This is unspeakable. Alan Colmes was answering a question about Santorum, specifically if he thought voters would stick with Santorum. Alan Colmes answer was unforgivable:
“Playing with it”
Thankfully Rich Lowry took him to task for such a crass, contemptible characterization of the parents of a baby boy wanting his siblings to actually see the brother who had lived and died. To actually see and hold their brother before buring him instead of just hearing about him. They didn’t “play with him”…As Rick Santorum later explained on Hannity today:
“Karen was a neo-natal intensive care nurse for nine years and one of the things that Karen taught me, and that she learned from that experience, was that you have to affirm the live of your child. You have to affirm that memory for your children and for you, and to recognize the dignity of that life and to make sure that that child is forever part of your family.”
Here is the reaction from the Santorum’s when they were told what Colmes had said:
At a Pizza Ranch restaurant in Newton, Iowa, a member of the audience asked Santorum to react to a controversial attack leveled by liberal Fox News contributor Alan Colmes, who called the Santorum family’s approach to grieving for their dead baby boy, who lived for only two hours after his birth in 1996, “crazy.”…
[I]n Iowa this afternoon, Santorum explained that it was important for his other children to “know they had a brother.”
Santorum’s wife, Karen, who was at the event and listened to her husband talk about the experience, began to weep.
“It’s just so inappropriate,” she said as tears streamed from her eyes.
There are not many lines left to cross in politics, but Colmes crossed one of the few left I believe.
And that’s why he apologized. Which is what he should of done.
But this all comes down to the same ole’ same ole’ kind of attack from the left….Conservatives are religious nuts. They attacked Palin and her kids in the same way. Nothing is off limits for them, and no cross to sacred to cross.
Exit video: (5 min mark)

See author page
Exactly. He wants to criticize others for “calling names” and not “setting an example”, but he only seems to care if it’s a Conservative. If a fellow leftist wants to throw out slurs and make disgusting remarks towards a Conservative he ‘s all for it. In fact, he’ll even defend the leftist who did it and attack the Conservative for calling them on it. It’s also rather obvious said standards are for others and not CAS.
The more I see the more I think he or she is either a recent high school grad or a very unstable individual who’s off their meds.
@Hard Right: it’s funny you mention meds, because talking to you is not much different than having a conversation with a schizophrenic.
but since the stage has already been set for this to be a “rant & bash” site…i’m just giving you a taste of your own medicine.
and don’t insult me with the “high school” comment. don’t be jealous that you never graduated.
@C Andrew Scott: You said:
Yeahhh, that comment shows your maturity is growing by leaps and bounds…
/sarcasm off
But wait, who was it that said:
Hmm, oh yeah, It was C Andrew Scott
What an asshole. My wife’s 2nd pregnancy ended abruptly at just 14 weeks, and the 15 minutes she and I were given to spend with the lifeless remains of our 2nd-child-to-be were some of the most painful of my life. I cannot fathom the depraved depths a person must sink to in order to attack somebody’s character based on their means of grieving such a loss.
I’m not sure what Colmes’ thoughts/politics are (never watched the guy before this), but I can definitely say that even if we were 100% in alignment on every other issue to see the light of day, I wouldn’t so much as share a cab with him after having watched this particular clip.
@C Andrew Scott: Okay, so you didn’t condone his comments. The OP was pointing out that what Colmes did was abhorrent.
I guess I missed your reply to the OP.
My mistake.
@Hard Right: Yep, if it had been a Conservative commentator being that much of an ass to a liberal Democrat, I am sure his reply would have been a tad bit different.
@anticsrocks: just following your example.
@C Andrew Scott: #14
If you have followed FA long enough you know that a lot of us have criticized Bush for certain things he has done and certain things he hasn’t done. One thing Curt and other conservatives asks is that, if a liberal does or says something that is out of line, please condemn it like you would a republican doing the same thing. You aren’t giving up any manhood in doing so.
I don’t belong to any party, but I have noticed the republicans will show sympathy towards liberals who go through a tragedy in their family. Liberals use it as if it were a weapon to bash a republican.
@Hard Right: HR, you are gonna hafta hold the fort. The 4th is my youngest’s 3rd birthday and she has been talking about Chucky Cheese for a solid week. So I may not even turn on my computer tomorrow (today, lol).
@Helene: #30
I look at it a little differently. Colmes is reminding people why they need to keep listening to Fox News. He is a good reminder of what is on the propaganda media. If Fox News gets rid of him, some people might go to one or more of the propaganda media for something different. Better to let them see the difference on Fox News.
Also, if Fox News gets rid of Colmes, the liberals will have a field day with that. Think of all of the stuff the propaganda media can come up with! Let him keep reminding us why we should listen to Fox News!
Alan has a huge tell and should never take up playing poker. Whene he launches into his left wing lies his left eyebrow raises up!!! Just watch his left eyebrow rise and you’ll catch his biggest lies & whoppers….He has been doing this for years
Hey guys, let’s stop insulting each other.
The issue clearly has to do with Alan Colmes, not liberals, conservatives or whatever.
Please, if you want to shoot spit balls at each other, try that some other place.
@Helene: Open forum, last time I checked you have the feedom to say what you want. Having said that though, it is a lost cause when trying to convince morons of who they are.
Chucky Cheese, the Disney of pizza. Lucky kid. Have fun!
Wow! I am certainly not surprised Colmes said something so insensitive!! And, he has that stupid smirk on his face all the while – what an arse….Hey, and what happened to all that “political correctness” the Liberals spew so much???? Beating a man up when he (and his family) is down and mourning in their own way? calling this “crazy” or kooky… as if… Spinning such an emotional, heart wrenching situtation into “playing with a dead baby” …
…Wow that is pretty disgusting….
Just proves beyond a shadow of the doubt – to everyone…Liberals have no respect for a human life or the dollar… just another day to them… very unsettling…. and to think, they spew propaganda and rhetoric about conservatives having no feelings and of being ‘evil’ and extreme…What?? Huh?!? … The way the liberal mind works is very unsettling, very backward…and largely hypocritical…
Political Correctness – I guess that only applies to the few… Any religion with “God” in it is fair game though…. What do Liberals have against God or a “Higher Power” anyway?
Oh, and it occurred to me the Liberals that have been coming here lately spewing their hate and anger towards many here at FA are probably just angry because Santa didn’t bring them any presents for Christmas… …hmmm..wonder why…
Really? Did you morons WATCH the video? Colmes wasn’t being glib or disrespectful. He was pointing out a fact. Santorium brought home their dead babay for their kids to play with. WEIRD!!!!!!
Really? Did you morons WATCH the video? Colmes wasn’t being glib or disrespectful. He was pointing out a fact. Santorium brought home their dead baby for their kids to play with. WEIRD!!!!!!
@liberalchild: Wouldn’t expect a child like yourself to respect the bereavement of another family. Especially since there is an infant involved. I KNEW you would chime in, given how you disrespect a fatherless infant, now you are disrespecting an entire family that lost a baby.
Santorum doesn’t care about “blah” people.