Harvard Law School? Don’t think your assertion that he might not have been a stellar 4.0 student gives you the right to question what “else” I am worried about.

I am worried that a person who made his way to hold the highest office in the land has lied, obfuscated and covered up any and everything about his past. You took an oath to protect and defend our Constitution, so where is your outrage that he wants to be President, but doesn’t want to be honest?