Gallup: Big Government Feared Most

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Occupy Wall Street my ass:

Since Obama has been President the percentage of Democrats who say Big Government is more of a threat to this country has risen 16% to 48%. Percentage of Democrats who view Big Business as the biggest threat? 44%.

Americans’ concerns about the threat of big government continue to dwarf those about big business and big labor, and by an even larger margin now than in March 2009. The 64% of Americans who say big government will be the biggest threat to the country is just one percentage point shy of the record high, while the 26% who say big business is down from the 32% recorded during the recession. Relatively few name big labor as the greatest threat.

But hey, let’s Occupy Wall Street!

This part of the poll has been getting a lot of play all day today:

Yup, dead last…and the honesty and integrity of our elected leaders?

I wonder who Obama will blame next for this turn of events?

I’m thinking Bush again.

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@MataHarley: And he seems to oh so conveniently avoid my comments here.


@Ivan: I keep trying to assume your are a bonafide, grown up adult. But with your constant whining, that is an assumption that is increasingly hard to make.

You mean like this insult, Mr. Insult?

Just keep it up! Keep up the ragging. Now, let’s get Mata and Aye in here. I’m sure Curt just loves seeing this totally off-topic flame-fest, started and kept alive by you guys, on his site.

Have a good Christmas!

@Ivan: Merry Christmas Ivan. Maybe Santa will bring you a healthy dose of maturation.

I will admit that what I said was harsh. I will also apologize for what I said:

I keep trying to assume your are a bonafide, grown up adult. But with your constant whining, that is an assumption that is increasingly hard to make.

It is a sincere apology.

Now may I assume that any more interaction between you and I will remain civil?


It is a sincere apology.

And in the same post you say the following:

Merry Christmas Ivan. Maybe Santa will bring you a healthy dose of maturation.

Honestly Anti, I’d like nothing more than to have a nice, civil discourse with you, Mata (Ik now, she’s incapable of being Christian in her conduct here), Aye, Bees, etc.

But how can I take you seriously when you apologize for insulting me then insult me?

Needless to say, Ivan… your idea of “Christian” is bizarre, to say the least.

As far as “apologies” go, you should check out your hypocritical apology to Bees an an example. Need a reminder? You so called “apology” was prefaced by the following:

I’m going to do something you and Mata never have the ability to do, in part because you’re not Christians, I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt.

You are in serious need of a new pastor/religious guide, Ivan. Therefore your comment to anticsrocks, dissing his “apology” – delivered in like kind – is nothing short of hilarious.

Ivan sez: But how can I take you seriously when you apologize for insulting me then insult me?

Yeah… why don’t you ponder that one for awhile….

@Ivan: Actually I insulted you, THEN I apologized. As for the maturation comment, can you not take the slightest bit of teasing?

You want civil debates, yet when you post your comments it is almost always just rhetoric.

Try showing the sources that give you your worldview.