In an ironic counterpoint to the extra-Constitutional power grab he used to get an unlimited new bureaucracy up and running, President Obama popped into the Pentagon on Thursday to announce massive military cuts – grabbing some new cash for social spending by cutting back on one of the few duties Washington is actually supposed to perform. This will effectively spell the end of the traditional U.S. military doctrine that our armed forces must be able to fight two enemies at once, which is okay, because that has never ever happened before, and anyway the world is nice and peaceful now.
At least we can be confident that America’s potential enemies don’t factor the size of our military into their strategic calculations when they contemplate aggression. Besides, if we need more troops, we can just hire them real quick, toss them some rifles, and load them into planes. War is easy nowadays.
…It’s funny how liberals think the military is the one and only sector of the U.S. government that should get “leaner” and more “flexible” or “agile.” Is there a single other endeavor of the government that Obama thinks could be improved by having fewer federal employees? Doesn’t the urgency of eliminating men and women in uniform to hit that $450 billion target say something about the high cost of labor that liberals are usually uncomfortable discussing?
Reuters is reporting this is a cut of 10’s of thousands of troops. As John Hayward wrote above, Obama is so naive, so utterly clueless, he believes our wars (and there will be future ones) can be fought long distance….or does he?
In the president’s signing statement issued Saturday in passing into law the fiscal 2012 defense authorization bill, Mr. Obama said restrictions aimed at protecting top-secret technical data on U.S. Standard Missile-3 velocity burnout parameters might impinge on his constitutional foreign policy authority.
As first disclosed in this space several weeks ago, U.S. officials are planning to provide Moscow with the SM-3 data, despite reservations from security officials who say that doing so could compromise the effectiveness of the system by allowing Russian weapons technicians to counter the missile. The weapons are considered some of the most effective high-speed interceptors in the U.S. missile defense arsenal.
There are also concerns that Russia could share the secret data with China and rogue states such as Iran and North Korea to help their missile programs defeat U.S. missile defenses.
Maybe not. I suppose he is just happy knowing we are now no longer a superpower. No longer a threat to anyone. Because then everyone will leave us alone right?
Where will that money go, the money that was supposed to go to the only real job a President has?
To pay for 110,000 unpaid jobs and other entitlement program he can muster up.
In Obama’s world higher taxes creates jobs, throwing free money around makes better citizens, and a smaller military makes stronger.
Worst. President. Ever.

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Get real. These ‘entitlements’ are the taxes we pay for social security, medicare, medicaid, infrastructure. They are necessary and were are entitled to them.
I believe the operative word is ‘pay’. If you pay taxes for those ‘entitlements’, which is really a misnomer, then you have a right. However there are far too many people who pay nothing yet get these’ entitlements’ that you and I pay for. What a crock. There are far too many people that can work, but won’t, have been brought up through welfare and believe it is a right to get everything for free, illegals who get benefits that my own family can’t get (and anyone that doesn’t say illegals are not a burden on our tax dollars has their head in the sand) and those women who use their uterus like a slot machine that are a burden on the system. How these ‘entitlements’ are meted need to be reviewed and revised. It is not my job to pay for the health and welfare of a deadbeat with my hard earned dollars. I have worked, and worked hard for the last 44 years and have paid my dues. I have had my turn in the barrel and have never asked for assistance of any kind, and never would.
-and then there are the billions of dollars that are sent over seas, that need to stay at home. Pakistan gets billions from us, yet spits in our face. The same for countries in Africa. We give more breaks for foreign countries than we do for our own country. There is something wrong with that picture and needs to be remedied.
and while on a roll, there are some in the military that can retire. however for the most part, many cannot and will lose their job. This means no more benefits, no nothing. This will add to the already heavily burdened unemployment lines. In addition, and this is just a fact of life, many companies have benefited from the wars in regard to supplying hardware/software, materials necessary for operations. This will also assist in bringing down an already depressed economy. I am not saying the military shouldn’t be pared down, I am saying that it should not be destroyed without the thought of the consequences.
@liberalchild: Well, well. Look who reared his ugly, baby-hating, retched, petulant self? It is liberalCHILD.
liberalchild said, emphasis mine:
That he can say that with a straight face says so much about his role in this world. liberalchild is one with the occupiers who whined that they had to pay back those unfair student loans. After all, they are entitled to the education that those loans paid for, right?
liberalchild’s place in the food chain of economic philosophies is that of bottom feeder. He routinely seeks out the lowest position, whether it be intellectually or philosophically. Then after he spews his venom, he stretches both hands out, waiting for – no DEMANDING his “entitlements.”
All he knows how to say is,”Gimme, gimme, gimme!”
Yet somehow, when the communists attack, whether it be Russia or China directly, or through one of the many Islamo-Nazi terror organizations, he will most assuredly be the first to scream for protection from the very military that he so hates.
After all, he’s entitled to that protection, right?
This story reminded me of when Obama said he wants a civilian security force that is as strong, and equally funded, as the military. Wasn’t there a fella in Germany a while back who wanted the same thing? Does anyone remember how that turned out? Is this “Occupy” stuff just a start of Obama’s civilian security force?
Remember when Obama was going to reduce the nukes around the world by reducing ours so that other countries who have them would be EMBARRASSED enough that they would reduce their nukes. Maybe he has the same idea with the different militaries around the world. “If we reduce ours, they will reduce theirs.” We will use the weapon of EMBARRASSMENT. We have never tried it before, so maybe it will work. How much more can a country be embarrassed than to have a military that is larger and stronger than ours. I am guessing the other countries who will have larger militaries than ours some day are trying to end their embarrassment by figuring out how to reduce theirs so they will be smaller than ours.
We will just have to wait and see if it works. If it does, it will be the cheapest way I can think of to reduce the nukes and militaries around the world. If it doesn’t work, ___________ (fill in the blank).
Nothing in life is free! Someone pays for all entitlements (which is a gross misnomer), it is charity at someone else’s expense!
Someone needs to stop this usurper POTUS before he completely ruins this great country. How much longer are we going to permit this illegal POTUS to continue his violations of the constitution, and who is really behind him?
Back in the day, we’re talking early 90’s when I was a flat belly and I wouldn’t have to butter my hips and order a private to jump up and down on my shoulders till I popped through the hatch of my M60A3, Clinton cutbacks along with environmental regulations had left my CAV unit doing formation and tactics training on the base golf course with golf carts. Meanwhile back in the motorpool our trusty iron mounts remained dormant with buckets under them in case a drop of oil should fall to the ground.
Obama is looking to bring back those liberal glory days of yore.
I vote for more bullets for soldiers and less condoms for third graders.
There is a lot of waste that can be trimmed from DoD but this is just his latest action in keeping his promise of making this country equal with the rest of the world. Our debt, U-6 jobless rate, economy, and healthcare system are already becoming more in line with the socialist countries of the world thanks to his policies. In addition, he has complete disregard for the Constitution and our laws. The scary part about it is, he still stands a decent chance of getting re-elected.
I see three orbiting satellites up there in the graphic.
Are we going to count on our ENEMIES to put them up there?
To move them into position for us?
Really, Obama?
Restart the US space program.
Do it now.
US Senator Marco Rubio has penned a scathing letter to Obama about his profligate spending to create an entitlement society incapable of sustaining itself.
Obama’s priorities are clear: he wants to win re-election.
That is it.
He is willing to gut our defense to BUY votes with our money.
there are lots of diversionary tactics he and his compliant media use to try to get our attention away from his main campaign finance ploy.
The gov’t is making some awful choices.
Gutting the military and our defense might leave us weak.
But reneging on paying lottery winnings has got to take the cake.
Are you asking for armed insurrection?
Illinois is stiffing lottery winners.
Writing them big checks but not paying up when they deposit them!
So far 85 Illinois lottery winners, totaling $159,000 in lottery winnings, have had their checks bounce.
@Nan G: Nothing surprises me anymore in this state. Half the lottery money was supposed to go to the schools and it doesn’t. The tolls were supposed to have been paid off years ago and they just doubled them.
@another vet: #10
I read a story of how Florida got the people to vote for the Lottery. The politicians promised that the profits would go to the schools. It was voted in and the first years winnings were $50,000,000. The money was sent to the schools, but in the next budget for the schools, the state reduced the amount by $50,000,000. So, the politicians can say they kept their promise and gave the profits to the schools.
I drove the highways across the USA for years. Ohio is a good example of a toll system put in that when it was paid off it would not be toll any more. The toll money had to be spent within the toll system, but they always came up with a way to spend more money. They decided a third lane on both sides of Interstate 80 was needed between Toledo and Cleveland. That was the road I drove the most and never saw it crowded, even during rush hour. Different times as I would go through Ohio I would asked on the CB if ANYONE has ever seen the highway crowded. Not one person said they had. Once politicians see money coming in, they don’t like to see it stop or reduce.
@Mike Henkins: #6
In some parts of the world, Clinton also had soldiers living in buildings that had been condemned. He cut back our intelligence gathering agencies so much that they had to call back a lot of agents around the world. We had two agents in Iraq at the time and they were called back. We had to rely on information from other countries, which wasn’t always reliable.
He’ll be handing out that “saved” money as so much candy for the next 10 months. Of course, what does one do with all the soldiers put out to pasture?
@DrJohn: You said:
He’ll figure out a way to not count them in the labor force so that the unemployment number drops…
0-bama will never take on entitlements but will cut the military to appease his base of liberal wachos. If you believe differently your Kool Aid level is too high.
Somebody came up with a way to fund the military, and for the government to make a profit at the same time.
@Smorgasbord: LOL, would be a lot funnier though, if it weren’t so close to the truth.
@anticsrocks: #18
How about advertising on all of the presidential vehicles (Air Force One, Marine One, motorcade, etc.)? They could even have sponsors for the presidential speeches. This speech is brought to you by *******.
@Smorgasbord: And the area on the back of the teleprompters is prime advertising real estate…
@anticsrocks: #20
I thought about that, but the propaganda media don’t ever show the TOTUS. The way to make the most money during the speeches is to have like it they do at sporting events where a screen in the back keeps showing advertising on it and keeps changing.
I hope Obama and his people don’t read FA, or they will probably try to put advertising in the speeches. Maybe have the president indirectly mention a company, or have a certain soda to drink, etc.
Obama’s crew made a bunch of money for his inauguration. It was held on private property so they could charge the news media for the time and space they used and for who knows what else. It was planned from the start as a money making event.
I like the soda part, he could be talking and sip on a bottle of soda between words,
wow, I can just see it, good find, that could generate money from the COMPANY, enough to pay
@ilovebeeswarzone: #22
Maybe the politicians could wear clothes that have the company logo on it. The advertisers would pay by the seconds their logo is on the screen. All government buildings could get free paint for life if the advertisers could paint their logo on the building. There are all kinds of ways for the government to get advertising money.
the lack of CREATIVITY AND IDEAS, is not a good sign for a GOVERNMENT IN POWER,
it show a decline in brain activity and is not projecting well on the people,
Bruce on 5
I think it’s the MAFIA, BUT sh, sh, no one tell, they all are to freaked up to make arrests.
@ilovebeeswarzone: #24
The democrats don’t lack in creativity! The know how to get more people on welfare and they know how to buy votes. Unfortunately, the republicans have seen how successfully it works for the democrats and have started doing the same thing.