Selfish p*ick booted off plane. Suffers bruised ego. [Reader Post]

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And inconveniences the other passengers.

Alec Baldwin says he was kicked off an American Airlines flight on Tuesday for refusing to turn off his iPad while he played the Scrabble knockoff “Words With Friends.”

Immediately after getting the boot from his flight, Baldwin took to Twitter, saying, “Flight attendant on American reamed me out 4 playing WORDS W FRIENDS while we sat at the gate, not moving. #nowonderamericaairisbankrupt.”

Other passengers quickly took to Twitter to give their side of the story.

Activate founder Michael J. Wolf writes, “On an AA flight at LAX. Alec Baldwin removed from the plane We had to go back to the gate. Terrible that everyone had to wait.”

“They’re thoughtless pigs“, added Baldwin. Then after reconsidering, he clarified: “Wait a sec. That was my daughter.”

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One wonders why Obama failed to pick him as Veep…

Irony alert.
This is the same Baldwin who makes ads for a credit card that gives air miles faster than the competition.
He is shown being coddled in his plane’s seat.
A manicurist, chef and some one else all pouring over him.

Tonight he issued a partial and nuanced apology.

For the record:

Operators of commercial airplanes have reported numerous cases of portable electronic devices affecting airplane systems during flight. These devices, including laptop and palmtop computers, audio players/recorders, electronic games, cell phones, compact-disc players, electronic toys, and laser pointers, have been suspected of causing such anomalous events as autopilot disconnects, erratic flight deck indications, airplanes turning off course, and uncommanded turns. Boeing has recommended that devices suspected of causing these anomalies be turned off during critical stages of flight (takeoff and landing).

…Boeing conducted a laboratory and airplane test with 16 cell phones typical of those carried by passengers, to determine the emission characteristics of these intentionally transmitting PEDs. The laboratory results indicated that the phones not only produce emissions at the operating frequency, but also produce other emissions that fall within airplane communication/navigation frequency bands (automatic direction finder, high frequency, very high frequency [VHF] omni range/locator, and VHF communications and instrument landing system [ILS]). Emissions at the operating frequency were as high as 60 dB over the airplane equipment emission limits

If there is a problem on takeoff, the pilots will have to use the ILS to turn around and land.

@John Cooper:

Once a Northwest flight a flight attendant came back to me and determined that the track mouse on a previous computer was affecting the inertial guidance system of the DC9 in which we were flying.

Then again, can you imagine having to listen to idiots like Baldwin talking (and they talk loudly) along with 25 loud lawyers during the entire flight from LA to NY?


Yeah, Baldwin’s a d*ck, what’s your point, Dr J? Don’t tell me you subscribe to the logically embarrassing notion, “he’s a liberal, therefore all liberals must be d*cks!” Even a walking mannequin like you can’t be that simple.

@Tom: Okay, let’s go with that. All liberals aren’t dicks.

But since so very many are, how about naming, oh I don’t know – FIVE that aren’t?

Three, even?


you’re looking for trouble again, you know them libs, they are like that and they won’t change, you did not change, you’re always the same lib trouble maker as the libs are,

It’s all right.. “he played a pilot once”.. LOL!!!


But since so very many are, how about naming, oh I don’t know – FIVE that aren’t?

Three, even?


Two? You want me to name two? On Earth?! That’s twice as many as I was prepared to offer.

ARE there two?? LOL!

@Tom: ROFLMAO! Good comeback. 🙂

In other ”entertainment” news:

Remember Ahmir “Questlove” Thompson?

NBC is now checking the songs the Roots play on “Late Night with Jimmy Fallon” after the band performed an off-color song during Michele Bachmann’s show appearance last month. Ahmir “Questlove” Thompson of The Roots says now he’s “gotta clear a lot of the song choices” with the network. “It’s still a comedy show, so they promise not to step on my toes or that type of thing, but they definitely want to know the title of the song, the subject matter of the song, can it be seen as an insult?” he said in an interview Thursday.

For Liberals the only solution for human failing is MORE REGULATION.
The idea that a man could have learned his lesson is beyond the Liberal mindset.


Yeah, Baldwin’s a d*ck, what’s your point, Dr J? Don’t tell me you subscribe to the logically embarrassing notion, “he’s a liberal, therefore all liberals must be d*cks!” Even a walking mannequin like you can’t be that simple.

Sad that Dr.J would resort to school-yard tactics such as name calling to make his point.

“Alec has some obvious mental issues and I wish him well in seeking treatment for his anger issues.”

That, Dr.J, is the way to handle it.

@Ivan: Ivan, just call a spade a spade, or in this case a dick being what it is his nature to be- the trouble with all the libtards is that they like to change the language, like calling a problem an “issue”- a problem is a problem, not a magazine.
But this is how libs, progressives, socialists think, in their childlike way, that they can mask their true intentions, but all they do is sound ridiculous.


Members of the aristocracy don’t need to obey the same rules or have the same punishments as we do (unless of course the violation is just too heinous to be overlooked…)

In the Old World the aristocracy was determined by blood line and inheritance…the money was inherited.

In the New World the aristocracy is determined by celebrity and political power…the money comes to them from their respective field.

Personally I have no issue with people coming by wealth through the hard work of themselves or their progenitors…my issue is with those who get to live by different rules than the rest of us: congress that passes laws that won’t apply to them equally, celebrities who get special legal treatment, etc.

The difference is the “new media”…be it left or right oriented…everyone *can see* the aristocratic divide for themselves — it is this very divide that gives any populist traction to the the lame class warfare rhetoric of OWS…the kneejerk anger common folks have against those in power, those in the spotlight, not because they have wealth, something that most aspire to have themselves — but because they live lives above the law and the new media shows them this — from whatever “LiLo’s” current court marathon is showing her being treated with kid gloves where the common citizen would’ve been treated far more harshly to those politicians of both parties with their culture of corruption, cronyism, and special treatment.

Oh sure, now and again one or two of the privileged class will be offered up when they get overly greedy and/or stupid…but we are seeing more and more of how these people have the ultimate entitlements of power … the kind of entitlement that isn’t quantified by such a simple metric as wealth.