Joe Biden: Dangerously Stupid [Reader Post]

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In reality only Joe Biden thinks that Joe Biden is something other than a village idiot. Biden has a long history of making ridiculous and stupid statements.


And here he demonstrates his math prowess:


And here is his health advice:


Now Joe Biden says that the Taliban is not our enemy:


Jay Carney then tried to defend Biden.


We’re fighting the Taliban, but they’re not our enemy??

Glad we got that straightened out.

Oddly, it wasn’t always this way:

Obama: Step up effort against Taliban, al-Qaida

Obama: Taliban and al Qaeda must be stopped


Senator Barack Obama is proposing that the United States deploy about 10,000 more troops to battle resurgent forces in Afghanistan, a plan intended to shift the American military focus from the Iraq war to the marked rise in violence from the Taliban.

Making peace treaties with the Taliban was once a bad thing- according to Obama.


I have said repeatedly that democrats depend heavily on their supporters having zero long term memory and once again it proves to be true. One thing that is hard to forget, though, is that Joe Biden is not just stupid, he is dangerously stupid.

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Didn’t President Bush give the taliban a period of time to either turn over the al Qaeda bad guys or, at the very least, work with us to get them before finally concluding that the taliban had sided with al Qaeda and would hide them and protect them against us?
If I recall correctly, it wasn’t until that was clear that we went into Afghanistan against BOTH al Qaeda and the taliban.

@Nan G,

You are correct; that’s why the anti-Taliban, Northern Alliance sided with the US.

Biden was selected as VP to make the President look intelligent in comparison. His selection also provided an additional level of protection for Obama. No matter how bad Obama is, no one would kill him if Biden was next in line. When Pelosi was 2nd in succession, Obama was even safer.

@ThunderGod, of course the reason that Benazir Bhutto created and financed the Taliban is because the Northern Alliance were attacking Pakistani shipments. Nor were they none to kind to the Afghans, leading to the rise of Bhutto/Omar Mullah’s Taliban.

Kinda like choosing between two poisons, don’t you think?

Nice edit. He said “…they are not our enemy PER SE…” and went on to explain. Of course the truth and facts are not important to wingnuts.


through itself Also “by itself” or “in itself”. Without referring to anything else, intrinsically, taken without qualifications, etc.

Even those 19 hijackers were not our enemies per se, liberaman!
It takes an act.
The taliban has engaged in hundreds, even thousands of acts proving it is an enemy of the USA.
Actually, our entire legal system is based on the idea of never criminalizing the person, but rather criminalizing the act and punishing the person who commits it.
Thus we overturned laws that criminalize a state of being such as being ”a vagrant.”
(Or merely being a taliban.)

This all depends on which definition of the word “our” means:

Definition 1
The democratic party.

Definition 2

I am guessing Biden meant definition 1. Since the democrats seem to be trying to destroy the USA, this would make the Taliban their “ally” no their “enemy.” This time Biden told the truth.

“Joe, say something intelligent. Let the people hear you!” Shouts Obama. Then he realizes that he is talking about Joe Biden

“Oh G#d, love ya! ” said Obama. “What am I talking about?”

Joe ”wrote” an editorial today.
Read it and you’ll see why I put the scare quotes around the word ”wrote.”
He parrots Obama’s speech writers’ talking points AND their straw men arguments word-for-word!

One commenter at pegged Biden:

Joe Biden continues his blue collar dad myth.
His father was sales manager for a new car dealership, in Pennsylvania.
Dad relocated to Delaware for a better job, just like many of us have relocated.
Wife and children temporarily stayed with grandparents, just as many of us have done, with relocaton for a better job.

Biden continues this lie, along with the lies about law school at Syracuse University.
He says he had an academic scholarship to SU Law – he did not.

He says he graduated in the top half of his class.
He did not.
He graduated near the bottom of his class.

He says he failed a course because he didn’t footnote properly.
That is a lie.
He stole another student’s paper, copied it, turned it in as his own work, was caught doing it.
He should have been expelled, but was not, unfortunately.

So shut up, Joe. Stop the lies.