Newt Gingrich: Will He Be The Guy To Beat Obama?

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Yesterday Newt Gingrich stood before 60+ conservative voices and answered some tough questions. While I understand there are many negatives to the man, the fact that he has no hesitation to enter the lions den is admirable.

His speech started with the obvious:

“if Obama is re-elected America will be a very, very different country from the one we grew-up in.”

Obvious but a oh so important point. This election is very important and this very fact is one reason why people should pause before they pull the lever for this guy. Can he win the general election?

The Speaker then went on to outline the four parts of his 21st Century Contract with America: A set of legislative proposals to shift America back to job creation, prosperity, freedom, and safety; A “Day One Plan” of Executive Orders to be signed on inauguration day to immediately transform the way the executive branch works; A training program for the transition teams and the appointees who will lead the shift back to Constitutional, limited government; and, a system of citizen involvement to help us sustain grassroots support for change and help implement the change through 2021.

…One of the earliest and toughest questions came from Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli who noted many of the ideas Speaker Gingrich had championed seemed like they might end-up growing government. “How can we be sure, what’s the restraint on you that these ideas won’t end up being more big government?” asked Cuccinelli.

Speaker Gingrich replied to laughter that “there’s nothing to restrain a President from doing something dumb, but I trust the people in this room to tell me if that is the case.” But then he noted more seriously that, “I’m a Federalist. I look to the Federalist Papers and the Constitution to guide me and restrain government.”

…When asked about how he intended to win the general election Gingrich said he expected Obama to have $1 billion to spend, but that he would counter that by challenging Obama to a series of seven Lincoln – Douglas-style un-moderated debates, “…and he’ll say yes. There are two reasons: The first is his ego. Can you imagine him looking in the mirror? Graduate from Columbia, Harvard Law, and editor of the Law Review. How is he going to say that he’s afraid to be on the same podium as a West Georgia College teacher? Plus, if he says ‘no’ I’m going to say ‘the White House is now my scheduler’ and wherever he goes I will show-up within four hours to take apart whatever he said, that’s how Lincoln got Douglas to debate.”

His ability to destroy people in debates is well known and one reason someone might vote for the guy. Everyone knows how important the general election debates are, and his idea of forcing the Lincoln/Douglas style debates is a great idea with his skill.

So then we are left with the question, if he did win the Presidency would he indeed govern as a conservative, or would he turn back to his old neo-conservative ways?

Or do we trust that Romney will govern as a conservative?

Steven Hayward
makes a Churchill comparison that is interesting:

But before becoming prime minister, Winston Churchill was often dismissed in similar terms by members of his own party, who complained that “his planning is all wishing and guessing,” that he was “a genius without judgment,” and that he had been “on every side of every question.” His many non-fiction books were even characterized as “autobiographies disguised as history of the universe.” This is not to suggest that Newt is the next Churchill, which would indeed feed Newt’s grandiosity. Rather, it is to prompt us to recognize one important fact and to ask two questions that have heretofore not been asked.

The important fact is this: The example of Churchill (and also Reagan to some extent) shows that we cannot prospectively identify those whom we will later come to laud as great statesmen. Very few leading Republicans thought Reagan would be Reagan, even after the 1980 election, just as Churchill was not a popular choice of his own party in 1940. One of the best studies of Churchill’s pre-1940 career could almost be adapted for Newt, Robert Rhodes James’s Churchill: A Study in Failure.

Two questions must be asked in order to judge whether Newt might have Churchillian qualities (both good and bad) once in office, or whether Romney’s predictable managerial qualities are more suited to the present moment.

The first question is whether we require someone utterly unconventional to match up to the circumstances of the moment. The same negative qualities that kept Churchill from high office in the 1930s — his resolute stubbornness, his unconstrained and unpredictable imagination and occasional recklessness — paradoxically made him the best person to lead the nation when it reached the point of extreme crisis in May 1940. But the crisis had to reach the extreme before the Churchill option became thinkable.

Even the outbreak of war in 1939 didn’t immediately lead to the thought that Churchill should become prime minister. And even after the invasion of France, it wasn’t clear that his mixed qualities would prove a source of reassurance to the nation, or a formula for success in the war. Is Newt’s long-time embrace of “radical change” what is necessary to address the fiscal crisis of our time? One reason a large portion of the Tea Party has embraced Newt, his mixed record notwithstanding, is that he appears to be the only candidate who will both argue for and attempt to implement the large changes necessary to right our listing ship of state.

“The Conservatives have never liked nor trusted me,” Churchill wrote in the 1920s. According to King George VI’s biographer biographer, the king was “bitterly opposed” to Churchill’s becoming prime minister. He remained a figure of suspicion within his own party even after he became prime minister in 1940. The description of cabinet secretary John Colville sounds like much of the Newt-angst of conservatives right now: “In May 1940 the mere thought of Churchill as Prime Minister send a cold chill down the spines of the staff working at 10 Downing Street. . . . Seldom can a Prime Minister have taken office with the Establishment . . . so dubious of the choice and so prepared to find its doubts justified.” “This is not the last war administration by a long way,” a leading member of Churchill’s own party remarked. Another Tory MP, Peter Eckersley, wrote: “Winston won’t last five months! Opposition from Tories is already beginning.” MP David Kier wrote in his diary a month after Churchill took office: “The more I think of the position, the more uncertain the future of Winston’s present Government is.” One Conservative-party grandee wrote that “I regard this [Churchill as PM] as a greater disaster than the invasion of the Low Countries.”

As the British learned, he was anything but a disaster. But nominating Newt is a huge risk. I guess it comes down to whether we are willing to take that risk. As Mata wrote earlier in her excellent post, the liberals are predicting a landslide if Newt is nominated which actually has me wondering, as Mata is, are we on to something with Newt:

What I want is someone who sees the way out of a fiscal disaster, and won’t take crap from either side. They must be fearless from political assault and threats. I’m not interested in them putting their personal popularity or legacy first. I don’t expect a perfect individual… especially from a politician. But don’t do the dance of blame. Own up, and move on. And most importantly, they have to be a believer of this nation’s free market and capitalist economic foundation.

If the mutual hatred by both sides for Newt is any indication, it may be that Newt is just the guy. He’s certainly adept at being a scrapper, and is not beaten down easily. And it should be the responsibility of the Tea Party conservatives, and those who may end up putting him in office, to make sure he holds true to small government and fiscal responsible beliefs.

Man o’ man…times like these I really wish Sarah had entered.

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You know how I know the Republicans will lose in 2012? I can’t find a fellow Republican who’ll take a money bet that Obama will lose.

That is how I shut them up and down. Put your money where your mouth is.

@Pastor emeritus Nathan Bickel:

Newt will be able to bring the corruptions of the Obama administration to full light and keep the focus on the failed putative president

You mean like he did with the corrupt Clinton Administration?

Oh, yeah, never mind.

One of the most carefully guarded secrets, apparently, is that there is a Grand Canyon of difference between nominating a “Republican” that can beat Obama, 0n the one hand, and nominating somebody that will immediately start the healing from Obama’ policies (which are largely an acceleration of Bush’s policies), on the other.

If there is not one of the latter on the ballot, I would bother to go out into the weather unless there is a local issue worthy of my attention.

not so fast, by disclosing his BILLION DOLLARS and show of with it, spending his money to buy VOTES,
will tell people that what will happen if he get reelected, is the downfall of AMERICA,
because the DEBT will still be higher above the ceiling, and the jobs wont be there, the economie will still be destroyed nothing will get better but worse, and the BILLION DOLLARS
balance will have evaporated in
his pockets,
so the AMERICANS will find it easier to see where they should vote this time, even those who take his money will think hard on it, before voting for him,
you can fool once but it’s harder to fool twice, that’s what OBAMA is now trying to do,
by reaching the UNIONS MEMBERS, which are beginning to read his false message by shifting the blame to anyone else but his failure to govern.

Larry Sheldon
GINGRISH and PERRY, have specificly the agenda to do what you say, from the beginning
of the swearing in of the PRESIDENCY,
but they have to get it first by winning, which is a top priority,,
and instead of having attacks and insults by whatever media or blogs, all the CANDIDATES
should be respected and support, FOR THEIR GUTS TO GET IN THE RACE, knowing the heavy price to pay by them and their loved one, there is vicious quotes coming from the corrupt DEMOCRATS, and their MEDIA
WE ARE BETTER THAN THEM, we don’t need to get
in their gangs and throw the dirt on our side,
but we should throw it right back on the opponents a soon as we read or hear it, to shut their dirty tongues

courtesy of my friend, Mata:

Yes, “Tom” is a die hard progressive Obama faithful, and a semi- regular troll with less than adept debate skills. But then, he is cuts above the one liner parrot, liberalman. All in all, save for our regular long time FA libs, the new class of O’trolls is a proverbial scrapping the bottom of the barrel.

Ah, we’ve come to the point in every debate with Mata where she descends to simplistic labellings and childish name-calling. I always love this stage, where Mata tries to take the discussion off the rails by baiting the peanut gallery, hoping they’ll all rush in, pile on me and pat her on the back. I guess some people require constant positive feedback and that’s why they only debate in arenas where the deck is stacked in their favor. Talk about a home-court advantage, apparently just labeling someone “progressive” is viewed as some sort of bullseye shot on FA. But I will take it for what it really is: her sad little rhetorical version of throwing up a white flag.

yes we are positive and you are dragging you’re heels on a SMART CONSERVATIVE BLOG,
which react instantly to negative hate card and mud slinging libs trolls coming to pay a visit by attacking here or selling the party of cards game playing to whack everyone because of their failure to do their jobs. and we are observing the fact that
even a snake is still a snake after changing skin.

@Tom, as usual your drivel attempts to mask your own chutzpah. You set the tone of insults with your comment from #27:

Likely everyone will agree with whomever they already agree with, and as for those who are undecided, well, let’s see if they’re inclined to embrace what’s elementally a heartless, miserly and selfish vision of America’s future over Obama’s.

I see… so if we don’t agree with your hero and politics, we’re all “heartless, miserly and selfish”.

But it’s me who resorts to insults? My suggestion is face the mirror when you hurl those charges, bubba. Around here, what you give, you generally get back, plus some.

I don’t need atta girl pats on the back for any of my observations. Least of all for the accurate one that, altho you are cuts above liberalman and liberal1 (which ain’t saying much… it’s like that box of “whine” and week old spam I mentioned…), you truly are scrapping the bottom of the barrel for O’trolls.


Ah, we’ve come to the point in every debate with Mata where she descends to simplistic labellings and childish name-calling

Exactly. Mata’s SOP is to belittle and insult those who disagree with her. “The last act of the desperate mind is the personal insult.”

Apparently, Cut find Mata’s SOP to be copasetic as I never see him take her to task for her personal insults to other posters.

Ivan see above. You exhibit the same behavior with your comments. You come in with insults and hate, then whine when you feel victimized. Do you and Tom need a room?


But it’s me who resorts to insults? My suggestion is face the mirror when you hurl those charges, bubba.


We’re all guilty of insulting others on this board. The problem is that you are the high priestess of the personal insults on FA.

I attempt over and over to engage you in rational discourse and you routinely end up insulting me instead of addressing the argument I am forwarding.

I’m not the only one to notice your vituperative nature here on FA. All I, and others, are requesting is that you tone it down a little.

Take care and have a great weekend, Mata.


Do you and Tom need a room?

There you have it. I reach out to her with Christian love and she hurls another personal attack.

I forgive you, Mata. My God bless you this day and every day.


not so fast, by disclosing his BILLION DOLLARS and show of with it, spending his money to buy VOTES,
will tell people that what will happen if he get reelected, is the downfall of AMERICA,

Is this your way, Bee, of saying you believe Obama will lose in 2012?

If so, are you willing to lay money on that?

Surprising how little there is here, given all the shouting.

not so fast, no money will buy OBAMA to be reelect, he should have secured his billion by paying his spending spree resulting in the astronomic DEBT CEILING WHICH WILL BE HIS LEGACY TO AMERICA
after his departure,.
hey who is CUT? which is copasetic?
cop asetic, co pasetic, copa setic, copase tic
ah, I get it, cop as a tic

@Ivan: There you have it. I reach out to her with Christian love and she hurls another personal attack.

There you have it. Ivan considers @his comment #59 a “reach out with Christian love”, then whines like a little girl when it’s retaliated.

Thanks for the stellar example, Ivan. BTW, if that’s what they teach you as “Christian love” at your church, you may want to shop around for another pastor.

Larry Sheldon
what do you expect to do with the libtards,
rockaby baby them until they fall asleep?


I see… so if we don’t agree with your hero and politics, we’re all “heartless, miserly and selfish”.

Wow. I couldn’t possibly dream of a better example of how you just don’t get it. I called a vision “heartless, miserly and selfish”, not a person. Not you. This is called arguing about politics, but for you that distinction is meaningless because it’s always personal. You reflexively take umbrage with anyone who disagrees with your world-view and launch into a personal attack. Even here, when you’re attempting to analyze it, you still don’t see it! That’s truly remarkable.

you have to give it to MATA,
like it or not, she is always one step ahead, with her comments,
no matter who challenge her comments.

@Tom: Wow. I couldn’t possibly dream of a better example of how you just don’t get it. I called a vision “heartless, miserly and selfish”, not a person. Not you. This is called arguing about politics, but for you that distinction is meaningless because it’s always personal.

Oh, I “get it” all right, Tom. If “some one embraces” a political choice and philosophy that is not yours and Obama’s, they are “heartless, miserly and selfish”. But because you paint an entire conservative movement as that… which, BTW, does include me, ang not a small number of others in this nation… you don’t consider that an “insult”.

Take liberties with language much?

You’ve clearly stated how you view the political opposition, and it is beyond insulting. That is *your* form of “debate”… demean the opposition en masse. Eat your cold peas, boy. You get no pass with your very ugly and insulting perspectives simply because you didn’t name names.


You’ve clearly stated how you view the political opposition, and it is beyond insulting.

HA! As opposed to your sympathetic, charitable view of Liberal/Progressives??? Don’t make me laugh and don’t make me spend the five minutes it would require to copy and paste your “view” of the opposition. I must say, you keep digging this hole of yours deeper and deeper. Guess we can add “confirmed hypocrite” to your list of sterling personal attributes. Honestly, what megalomania, what autocratic delusion, to presume I can’t hold a personal opinion of Conservatism without it personally offending you. Oh, I forgot: you’re synonymous, if not bigger, than Conservatism. It’s all about you in the end.

Man o’ man…times like these I really wish Sarah had entered.” That one line says so much! The pundits, the GOP, and the establishment are all saying the same thing already, “That their man Romney is the only one who can win.”What they don’t get, and or refuse to believe is that many Americans will actually not vote if their main man Rommey is given the nod. Granted I have noticed that some are beginning to understand just how sick and tired some Americans are of the Gop and gang pushing their idea of the “winner”, someone who wants to keep the status quo in DC.I don’t think I have ever seen this much anger and resentment at the GOp before in my lifetime.
So many reasons for it too, and most if not all are valid reasons too. I may vote for the Newt, maybe. Newt is an extremely intelligent man, he was able to discern the anger, frustration, and apathy that many conservatives, indies, and dems have, and he jumped on it and has used it for his advantage. But is he for real or all talk? Based on his previous political behavior he is just using it to gain office like all professional politicians. But I am still hoping for Bachman, since Cain was blown out of the water. The Gop may be facing another disaster like in 08, while they cry out in anger and despair, “Where did we gone wrong again” Maybe after another four more years of Obi and company they will figure it out, its for the people not them. If Palin was running we would already have our man, I mean woman!


There you have it. Ivan considers @his comment #59 a “reach out with Christian love”, then whines like a little girl when it’s retaliated.

#59 cannot be described as a personal insult, as you throw around here like a knife-wielding madwoman. You really need to lighten up if you’re going to engage in discourse on the net.

Now there’s a comment that’s rich with irony, Ivan… LOL Thanks for the grin.


There you have it. Ivan considers @his comment #59 a “reach out with Christian love”, then whines like a little girl when it’s retaliated.

Thanks for the stellar example, Ivan. BTW, if that’s what they teach you as “Christian love” at your church, you may want to shop around for another pastor.

What bugs you, Mata, is that people are getting sick and tired of your routine of ripping into someone because they disagree with you.

I, and others, are not going to just sit back any more and let you spew your venom here at FA.

Do you understand me?

What bugs you, Mata, is that people are getting sick and tired of your routine of ripping into someone because they disagree with you.

Let’s see, Ivan… that would be you, a few Ron Paul supporters, and a lib/prog, Tom so far. Dang… I consider your disdain a badge of honor. Oh my.. you all don’t like me. How will I sleep at night… .LOL


I can’t hold a personal opinion of Conservatism without it personally offending you. Oh, I forgot: you’re synonymous, if not bigger, than Conservatism. It’s all about you in the end.

You nailed it, Tom. Now, fire for effect!

@MataHarley: Let’s see, Ivan… that would be you, a few Ron Paul supporters, and a lib/prog, Tom so far. Dang… I consider your disdain a badge of honor. Oh my.. you all don’t like me. How will I sleep at night… .LOL

It’s not that I don’t like you, I actually do to some extent. It’s just that you ALWAYS make some snide, nasty comment in your response to those who disagree with you.

Let’s face it, you are a troll. You insinuate that Curt was referring to me about the PDS sufferer and I agreed. Then AYE came in and ripped me (not you for making the initial comment). Now, I can take the heat from AYE, but there you were in the background just laughing away at the animus you created.

You enjoy causing upset among the FA posters, Mata. It’s not nice.

Gary G. Swenchonis
we are just beginning to rise to the demand, there is no time to be negative and think of failure,
all the CANDIDATES would have gone home if they think there is no chance to win,
why are they going to such pain of insult and attacks, IT’S because they know it’s worth it
what is FREEDOM, and goal toward achievment is the way to success, not the other way.
if they stay the course, the least we can do is support their effort till the end, and trust them, they need to know that AMERICA is on their side, it will double their strenght of fighting for the first place even more
and may the best chosen rise with all the support needed from AMERICANS, and hope for a future,
to heal the NATION which is loosing faith in it’s people capacity to reclaim the STRENGTH OF the GIANTS
WHO BUILD AMERICA with less tools that we have today which is unlimited,
reclaim the passion for AMERICA TO GIVE HER BACK what she gave to each one living in this COUNTRY.
MAY GOD HELP THOSE CANDIDATES and keep them strong to continue the struggle they have the courage to carry on selflessly toward the end,


I consider your disdain a badge of honor.

So being known as a serial insulter is something you are proud of.

Great way to win friends and influence people, Mata.

@Ivan: You said:

You know how I know the Republicans will lose in 2012?

The little voices that emanate out from under your tinfoil hat tell you so?


The little voices that emanate out from under your tinfoil hat tell you so?

There you go! Another personal insult from the denizens of Flopping Aces.

@Ivan: You said:

I attempt over and over to engage you in rational discourse and you routinely end up insulting me instead of addressing the argument I am forwarding.

Really? Please link ONE comment where you try to engage in rational discourse.

on you’re 63, I overlooked it before, but now I read it again,
how do you think it would look if all of us at FA, start to bett on OBAMA ‘ LOST
do you think that CURT would let it run?
although it would be fun to take your money out of your pockets every day,
ya, I must submit that good idea of you’res to CURT.
I found a good word, here it is;
apdiplostemonus meaning ????? dunno
but It sound good

@Ivan: You said:

There you go! Another personal insult from the denizens of Flopping Aces.

It’s just that you ALWAYS make some snide, nasty comment in your response to those who disagree with you.

I, and others, are not going to just sit back any more and let you spew your venom here at FA. Do you understand me?

I attempt over and over to engage you in rational discourse and you routinely end up insulting me instead of addressing the argument I am forwarding.

I’m not the only one to notice your vituperative nature here on FA. All I, and others, are requesting is that you tone it down a little.

#59 cannot be described as a personal insult, as you thrw around here like a knife-wielding madwoman.

There you have it. I reach out to her with Christian love and she hurls another personal attack.

Let me translate:


@MataHarley: Really now, idiots aren’t worth the time needed for one liners.


Let’s face it, you are a troll. You insinuate that Curt was referring to me about the PDS sufferer and I agreed. Then AYE came in and ripped me (not you for making the initial comment).

Not quite true Ivanski. I ripped you for being dishonest. Just like you’re being dishonest here.

You stated as fact that Curt mentioned you. That, sir, was a lie.

In most cases it would be irrelevant nit picking but, in this specific instance, it serves to illustrate your lack of veracity.

I have a solution to the troll problem. I simply created an “Ivan filter” in my email program. Whenever an email from FA shows up in my inbox containing the word “Ivan”, it is automatically redirected to the wastebasket.

Life it too short to waste time arguing with obnoxious idiots like Ivan.

I just found a very interesting and informative site on WND that allows you to check out how the candidate of your choice stands and the positions he/she has taken on almost every question from gay marriage to the Islamic threat. I hope some of you find it to be helpful if you have not made a decision yet or you want to confirm your candidates position on the issues you care most about.

The 2012 Republican Presidential Candidate Positions Matrix

Hey BEE! Thanks for your response Bee. I am not being negative Bee. I love this country or what little is left of her that is. But years ago Bee, I along with thousands of other Americans realized that what we were doing was not working anymore. That those men and women we had been voting for and sending to Dc were only treating us like sheep. They would lie to us over and over as they sold our values, both fiscal and social down the drain as they profited from, our trust. Then we got smart Bee. We began to organize like the liberals, at work, at church, and at home. Still the Rhinos, and libdems did not believe us. They kept doing what they had always done, nothing in most cases, and or siding with the enemy in the worst cases to protect their precious careers. So we sent them a message, a big message, but not nearly strong enough. every action dictates a reaction, and in response to our actions the liberals copied our movement and our now using it very effectively along with the help of the libdems, the rhinos, the GOP, media, the pundits/talking heads, etc…. so they can attempt to keep the system the same. Its not going to work though Bee. The war, the revolution, the change whatever you want to call it is in full swing now, and will not end unitl there is a clear winner on what political beliefs and values will rule this country. If losing this election brings that goal closer then many of us are willing to make that sacrafice. Liberalism is a psychological disease Bee. You cannot compromise with a disease. Period. You have to root it out, go to its source, and stamp it out. We need men and women who have what it takes to do just that in short. Not more professional politicians who will only keep the status quo, while they all grow richer as we the sheep do as we are told to do. We need wolves now Bee, not mindless sheep. Most liberals are only mindless minions, and do as they are instructed to do Bee. And or Monkey see, monkey do. Thats why I know we can still beat them, and regain control of our nation. But it will take years of intense fighting and suffering on everyones part. Thanks again Bee.

Poppa_T: A very handy matrix. Thanks!

thank you it is very telling, and easy to follow once you get the gits of it,
I found it full of clues for the VOTER to get info, very important ones, and place each on in a full plan of the CANDIDATE willing to stand firm against any attacks to change the path of the agenda, super as a reference on CANDIDATES

Newt Gingrich (last name actually pronounced ‘ging-grik’) reminds me of the type of guy who would do anything to win an argument–even conjure up facts to make his argument (as he did with his argument about Palestinians being a ‘made-up’ people). But people believe these kinds of arguments because they don’t know any different. That’s what we’ll have if we have him for President.

you are use to lies from OBAMA,
It hurt you to hear the truth,
get use to it, it will be an every day new learning , very soon,
it will make you and your party of LIBS disintegrate,
you all can say what you want to destroy him,
you just cannot destroy what he says because it’ the TRUTH

@Liberal1 (objectivity):

Actually Liberal1 and as much as it pains me to say this, Newt was correct. The State of Palestine has never existed as an autonomous entity. Back in 70 AD when Rome conquered Israel and destroyed the 2nd Temple. They declared that the Nation of Israel was no more and that from then on it would be known as Palestine. The word Palestine is derived from Philistine, a people Israel conquered around 800 BC. Since then that area has been ruled by Rome, by Islamic and Christian crusaders, by the Ottoman Empire and briefly by the Brits post WWI.

There has never been a Palestinian language, currency or leader before Yasser Arafat, who was an Egyptian. But don’t take my word for it. In 1977 Zahir Muhsein a leader in the PLO said in an interview…

“The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people. Jordan, which is a sovereign state with defined borders, cannot raise claims to Haifa and Jaffa, while as a Palestinian, I can undoubtedly demand Haifa, Jaffa, Beer-Sheva and Jerusalem.”

Rich H
you forgot something on your accusations to GINGRICH,
THAT IS, NEWT is better than OBAMA in getting jobs for the AMERICANS.