The new “strategerie”
…increasingly, Obama and his aides have switched to a longer view, trying to focus attention on what they portray as the president’s defense of the middle class…The theme of giving the middle class a “fair shot” potentially works against whoever survives the demolition derby among the Republican hopefuls…The “fair shot” theme also provides a more positive message than previous Obama formulations, which some analysts saw as harder-edged attacks on the wealthy.
I loved this part:
“Obama set the stage for the new approach this fall as he told friends that he felt a need to deliver a speech that would look at the nation’s economic troubles from a ‘higher altitude,’” reports Parsons and Lautner.
Indeed. From about 35,000 feet. On the way to Hawaii.
The champion of the middle class is on a $4 million dollar Hawaiian vacation right now.
President Barack Obama, fresh from his battle to save average Americans “$40 a paycheck” by preserving the payroll tax cut, landed in Hawaii last night and headed directly out for sushi at $5-$9 per piece.
But not just any sushi. Less than half an hour after reaching his vacation hideaway, the middle class warrior was out the door and making his way to the fabulous Morimoto Waikiki, the restaurant of the famous Iron Chef Masaharu Morimoto.
Perhaps the president whetted his appetite with one of the hot appetizer selections, like the Oyster Foie Gras at $22 a pop – a whole week’s worth of Social Security tax savings – or the Spicy Alaskan King Crab for $26.
Hawaii is boku expensive but the word is Queen Michelle demanded it.
Political sources are now saying that Mrs. Obama has been spending money like crazy and that her husband has asked her to tone it down. In the recent Hawaiian vacation that the family took together, Mrs. Obama allegedly demanded to take the massive trip, when President Obama would have been just as happy heading to Camp David.
But the Obama’s have kept the middle class and those less fortunate in mind:
Each of us can do our part to serve our communities and our country, not just today, but every day.
And nothing says service and sacrifice better than golf:
President Obama Monday set a new personal one-year golfing record while serving as president.
And, as he vacations in Hawaii, the First Golfer still has time to add to that record.
After golfing at a Marine Corps base Monday, Obama has so far totaled 32 golf outings this year, topping the totals in each of the first two years of his presidency.
And Queen Michelle offers her support for the middle class by wearing a Resort Collection Sophie Theallet sundress valued at between $1000 and $2000.
Ah, the life of the middle class.

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
Obama plans to shift this country’s definition of ”poor” and near-poor” from the super-high ”nearly half of the country,” to a much lower number when the US Census comes out a few week prior to the 2012 election.
Cool, huh?
He ”saved” us!
(On paper.)
Robert Rector of the NYPost touched on this last week.
Tom Blumer of PJMedia took this to the next level….
So, Obama’s “winning” campaign idea that under his administration and Congress, the number of poor have increased?
Yeah, good luck with that.
Read the 2nd link I posted from the source.
Obama’s TRICK will be to suddenly change the way poverty is measured (the new, “Supplemental Poverty Measure” ) so as to appear to cut poverty rates in the USA sharply!
Bet on these new, dramatically improved numbers to come out in time for them to help Obama in his re-election.
The ”poor & near-poor” numbers we now use, under Obama, are artificially inflated to reach up to almost 1/2 of all Americans.
I’m so glad that Moochelle can have a reasonably priced sundress. She deserves it I’m sure, working so hard to connect with the common people, just like our Dear Leader B. Hussein Obama. /sarc
UpChuck, the biggest laugh on drj’s link (the last one to Weasel Zippers) was one of the comments…
Game, set match on that observation…. Altho she has donned some stunning haute couture, this ain’t one of ’em.
Nan G
glad that you now figuring out his every moves,
because many AMERICANS still don’t have a clue,
and agree with him.
Seriously – How disconnected ‘is’ this man AND his followers?
Champion of the Middle Class? – My A$$!!
Seriously, after 3 years of this mess, are people really stupid enough to vote for another 4 years of a mess?? How much are Americans going to kick themselves in the arse when after another 3 years of this crap things are no better and in all likelyhood worse???…
I am tired of being sucked right along with the stupid is as stupid does crowd and having to suffer along with their stupid decisions, and delusions… I am a realist. I don’t believe in the liberal utopia mime [hint utopia does not exist it’s a fantasy]. Other Americans need to ‘get a reality check’ too.
that was well said as usual A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU AND LOVED ONE
WE THINK OF YOU HERE and miss you’re comments,
bye take care SR
The package should read “OBAMA, Fraudulent Bobble Head, Kenyan-Indonesian Hybrid, AMERICA’S PRESIDENT”