If Romney wins Iowa, so what?
Mitt Romney and his supporters are already dancing around a swirling football in the Iowa end zone and they haven’t even made it into the locker room to change out of their street clothes yet. Don’t get me wrong, they could still win but so what? Newt Gingrich made a good point.
“After five years of campaigning and what I think will be something like 20 million dollars plus in total spending, Romney is proving decisively that the moderate vote is about 23 percent,” he said. “People who describe him as the front runner have to ask yourself for the question, ‘if you have to spend that many million dollars to get 23 percent, how can you possibly think he’s the most electable candidate?”
Does anyone remember who won the Iowa Caucus in 2008? Let me remind you. It was Mike Huckabee with 34% of the vote.
How many delegates does Iowa give the winning candidate on January 3rd?
Want to know what really happens in Iowa in January? Not much. A few thousand people who care enough about politics to spend an evening at their local library or church basement will decide who gets to attend the state GOP’s county conventions in March.
They’ll also participate in a non-binding presidential preference vote. (“Non-binding” means the state’s national convention delegates do not have to vote according to the preferences of caucus participants.)
And that’s about it.
In March, the county convention delegates will decide who attends a bunch of congressional district meetings and a statewide convention in late April and June. That’s when most of Iowa’s 28 national convention delegates — a bit over 1% of the total number of delegates in Tampa — will actually be chosen. If there’s already a likely nominee by that point, you can bet Iowa won’t rock the boat.
How many delegates does a candidate need to win the Republican nomination? 1,144.
Its is, to keep my football metaphor rolling, nothing more then an over hyped pre-season game. The points don’t count. Nor do the stats. The only thing that can come out of Iowa is your star quarter back gets injured or a rookie shows some flashy footwork and people start putting in orders for his jersey.
There is the “momentum” argument but even that is about as meaningless as the momentum of winning 3-4 pre-season games. Looks good on paper, and thats about it.
Go Patriots!
(No seriously. I want them to win. Really.)
He is just a fat guy in Maine.
So what is right. The Republican Party, which is foisting this loser on the grass-roots, is as useless as teets on a bull.
Check out Rick Santorum!
I like Santorum, for all his faults, but he can’t beat Obama.
Iowan Gov Branstad said we should look to the second place winner and the third place winner.
The GOP is counting on the sheeple to hold their noses again.
What I really don’t understand is how, after Barry wangled his way in, people are still not vetting the candidates. Look who Mitt’s main donors are: Goldman Sachs, Credit Suisse, Morgan Stanley, Barclays, BoA, Citi etc
Haven’t people learned that the bankster candidates are the worst for our country?
Ivan, if there’s anybody that can’t beat Obama, it’s Willard. His Wall Street history plays right to the heart of the narrative the little o will use to buck up his base of disgruntled welfare recipients. Have you seen the stuff they already have on the ‘Net? The picture of him and his Baine Capital pals with money stuffed behind their ears? They’ll beat him like a dog with refusing to release his tax returns, (and rightly so). The propaganda about how Baine Capital put hundreds of thousands out of work will resonate like a pipe organ with the union bros. The Left needs Willard, because they have nothing good to show for their four years of Obama. The middle has already swung away from them, so the only course they have is to rally 110% of their misbegotten base, and Willard is the perfect foil. The SEIU rank and file will gladly engage in suicide missions, whipped up by hatred of Willard and all he stands for. Which, frankly, is malodorous at best – look at how much $$ he’s getting from Goldman Suchs. At the heart of the best propaganda is a grain of truth, and in Willard’s case it’s not a grain, it’s a bushel.
The big loser here is Gingrich who chartered out of Iowa at midnight.Romney obviously wins big in N.H. with Santorum and Paul besting Newt.
The big question is can Newt hold off Santorum in the South.He’ll need Perrys backing which is questionable at best.
Anyone notice how few Repubs. actually like Newt?
Still picking a Romney/Rubio ticket that should beat BHO.
Saints over Pats in a high scoring Super Bowl duel between 2 GREAT NFL Q.B.’S.
They would have to modify the scoreboard to accommodate three digits per team. I hate to say this but the one team the Patriots don’t want to come up against its the Saints. And of that was to happen ……. Patriots pass defense already looks bad, against that passing game and that Q.B.?
Lord have mercy!