Why Obama Will Lose in a “Mandate Vote.” [Reader Post]

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In 1976 the movie “Network” was released.

I’ll quote Wikipedia to give you the short description:

Network is a 1976 American satirical film released by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer about a fictional television network, Union Broadcasting System (UBS), and its struggle with poor ratings. The film was written by Paddy Chayefsky and directed by Sidney Lumet. It stars Faye Dunaway, William Holden, Peter Finch and Robert Duvall and features Wesley Addy, Ned Beatty, and Beatrice Straight.

The film won four Academy Awards, in the categories of Best Actor (Finch), Best Actress (Dunaway), Best Supporting Actress (Straight), and Best Original Screenplay (Chayefsky).

In 2000, the film was selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry by the Library of Congress as being “culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant”. In 2002, it was inducted into the Producers Guild of America Hall of Fame as a film that has “set an enduring standard for U.S. American entertainment.

What made this film so important in “historical terms?”

Well, it has been credited to having played a crucial role that changed the average citizens thinking about politics, as well as news broadcasting.

We all know what the political landscape was in the late 1970’s, and we know what our economy was like, and who the President elected in 1977 was.

Personally, I am of the belief that a Lawn Gnome could win in 1976, if he were a democrat, after Watergate/Nixon fiasco and the Gerald Ford pardon.

I think that this short video of a clip from “Network” says it all.

The similarity between 1977 and today will make your hair stand up.

(Peter Finch won an Emmy for his role in the movie, and this clip is a major reason why).


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Thanks, Nick.
Now I know where the idea for that stupid commercial came from.
You know which one, right?
Everybody sticking their heads out of their windows screaming, “It’s my money, and I want it NOW!”

Pardon me while I go to the window……………………………………………………………………

You give people way too much credit….

Sheeple will follow dear leader over the cliff taking us with them.

God help us all.

@Sic: Or like the people of Haiti under papa Doc Duvalier. As long as they are given crisp new$20.00 US they will vote obama.

The problem is not Obama. He’ll be out of office in 2017 if he’s not out in 2013. The problem is the people who voted for him. They’ll be with us indefinitely.


The problem is not Obama. He’ll be out of office in 2017 if he’s not out in 2013. The problem is the people who voted for him. They’ll be with us indefinitely.

Yes; Well, Sorta… But, as the Entitlement Society burgeons into 2017 the ‘Gimmies’ will then outnumber the ‘Providers’ and there will no longer be enough Conservative (Providers) votes to outnumber the Liberal (Gimmies) votes. America cannot wait past 2012 because, as of now, the Providers barely outnumber the Gimmes! It’s now or never, folks….

RCSU, I agree. The tax-eaters will shortly outnumber the tax-payers. My point is that even if we get rid of Obama, we still have all the people who voted for him to deal with. They will continue to leech off those of us who didn’t vote for him.

“I’m mad as hell and I’m not gonna take”… the obstructionism, the deceit and the loons on the right who have sold our democracy to the highest bidders.

Who is John Galt?

NICK Bolanis you’re great, thank you good post, I saw the movie and loved it, great actors did great acting,
especially the one yelling, I not going to take it anymore. PETER FINCH

@Nan G: I was thinking the same thing! LOL

The J.G. Wentworth commercials is what you are thinking of.

@liberalmann: You are a sad, little person.

And you’re a parrot and a moron anticsrocks. Just insult instead of proving me wrong.

@Liberalmann: Okay, let’s revue what you first said on this thread:

“I’m mad as hell and I’m not gonna take”… the obstructionism, the deceit and the loons on the right who have sold our democracy to the highest bidders.

Then you said:

And you’re a parrot and a moron anticsrocks. Just insult instead of proving me wrong.

First of all, I will not mention the ironic stupidity of someone denouncing an insult with two insults of his own…

Secondly, exactly what am I supposed to prove you wrong about? You made no claims, you stated no facts, you just spewed more of your vile rhetoric which you assume is so witty and clever.

Tell you what, you say something that is void of a strawman argument or sweeping generalizations and I will gladly debate you. I recently offered Ivan this same challenge and he showed that he wasn’t up to the task. I am guessing you will do the same.

F.Y.I. nobody was elected president in 1977. The election was in 1976. Carter took office on Jan. 20,1977.